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Supercharge Your Health With Ayurvedic and MorLife Practices
- Danah Mor
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick, Reiki Master Teacher/medium and author of her newest book in a trilogy: “A New Life Awaits,” which shares stories and messages from Spirit showing us that our challenges are not economic, political, or societal, just a spiritual disconnect form our true being or soul wisdom. Today Sheryl is delighted to welcome Danah Mor, author of “Shine Brighter Everyday,” a nutrition expert and Ayurvedic practitioner, placing balance and joy at the center of everything.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are so well aware Sheryl and her guests and share intimate insights into the nature of our physical and spiritual energies in order to facilitate a clear understanding of who we are and how we may begin to utilize the combined essence of our dual natures as energetic and physical beings to create healthy happy and fulfilled lives.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Danah Mor who works with a variety of people across the glove and whose credentials include a degree In Ayurvedic Medicine from Manipal Medical and certification from Hippocrates Health Institute. Her larger mission, MorLife Wellness equips people with tools for prevention so that they can thrive, and shine brighter every day.
When Danah is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that might have shown her or others around her the adult lifestyle and interests she might Danah tells us that she was nine years old her Mum introduced us to her dear friend, Dr Verma. We called him Verma G, the “G” denoting respect for elders in Indian culture. Verma G was a third generation Indian Ayurvedic doctor who was initially taught by his grandfather, a very well-known Ayurvedic physician in Agra, India. Ayurveda, being one of the oldest medical systems in the world, was naturally passed down through generations. Verma G was always laughing or dancing, singing or chanting, and it seemed like no problem or discomfort was ever too complicated for him. There was always a simple solution for everything. He was so much fun to be around. He made the most delicious meals, and we used to make food and eat all together and dance on our summer holidays in Israel. That summer, Danah had her first Ayurvedic consultation, and will always remember that Verma G told her she was predominantly pitta dosha, which meant she had a lot of fire element in her body’s constitution. He told her to take extra care in the summer season and to eat lots of cooling and refreshing foods, like watermelon and salads, and to drink a lot of water and fresh mint tea. He explained that it was very important that she eat on time (when hungry), and that if she didn’t, it could cause irritability and mood swings. With the help of her mum, we quickly adopted these suggestions, and before Danah knew it, she no longer got heat rashes, over-heated, or had irritable mood swings! From that moment onward, she was in awe of Ayurveda. How could it know me better than I knew myself?
Danah Mor says she wrote this book because we all have the right to the truth, nothing but the truth. But somehow we don’t have access to it. We have become disconnected to the basics in life. If electricity stops tomorrow, we are all doomed. If I handed you a bag of seeds because that was all there was to survive, I think it’s safe to say that we would all be screwed. Most of us don’t know where our liver is, why our minds don’t stop, or what it means when our stomach hurts. We have lost our innate capacity to care for ourselves. I’ve met so many people that want to feel better, but they don’t know how. They’re off spending tons of money trying to buy healthier products, but fooled by health marketing. I’ve seen too many people lose their life at too young an age to diseases that are curable and preventable. I’ve met so many children and young adults who have lost their quality of life to conditions that are reversible. This doesn’t make sense. We don’t need to constantly suffer unnecessarily. Too many of us have accepted physical and mental discomforts as common day-to-day conditions. If so many diseases are preventable and even curable, why don’t we know how to prevent them? Why is knowledge used as power in our industry to keep people ignorant so that we simply can’t do it better? Knowledge has taught me that we are the only people responsible for our health. The medical model of our current society has become a business more than a service. Just like in any business the main goal is profit. There is no monetary gain in teaching you to prevent disease, if the main way the industry makes money is when people are sick.
Danah shares with us that” Most of us have become accustomed to disease, pain and discomfort in our bodies and minds. We are happy enough to have a body that simply gets us around, rather than making an effort to see how we could improve things for ourselves. Sometimes, even, we don’t want to leave our comfort zone of discomfort and disease; we prefer not to know and just stick with the disease. This book is about improving your quality of life, preventing disease, and manifesting the best version of yourself. It unlocks a lifestyle, a way of thinking – a state of being – that is in tune with your body, inspired by the unwritten laws of nature, cutting-edge modern nutrition science, the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine and my own personal experience. I’m urging you to have the courage to be interested and try a few little steps to see how your body responds and thanks you. You can only feel as good as you think you can. When I was around thirteen, I lost a large portion of my vision, and this has given me a new perspective on life. Ultimately, it has shown me how many things are possible. Life is what you make of it. It’s not what you have – it’s what you make of what you have. I can’t change my condition. But by perceiving my condition in a different way, I was able to overcome bigger barriers than most of us can imagine and as a result build a life that I love living. I did this by not focusing on my problem and what I couldn’t see, but rather focusing on what I could see. And I realized that I actually see much more than many people. I realized just because we have ears, it doesn’t mean we listen, and just because we have eyesight, it doesn’t mean we look. The curiosity to look without projecting an illusion is harder than I ever imagined. Looking without expectation, with courage to see the truth, is one of the hardest things I have come to learn. Your willingness is your biggest asset; wanting to be or do anything is the beginning of truly becoming the driver of your own life.”
Danah wrote, “From early on, it became clear to me that if I wanted anything in life, I had to work for it. My family were my inspiration in this. When they were young, my parents moved to a new country and built everything from the ground up – it had been my dad’s dream to have a restaurant serving delicious, healthy, not-so-fast food, and they did it. Both my parents come from families that made the choice to move and change, to choose life over surrendering to death. My grandparents survived the holocaust by running away and saving their own lives – while their siblings didn’t. My family have always shown me that nothing in life was impossible as long as you have the will and work hard to make it happen. When people ask me where I’m from, I’m not sure how to answer. As a teen I struggled with my own identity, as I was from so many places. Mum is from South Africa, Dad is from Israel, I was born in Amsterdam and grew up in Portugal. I also spoke fluent English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. Today I speak seven languages. What I am sure of is that wherever I am in nature, I feel at home. if there was any abundance, it was with food! The fridge was always full and the house was flooded with delicious aromas. My family was known for our fooI have always loved to travel and, d – always fresh and nutritious! Both my parents’ cultures revolve around food and hospitality. In mum’s culture, meals are shared on a single platter in the centre of the table, with everyone leaning over to dig in – often without cutlery. Meals are about communing and sharing with friends and family. They are what keeps us together. Every event at home involves food and everyone loves to cook. My brother even became a Cordon Bleu gourmet Chef! It was my mum who taught me about the relationship between food and the body, and how to listen to my body. As a kid, when my tummy ached, Mum always asked me, “What did you eat?” When I had a headache, Mum asked me if I had drunk enough water. I was constantly being shown that what I ate and drank were directly connected to how I felt. This made perfect sense to me even at an early age.
I have always loved to travel and, when my siblings and I were children, my parents would take us on wonderfully back-to-basics trips whenever possible – no five-star hotels for us! Travelling in this way meant that we would find ourselves fully immersed in indigenous cultures and natural ways of life When my siblings and I were children, my parents would take us on wonderfully back-to-basics trips whenever possible – no five-star hotels for us! Travelling in this way meant that we would find ourselves fully immersed in indigenous cultures and natural ways of life. One of my most treasured memories is drinking and eating at an oasis in the middle of the Sinai desert with local Bedouins after riding camels and hiking through the desert. The food was so colourful – so many vegetables with such amazing flavours. Another of my most memorable voyages was to Yucatan, Mexico, where we spent time with native Mayans. I observed their natural ways of life and noticed where modern commodities interfered with their natural lifestyle; realizing this first hand made me aware our modern world may be creating a gap between us and our natural source of vitality.”
Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle improve your lifestyle and outlook on life. The first secret to succeed in creating new habits is overcoming the challenge in finding better alternatives to what we’re used to. The second secret is to keep things simple and basic. The best way to change a habit is to change your perspective, the foundation on which everything roots from. Change your perspective, change your life. Everything new is strange at first, but we are creatures of habit. Once your mind becomes accustomed to the new habit it no longer finds it strange. We’ve created a new neural pathway. Take sexy small steps – they often lead to the best outcomes. Where change comes gradually and naturally it is far more likely to become a habit, rather than trying to enforce too many changes over a short space of time.
Mantras that are embedded in MorLife Wellness and this book!
MANTRA #1 Life is a joy. Life is a joy. Everything we do should be executed with a sense of joy. Anything that takes the joy from life should be paused, rethought, and done differently. The joy of eating, thinking, dancing, sleeping and being are all part of MorLife Wellness, which gives us the strength to make the best of our journey. Even when things suck and challenges arise, joy makes the ride so much better!
MANTRA #2 Food must taste absolutely delicious and wonderful, no matter what. As a nutrition specialist and health educator, I have never, nor will I ever, compromise flavour or the joy of eating for the idea of health. It doesn’t make sense. In fact, the foundation of proper digestion in Ayurvedic medicine is based on pleasing the senses. Eating tasteless food just because it’s “healthy” can result in indigestion and malabsorption.
MANTRA #3 It only works when you make it work for you. Things need to be do-able, simple, easy and fun, so you’re likely to repeat them day after day. Whatever diet or lifestyle changes you want to make, if they don’t fit into your current lifestyle then you’re not likely to make those changes. I learned this first hand.
Danah may have learned that health and wellness is not always about eating well and going to the gym. It’s about your mindset and how you think. How we think influences every choice we make. My approach to vitality is not a diet. It is a state of being, a mindset for a positive and sustainable way of life. I call it MorLife Wellness. It’s for anyone interested in living out the best version of themselves, preventing disease, or building a life that they choose and really love living. MorLife Wellness opens up a world of vitality. It’s a practical, fun approach to healthy living for busy minds. This lifestyle opens up an undiscovered world of flavours, colours, new ingredients, perspectives and thought pathways that make life a whole lot more fun! There is nothing better than feeling truly amazing from the inside out!
Danah’s book is beautiful with pictures showing the joy and movement of her life as well as how we function when we know how to take care of our mind body and spirit – how did you manage to put something so gorgeous together with partial sight- that must have been really difficult?
“Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Hippocrates, the father of medicine There’s no doubt in my mind (and in Hippocrates’ mind) that this is a fact. However, long-lasting health begins in the mind. Then everything else is effortless. Somehow, losing the capacity to see details allowed Danah to see the bigger picture. Rather than focusing on what I couldn’t see, she started to see life in a different light and from a different perspective, with form, colour and feeling. When we focus on the form, details are far less important. This is the foundation of her philosophy – because the way you think is important, before you fill in the content. I couldn’t let my eyesight limit me. What limits us the most nowadays is our mind – the foundation that culminates in our actions and choices. By changing, unblocking, removing the limits from our minds, thoughts and imagination, we are giving ourselves a new chance of life a new opportunity to live freely and unbound. A chance to build a life you love,
Danah helps us learn about real food and some of the problems we all face in making good choice. Real food is whole food, unprocessed, unrefined, not packaged or changed in any way from its natural state. Whole foods have no added ingredients like sugar, salt, vitamins, or any other artificial substances and additives. They are foods we can recognize straight from nature, like avocado, wholegrain rice, quinoa, pumpkin, beans and almonds. No food is necessarily bad; it’s what we have done to it that changes its nature and its effect on our bodies. Love and eat real food as opposed to fake food. Today, we don’t know what life was like before packaged food existed on the supermarket shelf. Loving real food is about learning to recognize real, natural, non-processed food from the stuff we are told is food. WHAT ARE ARTIFICIAL PROCESSED FOODS? Any food that has undergone a treatment or processing, even if W H AT AC T UA L LY I S R E A L FOOD? it’s just removing the shell from a grain, like white rice or white flour, makes it a refined, non-whole food. Every year, 70,000 new products are engineered and sold in the supermarkets. Most of these foods don’t deserve to be called food. They’re packaged and marketed with fancy colors so that they trigger our brain receptors for impulsive consumption. Not only are many of these foods products of a laboratory, they are highly addictive and packed with chemicals that damage our body so much that often toxins can’t get out. Food manufacturers use scientific research on how the brain reacts and responds to texture and taste, and how colors influence human emotion and behavior, to stimulate our impulse to buy certain foods. This way they can guarantee that we will buy their products. It has been proven that color influences consumers not only on the conscious level but even on the subconscious level. Just to get an idea, research has shown that red is a powerful color known to stimulate and excite, heighten nerve impulses and increase the heart rate. Red enhances the appetite and stimulates a physical response – impulse buying, for example. Yellow is also an appetite stimulant. It makes people feel cheerful and optimistic. In fact, studies show that when we look at the color yellow, our brain releases serotonin (the “feel good” chemical), which can make us feel good about what we are buying – even if it is junk. Together, red and yellow evoke the taste buds and stimulate appetite. Now it’s clear why this is a common choice in the fast food industry!
Danah might like readers to take away with what follows them after reading Shine Brighter Every Day?
R E S P O N D I N G T O THE NEED Responding to these symptoms does not mean numbing them with symptomatic relief, like a painkiller. Your body is telling you something is wrong, so please try something different. For example, if your stomach hurts after eating something, try eating differently or different foods. If you have headaches, drink more water, or is there something in particular that is causing you stress? Try to relax more, exercise and spend more time in nature… it’s simple; just try anything different in a better direction.
Next time you feel discomfort, ask yourself if there have been any changes in your diet, activities, emotions and sleep.
For example:
- What did I do differently today, yesterday, this week?
- Have I had enough water?
- Did I get upset or angry?
- When did this discomfort begin? What has happened since then?
- What have I eaten in the last few days? Anything different?
- Is this reoccurring? If so, try to notice what happened around these discomforts
- Does it happen after a particular meal? Does it happen after an argument with your spouse? Does it happen when you stress
Yellow Alert equals An occasional mild pain/ discomfort, indigestion, or headache. Orange alert equals Medium pain, heartburn, indigestion, bloating and rashes. All mild, acute discomforts or yellow alerts that repeat themselves frequently including general discomfort/ pain, headaches, bloating, acid reflux and constipation are orange alerts. Continuous repeated and regular orange alerts.
When orange alerts become regular or chronic, they are red alerts, and if ignored or symptomatically treated, these mild symptoms can lead to serious long-term complications or disease.
For example, chronic constipation can lead to intestinal cancer and other intestinal complications. Uncontrolled heartburn can lead to throat, voice and dental problems, as well as asthma and other respiratory complications, if not worse conditions.
Most discomforts are triggered by emotional or/and physical events. By understanding the trigger, we can prevent the discomfort. For example, I have always loved homemade desserts, but I’ve linked them to my allergies. So I started experimenting and found that if I eat ice cream before 6pm I have no allergenic response. This could be related to the fact that my body has time to process the sugar before I sleep and therefore it doesn’t affect my system the following day. If you are eating something that is irritating your system and causing you discomfort as a result, this can be solved simply
We thank Danah Mor author of Shine Brighter Every Day for sharing key wellbeing secrets including advice on grains enzymes alkalizing and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom helping us understand why we are attracted to certain foods and use this knowledge to evolve cravings as well as learning to care more for yourself the planet and future generations which is no longer a privilege but a necessity.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Danah Mor has shown us how we are meant to feel strong joyful and healthy every day: She is leading a revolution in how we think about lifestyle and diet placing balance and joy at the center of everything. In her comprehensive and interactive guide she shares her unique approach a simple 14 step method that will re-awaken a feeling of caring deeply for yourself banishing guilt and reframing your relationship with food in a sustainable realistic way to actually put into practice actions to make you feels comfortable and better in mind and body..
She encourages empowering yourself with a clear wake up call to be brave be yourself and break free from the comfort zone to build an unlimited life a life you want and choose.
She encourages supercharging your health by learning key wellbeing secrets and understanding why you are attracted to certain foods and to use this understanding to evolve your cravings.
Danah encourages us to live our best life and discover powerful nourishment through food and positive thoughts transforming movement in our daily activities from tiresome to joyful,
Danah and Sheryl would encourage listeners to become aware of how they feel when they eat or engage in relationships or activities for the intuition of our bodies is always trying to guide us to participate in life with better outcomes from making better choices in all areas of our life.
Sheryl Glick author of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to authors in the field of metaphysics science spirituality medicine energy healing psychology and the arts and music share their thoughts on ways to improve the human condition for personal and collective growth. Shows may also be heard on and