Internet Radio Show
Tao Healing Wisdom
- Master Paul Fletcher
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and author of Life Is No Coincidence and The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakenings spiritual communication and an understanding Of Universal Energy Laws for remembering your dual nature as both physical and spiritual beings and my new book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening just released February 7th on Amazon. Today I welcome Master Paul Fletcher of the International Association of TAO who will share his experiences and life long journey of healing and the wonderful teachings he has absorbed from 2 unique masters of the healing arts.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the metaphysical world of Spirit in order to answer age old questions, “Who am I?” and “How can we explore life improving our thinking actions and find health prosperity and happiness.” We find unless we begin a practice of self-investigation to clear us of our past traumas and wounds, it is hard to live and function at our optimal state of well-being. Therefore, the quest to explore life in its spiritual and physical aspects and to merge the two is a way towards true healing of mind body and spirit.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Master Paul Fletcher will share his experiences with his first teacher Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha and talk about the 6 months spent in South Korea becoming a Dahn Master in the Dahn Yoga healing system and further studies with his second teacher in Hawaii and his alignment to Shen Chi Jing transmissions.
Paul tells us a little about his path to becoming a Master Teacher of Soul Wisdom as well as explaining other Eastern philosophies such as Taoism
Taoism (also known as Daoism) is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu (c. 500 BCE) which contributed to the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion. Lao Tzu (Laozi) is traditionally described as the founder of Taoism, but modern writers think he is a legendary figure, and that the book attributed to him - the Tao Te Ching - is actually a collection of writings by many different wise people.
Chinese philosophy to signify the fundamental or true nature of the world: simplicity and selflessness in conformity with the Tao, leading a life of non-purposive action, a life expressing the essence of spontaneity.. Taoism, also known as Daoism, arose about the same time as Confucianism.
Taoism does not have a God in the way that the Abrahamic religions do. There is no omnipotent being beyond the cosmos, who created and controls the universe. In Taoism the universe springs from the Tao, and the Tao impersonally guides things on their way.
There are many other sacred writings by the teachers of Taoism. Instead of spending a lot of time trying to explain what the Tao is, Taoists focus on living a simple and balanced life in harmony with nature. This is one of the most important principles in Taoism.
Taoism Facts. Taoism is a Chinese philosophical, religious, and spiritual belief system that teaches one to flow with life and to be true to one's nature. Taoism is one of China's five religions.
Religious Taoism. Taoism in the West today is not at all like Chinese Taoist religion. Very few Westerners have adopted its gods and goddesses, although there are a few organizations... that have installed altars in their centers, worship Taoist gods, and celebrate Taoist (and Buddhist) festival days.
The process of death itself is described as shijie or "release from the corpse", but what happens after is described variously as transformation, immortality or ascension to heaven. ... In Taoism when one dies if they need to be contacted it is done so through meditation by an alchemist..
Tao Te Ching
Taoism has never been a unified religion, and has constantly consisted of a combination of teachings based on a variety of original revelations. Within the Daoist tradition, one can distinguish three types of organization and practice: literati, communal, and self-cultivation
Religion in China. Although China is officially atheist, many Chinese people are religious. The main religions in China are Buddhism, Chinese folklore, Taoism and Confucianism.
People's Republic of China (1949–present) The Communist Party of China, officially atheistic, initially suppressed Taoism along with other religions. During the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, many Taoist temples and sites were damaged and Monks and priests were sent to labor camps.
Karma is an important concept in Taoism. ... In the third stage of karma doctrine development, ideas of rebirth based on karma were added. One could be reborn either as another human being or another animal, according to this belief.
Many religions, whether they believe in the soul's existence in another world like Christianity, Islam and many pagan belief systems, or in reincarnation like many forms of Hinduism and Buddhism, believe that one's status in the afterlife is a reward or punishment for their conduct during life.
Sheryl says that it is often said, “The teacher arrives when the student is ready”…In Sheryl’s case born as a sensitive child often overwhelmed by the energy and emotions of other people, many who she felt were not acting kindly or righteously it caused her to ask many questions about Why and How could we make the world a better place? But she pushed those childhood thoughts aside to fit into the world and the expectations that others held for her. It wasn’t until she was about 42 years of age that her heart actually began to hurt and she sensed there was something more to life than home family children and work experiences… Sheryl was seeking a higher form of love and connection to her infinite soul energy and to be of service to others. She answered the call to action and to develop in time her natural healing gift and the gift of connecting to souls through energy and truly bridge time and space proving to herself that life is infinite and eternal
Master Paul and Sheryl share how this journey of the Soul has led them to feel Spirit and know peace.
Sheryl says that one day when driving in the car she experienced a moment of pure light and heat flowing through her whole body and felt such joy that she was able to know It was her soul reaching up to the sunlight and Spirit and blessing life in its beauty and infinite wisdom.
As a Reiki Master Teacher like Master Paul attuned to that spiritual discipline and practice of soul healing. I give a definition of Soul Healing or multidimensional healing in my book The Living Spirit and wrote, “As All these modalities of energy healing are further integrated into our health system we will undoubtedly see more and more people pursuing energy healing as full time careers. It is impossible for all to understand their role in the healing process. The healing itself is an agreement between God and the patient’s soul. The healer—whether he or she is a Reiki practitioner, MD or both—is merely the conduit of these healing energies. In addition the patient can also learn to directly connect with the healing energies particularly through meditation.”
Asked how a person can use Soul knowledge to communicate with other souls and have it positively affect their everyday life Master Paul might say
“Whenever a person thinks about a loved one or says their name that soul or eternal energy is around them and one can feel and access their love and thoughts through being in the silence or quiet time of meditation or prayer. To develop this gift one needs to follow a regular spiritual practice Sheryl follows the Reiki 5 Laws which like Tao Buddhism lead us to live a simple and harmonious life being loving kind thoughtful and flow in the experiences that present themselves without judgment and lower vibrational emotions such as anger envy fear distrust and so on.
People interested in the ancient healing arts and spiritualism hope to bring this knowledge and love of Spirit to more people especially in these times of upheaval and so much dissention between different religious groups and spiritual practices by understanding the unity and onesness of all life as connected to Universal Source the Divine or Universal Energy that sustains us all.
We can work with many people wounded in childhood by trauma emotional sexual or physical abuse or parents with addictions and other issues. One day Sheryl had a client and one of the messages received for her prior to her session was of seeing a girl fall down and feel like a rag doll too weak to move or get up. Sheryl had no idea what it meant but felt uncomfortable while receiving that impression. The woman immediately told her she had been sexually abused by her father for years and that was her lying on the floor unable to get up. Sheryl felt like crying but quickly responded that she was not a victim and her father was the problem. The woman had made a good life for herself now and had her own family. Sheryl was proud of her resilience and ability to not be a victim. Now after Sheryl felt what she had felt she was free and could truly let it go and not bring back that hurtful memory of the past any longer. For each time a painful hurtful memory which no longer lives except in the past it is brought back, talked about, given life and energy again and destroys the present moment where something valuable and loving can be created. Memories of the past should not be resurrected. She had the ability to create what brought her joy now.
Master Paul may believe the reason for a physical life and how can we learn to appreciate life as the gift it really is, is by moving beyond fear limitation and sorrow or pain as all spiritual lifestyles encourage. Perhaps the reason for a physical life is simply to remember the soul and the eternal nature of life.
In The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote, “Throughout the amazing journey of awakening I learned several truths. The first is that there is indeed an afterlife: the second is that the separation between this world and the next is not a thick impenetrable wall, but a thin veil that allows our loved ones in spirit to communicate with us and we with them. We are never alone. We are guided by these loved ones at all times. They assist us in making the choices in this life that prepare us for the next dimension where we will encounter further support for our soul development in that world. The assistance received from spiritual influences will be in proportion to our wish for help and to the effort we expend in our self-growth process in this lifetime.”
I thank Master Paul Fletcher for sharing his journey to truth and to the Spiritual essence of life that waits for us to appreciate and utilize our divine gifts and to bring love and joy into the physical world.
In summarizing this episode of Healing From Within Master Paul Fletcher has shared in words and a life time of actions setting an example of living a wholesome and simple lifestyle, his desire to serve humanity and share the Universal Divine Energy of love and compassion that is the healing vibration that flows through those who have been born and chosen to bring that part of heaven to earth as they resolve their own traumas and misconceptions and know Love in its all powerful and inspiring way, To move mountains and to heal hearts and move humanity towards it’s true destiny to live in the higher realms of awareness and higher consciousness is the desire and life experience of those who chose this way. There are many paths to this state of Knowing and all are appreciated by Spirit. Effort consistency and dedication are the foundations of all spiritual practices and lead to achieving a state of peace and reverence for all life forms. Who really could turn away from this path which opens up the heart and mind and allows us to overcome any sense of frustration or failure to finally know that there is no loss, no good or bad, right or wrong, only personal experiences of the soul essence to refine and renew itself through the challenges of the physical world.
Master Paul Fletcher link to
Sheryl Glick link to
A New Life Awaits link to