Internet Radio Show
Stories of the Paranormal and Supernatural
- Bruce Olav Solheim
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares through personal encounters a look at the world of Spirit through the intuitive healing messages of a medium who helps people recognize their soul potential and their life story. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Bruce Olav Solheim known as the Paranormal Professor and author of Timeless Déjà vu who shares stories of mediumship and encounters with spirits of all kinds.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the metaphysical realm of eternal life as we begin to realize we are more than our bodies and as spiritual beings having a physical life have many opportunities to utilize and refine our energy and begin to know the world through the Universal Laws of Energy. Applying these universal laws to our everyday life challenges helps us live with less fear and greater hope and happiness.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Dr. Solheim shares the impact of mediumship and encounters with spirits of all kind as we learn about a theoretical framework for understanding these phenomena and even discover how aliens and ghosts have something in common. We will be introduced to his Nazi aunt, take a ride in his demonic car, meet his spirit animals, contemplate the wisdom of an ancient alien, and visit Elvis and John Wayne along the way.
When Bruce is asked to think back to childhood or early life to remember a person place or event that may have made a lasting imprint on them and led them to the work and lifestyle they live now he tells us of one of his first paranormal experience which took place in northern Norway in 1962 when he was four years old. Bruce’s mother was psychic and introduced him to the magical realm As a kid he remembers lying on his back in the yard and looking up at the sky and thinking we must live in the belly of a giant and when he drank too much it rained. Bruce thought, maybe, I’m a giant too and there was a world inside my stomach too. It was those thoughts that led him to believe we are not alone in the universe and he opened himself up to considering many imaginative possibilities.
Sheryl says, ”I know that all great thoughts are inspired by the wisdom of Spirit that we are part of, and is also within or part of us, at the same time. As a child around 3 or 4 I remember seeing faces in light in the window of my bedroom at night and feeling cool tingling running down my arms. I covered myself with a blanked so whatever was trying to attract my attention would go away. Many nights I would crawl down a long dark hallway to my parent’s bedroom so I would be safe. Sometimes, when I saw people act in less than loving ways, I looked up to the sky and said, “Why did you drop me in this place?” I didn’t know at that time who I was reaching out to but like you Bruce we sensed we were very much more than we appeared to be and knew on some level that we could create whatever our mind and thoughts focused on. As sensitive bright children we followed our inner instincts or sense of knowing and no one could get us to do what wasn’t right. Could say we danced to the tune of the divine and Spirit.
Bruce writes in the introduction to Timeless Deja Vu that “It’s not that I believe in ghosts, it’s that ghosts believe in me so I’ve no choice.”
Having experienced ghosts, I’ve come to understand that death isn’t an end, it’s a doorway. So, what proof do I have? I don’t have proof, I have my personal experiences, not only with life beyond death but also with many other seemingly unexplainable, paranormal phenomena that have occurred over the years.
Paranormal is usually defined as something beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation. Parapsychologists, who aren’t deterred by skeptics calling their discipline of parapsychology a pseudoscience, have successfully studied many paranormal phenomena, including:
- Telepathy: communicating thoughts or feelings between two people not using the five traditional senses.
- Precognition: Perceiving information about future events before they happen.
- Clairvoyance: Gaining information about places or events at remote locations.
- Psychokinesis: The ability of the mind to manipulate matter, time, space, or energy.
- Near-death experiences: An experience reported by a person who came close to death, or who experienced clinical death and then was brought back to life.
- Reincarnation: The rebirth of a soul or human consciousness in a new physical body after death.
- Apparitional experiences: Phenomena relating to ghosts of deceased persons in places they frequented or with their belongings.
Sheryl an intuitive Reiki energy healer and medium who experiences interactions with souls and the energy of afterlife using clairvoyance clairaudience clairscientience and other impressions of thought messages and feelings that are the language of Spirit it is a wondrous connection. Like Bruce we know it all to be true from experiences and the validation by our clients of the messages and feelings that are given to us and that prove accurate as confirmed by the client. These messages from Spirit or souls in energy help their loved ones become more aware of life in its infinite potential and of their own soul awareness. There are of course different types of mediums who deal with specific aspects of Spiritual life. Sheryl is a “Soul healer” who helps people resolve their conflicts or fears and begin to know their spiritual soul essence often discovering they have their own soul gifts of communicating with Spirit. There are different work challenges that mediums deal with—Could be grief from loss, criminal resolution after a tragic death that needs to be unveiled and resolved by police and law authorities and there are mediums or Soul savers who help souls stuck in the in- between state to finally cross over.
Bruce has a close bond with his mom who was psychic and other relatives were psychic as well. Bruce writes about an experience his mother had as she often picked up spiritual messages before something happened. You write, “Your mother had a bad dream,” said dad. “No it wasn’t a dream,” mom shouted. “Olaug it had to be a dream,” dad said assuredly. “No, I heard explosions and then I heard Alf’s voice. He said: Help mom, help.” “Then I saw him standing here in his uniform in our bedroom: he was crying,” she explained before she broke down and started to cry softly. I had rarely seen my mother cry. I was worried; we were all worried. Was my brother okay? Had he been killed? One week later my brother called home on a MARS line. We were so relieved that he was alive, mom was almost speechless. The Military Auxilliary Radio System (MARS) was a U.S. program….My brother told my mother how frightened he was the week before when Firebase 6 was attacked. The attack took place the same time mom had the dream. Mom had somehow connected psychically to my brother at the same time he thought he was going to die and called out to her. I understand that this wasn’t uncommon in the Vietnam War experience.
Bruce tells another story and writes, “The Northern Norwegians live in darkness for three months in the winter. They call it, The Dark Time. One day I came home and had a terrible headache, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, and my neck was feeling stiff. I laid down in a little bed in the kitchen. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was difficult to move my arms and legs and my neck was completely stiff. I was very sick and had a high fever. There was no hospital on the island, and my parents were worried out of their minds.
Another psychic relative was one of our cousins from next door who came over during our visit to Norway when I was staying at my grandmother’s house and told my grandmother that the same thing happened to her son in the late 1940s and he was paralyzed for life by polio. Then someone said that my older brother, named Bjørn, got sick very quickly during the war and died in just one day. He was only two years old. This story frightened everyone especially me. I remember staring up at the beams in the ceiling in the kitchen crying and not being able to move while everyone tried not to seem too panicky around me. I prayed that I would not die that night or be paralyzed.
I somehow was able to get to sleep despite my fear and pain. I woke up in that little bed in the kitchen and saw an angel up in the ceiling beams above me. The angel was in a glowing human form like she was made of light. I felt warm, calm, peaceful, and wasn’t afraid. I knew the angel was real and I wasn’t dreaming. The next day when I woke up, I was fine. My arms and legs moved, my headache was gone, and my neck was no longer stiff. Was it the prayer? Was it the angel? Was it just a temporary condition caused by the extreme cold? My mom and my grandmother said it was a miracle and that I had a guardian angel watching over me. I believe it was a miracle and it would not be the first time that there was a miraculous intervention in my life.
Bruce served for six years in the US Army as a jail guard and later as a warrant office helicopter pilot before earning a Ph.D. Many of his training and experiences then helped him with his gift of mediumship and communicating with people who have passed on to the spirit world and continued to build on the trust he had since his many earlier interactions with spirit. Bruce became aware of Spirit around me once again when I was thirteen and we had gone back to Norway as my grandmother had recently died. “One day, mom and dad went next door to visit our cousins. I was going to finish my Strat-o-Matic baseball game and follow after them. I climbed the steep stairs to my room and put the game away then came back down. As I turned away from the living room toward the kitchen, I felt kind of strange; my senses were tingling. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and found that no one was there, but I felt a presence, it was my grandmother Mimmi, I could even smell her familiar fragrance. I quickly put on my boots and ran out of the house and next door to tell my parents. The touch I felt was from my grandmother. I knew it was her. I had run so fast that I was out of breath when I stomped into our cousin’s house, that lived down the street.
“I felt grandmother Mimmi touch my shoulder!” I said both breathlessly and excitedly. Everyone was quiet, then our cousin Oyvind spoke up. “Oh yeah, that happens all the time around here,” he said, then there were nervous smiles from mom and dad and my cousin’s wife. People are very superstitious in Northern Norway. The island of Andoya is filled with spirits, thousands of years’ worth of them.
Sheryl tells Bruce that her cousin Brenda has often told her the same story that when our grandmother died she felt her hands on her shoulder and then received the call that she had passed on. Even though her mother my Aunt Lilly was psychic and she had her own experiences she still could not or would not believe it. It seems so strange to me who has embraced this truth that consciousness survives physical death and the soul or energy is our real life force.
Another psychic cousin and her story… One day, before my parents left for America, Oldine came out of her house and was choking. Dad was working outside and saw her struggling to breathe. He grabbed her ankles and held her upside down until the food came out of her throat. My dad was very strong. Oldine thanked my father and told him that she had a premonition that she would die by choking. “Well, not this time,” dad said as he smiled. “Next time, you’ll see,” she said. And, sure enough, that’s how she died.
Sheryl says..That reminds me of a premonition or psychic awareness that my mother had that frightened me. One day while she was seated in my car she suddenly got upset and said she was getting out of the car, because I was driving too fast. I said to her “What are you worried about Mom: we have been through so much that it is pointless to worry.” A few years later while my sister was driving my mom to her doctor’s appointment, they were sideswiped by another car and by the time they got to the doctor’s office my mother was having a heart attack and had to be taken to the hospital. She did not survive that car accident. My mother’s cousin also told me of her own psychic premonitions after I wrote my first book “Life Is No Coincidence…The Life and Afterlife Connection.” So it seems Sheryl’s spiritual gifts came from her mother’s side of the family though no one ever talked about it to her and she began her own intense spiritual journey 26 years ago after being very ill with the flu and having a spiritual visitation from my grandfather who told her to write something for her father and the very next day Sheryl’s dad passed and she wrote his eulogy and then later on three books for our Divine father God.
Bruce tells the story of one of the very first funerals he went to where everyone took their turn marching past the coffin and paying their last respects. Gudrun, his widow, sat by herself in a crying room, behind a thin black veiled curtain and I could hear her sobbing. It was heart-breaking. Overwhelmed, I was trying to take all of this in when I heard a voice.
“Don’t be afraid,” the voice said. It sounded like Asbjorn Brandso, but how could it be? He was dead. He was dead in a coffin right in the front of the chapel where I was sitting. “Don’t be afraid,” the voice said again. Now I knew it was Asbjorn Brandso’s voice. I could see his body in the coffin, and I didn’t notice his body or his lips move. His face was sunken in, and he was pale and lifeless. There is a cold stillness to death that’s hard to describe unless you have seen it firsthand. You can feel it. “It will be okay, don’t be afraid,” he said in his distinctive Norwegian-American accent. I was starting to freak out but was eventually able to keep my cool. I wanted to say something to my mom, but I didn’t. “There is nothing to be afraid of,” he said, “I’m okay.” Then, the voice stopped, I didn’t hear anything else. I decided to walk up to the coffin and see him up close. He didn’t speak to me again.
Sheryl says that Spirit love to come to those who are highly sensitive as they are still and always connected to those they love on the earth plane, and want us to know they are alright and that we will see them again. They seem to know who the mediums are and find us so we can help them and their families to know we are all still connected whether alive in a body or a soul in Spirit.
While in the army Bruce married Anna and visited Germany where they stayed in her grandmother’s house where many bad things had gone on. And indeed places hold negative energy for a long time. So, there we were, sleeping in her room, surrounded by her antique furniture. In the middle of the night, I woke up because I felt a strange sensation. I opened my eyes, and I saw a person in the corner of the room, by the wardrobe and the windows. I was startled, I thought that maybe Anna’s aunt had come into our room to tell us something, but it wasn’t Anna’s aunt. This person was an older woman, and she wasn’t quite all there, meaning that she was translucent, a ghost. There was a ghost in our room! I woke Anna up and had her confirm that she saw the ghost too. The apparition was just floating there, in the room, by the window, staring at us. “If you know the story of Anna’s grandmother, then you know she was a tortured soul,” he said. “Yes, we know the story,” I said. “She does haunt this area, mostly the house where she lived, but also other places, the church as well,” he said. “You’ve seen her?” I asked. “Oh yes, and many others,” he said. We walked around the church grounds a bit more, and then he bid us farewell. Apparently, people in that mountain village accepted ghosts as a matter of routine. Perhaps living, as most of us do, suffering from historical amnesia in a modern, busy, transient world, we don’t notice the ghosts among us. However, in these quiet, tucked away, old places, it’s easier to encounter those that have passed on. Perhaps there are fewer distractions in such places. Seeing the grandma ghost was one of the most intense paranormal experiences I’ve ever had.
Bruce and Sheryl discuss how over the last few years they have become familiar with many stories by different people in the military government and indeed all walks of life and from different countries continents who have shared their interest and awareness of aliens or other life forms. Sheryl says she has come to think since we are all souls having a physical experience, what is the difference between a soul of one planet or life dimension, than a ghost which is also an energy from Spirit not at the present time having a physical life form. So we can indeed think of ourselves as being from that upper dimension of life in soul form taking on a denser physical life for the present moment.
Our guides or angels or spiritual helpers may be departed souls who had a earth life experience or perhaps an alien who never had an earth experience are still only energies as indeed all life is from the upper worlds.
Bruce shares his very engaging experience with Elvis Presley whose music he had a great fondness for. Sheryl tells Bruce that a medium told her a long time ago that she could connect to any historical person if she needed information or clarification for any project she was working on. In doing a radio show with an author who had written about Marilyn Monroe Sheryl reached to her in hopes of finding out what she wished Sheryl to share on a show exploring her tragic death Sheryl always thought she should do readings for people who asked her but has now learned that when she meditates and asks guides or angels to help she gets answers directly. In Sheryl’s next book New Life Awaits exploring the world of modern day society, mediumship spirit and how we create our life through our thoughts and actions both now and in the afterlife after realizing she had many stories involving George Washington and feeling concerned about the state of our country and world Sheryl did a meditation and reading with our first president. To read what President Washington said to us go to my website the book page and look at the Epilogue. It is quite amazing and moving.
Bruce feels that we must be inspired by the ancient stories that share the unknown in a way that helps us connect to those in Spirit who work with us to improve life on all levels for humanity to evolve. Scientists continue their research to understand energy and other world experiences. While the stories of mediums may offer some explanations and theories it still cannot prove or disprove anything.
Solheim writes,” Consider this: Ancient people lived in a world populated with both real and ethereal beings. Now we dismiss this by saying that ancient people were superstitious uneducated simpletons or we could honor and learn from our ancestors by trying to understand their world. It’s his view that there are ethereal beings among us, but for most people, their modern senses don’t recognize them and skeptics take comfort when scientists continue to disagree about the existence of paranormal or “psi” phenomena. For those people who have had significant paranormal events in their lives, it’s not a matter of belief as in religion it’s a matter of actual experience. Some embrace this gifts, others shun it as a curse, and perhaps even some are driven mad.
Sheryl says: In following my own approach to understanding life in its infinite forms and while embracing the gift of energy healing and mediumship or inner psychic awareness, I wrote the following in my book “The Living Spirit,” “ When people are first called to do spiritual work—whether energy healing mediumship or in my case, a combination of the two—it is quite common to doubt whether it is real. In fact, they may even doubt their own sanity. This is exponentially harder when friends and family do not believe what they are experiencing is real. In fact, they may even doubt their own sanity. This is exponentially harder when friends and family do not believe what they are experiencing is real. Then not only do they think they are going crazy, but that they are going to be crazy and alone. They don’t yet realize that we are never alone, for Spirit is with us always. They may be confused about the physical sensations they are feeling, whether it be hot, tingly hands or the sense that someone or something not of this world is trying to communicate with them,”
Sheryl shares her observation that the years as a psychic medium healer have been the gift of all lifetimes and while her sensitivity has caused her to feel all emotions possibly more intensely than others do, it has also enabled her to feel and move past apathy procrastination doubt and fear and to serve as a hospice volunteer author teacher and energy practitioner to help others discover their God given talents and gifts. Sheryl has tried to be true to her soul needs Spirit and her life plan or destiny in remembering and embracing this connection to Spiritual energies trying to bring Heaven to Earth.”
Bruce might like readers to take away with them after reading his new book Timeless Déjà vu? That it’s time to set aside our fears and share stories with each other. He hopes you find that these stories remind you of event that have happened to you or others and begin to awaken to the possibilities of knowing we are spiritual beings having a physical life and can use intuition and soul senses to become more productive in our everyday lives conquering many fears and misconceptions and know that we are eternal energy beings who survive physical death and continue beyond to learn and love always
Professor Bruce Olav Solheim author of Timeless Déjà vu has shared his creative wonderful journey of communication with Spirit and insights into the world of Spirit and the creative energy form that lies within us and awakens, as we begin to know our true potential to create extraordinary lives. We are spiritual beings living a physical life presently, but have access to the wisdom and expansiveness of the Universal force and are connected to each other and All and never truly alone.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Professor Bruce Olav Solheim author of Timeless Deja Vu and Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit have shared stories of encounters with the wonderful souls of loved ones who share their wisdom and hope that we discover our innate intuition and connection to eternal source and eternal life. For those of us who have these amazing experiences it has led us to find ways that we can help others to know the truth of our Being and move us all beyond fear and limitation to manifest a better personal reality and help the collective human community to evolve and find peace harmony and balance. We must find peace and balance especially in these desperate turbulent times of change worldwide. But it seems the journey of the soul is to remember through the maze and confusion of physical life experience..Who we are? Where we come from? And Why life is worth Living?
As a medium like Bruce we have discovered that the messages we share with clients invigorate educate and illuminate the love within for themselves for life and learning and to move past fear to develop their own spiritual gifts as we are supported from above by the loved ones angels guides and Spirit of the Creative Source that simply want us to be happy healthy and refine our thinking so we can live with compassion and advance the human condition to a higher state of consciousness.
Bruce and I would have you be alert, pay attention to the signs sights smells and joys all around us that help us open our minds and hearts to the fullness of hope and happiness ultimately trusting that what happens is not random but has purpose in advancing the Bigger Plan or Collective Consciousness. Remember each life is valuable, we are never alone and no challenge is insurmountable.