Internet Radio Show
Succeed in Life by finding your True Soul’s Path
- Rizwan Virk
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In this episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakenings, spiritual communication, healing, miracles, and a guide to inner soul intuition is delighted to welcome, once again, a most gifted and insightful visionary entrepreneur investor Rizwan Virk author of Treasure Hunt who will share ways to view the hidden messages in the form of hunches gut feeling déjà vu to provide guidance in our relationships our jobs career decisions and our investments.
As listeners of the show are well aware, Sheryl and her guests share the latest thinking often based on quantum physics and a metaphysical approach to viewing life in its multi-dimensional layers for a clearer view of mastering our emotions, discovering our life plan and conquering challenges that block our way to accepting life, people and experiences in a clear and truthful manner.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Rizvan Virk a businessman, film producer, venture capitalist and author and a thought leader in productivity software shows us how to listen to our inner clues, uncover our Hidden Treasure Map that shows us the work we are meant to do and the path to get there. Life is not only a dream and a possibility, but we have everything we need to succeed once we learn to interpret messages from within.
Rizwan thinks back to an earlier time and how he was fortunate to have a teacher at MIT who was interested in yoga and Eastern forms of meditation and spiritual pursuits and offered Rizwan new ways to open to many effective ways to enhance his life purpose and development. One might think people in the scientific and mathematical fields based on logic and outcome might not fancy or be interested in such an approach to learning and personal development. That just goes to show that the people we need to meet to encourage our creativity and the complete expression of our inner wisdom, do not reside in one place, professional or conceived thought process. Those we are meant to meet to affect our journey and destiny to know ourselves as spiritual beings in its clearest form will present themselves. We must keep an open mind and open heart always.
Rizwan is a successful entrepreneur who has studied at MIT and Standford Business School and is interested in the metaphysical aspects of developing a spiritual practice and well balanced life. Many people do not equate these two arenas to be in alignment with each other, but Rizwan assures us that to listen to that small inner voice of intuition is the best way to achieve all goals and resonate in health peace and prosperity.
Rizwan shares how to begin to find the way forward and discover the Treasure Hunt of life finding the clues and messages from within that allow us to be in a state of mind and heart that will be open to this new way of thinking and being. He mentions Dr. Michael Newton author of Journey of Souls who suggests that we might have a life planning session with the equivalent of a spiritual counselor before we choose a specific life incarnation. We might watch a projection of the general circumstance and major events of this life or use this spiritual time travel procedure where the soul can examine specific events and challenges even before being born. Our mission generally might involve helping people, or a certain type of contribution to the world in our own unique way. There are always specific people, places, and circumstances that we are meant to be with and to experience, and it’s important that we do not ignore these people places and circumstances as they appear in our lives. How will we recognize these people places and circumstances as we cross the “River of Forgetfulness” when we are born. Since the unconscious holds this general blueprint, clues through funny feelings, emotions, sensations, dreams and more will alert us and keep us moving forward along our predestined life plan.
The real treasure in life past other people’s values and expectation seems to be the remembrance of our inner soul wisdom and essence and the potential we have to create and manifest our best physical life by developing our unique and special gifts of intuition, and to trust in a higher plan for ourselves and humanity through a recognition of a higher Universal Plan.
For most of us while we don’t get a direct vision or message of what we were meant to do in life, we may have hunches and guesses and even glimpses that draw our attention: interest activities and people that bring us joy. These are little clues, the breadcrumbs leading us on a cosmic treasure hunt, back to the places and person we were meant to be in this life.
Rizwan tells a story of his friend Dannion Brinkley who Sheryl met many years ago at a workshop in New York and after the workshop had the opportunity to tell him what a fantastic speaker teacher and messenger for the truth of Spirit and of life beyond life which he had experienced in a near death experience. Dannion then hugged Sheryl and as his spiritual gift is to see a running movie- like picture of a person’s spiritual path he told Sheryl, “You are also a wonderful teacher of truth also.”
While most of us only get glimpses of what we are here to do, in some cases our lives are so off track that we must be given a serious wake-up call. For Dannion Brinkley who was struck by lightning in 1976 and was declared clinically dead his wake up call was a near death experience which took him four years to recover from the severity of his injuries, but he was transformed and wrote about it in his book Saved By the Light. After going through various stages of Being on the other side, including a 360 degree life review where he saw the results of his actions on every single person he’d dealt with, he was told by “Beings of Light” that he had to go back. Dannion wrote, “Then the Being let me know what I was supposed to do on earth. I was to create centers where people could come to reduce stress in their lives. Through this reduction of stress, said the Being, humans would come to realize “as we do,” that they are higher spiritual beings. They would become less fearful and more loving of their fellow man. Dannion was also shown biofeedback machines that he would eventually produce and since that time has started several organizations to help with end of life care and hospice work. Dannion’s experiences offer validation to Sheryl for the many concepts and mystical experiences Sheryl has had in much the same way with guidance from that other field of unified life forces.
Rizwan also shares thoughts and awareness of past lives and reincarnation or the eternal source of life. Past lives, while still not accepted by the majority of Westerners are a common model in the East for how we incarnate and reincarnate. In the West this idea has become more popular over the last few decades with the growth of interest in Eastern Spiritual traditions including meditation and yoga. More recently many psychologists and therapists who use hypnotic regression have found themselves often inadvertently in the realm of past lives. When looking for the origin of a particular physical or emotional issue of a subject under hypnosis they ask the subject to go back to the origin of a problem and often find themselves in a subjects past life. Brian Weiss MD had many such encounters which he documented in his book, Many Lives Many Master. By realizing a trauma in hypnosis a client is often able to access a past life and whatever problems existed there and it often allows for spontaneous healing.
While many regressions end up in past lives, only a few end up in the in-between place—where you end up after you die and stay until you are reborn. In his book Journey of Souls Dr Michael Newton explores this in-between state in some detail and there are similarities to descriptions given of the afterlife by survivors of near death experiences or NDE’s.
Rizwan uses a term The Full Clue Lifecycle to begin to explain and understand the clues and messages that guide us forward. This cyle is a series of stages starting with the recognition that you have a clue on your hands.
The stages are:
- Intuition- A clue emerges Pay attention
- Interpretation –Most difficult What is clue telling you?
- Confirmation Usually from a synchronistic or coincidental event
- Action – It might mean taking a step in direction not immediate action BE discriminating not reckless
- Validation and Reflection go together
- Reflection
While you might think The Clue Lifecycle is a linear process, it doesn’t have to be and is not meant to be rigid, just a way of thinking about intuition that comes to us in the form of clues. Remember when clues repeat then something is up.
Rizwan goes on to help readers understand that the definition of success is a very personal one. Most people want to feel fulfilled challenged and moving forward in developing and utilizing their natural talents. Many of us have a sneaking feeling that we were meant to do and accomplish more in life than is presently evident. What would be this treasure in life? What means success to you? Think about the following suggestions for a moment.
Would it be starting a successful company and selling it for millions of dollars?
Would it be writing that novel you always dreamed of?
Or would it be writing a book about your life lessons and getting it published?
Would it be helping other through counseling or therapy or working for a charity
Would it be indulging your passion as a photographer or as an artist or musician
Success can come in many forms. Rizwan and his friend Dannion Brinkley refer to ‘Spiritual Capitalism” as an environment in which everyone is contributing to society and able to make a living, leveraging their natural strengths rather than simply getting by doing something uninspiring.
We’ve all read books about visualization and the Law of Attraction but they don’t always get us where we want to be. We must begin to rely on and trust the treasure map inside each of us and we already have a wise mentor (our inner mentor) who is constantly sending us clues. Our real challenge is to learn to recognize these clues personalized messages synchronicity hunches gut feelings visions feelings of déjà vu bodily sensations and dreams. In the modern world of science and technology has lost the ability to see these clues. Cultures and traditions ranging from Native American tribes to Greek Roman Tibetan Chinese and Islamic have always recognized this fundamental truth.
Rizwan goes on to share his view of what intuition is and how it comes to us in so many ways. Intuition can come in many forms from a hunch while you are waiting in line at the grocery store or a tingle at the edge of your awareness about a book on the shelf in a bookstore, or a little voice that tells you something is wrong with a plan that a colleague is trying to sell you or a full blown vision that comes in the middle of the night in the form of a dream that reveals your next step in life.
This kind of dream Rizwan describes is very personal to Sheryl both because she loves the results and has also had her own Big Dream. It is often a Big Clue in the form of a Big Dream as it was for Director/Producer James Cameron which impacted his life and career profoundly propelling him into the “A” list of Hollywood directors and set the stage for financial success. Rizwan writes about James’ Big Dream. His terrifying dream vision of robots emerging from the fire after an apocalypse of some sort and the robot coming after him was so vivid that he couldn’t get the image out of his mind and his friend Gail who was helping him, also an aspiring filmmaker, and James were working with cheap props and effects on “B” Grade movies when she encouraged him to write a movie script about the all consuming dream. That dream turned into “The Terminator” one of the biggest, most successful movies of 1984, and it also turned Arnold Schwarzenegger into a superstar. James Cameron is only one of many successful people whose intuition provided very important clues about their future
Sheryl shares a big dream that happened over twenty years ago when her long deceased grandfather visited her telling her, “You have to write something for your father.” The very next day Sheryl’s Dad died and not putting the clues together, simply wrote his eulogy. She could not forget the feeling of that dream and many months later when her daughter mentioned a book written by a psychic medium a thought went through Sheryl’s head, “Read that book.” After reading the book her curiosity was piqued and her interest in knowing about spiritual energy and communication from Higher Source led her to develop her gifts of intuition and mediumship and to write three books and host “Healing From Within.” Big Dreams, prophetic dreams or messages from guides teachers loved ones in Spirit seem to be ways to follow the path we are each born to discover for ourselves.
In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl addresses the way we sometimes help “The Law of Attraction” to a new level. Sheryl wrote, “After interviewing and reading Sara Wiseman’s book Writing for the Divine where she suggested ways to realize our own needs quickly and decisively, I was able to take the Law of Attraction to a whole new Level. I wanted purely and simply to have the most gifted and knowledgeable people request to be on my show without seeking them out as I had to do when the show was first initiated so I simply asked Spirit to help me. That very same day I received three requests from amazing people to be on my show. Spirit quickly provided assistance for me to have what was needed for my radio show as Spirit or the combined efforts of all the many souls assisting me seemed to agree that to bring together the beautiful wise voices of leaders in higher consciousness to share their experiences and wisdom might just be good for us all.”
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing from Within” Rizwan Virk a most creative and intuitive author shows us how to look beyond the expectations of those around us and the world, for what most matters to us and to go within to hear the quiet voice or to dream the big dream, while also perhaps paying attention to synchronicity and opening to a Universal world of energy that holds the clues and answers to our life journey…a journey that can be immeasurably enhanced and filled with the potential to thrive beyond all expectations.
As Rizwan wrote, “Internal clues are very important to familiarize yourself with. These are feelings that you get before you make a decision about some course of action. This includes recognizing the “funny feelings that come with seeing an external clue, or noticing some tightening up or tingling or other sensation in your body at the right time. One of the most powerful ways to distinguish between a real message and a superfluous one is to learn to recognize inner signals, feelings or sensations that alert you that a message is there. These signals are part of learning to find the way to the “Holy Grail” they are like metal detectors that tell you a clue is present.”
Rizwan and I would be delighted for you to awaken to the many clues messages and feelings we are all receiving from the world of Spirit or Universal energy that wishes to help us find our life plan and destiny in ways that are joyful positive enlightening and energizing. Begin simply by listening from within.