Internet Radio Show
The Gift of Motherhood
- Saskia Roell
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Welcome to ‘Healing From Within.’ I am your host Sheryl Glick author A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares practical stories of real people finding the joys of motherhood and helping themselves as well move past fear and negativity to find positive action love healing and a reconnection to the beautiful aspects of ourselves and our spiritual soul essence. I am delighted today to welcome Saskia Roell author of The New Code of Motherhood encouraging ways to appreciate and triumph in one of the most vital roles in creating a world of healthy spiritually aware adults Motherhood.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate soul and heart based awareness of many issues that concern us in our physical life as we develop a greater understanding of energy, our emotions and spiritual intuition. We may be healthier happier and more productive by understanding our human and divine connections and handle personal challenges more effectively. In knowing who we are as spiritual beings having a physical life we have support in conquering many fears or traumas of childhood and become able to find happiness and enjoy life on many levels.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will discover the dynamic relationship between a mother and her child and also discover you do not have to sacrifice your dreams to succeed as a good mother. It is possible and even desirable to develop your own personal talents and achieve your highest goals. By following your own dreams and growing more confident in living a positive life you create healthy children and families. We will also discuss the struggle many young women are dealing with in these times to conceive and take a look at unexplained infertility.
Saskia shares with us when asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place event that was important to her and may have foretold the life style and work she would enjoy as an adult that she came from a family of five children and her mother and the others in her extended family were all excellent examples of women who enjoyed being mothers and were good at it.
We also discussed the main reason to bring a child or a soul into the world should be to share the love one has for life and family and aid that soul being to find their own path not merely emulating the desires of the parents for what they consider to be acceptable paths of exploration for their children.
Sheryl shares that when she teaches a Reiki 1 level healing workshop she reads a poem By Kahlil Gibran that states our children are not ours to own but a soul coming through us to share their life force and interests as they find their life purpose and evolve. We also discussed how it is not the life path of every woman to have children and women who chose to have children need to continue to grow and expand so they may be good examples to their children and raise healthy children. Too many parents try to make their children represent their values and opinions and hinder personal self development.
Saskia shares with us that the reason she wrote this book is because there is so much dysfunction in family life and many women who want children who perhaps due to emotion stresses are actually blocking or sabotaging their efforts and in healing those issues often are able to get pregnant. The body is a mysterious entity and mind body emotional healing is necessary for creating our best and healthiest life styles and achieving our dreams.
Sheryl says…there has been a steady decline in cultural life family life and general decency in how we act towards each other and our children The children are the building blocks of future societies and we have seen mental illness poverty homelessness divisiveness in government racism and other issues which in a free society should be moving towards resolution and greater fairness, but, have been fueled by monied interests and political groups to create their desired objectives not always favoring what is best for society. The family must begin to restore itself and its participants.
Saskia wrote, “Of course as human mothers we make mistakes. We must simply strive to do our best because that is all we can do. Our imperfections are perfect because motherhood is messy. While you can forgive yourself for making mistakes, also know that kids are always following your example. They witness how you behave and they learn how life works. This means you must be careful what you emit. Don’t project your fears or emotional wounds onto your children. Raising kids will undoubtably trigger our unresolved emotional issues. That’s why our children can be our greatest teachers also.”
Motherhood is a sacred task and Saskia believes that both the kids who are here and even the ones who haven’t been born yet want the same thing : mothers who are conscious. Mothers who express their authentic self and who believe in their dreams. Motherhood can be the road to wholeness if you let it.
Saskia tells us something of her lineage of women who were all phenomenal mothers. Her grandmother came from a family of ten and was married in secrecy due to different religions but loved each other dearly and stayed together until she was 96 and he was 94. They died within six weeks of each other. And shared a great love with many uncles aunts nieces and nephews. They loved children creativity and encouraged endless hours of art and painting and music. There used to be in a gentler time without internet social media and technology more care of our personal and spiritual needs. We need to try to return to a simpler approach in family life and perhaps acclimate to music art and nature once again to quiet the heart soul and mind and find peace.
Mother Theresa once said so beautifully, “If you want world peace, go home and love your families. Families are the stepping stones of society.
Saskia says, “For me becoming a mom was the ultimate lesson in how to lose myself and find myself at the same time. When the world me changed to we I came last. Of course with many who are narcissists that may not happen, For women who don’t love motherhood have low-self esteem lack of confidence an obsession to overachieve fear of motherhood, problems with conception abandoning what they perceive to be their life purpose or other issues this will complicate your children’s lives as well as your own.”
Sheryl says she believes all perspective parents should have much training and preparation for having children as not everyone is capable of handling the responsibilities emotionally physically financially or spiritually to raise healthy children and adults.
Many people may want to be mothers but so many are unprepared for the responsibility emotionally physically and spiritually. How might you advise perspective mothers and fathers to begin their preparation for the care of a human life? Many also want pets and are totally unprepared for that responsibility as well.
Saskia writes, “I have often wondered how so many women choose to become mothers—so fearlessly—without realizing the immense courage it takes. I never knew about the enormity it entails. I had no idea how deeply I would love motherhood nor how selflessly I could love my children. Nor did I know that we need a tremendous amount of faith to raise children. Nor did I know that I had to retrain my mind to fully surrender sometimes. Because in the end all is well, Everything works out as it will because each child has their unique path. I didn’t know any of this and it doesn’t matter. Like many challenges in life, you live and learn. “
Sheryl says. It sounds like for you having children was your awakening process that led you to know that we are spiritual beings having a physical life
Sheryl shares a passage from her book A New Life Awaits, “I propose that as parents we must help our children know that their soul essence or inner wisdom will guide them to live their best lives and fulfill their destiny and I wrote, “In a recent interview, with Garnet Schulhauser, author of Dancing Forever with Spirit, he expressed his feeling that every child begins at an early age to know that all humans have a soul. He wrote, in regard to dealing with any bullying situation, “The best way to stop bullying begins at home. Parents should strive to avoid negative responses to events and demonstrate to their children that it is important to show love, compassion, and forgiveness to all other people. Children should be taught at an early age that all humans have souls and that all souls are connected to the Source and to one another. They should be encouraged to listen for messages from their guides and helpers in Sspirit and not allow negative emotions or fear to rule the day.”
Saskia shares with us that 7 out of 10 women faced with fertility challenges do get pregnant and become moms with therapy and assistance from a fertility coaches and energy practitioners. There are some reasons there is such a high infertility rate at this time. The dysfunction and lower vibrational emotions being expressed during changing economic political religious and social issues are trapping us in a painful energy that simply produces more of the same vibration. We must raise our consciousness and thoughts to more loving and accepting ways to interact with others in harmony and balance The stress of these energies are affecting young women and their partners and the body forms blockages from fear and anxiety which can affect getting pregnant
Saskia offers ways to triple your changes of getting pregnant
- Take a moment and be still at the beginning and end of your day.(Cultivate the courage to listen to your soul.)
- Ask yourself where would you go or what would you do if you followed the truth of your soul.
- Nurture trust.
- Keep a journal and write down your inspired thoughts.
- Follow clues from the Universe…like coincidence synchronicities unexpected happenings.
- Get in tune with the energy of your Soul.
- Accept when people say that you are out of your mind. It’s a good sign that you’re on the right track.
- Practice surrender (When you walk the path of your soul, you must surrender to the uncertainties. Surrender activates miracles.)
- Become aware of how you speak. (The spoken word holds enormous manifestation power.)
- When you wake up ask yourself two question. How do I feel today? And What thoughts do I choose to feed my inner light today?
- Give gratitude for the things you have. (Bringing yourself to the frequency of gratitude is the fastest path to aligning to your soul.)
You can reverse the # 1 worst habit that all women struggling with infertility have so you can feel light hearted fertile and feminine again. Most people have fears and these fears are picked up by each cell and relayed to the next and next one. Since we are energy and every thought and action is an energetic imprint if we put the thought that it will be difficult or impossible for a pregnancy to occur that is very likely going to be the reality. Even physical problems can be created by thoughts that the body decides to act on.
Sheryl says As an energy practitioner she has helped some women deal with infertility problems. One woman during a Reiki session felt an explosion on her right side and I also felt like something moving and leaving the area. We didn’t know exactly what it meant at that time but a week later she went for a sonogram her blocked ovary was clear. By allowing herself to trust the Reiki energy and timing of the greater Universal plan for her life she relaxed and allowed her body to heal. It wasn’t long before she was pregnant. I called her baby a Reiki miracle.
Most women over 40 struggling to conceive have tried everything IVR, IUI yoga acupuncture reiki healthy foods and affirmations but often nothing works. Saskia says The # 1 reason fertility may be blocked is one’s self-sabotaging thoughts. You can shift your body and mind into the Conceive Mode. It all begins in the mind.
Saskia has five children . She has discovered the uniqueness of each of her children and her husband and family allow them to develop their interests and inner needs even when different from their own.
Saskia wrote, “When they were old enough to understand I educated them that as a family, you choose each other. One day I explained jokingly that they chose me and they were very lucky Even when they were young, they often spontaneously expressed immense gratitude because of this. When my son was in elementary school, before bed, he would always peek his little head into our bedroom and say “Mommy, thank you so much for being my mother. And I would thank him for being my son.”
Sheryl agrees that in fact we choose each other and while we will be together in other ways in future incarnations, perhaps we will never have exactly the family constellation that we have in this time and place. So we need to value family life and each other even while it can be physically challenging to handle all the responsibilities, if we remember the spiritual content of each soul we can allow accept and surrender to the events accepting all is as it should be, and let everything unfold naturally, without trying to control all aspects of our own and our children’s life. Trusting in the greater plan individually and collectively brings an air of joy and renewal to life.
Saskia might want people to take away with them after reading The New Code of Motherhood that birthing or the actual delivery can be inspired to be achieved with ease and these suggestions apply to almost anything you hope to accomplish in life.
- Trust your body…if you are in fear you can’t tune into your body …leave your mind at the door you need to relax into the feelings of your body for success and peace
- Create a birth manta…such as My body knows how to give birth or a success mantra..I can accomplish what I set out to do ..I will succeed.
- If you start to go into fear take deep breaths and bring yourself into the rhythm of breathing and relaxation.
- Move around as long as you can Play some music
- Smile Your lips and mouth are in energetic alignment with your uterus and your cervix. A smile disintegrates fears and anger and allows for much to be achieved peacefully.
- Talk to your baby during the whole pregnancy.
- Communicate- Communication with everyone in your life is the best medicine for health and positive results.
- Go with the flow Surrender to your body
- Sing your baby out
- Push from down below your belly
- Avoid harsh lights
- Let go of time and expectations
- Don’t judge yourself
- Create a birth symbol like a flower or picture and remember to breath relax and let go into the rhythms of your body…this is like a visualization
- Surround yourself only with people you love
- Choose the person who will assist you with the birth a midwife or doctor.
- Prepare your birth companion to be flexible and to expect however you many respond during the delivery without judgment 20 Let the birth be natural
We thank Saskia Roell author of The New Code of Motherhood for discussing a topic that most people don’t pay enough attention to or properly prepare for and that is the important role of Motherhood for helping another soul being to come into the world to love and be loved and share their great spiritual gifts with the family community and world.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within We have discussed one of the most basic instincts of men and women which is to procreate and bring forth the next generation of souls to share love and the beauty of life in its infinite possibilities. But still we must remember as Saskia writes Because we all have wounds which can be triggered through life circumstances you can not always depend on a constant stream of love from your partner. You will both go through cycles of growth and if you demand perpetual love from a place of desperation and neediness you will always be disappointed ‘ The only true everlasting stream of love comes fro spirit, God or the Universe which is anchored in your heart. Many times childhood wounds must be healed in order to feel secure in an adult relationship later in life.
Therefore life demands commitment patience consistency trust in yourself and the larger plan of the soul to engage in the many challenging events in life but always with a heart that feels capable of manifesting your best goals and much love Fear is to be known but not overcome courage and the desire to have many new experiences as you learn to trust that inner voice that guides you to your life plan and destiny.
Saskia and I would have you remember you must continue to develop and share your own spiritual gifts and bring to your children marriage friendships and the world the best of yourself into the world always knowing you are a spiritual being sharing a physical reality in order to once again claim your divinity. Be a wonderful.