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The Path to Love Lies Within Waiting to be Found
- Jeffrey Antonucci
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence, The Living Spirit and my newly released book A New Life Awaits February 7, 2020 which shares an in order of discovery the awakening process, transformation of energy for healing and personal growth and a daily transition to living with health prosperity and love both in physical world and beyond when we are able to discover who we are as intuitive beings of energy having a physical life experience in order to refine our soul essence. Today I am delighted to welcome Jeffrey Antonucci author of Deep Within a Blueberry Sky who shares the fictional journey of Sarah as her grandparents ardently provide her the tools to know herself and life intimately and to find beauty in living with love.
As listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years my guests and I share intimate insights into the true nature of being not just in terms of our materialistic or ego based reality but the inner landscape of intuition soul being and eternal life which offer us the means to know ourselves the world universe and the laws of energy which can move us pass fear and limitation and any challenge to met life in the physical world with courage and trust.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Jeffrey Antonucci tells the story of Sarah a young spirited girl on her enchanting journey of adventure and discovery including her inner self that spans decades. As the plan is put into action we learn why her dedicated grandparents felt it necessary to provide their granddaughter with the tools and defense mechanisms she needed to succeed in an often challenging and unforgiving world. It may be your journey it certainly is mine and a journey that is the only way to find love and peace.
Shery tells Jeffrey that the title and cover of his book are quite mesmerizing to her. For as a medium when Sheryl meditates and receives the whispers of higher vibrational beings loved ones angels and Universal source to help guide us to moving past fear and the materialistic ego based reality to know the multi- dimensional aspects of our eternal light being she often senses in her inner eye a mountain of light in the distance and meadows and oceans that expand beyond this physical plane and where the colors are bright and beautiful for they are unhindered by the fear of the denser physical world where survival is often the main agenda. The cover looks like a higher world of eternal light.
The theme of the book is about the Power of Love and it’s transformative ability to help one on their journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Sarah the main character learns by the loving dedicated teachings of her grandparents that the power of love drives the entire universe from the sun rising to setting and an acorn the size of a nickel transforming into a towering majestic oak tree.
One of Sheryl’s favorite characters was the Owl who sat with a scowl which Jeffrey suggested might be his smile and he might be inviting you to visit him in his home in the forest and instead of being scared we might recognize that things are not always what they seem and if we have a positive thought it is more likely things will go well.
Jeffrey ends the book with these words which I enjoyed. “Then from the depths of this deep, dark primordial forest whispering to the hushed calm surrender in the harmonious rhythm of the night came the callings…hoot…hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot! When translated from perfect smiling owl speak to the perfectly aligned with the powers of the entire universe human speak means love… love… love… love… love!
Poppy Sarah’s grandfather taught Sarah about fishing and nature?
Jeffrey wrote, “After a satisfying lunch, Poppy Tom explained to Sarah in a loving mentoring manner, “Granddaughter please know that fishing is a privilege and a very responsible thing to do. We must respect the environment in which the brook trout and all wildlife live. Nature is their home and we’re only visiting. The brook trout need very clean cool water to be happy. I noticed that there’s a place where flooding has caused a washout, allowing dirt and rocks to enter the brook. If we expect there always to be many happy healthy brook trout, then we must also always keep the brook in which they live healthy. So Hollie and I would like you to help us make repairs to the bank of the brook.”
Sheryl says that it seems the world and its people are in the process of awakening as world events and rapid changes are leading us to evaluate our materialistic obsessions and the needs of our inner world of spiritual energy or soul essence. When we work in alignment to both we know the world and ourselves and our reason for being and can make the changes so necessary at this tipping point in human history. It is not a political economic social issue it is a spiritual emptiness and need to remember who we are and how life is intended to be lived in harmony with each other and the planet. In my new book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening we find if we pay attention that we are indeed more than our body and have the potential and opportunities to grow learn and live a happy healthy life but it takes self-investigation and self-mastery of emotions for us to access the divine spark of love that is within each of us.
A lovely poem that Poppy Tom and Grandma Jennie worked on together for Sarah’s 7th birthday follows:
The poem goes like this
To The Light of the World
Allow us to say with all of our hearts,
Treasure each day from the moment it starts.
Look for the good and never the bad,
Be the happy to those who are sad.
We know there are No Limits to what you can do,
So go out and discover worlds that are new.
Later when Sarah and Poppy Tom are going through the Dark Woods he tells her, “ My darling granddaughter, I promise you will find a bright new shiny world at the end of these Dark Woods and at the other end of any dark places you’ll ever have to through in your life as long as you look for the good and never the bad, are brave and believe that there are no limits to what you can do. Remember your poem, Sarah.
Sarah tells Poppy Tom that she knows her grandmother in spirit Grandma Jenny can see her walk,
Sarah tells her family that she doesn’t see her but feels her. Jeffrey writes, It’s a feeling, Poppy. It’s like when you’re cold and your mommy puts a fuzzy blanket over you and everything gets nice and warm and cuddly. Then I see lines from my poem. Not like the real poem that I keep in my pocket, but one that is behind my eyes when I have them closed. You know you can see things even when you have your eyes closed, right? Just like you taught me to see things using my imagination. When I close my eyes I can see the lines and they written very pretty and fancy, just like Grandma Jennie wrote. That’s how I know it’s her. Nobody writes as pretty as Grandma Jennie. When she’s by me a pretty smell comes too, Pops. It’s kind of like the way your bright shiny secret fishing spot smells all light and breezy…. Mommy Daddy these roses smell just like it does when Grandma Jennie comes to hug me.
Sheryl who is a medium says that she knows for a fact that our loved ones in Spirit are not far away at all as the energy of life and the past present and future are happening simultaneously and part of our energy may be in one place while part in another. Life and energy are eternal and consciousness survives physical death and Sheryl when she meditates to receive information from her clients sees hears feels and smells much of what spiritual souls wish to share with us.
Sarah tells us about her nickname and how she got it. Her nickname is Sarah Nigh in the Gale Sarah tells how the smiling faces come in the night and help her have an out of body experience where she visits other children who are sad and anxious and she shares a part of her poem given to her by her grandparents so spirit has given her a gift of healing to share with others and she helps them become the Lights of the Whole Wide World so their frowns and fears can run away.
One of Sarah’s favorite places in the story might be Grandma Jennie’s Mountain of the Singing Trees. She loved to play among the wild flowers whose fragrances made her nose all tingly and at that time her mother out there in nature taught her how to grow corn beans and squash. Her people called these vegetables The Three Sisters and they were a very important food source for her people. She also learned to make pretty baskets and do beading work on their clothing.
Sheryl really didn’t know Sarah had a physical challenge at the beginning of the story. Sarah had muscular dystrophy and by her grandparents teaching her about the higher worlds or dimensions of life they helped her realize there was help from above as well as from those here on earth and that there was a bigger view of who we are and why difficult challenges present themselves during the course of our lives.
Sheryl says it seems many children are very sensitive to the guides and souls that surround us all offering guidance and support as we navigate the physical challenges of a three dimensional physical world. Of course many adults find this dimension of eternal life forces well into their adulthood. I knew it as a child but never quite realized that there was an afterlife and that souls were always around me or that I was using my intuition or inner guidance system to make choices that helped myself or others…I now believe many people whether aware of this life force of creation helping us or not we are all benefiting for completing the mission or journey through life that we decided on as souls beyond and before taking on a physical life.
Sheryl thanks Jeffrey Antonucci author of Deep Within A Blueberry Sky for a sensitive story of finding reams of life and love within relationships family and nature and spiritual beauty in growing aware of our own human and divine potential to thrive and achieve success no matter the spiritual emotional or physical challenge we deal with.
In summarizing today’s episode of healing From Within we have talked about the special journey of a young girl Sarah who had a loving family help her find the special strength within her soul being that allowed her to conquer the fears of a physical health issue that had her confined to a wheel chair but was able to access her imagination encouraged by the love of her grandfather and grandmother in Spirit who guided her to find her own connection to Spirit the beauty of the world here and beyond and achieve a form of spiritual awareness and communication which helped her and others to know that we are more than our physical body and life has layers and layers of beauty and wisdom if we move past the fear and limitations of any challenge to climb the mountain of our own dreams.
Jeffry and I offer you the truth of what this life has to offer and it is quite simply to remember who you are as the light and love of an eternal universe of magic and miracles ever changing and always available to those who see past the ordinary to the extraordinary.