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The Ancient Wisdom of Sanskrit As A Means to Life Mastery
- Sarah Mane
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Global Awakening which shows our challenges are not economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Sarah Mane author of Conscious Confidence and a Sanskrit scholar as a means to life-mastery and a strong sense of compassion self-direction self-empowerment and the life force of self-confidence.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware, Sheryl’s esteemed guests, authors and seekers of knowing how to best navigate life using metaphysical concepts and tools share intimate experiences and insights so we may know who we are and how to make choices that enhance life and humanity. We often reflect on the past to understand the present and to create a better future.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within, Sarah will show us how we may develop a practical confidence boosting program taken from the deepest meanings of ancient Sanskrit concepts so we may establish a safe reference point to see the world and make clear decisions on how to act, what to say, and how to feel.
When asked to think back to her childhood, Sarah remembers that in the 60s, her parents became interested in the soul and afterlife, and went to group meetings and came home from a lecture and said “We have found the knowledge and wisdom we were looking for.” The energy in the house began to change as her parents read and continued to go to groups that were interested in understanding higher consciousness and soul life, and Sarah began to feel comfortable in those discussions with her parents and to ask questions. Her parents spoke actively with her about things they were reading and about the after soul. Sarah became interested in philosophy and meditation as a result of her parents’ new awareness. Sheryl shares with Sarah that Sarah and she were both sensitive children, intuitive, and meant to pursue a life on the path to finding God or Universal Source, and to be involved in a spiritual pursuit to find truth and how to merge soul and physical life to its best advantage.
Sarah suggests that the roots of Sanskrit words can relate to confidence and success unlocking rich three-dimensional understandings of each word as well as guidance on how to find your path in life. As an example, Sarah looks at the word “Attitude.” The Sanskrit root means “our point of view, our intent, and our conduct.” Of course, a positive Attitude means we have a self-aware point of view, have an intent for the good from which to view the world and shine your light and spiritual gifts into the world advancing the evolution of self and our communities.
Sheryl shares a synchronistic story or coincidence with Sarah. Sheryl tells Sarah that her name “Sheryl” was given to her to represent both of her grandmothers who were named Sarah. Another important connection to the research Sarah has done about Sanskrit, which Sheryl has been also interested in, is expressed in every Reiki 1 Energy Healing Class she presents. Reiki or the ancient healing art of hands-on healing, was rediscovered in the early 1900s from the Japanese Master Teacher Ryoho Usui, who studied Sanskrit in order to discover how Jesus performed spiritual healing and Master Usui was able to as a result of his studies of Sanskrit, develop a modern version of Reiki, which Sheryl practices and teaches as a Reiki Master Teacher.
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits; Spirit Guided Insights for Global Awakening Sheryl writes, “While some may see that others have more material accouterments, some may have less! I have discovered that attitude is indeed everything and often at a Reiki 1 group read the following poem by Charles Swindoll “Attitude.”
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude to me, is more important than facts.
It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances,
than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me
and ninety percent how I react to it.
And so it is with you…we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Sanskrit is the language of the universe and one of the most ancient connection to Universal Source. Sanskrit is the language used by the sages of India to write their poetry, epics and works of profound wisdom and an incomparable tool for delving into the truest knowledge. It is not just a language to be written and spoken, but a pathway to gain understanding of the experience of life death and truth. The word Sanskrit means purified and perfectly formed. Sanskrit is the language of the universe and the wise say when all the noise and distractions fall back and the still small voice is heard in our hearts, the language it speaks is pure and perfectly formed. As a rule, Sanskrit words even nouns come from a verbal root. A verb is an action word, it is energy: something is happening. Sanskrit words therefore are related to some form of energy or action. Sanskrit is one of the root languages in the extensive Indo- European linguistic family. The family of languages includes Hindi Gujarati but also Latin, Greek, German, French, Italian and English. Scholars consider Sanskrit to be “a mother of languages.”
Sanskrit helps us to discover that we are limitless, magnificent universal beings who embody the force and energy of the universe. There is no difference between our energy and the energy of the universe: they are one and the same. All the wisdom traditions tell us this simple truth.
Sheryl says she was fortunate to have an experience which made that premise a reality and truth beyond anything else she had ever known. For her to really accept that premise, she needed a consequential, experiential personal experience which happened 25 years ago, when Sheryl was sick with the flu in a sort of delirious state. While in this state between sleep and wakefulness, Sheryl became aware that her grandfather paid her a spiritual visit and let her know she had to write something for her father. Sheryl was confused by the message. The very next day she received a call that her father had passed and proceeded to write his eulogy. That event triggered a need for her to learn more about who we are and what happens after leaving this physical life. Sheryl also wanted to learn how Consciousness survived physical death and how mediums communicated with souls of energy. In the process discovered she had always been listening to the inspiration of her thoughts, unaware they were guidance from the universe, and she was indeed a medium. After this event with her grandfather, Sheryl began a long journey to discover more about spiritual communication, the afterlife, and the reasons souls choose a physical life.
Sanskrit is the practical relevance for today’s unmanageable and traumatizing world. The timeless wisdom of Sanskrit emphasizes the simple truth that we are universal. While ordinary experiences may be one of the limitations throughout time, and all of the wisdom teachings have shown us that the limits we feel are of the ego, imagined and superimposed on the limitless universal self by the outside physical world.
One aspect of these changing times that needs to reevaluate how Sanskrit can help us use the traditions of the past which in their time, provided certainty, confidence and consistency and had a stabilizing function in life, is now running out of energy and momentum. Today’s relevance, technology, transport and medicine, while making improvements in living, are changing rapidly and there is a lack of faith in our institutions and ourselves is causing us to question how to go forward. While these shifts are normal, they can also be uncomfortable. Change can be exciting, but insecurity, doubt and fear can surface.
When we begin to ask the following questions, we develop confidence to follow our hearts true needs:
How can I find happiness?
Do I have enough confidence in myself to follow my hearts desire?
Where can I find peace?
How can I fit everything into a busy day and busy life?
What can I do to de-stress?
How can I succeed and still be myself?
What is truly important to me?
How can I balance my own needs and the needs of others?
How can I find the confidence in myself to embrace new interesting opportunities?
How do I trust and believe in myself?
When asked to share some of the most important and memorable things Sarah learned from her spiritual teachers, she shares the following story. “There is a story of a young man Nachiketas and the Lord Yama. Nachiketas’ father hoping to get to heaven, presented many gifts to the priests but always kept the best for himself and his son realized that was not right. So the boy said, “Father have you also given me away to the gods?” The father getting angry said “I give you to the Lord of Death, God Yama,” and the boy said” All things in this world are temporary, I have no fear. I want to know what lies beyond this experience of life.” The father didn’t want his son to go to the realm of Death and realized he had misspoken. Nachiketas believing in the principle that a man’s word is his bond, realized that following the path of truth was the only way to heaven. And so honoring his fathers word, crossed his arm bowed to his unhappy father and left.
Arriving at Lord Yama’s home, he was greeted with great respect and Lord Yama said “I will grant you three special gifts of your choosing.” The first was to be reconciled with his father. The second was to know how to reach the realm of heaven, where there is no sorrow, fear, old age or death. Lord Yama told him there was a Fire within the heart of every person, that leads to heaven. This is where one is free from fear, sorrow, old age and death. The Fire is three -fold, comprised of knowledge, meditation and practice.
Knowing all these things are temporary, the young man asked again “My choice of gifts is unchanged. What happens to a soul when the body is left behind?”
Lord Yama laid out two diverging paths. One is the path of Ignorance, which those of limited vision delight in following. It is paved with fleeting pleasures, petty victories and meaningless feats. The other path is the path of Timeless Wisdom, where the seeker of truth acquires knowledge of the in-dwelling, all knowing Self, and finally attains a place of strength, a place of peace a place, of confidence, and a place of fulfillment. This story was about a young boy who was intent on learning timeless wisdom and would not accept anything else.
Sarah shares her take on meditation, self-awareness and mindfulness. Meditation is a tool that allows one to become familiar and comfortable with the inner wisdom of the soul, allowing for self-awareness and a higher sense of self or higher consciousness to flourish. By going back to the unchanging wisdom in Sanskrit, we can redefine clarify and realize a purer, more powerful meaning for what is valuable in the life experience, such as attitudes and confidence.
Sarah writes, “Meditation is food for the spiritual body, along with prayer and keeping company with the words of the wise. Deep stillness in meditation, a peaceful walk in a beautiful place is quiet contemplation of natural beauty gazing at the stars, remaining still in the present moment and letting go of past and future narratives, all these are restful for the emotional body. Engaging in the creative arts such as making beautiful music art or dance are other excellent ways to exercise the emotional body. All of these activities will help you feel a sense of connection peace and freedom.”
Sarah shares some of the key spiritual principles that she applied in her teaching career. She refers to the ancient and timeless wisdom traditions of East and West which have provided humanity with an unbroken thread of connection to consciousness throughout the millennia. It is a thread of wisdom and knowledge and the purpose of this wisdom is to provide source wisdom, so people may realize the truth of themselves as spiritual beings, having a physical life through the power of their energetic thoughts and actions, creating or manifesting their lives through either love or through their fears.
When we consciously choose to try something new to increase our awareness and improve our well being, we can be sure that our experience will change. The most important thing is to start practicing each day meditation, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
Our most valuable equipment to work with as we seek to attain timeless wisdom is our faculties, our energy, or capacity to apply intelligence and effort. We have a physical body which moves us through the world and is always anchored in the present moment. Therefore, we have a vast, powerful inner tool of intuition within our heart and mind, anchored to Universal Source or that of creation.
In the Sanskrit wisdom tradition, there are four aspects to the mind and heart:
Manas the Thinking Mind aka “The Monkey Mind”
Buddhi The Intellect or Intelligence
Chitta Deep Memory aka the Heart
Aham the Limitless Sense of Existence or Ahamkara the Limited Sense of Existence
Aham is a sense of feeling of existence. This is the limitless feeling of self-awareness that we are here now. “I Am” It’s a pure and simple feeling. The feeling of existence is utterly present and yet deeply peaceful and satisfying. It encompasses everything, it is one and undivided. It is the feeling of existence that unites us all.
In Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits, she explains the four aspects of the mind and heart often, and writes,” The title of my new book, A New Life Awaits, shares the truth known by many people who have felt that moment of complete awareness within them, when this driving forceful energy, known as Spirit, awakens them and they learn decisively to love life, which is the ultimate gift from Spirit and which offers to each soul the chance for greater compassion for themselves and others. Of course, I didn’t need to voice these understandings to these hospice patients, for I hoped that my smile of reassurance would be enough to quiet fears about the unknown, often mysterious experiences they were going through. I was trained not to voice my personal beliefs when sitting with patients. However, through my many life experiences and heightened soul energy, I could be telepathically sharing my beliefs from within the “soul-light force” that simply cannot be contained. This energy from Spirit or our interconnectedness to eternal life cannot be expressed easily in words. This energy might be represented by one’s confidence or natural part of their physical, emotional, and spiritual presence. It cannot be forced or faked, and because it is authentic, it is undeniably the truth.”
In Sarah’s executive coaching work, she shares the main issues that she finds people need help with.” It might be the ability to know yourself, your goals and dreams, from within, and to be able to forgive, be grateful, or simply to feel good about yourself, as we live in a competitive and unforgiving world based on ego and materialistic needs often forgetting who we are and how important it is to remember that you are indeed more than your physical life and capable of great feats of courage, love and honor.”
Sarah has a quote in her book from Shakespeare that Sheryl likes:
“This is a strange repose, to be asleep
With eyes wide open, standing speaking moving
And yet so fast asleep.”
William Shakespeare (The Tempest Act 2 Scene 1)
What people need is to find confidence. Confidence is having inner strength, self-assurance, self-esteem, and resilience. There is a type of confidence that comes from habit and familiarity. Confidence built on repetition so we develop skills and know-how. However, familiarity, routine and habit encourage minimal attention to the present, and these are the conditions for becoming unconscious which we knowingly want to avoid.
We can and must develop Conscious Confidence: confidence based in recognizing the opportunities inherent in the situations we find ourselves in and also recognizing the strength and power we possess.
Sheryl explains why it seems so hard these days for young people to transition into adulthood. Sheryl says “Many children today have been either raised by Helicopter parents who do not allow them to make decisions or choices on their own, as they fear the changing world and tide of despair. Other parents are simply overwhelmed by the pressures of surviving economically, physically and socially in a world that can bring them down in a flash…look at the worldwide coronavirus pandemic that they are unable to attend to much more than the physical needs of their children and many times not even that. Children are growing up emotionally and spiritually deficient, and as a result often sad and even depressed. We need to return to a simpler life, with more family involvement and more care for ourselves and others, if there is not to be a total pandemic beyond that of physical disease. Fear must be conquered and trust, in perhaps, a bigger universal plan of love, once again remembered in the heart.
The concept of Conscious Confidence can help with this transitional point in a young person’s life. Having Conscious Confidence means being awake to and aware of the truth of any situation. It means to be free, connected and in touch. You have faith in yourself and trust that everything you need to act effectively is available to you in the present moment. You can see potential and opportunities for success. It is a firm foundation for action.
Unconscious Confidence in opposition to that causes the following behaviors:
Brash: Egotistical Look at me. Does all the talking and is unable to listen
Reckless: Gambling Bravado stupidity frat boy behavior
Baseless: Ignorant Convinced that you know something even when you don’t
Impulsive: Acting without proper consideration taking action before the situation is clear
Sarah would like readers to take away with them after reading her book Conscious Confidence to “recognize a Conscious Confident person. They are quietly spoken and never forces themselves on situations. Always cheerful and greet anyone known or unknown, and with a wide smile and warm hearted greeting making no distinction about the people he meets. They all are met with the same love, care, and attention. They are intelligent, efficient, and skilled in many ways, both practical and intellectual. Always full of service; providing anything that is needed no matter how simple. They respect all people and are deeply respected by all who know them. Respond to situations both public and private with the same lightness of touch openness and intelligence. Demonstrates a strong sense of spirituality and is truly gentle and fine.”
Sheryl calls us Conscientious Citizens of the Universe. People with an awareness of the bigger picture…they are spiritual beings and physical and merge the love truth and goodness of Creation.
Sheryl would like to thank Sarah Manes, author of Conscious Confidence for sharing the language of Enlightenment which is truly unique among all the languages of the world and offering a practical confidence boosting program derived from the deepest meanings of Sanskrit concepts which is so needed in these challenging modern times.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within, we have outlined principles for harnessing the fourfold energies of Conscious Confidence as a means for discovering a steady inner or soul source of compassion, self-direction, self-empowerment and the life force of self-confidence. We have found that Sanskrit offers timeless wisdom that we may access to transform our thoughts actions to build confidence certainty clarity and success. This method, like all spiritual practices and states of Higher Consciousness, allow us to conquer the growing anxiety and fear from lifetime or childhood trauma to a core of selfhood for knowing our divine potential rather than relying on the ever-changing outside world. This awareness is truly Healing From Within.
Sarah and Sheryl would have you move past the fears and reality of a physical world regaining a sense of your personal intuitive and energetic soul power and smile from within, through any challenge and by doing that, create a healthy personal reality and a world of hope beyond these troubled times. The answers to a good fulfilling life are within, and within reach, if we only pay attention to that quiet voice that tells us we are love in action.
Sheryl Glick, host of Healing From Within, invites you to visit her website to hear from and read about leaders, authors, teachers of metaphysics, science, spirituality, religion, the arts and music, and approach new ways to view and perceive the beauty of life. Shows may also be heard on and