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Stem/Stream Science Technology Engineering Art Math Through Storytelling
- Robin Stevens Payes
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication afterlife science and spirituality healing energies and ways to use your intuitive sixth sense for knowing life on a multidimensional level and today welcomes Robin Stevens Payes author of The Edge of Yesterday Series which offers a way for young middle school children to set out on a mission which may at first seem impossible but as in all great journey’s we must simply begin to find the way forward, past any restriction or fear using curiosity and hope to create new perceptions of reality.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the world of metaphysics science spirituality history and personal growth in order to answer age old questions about human spiritual physical and energetic life forces to know how life began and to begin to know Who are we? and how may we improve the human quality of our lives by studying the spiritual aspects of energy and creation.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will encourage middle school students and their parents to engage in thoughts of how the past and great visionaries like Leonardo Da Vinci have moved society forward in their understandings of time space energy and the possibilities of imagination to create whatever we fully put our attention and efforts on. In understanding metaphysics we come to know the world and universe in a clearer truer fashion and to advance humanity along the path to greater wisdom and using resources for living well in a better way.
Robin tells us her series is intended to help young readers and their parents and teachers to become aware of STEM or science technology engineering and mathematics for students to prepare in these subjects so they will be more prepared for the jobs of the future. STEM is the fastest growing sector in employment up to 28 percent since 2000 compared to 6 percent in other fields according to the US News Raytheon Stem index.
Robin goes on to discuss the main themes of Edge of Yesterday and the characters who represent our curious youngsters of today. A summary of the story line shows us that thirteen year old geek girl Charley Morton decides to build what she believes is Leonardo da Vinci’s design for a time machine for the middle school science fair, she has two thoughts in mind: to win first prize and to travel back in time to meet her idol, Leonard Her goal: to find out how the Renaissance artist engineer scientist musician anatomist and inventor managed to do it All. Da Vinci may have had the ideas five hundred years ago, but we find in the story that the technology of today makes dreams of the past a reality in the right time reminding us that most inspired thoughts are indeed possible.
The main themes in the series are about growing up, learning to love yourself and others more as you continue to discover the passions and interests that are really important to you, and also staying true to your own instincts, even if at times, it means you have to allow friends to do the same, and give them space for change. It is also about the beginning awareness of sexual potential or young love while understanding and dealing with the changes your adolescent body which can be very challenging for most teens. Another theme is learning to accept your parents love and sometimes different approaches to situations or indeed life in general, and to allow curiosity and gratitude when they appreciate and encourage you to develop your talents. Parents mentors teachers should be helping students use their time wisely, allowing them to express their own needs, and not encourage them to be carbon copies of their parents interests, personalities, or work skills. In other words, this book encourages parents not just to be helicopter parents, but to allow their children the respect they deserve to figure out life on their own terms.
Robin shares with us that the ultimate aim is to nurture a growth mindset, a learning foundation that will increase young people’s capacity for learning, instill purpose and help them remain motivated in the face of life’s most difficult challenges. That has always been the goal of educators but in the recent past some of those incentives have been lost. To help America reverse recent trends that may have become too materialist political or simply partisan instead of seeing the large picture of possibilities for expanding and evolving Payes is creating a curriculum that will present STEM through play, discovery character creativity and storytelling. Her lesson plans workshops interactive games and novels use the vast array of popular mediums; including print web digital social media and video to take advantage of the human brain’s affinity for story
STEM as we said earlier is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM, previously SMET) is an education grouping used worldwide. The acronym refers to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The term is typically used when addressing education policy and curriculum choices in schools to improve competitiveness in science and technology development. STEM Education in Elementary School. The development of STEM proficient students begins in elementary schools. In the elementary grades, students apply the rigor of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content and the STEM Standards of Practice while engaged in learning activities that investigate the natural world.
Sheryl tells Robin that she loved at the end of the first book of Edge of Tomorrow when Charley says, What am I supposed to do now. I survived a major time shift but will I survive this wild place and be able to learn from Leonardo—and even scarier will I ever get home again.” Robin explains thoughts on alternative realities or lives based on how one life may help us develop skills and talents that will be utilized in future times and realities. Sheryl says she has come to think of home as a state of mind of personal contentment and awareness that life is a multi-dimensional experience where there is no death only transition from this physical life to a new life out of a body , yet containing all the experiences knowledge and feelings that we have gathered while in this physical life.
There’s an interesting dynamic between Charley’s relationship with her friend Beth and her friend Billy and another boy Lex that gives a great introduction to young teens beginning to be aware of their interest in the opposite sex and how to understand their own feelings. Sheryl tells Robin she actually found she was able to remember herself and her emotions at that earlier time in her development when like most teenagers many things didn’t make sense to her.
Robin tells us something of how she shared that challenging dynamic for readers and she wrote, “Now listen cara mia. There are a few things you need to know when it comes to relationships….I feel myself blush. “Give me a break Mother. I’m taking eight grade health.” I start sucking in long spaghetti strands to avoid looking her in the eye. Mom responds, “Actually I was talking about the emotional aspect: love infatuation, highs and low. Charley goes on to say, “I really don’t know what that’s got to do with anything. Anyways Beth’s become this boy-crazy….It’s almost like she’s not herself any more. Oh honey mom says, “ Every girl your age experiences that magical first love….”
Sheryl asks Robin to share with us her ideas about what the words time and space might mean and it’s connection to physical and spiritual life while Sheryl tells us that when she first began to experience mystical events coincidences synchronicity and to study the laws of universal energy Reiki, yoga, afterlife energy healing and mediumship she became aware that we are all connected by Universal energy and there really is no past present or future just energy swirling simultaneously in all time space and eternity for creation. We are aware on a subconscious level of much that we have experienced in other times and places as there is no death only a transference of our inner soul energy beyond this physical life to where it originated from and experiences throughout time and space and multidimensional levels of life.
In The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote, “We both saw our meeting a Spirit’s way of bolstering and confirming what we already knew to be true: we are Divine, loving souls meeting those along the road of life who inspire and aid us to live and love life and its mysteries in a more comprehensive and deeper way. In the end, there is only a new beginning and greater love.”
Robin might like young readers and perhaps their parents to take away with them after reading the first two books of The Edge of Yesterday Series what perhaps one young person felt, Time travel meets middle school and perfectly captures the struggles of growing up while making the reader curious for what the future and past hold.( Fiona Gallagher 13 years) Robin Stevens Payes shares a story of how science technology engineering mathematics and the arts can be appreciated by our young students and can begin to think about home, travel, and the consistency of human pursuits throughout generations of seekers for an understanding of energy and higher consciousness.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discussed how through STEM the fastest growing sector in employment we may engage our next generation of workers visionaries and citizens to align themselves to a higher view of life through metaphysical experiences and creative thinking. The teenage years are such an important segway to the future of individual needs and life and also the evolution of our communities and nations. The story of our lives is intimately connected to the past and that brilliant enduring past of hope by the many creative souls ahead of us will always guide us to creating our best lives as we face constant change technology science and environmental needs.
Robin and I would have you help your teenage children to pursue their curiosity and engage their energetic and mindful fantasies to begin to connect to life in its multi-dimensional aspects and potential for personal and collective growth and to engage All and not be limited by societal or familial distractions.