Internet Radio Show
The Intergalactic Reality
- Michael Elligion
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher, medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from spirit that show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but a disconnect from our true inner soul wisdom and universal source. We are delighted today to welcome Michael Ellegion author of Prepare for Their Landing sharing his experiences with extraterrestrials over the course of his life and Intergalactic the transformational journey he experienced when he was first reunited with Celeste his own Divine Other-Half, a higher dimensional Immortal Intergalactic Goddess dedicated to restoring Heaven on Earth and the Golden Age.
Michael as listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years Sheryl and her open minded guests share intimate and insightful stories that show us that there is much more to know and feel beyond our senses so we can begin to understand our dual nature as both phyiscal and energetic soul beings who are guided by those in Spirit to learn more about love compassion and to heal any misconceptions about what life is really about so we can begin to use our spiritual gifts to improve this planet and others beyond.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Michael Ellegion having both a UFO researcher as well as “Experiencer/contactee from his first book Prepare for the Landings: Are You Ready?” where he documented and exposed how the vast majority of beings visiting Earth are divinely intervening to help Earth’ s humanity. We will discuss NASA STAR PEOPLE their characteristics and how and when large groups were born. Michael discusses much about the unseen world of benevolent human appearing ET’s which have been the majority of beings visiting earth rather than focusing on the negative greys and reptilian beings and the abductions of humans.
When Sheryl asks Michael to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to him or others around him the lifestyle interest and work they might pursue as an adult for it seems we are born with a life plan and destiny which keeps unfolding as we walk through this dream like life Michael writes, “At a young age Michael started to experience “altered states of consciousness” and very intense vivid dreams. His father a professional hypnotist who had studied Edgar Cayce’s life and his famous “life readings” discovered in his research that the so-called Sleeping Prophet was actually activated with the use of hypnosis. Michael’s father realized that he could train his son in this same way that Cayce could induce his altered state to do his famous life readings. By fifteen Michel was doing very similar karmic readings.
Michael tells us that few experiences have stuck in his mind as clearly as that which took place during the summer of 1959 when he was six years of age and slipped over a railing falling into the ocean. Michael writes, “ Just as the ocean came crashing up to engulf me I found myself instantaneously in a different environment. I was physically back in, what to me had been my real home environment an environment that I consciously remembered since birth on this third dimensional planet. I have recalled being aboard these incredibly beautiful and magnificent Lightships often sighted as UFO’s here on earth which are also known as “Merkabahs” with the Confederation of Higher Universal Life. It took a moment for my eyes to fully adjust to the beautiful soft glowing light that was emanating from the actual walls of the ship itself. Then I really saw very human-appearing beautiful beings standing around me….To be truthful most humans would have called this an alien environment.. I have attempted to find suitable earthly terms to describe this joyous celebration and wonderful love that I was experiencing aboard this Lightship being physically back amongst my wonderful Cosmic relatives.
Sheryl says she has pursued her interest in learning about the afterlife after a visit from her grandfather when she was sick with the flu and in a state between sleep and a stupor, her grandfather who had been deceased for thirty years told her she had something to write for her father. Sheryl was uncertain what had transpired but the next day received a phone call from her mom saying her father had passed. Of course she wrote his eulogy but was now set on a path to learn more about that visit from her grandfather. Sheryl was guided to a workshop in Barbados where she learned from psychics mediums and energy healers that she was a healer and shortly after studied Reiki Spiritual healing as well as hypnotherapy which led her to connect to higher source, download messages from Spirit and do readings like Edgar Cayce. She feels she works much like Cayce and has also worked to support the lightworkers who are guided to her to expand their abilities and their understanding of their life missions.
Michael describes these extraterrestrial beings that he saw when he was on the ship. Michael says they were all dressed in metallic blue and silver colored jumpsuits approximately 6-7 feet tall had magnificent body structure- youthful muscular and well proportioned. Their skin had a golden cooper hue rather like a good suntan yet translucent. Most of them had beautiful golden-colored hair some golden brown. Their eyes were either bright blue violet green or golden pupils. They appeared to be between thirty and forty years old. Michael, immediately recognized his Higher Cosmic Parents as Lord Orion and Lady Angelica. Michael’s feelings and reactions to this contact were great joy which is usually the case with those of us termed “contactees” It is quite the opposite for those termed “abductees.” There is a definite reason why both types of UFO encounters are happening. There is also a definite reason why UFO investigators have rarely talked about the human appearing ET’s and the more positive aspects of the UFO field.
While aboard the ship Michael was able to express the pain and loneliness that he was suddenly aware of and found himself asking them not to send him back to earth, even though he knew deep down he would have to go back. Michael was aware that prior to taking Earth embodiment he had written his life script and this encounter he was experiencing. These beings had physically intervened for a specific reason as they were fulfilling their personal promisese tome. This experience was a physical reassurance to him that in times of extreme danger these Higher beings would have, and will, divinely intervene, not only for me but also for all my fellow Volunteers until our Earthly missions are complete.
After that as Michael was standing by the glowing wall of the medical chamber taking in what were familiar surroundings a sudden movement out of the corner of my eye distracted my attention, as an instrument merged out of the wall. The instrument resembled a large paddle about a square foot in size and one inch in depth that was attached to a flexible cable. One of the beings passed it up and down my body a few times as bright rainbow- colored rays shot out of the instrument into my body. I suddenly felt even greater inner peace and contentment. Later I realized they were realigning the seven main chakras or energy vortex points in my body. Often times when an individual experiences trauma, the person’s chakras can weaken, unless one learnes how to quickly balance align and strengthen him or herself through the use of powerful centering techniques.
Sheryl realizes that during her first Reiki training seminar during the Reiki Attunement which was a deep meditation where the Reiki Master Teacher attuned to higher volumes of Universal energy passes it on to the initiate, Sheryl was not aware of that, but felt she was in the presence of a blessed even and felt very connected to a strong purpose and divine mission. Her energy had shifted she later realized to let go of unnecessary beliefs and traumas, and her DNA had been altered so she was able to channel the energy of this higher dimension of life and could utilize it to help others find their destiny through the channeling of messages and healing sessions. Michael says that happened when he was attuned during an experience aboard a Merkabah Light Ship.
In dreams and meditation Sheryl is in another place or dimension where she sees some people she knows and some she does not. They always offer awareness and answer questions or share knowledge…the colors are quite intense and Sheryl is often very content to remain in this state or place of being.
Michael tell us about his 1979 experience with Extraterrestrials. In 1979 after his experience of being physically beamed up aboard a Higher Dimensional Merkabah Light Ship, Michael tells us at that time his DNA was energetically altered to do personal transformational channeled readings for fellow Light Workers, of which he has done thousands since then. Michael has worked from the many millions of formerly highly classified top-secret documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, verifying that E.T “s of all kinds have indeed visited the planet. He has personally interviewed hundreds of early government military whistle blowers in the 80’s and 90’s that shared information on NASA computer authenticated photos not be duplicated here on Earth.
Michael tells us there are two major reasons for this second physical encounter aboard the Merkabah Lightship. This encounter occurred for the purpose of activating him to do channeled Transformational readings for other Volunteers on planet Earth. Michael always knew deep down that his real Missions in this life would be to do channeled readings for these Volunteers as well as preparing humanity for mas planetary Divine Intervention and Worldwide Evacuation. The other reason for Michaels second ET encounter was to create a force-field of protection. In the last twenty years Michael has met well over 200 retired and ex intelligent agents who have ethically and morally rebelled against the original intent of their own organizations that had the goal of bringing in a New World Order. These agents and Michael and others on radio and TV stations and newspapers have shared this information naming names places dates and events. This attunement was to protect Michael from people working to suppress information of this nature getting out.
This is just part of the reason for Michael’s second encounter and the need for these more advanced human appearing ET’s to intervene physically and saving Michael’s life from the organized psychic assassination hit squad of the cabal or those in government hoping to have a One World Order. It may be that the globalist approach that has brought many communist countries together working against western civilization and the Constitutional freedoms Americans enjoy is more visible now after the Covid pandemic has upset the world economic structure.
In Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits she expresses how she was guided to meet those involved with multi -dimensional beings and writes, “Sitting at my desk waiting for my client to come, I thought about a woman whom I had met at the Healing Convention in Arizona. Her name was Victoria. She was seated next to me in a music sound bowl healing workshop I attended while at the conference. I initially noticed she was more attractive and quieter or calmer in nature than many of the other participants. It was only a fleeting observation. Later, I got to see her display table, where Victoria had a DVD displayed showing unusual orbs and light objects on the cover. She also had a musical CD with angelic tones for healing. As she spoke to me, I noticed her voice was melodious and delightful. Victoria told me she had been encountering guidance from extraterrestrials since she was a child and was from another star system. I asked if she found them to be friendly and what they looked like. Yes, they were friendly, and they looked like her: blonde, quiet, and calm. They were here, as was she, to help humanity. Thinking about it, aren’t we all ETs? Our spirit and soul come from a higher plane of energy, or star dust, and combine with a physical body. Some light workers are here to improve the human condition. Others are here mainly for earthly or physical experience, but we are all Spirit. I might have been slightly judgmental when listening to Victoria describe she was connecting to extraterrestrial light beings. Was it so out of the ordinary? Years before that experience, I would have totally freaked out at such an announcement, but since I know all is illusion in this physical world, I cannot say one way or the other whether there is truth or falseness in this woman’s claim.’
While sharing this story now, years after the event, I realize I recently interviewed Hollywood actress Dee Wallace, author of Bright Light, about her spiritual insights and beliefs. She portrayed the mother in the feature film E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. Was this coincidence, fate, or divine intervention? Looking back from my vantage point now and having opened up to realms of intelligence and wisdom from higher dimensions that assist me in my personal development and help me to refine my innate spiritual talents, I realize that over the last few years, I have interviewed a group of scientists exploring infinite possibilities for life beyond what we can know in this three-dimensional world and have been amazed to listen to extraterrestrial stories in a more open-minded fashion.
I have interviewed many notable guests who are exploring the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Robert Salas, author of Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon and a graduate of the USAF Academy with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, now retired from the Air Force, offers extensive testimony and documentation by military officers and airmen of their eyewitness accounts of UFO occurrences, alien abductions, and threats to military installation. Another guest on my internet radio show, Healing From Within, was Betty Andreasson, a warm and everyday kind of individual who was studied extensively by government agencies for her remarkable drawings and descriptions of her 1967 abduction by what she described as entities who made her feel they were friendly and peaceful. Still another wonderful guest was Ted Peters, author of UFOs: God’s Chariots?, who has spent a lifetime exploring the many events and reports worldwide by people who have experienced interactions with higher beings. Most recently, I have interviewed Nancy Du Tertre, author of How to Talk to an Alien. As the other guests, her credentials and credibility are impeccable.
UFO’s and extraterrestrials are from other planets and other dimensions and governments around the world have been aware of their presence for decades.
Sheryl says t on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in Congress decades of information on UFO’s were released to the public on Fox News. It is now concluded by many that UFO’s have been recorded for decades now. Like we have different races here on Earth so it is with people or souls of the galaxy. It appears there are aliens living among us and some of them are here to help humanity reach a higher vibration and awareness of the interconnectedness of all life forms.
Approximately 25 years ago Sheryl attended a healing and psychic development convention in Phoenix Arizona. At a sound bowl healing group, Sheryl sat next to a woman whose energy was different. Sheryl as an empath and energy worker is able to detect changes in energy. After the event the woman spoke with Sheryl and told her she was from another star system and here to help raise the vibration of the planet and she was visited by people from that dimension since she was a child. She said she had not been allowed to have children but raised her husband’s children Sheryl asked her if there were others like her and what did they look like. Victoria responded “Yes” and they look like me. Well, she looked like everyone other human except her hair was very blonde and her energy very calm and quiet. It was a silly question for me to ask as indeed she was standing in front of me and I could see that no one would not see her as human.
Michael tells us the many characteristics of NASA Star People? UFO researcher Brad Steiger’s profile of the Star People/Star Seeds contains the following elements. Few Star People have all the characteristics but all have at least several to a third of the elements.
STAR People Characteristics include
Compelling eyes and personal charisma
Unusual blood type such as A- B- AB- the
rarest blood type on the planet
Approximately one out of every 10,000 people has this very are type. It is also the blood found on the Shroud of Turin
Lower than normal body temperature Was an unexpected or unplanned child
Extra vertebrae, transitional vertebrae and lower back problems
Extra or misplaced ribs
Thrives on little sleep and do their best work at night
Hypersensitivity or feel sensitive to electricity. Electromagnetic force fields may also be termed environmentally sensitive. Unusually sharp or above normal hearing and eyes very sensitive to light or sunlight
Seems to have been reborn in cycles for example 1934-1938 1944-48 1954-58 Actually some of the majority of Volunteers who have come to Earth have been born within a year or two of particularly intense and or challenging times. In fact some of the largest number of Volunteers Star Seeds Wanders Walk Ins to take Earth embodiment occurred right after the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WW11 (August 6, 1945) This happened because of the concern on Higher Worlds observed from Lightships that the next generation could possibly destroy the planet, so it was decided that the Volunteers would come more in greater numbers than ever before thus, The Baby Boom generation appeared to make sure once and for all that never again would this planet be allowed to be destroyed.
Now in these recent decades, an even greater number of Volunteers over half the entire world’s population, is now from somewhere else, making this the largest number of Star People to ever take Earth embodiment all at the same time.
Feels that their Earth biological mother and father are not their real parents.
Feels a great urgency or strange restlessness of feeling like they have been in a type holding pattern for too long, a short time to complete an important goal or special mission of some kind
Lower than normal blood pressure Chronic or semi chronic sinusitis (also known as irritation in the nose or nasal passages)
Feel or sense their true ancestors came from another more beautiful evolved peaceful and sane world, another Higher Dimension another level of consciousness and they yearn or long for their true place of origin or their home beyond the stars.
Had unseen companions and friends as a child
Natural or above normal or unusual abilities in specialized areas such as art music mathematics healing acting natural sciences etc.
Experience a buzzing or clicking sound or high pitched mechanical whine in the ears prior to or during a psychic event or warning of danger. This can also be in the form of a synchronicity and or a vision of some kind.
Had a dramatic or unusual experience around the age of five or six of at least when they were young before teen years which took the form of white light and or visitation by human appearing beings who gave information and comfort
Have since maintained a continuing contact with beings which they consider to be angels masters spiritual teachers or openly declared UFO intelligence who are benevolent in nature other than the greys of reptilians and have not been abducted only contacted to help guide inspire uplift empower.
Their artwork dreams or fantasies often involve an alien, multi-moon and or multi-dimensional planetary environment
Children and animals are attracted to them
May have mystic crosses mystic eyes or mystic stars on their palms
Have unusual abilities considered paranormal by their peers and family such as being very psychic doing channelings and or involved in psychic spiritual healings telekinesis etc.
Experience a strong attraction to Quartz, crystal, and natural gem stones
Have flying of dreams or out of body/Astro travel experiences
The ability to take on the role of an empath
Extreme compassion and feelings for what the other person or animals are going through
Have a strong affinity to past eras of Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, Arthur and Camelot, the Tantra Temples of India, and other ancient, biblical, or mystical places.
Have recently received some type of message or inner feeling or message from one’s higher self that now “is the time”
Have experienced at least one or more close calls or life-threatening situations through the years in which one should’ve been killed or at least severely injured but was instead was protected from it or should’ve died from a
severe illness or disease but quickly recovered and have felt that they were being watched over and somehow divinely protected time and time again.
Have often experienced through the years when glancing at a digital clock or watch that the time coincidentally happens to be 11:11 or 12:12
Sheryl might be a Volunteer like the star children here to navigate humanity through earth’s ascension and the spiritual awakening of the human community as she has many of the characteristics of the NASA Star People Michael describes. She was born after a major event, Hiroshima at the end of World War 11 and just around the time Edgar Cayce died. As a child she saw beautiful faces at her bedroom window three flights up and felt tickles on her arms which frightened her. Although intuitive and in the gifted classes at school, she just assumed everybody was the same, and never thought herself different, but cried a lot at the insensitivities of people around her. She always imagined life that could be more loving beautiful and kind. As a Reiki energy practitioner she connects to that higher dimension of light and feels blessed to be alive.
Michael writes and Sheryl has found it true for herself as well. Michael writes, “That “Having been fully warned before I was born, I also realized that I would get plenty of Cosmic back up and support from my “Friends Upstairs.” Sheryl also refers to those friends upstairs when she guides her students to ask for help from our guides spiritual teachers higher vibrational beings angels and loved ones in Spirit UPSTAIRS. Since there are no coincidences only messages and guidance to awaken us to greater consciousness and acceptance of who we are and how we are all connected the synchronicities we share with others is to remind us we are never alone.
Michael believes that humans can find an interdimensional lover and Celeste’s relationship with Michael goes beyond any preconceived notions of love as he knew it before connecting with her divine energy and wisdom.
Some of the topics covered today could seem hard for some people to understand and to help us know why these benevolent beings living among us have not yet completely exposed themselves Michael tell us about and writes, “The man with my name George Admski looked at me with love and compassion. My feeling toward him was one of gratitude and awe because of what he had gone through at the hands of those earlier as well as modern day agents of disinformation those spin doctors of the UFO community whose job it has been for the cabal or government agencies to destroy and defame his character and similar to Jesus was crucified to cover up the truths that he had attempted to share with the masses of the reality of these beautiful and benevolent space Brothers who Michael and others have had the privilege of physically meeting. Some people ask themselves whether we exist at all and they think, If extraterrestrials really exist, why then do they not show themselves to and cooperate with us in an open manner. However, many people of Earth know very well that we do exist and that we do not share their egoistic outlook or warlike tendency. In reality they would like to have us in their power in order to gain knowledge from us which would give them greater opportunities for power and domination. That is the reason why we act in such a way to avoid this danger and why we are waiting for a time when it will be possible to bring knowledge to Earth Brothers from the children of God in conformance with universal law.”
Michael might like readers many who are Volunteers like him to take away with them that when they signed up for this Cosmic assignment,t one of the promises given to all the volunteers was that eventually, at some point in the later part of our lives, Divine Intervention is destined to happen on a mass planetary scale, when the Worldwide Evacuation and Graduation ultimately takes place. This means that all of the Volunteers including Michael will be physically lifted up during the early stages of the ”Shift.” Worldwide evacuation is definitely part of this Cosmic scenario being played out in coming Earthly events. This big Earth changing event is traditionally and Biblically referred to as “The Rapture.” It is also a description of mass spiritual ascension for all souls who are “Graduating off the wheel of Karma.” This event results in Earth(terra) being cleansed and making her “planetary ascension” into a Higher dimension as well.
We thank Michael Ellegion, author of and Prepare for the Landings: Are You Ready? for sharing his amazing, unique, mind-blowing, and transformational journey as both a UFO researcher as well as an
“Experiencer”/contactee, who has experienced altered states of consciousness and very intense vivid dreams, like Edgar Cayce and is able to do karmic life readings.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From sharing the many experiences of Michael Ellegion and myself, we hope it has become easier for listeners to accept that by keeping an open mind, it is possible for us all to become aware of the energy of our soul life, and to connect to those beyond this physical life who share love and the infinite possibilities for change along with the improvement of the human condition. Nothing is random or remains the same in the flow of eternal life and perhaps when we allow accept and surrender to the wisdom of our soul energy, we can find peace beyond the fear beyond what is engendered in a physical life of survival and challenge.
Those who meditate pray or find silence in nature and daydreaming find a way to receive energy messages from the nonlocal dimension where all thought and spiritual energy not rooted in time, space, or physical dimension remains. It is from this nonlocal dimension that all mediums myself included receive their divine guidance and messages. In this nonlocal dimension is the God source and connection to all life. It is a belt of knowledge past, presen6t, and future swirling through eternity from which we, as aspects of that divine source, derive the illusion of physical life. The reality is that we are eternal beings of light or energy interconnected to each other and to all that is or has been. As eternal sources of energy, it is even possible to exist in this and other time experiences. Perhaps we are only pure thought and ultimately here to become more conscious citizens of the Universal Cosmos?
Michael and I as devoted seekers of the mysteries of this world and beyond, share with you the truth of probabilities that in time we will all come to better understand the purpose of life which is to explore the world of man nature and the universe and come to realize the great gift life is, and the opportunities it affords us to find greater love and compassion which is the essence of Universal Source.
I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT host of Healing From Within author of A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to authors and leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical and energy healing professions psychology and the arts and music fields as we explore the world humanity as well as life in other dimensions in our quest to know the mysteries of life and love. Shows may also be heard on and