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The Life Giving Power of Universal Being
- David Karchere
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Welcome to “Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master and medium and have just released the newest book in the trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guide Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares a higher awareness of our true soul nature and human qualities that are the basis of all our choices and our destiny as we learn more about who we are and how we have the personal power to transcend emotions and challenges to achieve peace and well being. In other words, we are much more than we appear to be and learning that is the key to opening our heart and mind to infinite possibilities for happiness here and beyond. I am most delighted to welcome David Karchere author of an International Best Seller book Become the Sun that offers ways to find emotional and spiritual intelligence for a happy fulfilling life.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are aware my guests and I share intimate insights into the true nature of our energetic or soul essence so we may learn how to create thoughts behaviors and lifestyles that bring about well- being and a higher awareness of the duality of energetic and physical life challenges. In knowing who we are, we are better equipped to make choices that support health prosperity and a calmer more balanced view of self and those we interact with in our communities for more positive action and success.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within David Karchere author and motivational speaker and a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle as well as originating the Healing Chant Workshop will share ways for individuals to become a sun and create a new world by sharing the radiance of grace, the warmth of blessing and the gravity of courage from within their soul essence out into the world.
When David thinks back to his childhood and remember a person place or event we find out that David was a sensitive child and student and a sensitive kid in High School watching the decline of society with drugs political marches and the Vietnam war and hoped to be part of a community of people who create a better world. You were already a sun soul born to help others to awaken to the love and personal power that resided in them but had to remember who they were ultimately in order to be able to change any negative thinking or restrictions to their passionate and positive energy that awakened him fully to the truth of Being and wrote, “Verbal descriptions of spiritual experiences cannot capture the wonder of them. I have no words large enough or rich enough to communicate the vision that came to me. It was not a physical vision. But, nonetheless it was as lucid and as real as anything I have seen with my physical eyes. The best description I have for it is that it was of a heavenly court. Not angels exactly as we think of them. But heavenly Beings with light emanating from them and all around. And in the midst of them all, there was a Being of the most exquisite overwhelming love. …..I was in awe. When the session concluded I stumbled out the side door that led directly outside. I got far enough away from everyone else, walked into a stand of small trees and shrubs, and sobbed.”
Sheryl says she has had many such mystical happenings but would like to share with David that one evening during a meditation group of Reiki students that I was leading I sensed Jesus at my side and he was crying so I began to cry also and he said to me. You and your group cry for the many injustices in the world as I did and are doing the work I did. Sheryl says she felt so moved to receive a spiritual visitation from this holy spiritual teacher and knows that we all are guided by loved ones from these higher realms of life and need only to have faith and trust that we can make differences in our own lives and in the community as we simply become more aware of our spiritual potential to help us live our best life and to grow and expand in higher thoughts and actions.
David tells us what it means to become a sun David writes, It is our personal and collective destiny to become a sun—to become on the outside what we already are on the inside: a conscious presence of Universal Love. This destiny is behind everything we experience as human beings, however we interpret it—every passion, every adventure, every challenge, even what might look like terrible setbacks in our life. Through it all, the core of who we are as a being of Universal Love is shucking off the unnatural limitations that we, as human beings, tend to accept for ourselves. That core within us seeks to shine freely through us, as us, into the world.
David’s premise is this: The difference between a joyful fulfilling life and an unhappy unfilled life is conscious awareness and understanding. When people understand that their personal destiny is to become the sun and they understand the process by which that becomes a reality they embrace the experience.
The Warmth of Blessing
What your world and the people in it, need most from you is for you to be a sun.
When faced with the coldness of other people or the coldness of the world return that coldness with your warmth. Just the abiding spirit of love constant in your heart of hearts. Let your world feel the warmth of the sun through you. Copernicus discovered that the Sun not the Earth is the center of our solar system. People are in your world of awareness. You are the sun for them and they are orbiting in your solar system. You are a sun for your own capacities your warmth light your gravity. In the radiance of the sun who you are your body, mind and emotional realm thrive. When a person becomes aware that they are a sun, they realize they have a choice. They do not have to be a slave to their own reaction to their creative field. They don’t have to alter their radiance based on what other people say or do. They don’t have to alter their radiance based on how they feel themselves. The sun can always shine. And we can look at the captions below to see how we might begin to think of the connectiveness of these thoughts could lead us to reflecting the soul light from within out into the world.
The Atmosphere of Understanding
The Bursts of Action
The Fusion of Fulfilling Mission
The Rays of Enlightened Thought
The Gravity of Courage
The Radiance and Reflections of Grace
Emotional intelligence may or may not develop as we age. Being conscious is composed of both thought and feeling. David has set forth a mental model of consciousness or emotional intelligence and a map for intuitive understanding of the emotional elements of consciousness. So the book is meant to be understood at the level of emotion and intuition as well as the level of the mind.
There is a mathematics to all of Creation Mathematical patterns that replicate throughout the universe from the atom to the stars—and human beings are no exception. The brilliant design of Creatin begins with the One. In the creation of sound melody harmony and rhythm is generated. All colors of light are found in white light. Seeing this unfolding pattern of creation helps you to bring the atmosphere of understanding to every circumstance of your light.
Your Being begins in oneness. It begins in pure unitary awareness. This is the sun nature that is you at your core. But you were not content to be just this one thing. You, as unitary awareness are activating the deep of your Being, which is the unformed substance of creation. These are the deep waters of your being. This process is occurring all the time at every level, from each and every cell to all your organs and glands and beyond. So you are two—pure unitary awareness and the deep of your Being that is activated by that awareness. And still these two things are aspects of the one reality of you.
Sheryl says that much like the duality of life our spiritual soul energetic essence and the physical life created by that reality. But they are not really separate and when merged and working together we can experience our best physical and spiritual life growth.
David speaks of the dark cloud hanging over humanity. When there is a dark cloud hanging over human experience—when the atmosphere surrounding a person or group of people carries negative energy it doesn’t bode well for the future. Certainly, the body of humanity is living in a negative energy field fed by the words and actions of people and unwholesome spirits—the spirits of hate and fear. This is the negative side of our collective karma. Most people are in touch with this cloud without even knowing it and it has affected their thinking. There are people around the world celebrating the reality of a different cloud of energy. There is the legacy of our spiritual ancestors—men and women of true integrity down through the ages who have refused to live out of the human energy field as it has been. There have been people in every generation who have said, “No, I, going to make a different choice in my life. “ I’m going to generate a cloud that carries the positive creative energy which is the most real thing about me. Living out of that cloud brings something glorious in living something that brings fulfilment…..You might say that discovering this cloud reveals the qualities the ancients wrote about now referred to as glory—brilliance, splendor, magnificence, and majesty.
You might say that this is the biggest challenge—a human being can have—the work of finding a way to let the unseen and the unheard that is at their core be seen and heard. It is seen through this cloud of light and glory.
Sheryl says that it is the finding of your soul and the infinite potential of Universal Spirit that you understand the truth of Being and eternal life and free yourself from many false illusions and beliefs that hold you in that dark cloud of fear and limitation.
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits:Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening she addresses the many issues of how to find the way to understanding energy and life in its complete unity of soul body and mind and writes, ”Whether in a body or in pure energy, the soul is the essence and complete oneness of Spirit’s Intelligence and Universal Love and travels with us through time and space, lifetime after lifetime, as we gather experiences to refine our already magnificent soul. Death, in my opinion, is merely the next destination or adventure on our continuous circle of life. There really is no death, only the unfolding of the infinite layers of realities that exist within us, in this world, and beyond. These layers are filled with the excitement and wonderment of the beauty of nature, friendship, memories, and experiences gathered during many lifetimes. We must know that energy cannot be destroyed, so the energy of our thoughts and heart impulses must return to the place most people think of as Heaven, but is really simply the evolving expansion of creative life energy that is eternal. Whether in life or whether in Heaven, we are continually growing in our ability to gather love and compassion and to conquer any fear or darkness that might reside in our energy.”
David speak about “The Atmosphere of Understanding” in the second chapter of the book. What is it and why is it important?
You live in the center of the field of consciousness, mostly your own. There is also the of other people. Then there is a divine consciousness and presence that fills your creative field. Most importantly for you, your presence fills your creative field. It pervades your body, your thoughts and your feelings. It touches and surrounds the people in your world. It holds the physical world in which you live in your consciousness.
Dr. Stephen R. Covey author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says that listening to another person is like giving them oxygen. By doing so, we have the opportunity to bring a quality of consciousness to other people that assists them to flourish. The people in your world are constantly responding to the way you think about them. Additionally social scientists who have studied human communication tell us that much of what we convey to other people is through body language. Facial expressions, posture and the tone of voice can communicate more powerfully than the words we use. They are part of the music of what we communicate to others. And if the words and music don’t match, the people in our creative field respond to that confusion. Beyond words and beyond body language there are subtler ways that our consciousness pervades our creative field and affects it profoundly. A prayer spoken for the well being of another brings them greater possibility of increasing health even if they are halfway around the world Sheryl says As a Reiki energy healer using Distant Healing we have seen many miracles people with brain bleeds who survived burns eyes surgery lumps that could have been cancerous gone completely…and so on. An energy field of love helps children thrive.
David tells us that most people live their life with the understanding that they are a small part of big world. While that is true at a physical level there is another way to look at it. From the standpoint of your mental capacity your consciousness is big enough to hold everything and everyone in your world. They all live there in your mind and in the atmosphere created by your thoughts. If you experience yourself as part of a big world you will find yourself assessing the people and places in that world to determine which ones you like and which ones you want to avoid. You can begin to understand that you can change your experience by surrounding the people and circumstances that live in your consciousness with the atmosphere from your creative flowing water force with a spirit of understanding and positive intention.
You can choose to see past people’s limitations and faults, and give them a place in your thoughts where they can be themselves. When you understand that the people in your life populate your mind as well as your world you become more interested in their well being. David tells us how he found life in New York City a bit challenging but then changed his attitude and perception to embrace the good things in that place and New York became my city. I felt connected to all of it I felt the sun shinning through me to all of its people. They became my people and became their friend.
Sheryl says I remember when my son who moved to California married and stayed there said those very same words to me. “These are my people.”
David’s experience in New York was a great lesson in his life. I either accept the atmosphere around me for what it is and let it energize me or I become a victim of it. And if I accept it, I attain a mastery by virtue of something that I cannot fully explain. ACCEPTANCE. It’s the difference between breathing and suffocation. Accept the world around you. Breathe deeply.
We go on to discuss enlightened thinking. Understanding the Four Forces that work through all of Creation as the means to see how your human capacities help to live a creative life. When the four forces of your Being are flowing freely through you in a balanced way as the ancient Greeks called dunamis –the ability to create came to be in modern times dynamic or dynamite. The forces are water air earth and fire. Water brings flow. Air brings intelligence. Earth brings strength and Fire brings generosity.
Sheryl says that we may come to see enlightened living as a way to unify the spiritual force of our soul with physical reality and to utilize the four forces that empower our attitudes reactions and ability to change and adapt to all situations while always accepting that we are energetic beings of infinite potential and eternal life. So enlightened thinking is being able to sustain any challenges and do your best in the moment knowing that nothing is either good or bad, just experience for the purpose of finding your complete Being or connection to the Creative force of life.
David might like you to think of the Spiritual body where generosity resides and while generosity is an act in one gives liberally to another it might also be a quality of human experience that is characterized as more love, more energy, more ideas, more options and more to offer to others. People’s capacity to love in a generous way is born from their spiritual body. It might be a love of the world in which a person lives and the people in it. It can include the love of family, community, or an organization. For some it might be a love for the whole world. It is also the capacity to love one other person, or even oneself, in a generous compassionate way When you understand that you have a neve rending source of the universal power of love within you, then, in the universal power of love within you, then, in the atmosphere of that understanding you mind your body and your emotions learn to make that connection,
We thank David Karchere for a delightfully sensitive story of recognizing that we all are the sun and need to find how to let it shine it’s beauty and brightness into the world. In knowing more intuitively of our soul life, we may manage to deal with the physical world in kinder and more loving ways for soul growth and refinement and a pathway to bring heaven to earth or allow the best in each of us to shine bright into the world with greater love compassion and goodness.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have explored the mystery of our own humanity to begin to notice what is happening within so we can allow the events of life to fill our conscious space in a more truly integrated way. We have perhaps seen how the four cosmic forces are embodied by individual human beings. In thinking of how life may change if we brought an atmosphere of understanding to our whole human condition we might begin to see the beauty of our complete Being and then allow the sun or infinite compassion and love within to illuminate our atmosphere or energy field and create a new understanding of ourselves others and the world.
We have come to know that people are precious and the lives of all those who came before us matter. All they did that lets us be here now matters. If any of our ancestors did not live their lives we could not be here as we are now. We have learned that the infinite and eternal are not just energized stuff. They are not just energy and matter they are Universal Being embodied in human form.
David wrote, “Just as a cloudy night obscures the light of the stars, clouds in our consciousness can obscure the infinite and the eternal. Worries about the future can dominate thoughts and feelings. Grief about the past can haunt people, and anger can consume them. Because of theses clouds in consciousness people can lose touch with the vastness around then feel trapped in their immediate surroundings. They can forget their connections with that vast reality.”
David and I would have you open your mind and heart to the whispers and visions of higher Self and in meditation prayer, in the silence of the day or night, have a mystical magical experience that reminds you of your connection to Universal Being and that the birthright of infinite possibility is your gift to share and enjoy all the days of your physical life and later on beyond in Universal Life.