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Surviving Throat Cancer: Alternative/Traditional /Western Medicine
- Barry Eaton
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing energies and miracles is delighted to welcome Barry Eaton author of The Joy of Living Postponing the Afterlife who will share his story of surviving cancer learning more about himself and love through mind body spiritual healing and a greater understanding of life in its infinite potential as a medium and qualified astrologer. Barry’s first book Afterlife Uncovering the Secrets of Life after Death is a classic among spiritual readers.
Sheryl shares with Barry that listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware she and her guests share an interest in understanding the Universal Laws of Energy the mysteries of life and how to use our spiritual awareness to understand the seemingly complex duality of physical and energetic presence so we may manifest healthier, more joyful life experiences as we grow within and improve the world of nature, personal relationships. and living consciously. journey.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Barry Eaton shares a lifetime of fascination with radio broadcaster and producer and work as a medium and how to use an experience with the spirit world to deal with and survive physical life challenges, cancer and in the process learn more about our life’s purpose. While many of us listening to Healing From Within understand that there is no death, only a transition from the physical body to the soul’s journey in new life, we still encourage and express love for this gift of life and focus on how to fully use our soul wisdom to move through all life’s challenges.
As a well known radio and TV presenter for ABC and also an astrologer medium and psychic intuitive Barry has always added metaphysical awareness to his work He studied at the Arthur Findley College in the UK and is the author of “No Good- byes” and “Afterlife” but elements of particular interest as a result of his cancer diagnosis and treatment plan led him to recognize his survival from three perspectives…Barr, his partner and caretaker at the time and son Matt. In this book he highlights a successful process of combining holistic and modern medicines. He also shows how taking responsibility for your own treatment plan and healing with confidence and in a meaningful way can turn a fearful experience into a positive outcome.
Barry also says his purpose in writing The Joy of Living is to help inspire people facing the ordeal of cancer to realize that being diagnosed with this disease is not necessarily the beginning of the end. This is his story of how he came to terms with the Big C and the holistic way he prepared and coped with something that suddenly turned his life upside down. While going through the experience he learned a great deal about himself Spirit and the importance of his wife and family in supporting a successful outcome.
Barry describes the events leading up to the diagnosis and feels as an intuitive healer/medium that often the body or a disease is a reaction to a soul’s need for change renewal or advancement in spiritual growth. Yes, the subconscious or soul might create a disease and Barry wrote “Looking back on the more than seventy years of my life I have come to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason. We may not consciously choose to create problems but subconsciously create attract or accept everything into our daily lives. Understanding and dealing with these events, good bad and indifferent, and the wide range of people we encounter along the way, is an integral part of why we are here in the first place. Life is about having a multitude of positive and challenging human experiences and how we react to them physically emotionally and spiritually. I have found that accepting responsibility for my thoughts beliefs and actions is the most positive starting point in coping with life’s ups and downs.”
Barry describes how he felt when he was told he had cancer and how he his wife and family supported him and helped him cope with the fear associated with cancer. Barry writes, “Looking back I now realize the importance of having a positive mindset. American psychologist Barbara Frederickson theory is based on the idea that emotions prepare the body both physically and psychologically to act in particular ways. For example anger creates the urge to attack, fear causes an urge to escape and disgust leads to the urge to expel. On the other hand the theory implies that positive emotions have inherent value in human growth and development and these emotions lead to people having a fuller life. Positive emotions broaden the scopes of attention and cognition and upward spirals towards emotional well being. They also facilitate coping with stress and adversity.’
How it all began…After going to my cousin Russell’s funeral in Sydney in January 2013 who had passed from cancer I reflected on bouts of illness I had over my lifetime: migraine headaches (relived by hypnotherapy) lumbar problems in my lower back (eased by osteopaths) or arrhythmia of the heart. But not life threatening yet I felt very fortunate to have had generally good health most of my life.
Barry was aware of spiritual or energetic influences from an early age and as someone who normally used complementary therapies and spiritual practices was of course tempted to go down the alternative path as opposed to mainstream medicine. He was unwilling to incorporate chemotherapy into his course of treatment but did have surgery and radiation along with a host of alternative energy treatments.
Sheryl tells Barry that as a Reiki energy intuitive healer and medium early on in her practice had a man come to her who had throat cancer and in the reading she did for him his mother quite specifically said he would move through this challenge and be OK. After the session he told me he didn’t want to have surgery and radiation only energy work and Sheryl quickly said that he needed to do both. Many times in interviewing guests on this show there have been people diagnosed with serious conditions who have healed them by changing their environment, removing stress, engaging in spiritual growth and energy healing practices, tai chi, yoga and rebalancing their time to attend to their own personal needs while improving thoughts and engaging in life with new perceptions. We do indeed manifest many of the events in our life from a soul perspective and a need to align to our true life purpose and lessons. Many look to blame others for their situations, but in truth, all is as it needs to be in the grander scheme of connectedness to all living energy and to Universal life.
Sheryl goes on to say that in her book The Living Spirit she wrote.,” Like many chiropractors and energy healers we are committed to helping clients achieve and maintain holistic health of mind, body and spirit. .. Medical practitioners can set up an environment for change but cannot heal anyone. Each individual must make their way forward experiencing gratitude, love for life and for change. This is the blueprint that can bring us to a healthier place. Not long after writing that I had a client Sabrina battling pancreatic cancer. Sabrina remarked that she had an extraordinary surgeon who had the foresight and skill to perform a surgery that two other doctors had not approved. She felt that God had put him there to help her and now felt I was put there to help her restore her strength. Sabrina admitted to having fears and control issues but wanted to continue healing sessions so she could learn to go beyond any stifling emotion that might be hurting her. She even asked if it would be possible to study Reiki and asked if it would help her have greater faith and bolster her courage. Within a short time Sabrina did accept her illness as her way to create a stronger bond to those she loved. She realized that her survival and health relied on her ability to think positive healing thoughts, to release negative beliefs, and to incorporate new behaviors and actions moving her past untamed emotions and responses—the anger greed judgment and blame which may have contributed to her illness.”
Barry decided to make the choice to combine mainstream and holistic treatments (mind body spirit) for so many reasons. Told by his soul guides that he was experiencing this illness partly to write a book encouraging the use of alternative and modern western medical techniques he followed the plan.
“Statistics released by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide accounting to 8.2 million deaths in 2012. The same report revealed that some 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year and that number is expected to rise by about 70 percent over the next two decades. The statistic that stood out most to Barry was that more people die from cancer related causes than are healed. Fortunately medical science is making advances in the field. Mainstream medicine tends to rely mainly on surgery chemotherapy and radiotherapy which have many devastating side effects. The WHO is urging the medical profession to accept that solutions for preventing cancer must be found……The WHO reports 30 percent of deaths are due to five leading behavioral and dietary risks: High body mass index, low fruit and vegetable in- take, lack of physical activity, tobacco and alcohol use.
There are many claims of alternative treatments for cancer being advantageous and supportive of the healing process. They are usually dismissed by most mainstream medical authorities who advocate pharmaceutical treatments. This is not surprising as the cancer industry in the United States alone is estimated to be over $200 billion a year. Many skeptics believe that those in positions of power are not interested in delivering a cure as it would be financially disastrous for the cancer industry. While it is hard to know how effective alternative treatments are detailed information on mainstream treatments is also hazy. Sheryl suggests that she has interviewed many guests who have successfully weathered life threatening cancer diagnosis and have met physicians who do use a “wait and see” approach before using their final bullet which is chemotherapy.
Barry tells us more about the spiritual advice you received by the same team in the world of Spirit he worked with on his books “Afterlife” and “No Goodbyes” and how they helped him with his healing process. Barry was fortunate to meet an advance shamanic healer John of God in Brazil before his cancer diagnosis and feels that encounter opened up his own abilities and helped him in preparation for surgery and radiotherapy down the road. As part of his treatment he used a crystal healing bed which aligned the chakras to higher frequencies and helped his physical body respond in a better way to the radiation and surgery. He meditated regularly and was told he would be looked after. It came as no surprise when he was offered the loan of the crystal bed that was so helpful in his healing process. These beds as you know were developed by John of God and the crystals are positioned so they are aligned above one of the seven human energy chakras and colored light chosen to match the color frequency of chakra colors radiate light and energy through the crystal and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse balance and align your energy. The Australian Casa is a healing center directly connected to John of God in Brazil and was helpful in my healing process. He also prepared for mainstream treatments by wearing a mask for 35 radiotherapy treatments and found out about a new form of radiotherapy know as TOMO Radiotherapy. There were at the time only two treatment centers in Australia and he was able to get to one of them.
Barry and Sheryl and many alternative healing practitioners are aware that the Cancer industry is worth an estimated 200 billion a year in the US. we might ask, Is there a vested interest in the area of a cure for cancer? Like the corruption we have seen world -wide in many industries government and corporate life there is an interest in resisting change and new ways of living in order to protect the systems that are in place and to keep those benefiting financially from losing ground. The changes to take care of the planet and its people are very much part of the growing awareness of the Seen and Unseen worlds and in time we hope we can align our choices to change and provide more lasting compassion and healing.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within it may become clearer to some listeners that the key to success in any endeavor in life resides within your own soul wisdom and calling on the courage within to realize who you are. As a soul having a physical incarnation most specifically to grow with greater compassion and love for Self and our connection to everyone and everything it is incumbent upon each of us to question what it is that brings joy and happiness to us and then to allow ourselves to pursue our interests and goals with confidence and faith that we are being helped by an invisible team of spiritual souls. The beauty in our lives, our family, work and Nature give us the opportunity to move past fear in order to engage deeply within our memories of eternal nature, and to know that we do our best when we put forth intentions for help, healing, and love and ASK those in Spirit to assist us so we may have as much time allotted to us by destiny karma and personalized life plan and to live well within that time frame. Grace hope resiliency and trust are the desired energies to seek. It sounds simple, but of course it is not, as the negative voices of the ego mind constantly try to render this awareness inactive. All events that we encounter are indeed not random, and if we act and think in the most productive fashion our chances for finding peace unity oneness and a movement towards joy and happiness are within reach.
Barry and I would have you explore your views about life, death, afterlife, reincarnation, and multidimensional healing and before making any judgment, perhaps meditate, go to some classes, have some energy healing sessions, and explore the ideas of quantum physics and metaphysics to validate and review the miracles that are indeed happening in everyone’s lives, especially when they open their hearts and become more aware of the Universal Laws of Energy and seek higher consciousness.