Internet Radio Show
The Power of Your Angels
- Isabelle von Fallois
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In today’s episode of Healing from Within, your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit- Answers For Healing and Infinite Love welcomes Isabelle von Fallois author of The Power of Your Angels a book which contains a short practical program featuring channeled angel messages and pragmatic suggestions for action to make positive changes for your highest good. Pianist Isabelle von Fallois was diagnosed with a life-threatening form of leukemia and after fighting the illness for 4 years had a powerful and profound encounter with Archangel Raphael which changed her life forever and helped her to heal.
In the beginning of the book, Isabelle describes how ill she was that almost prevented her from performing at a piano recital. She describes a high fever which had been a common occurrence for more than 18 months. Isabelle tells us that after collapsing and having a rather painful bone marrow procedure in Munich, Germany, “The doctor came to my room around midnight and said this was a life threatening situation and I was hovering between life and death. Aware that music was my burning desire they allowed an electric stage piano to be in my hospital room. I sat and played even as the chemotherapy infusions were running into my arm..even when I could not play it helped me visualize that I would travel and give concerts again. During this time I also lost my partner, my house, and my place to study in California..I had hit rock bottom and didn’t know if I could recover.”
Isabelle then tells us that during her illness, Archangel Raphael helped her the most. Raphael reminds us what we often forget until our body suddenly does not function perfectly. Remember that a powerful body is predestined to be surrounded by a powerful aura so strive for that. In particular in these times of light-body development accelerating your evolution on all levels, mind body and spirit, do not be surprised if there are cycles where all you want to do is rest Raphael reminds us to think and speak about positive topics and about how the food nourishes you and increases your energy…put aside your cell phone do not listen to TVor the radio and avoid negative programs so you do not absorb this information into your system along with the food.
Isabelle’s book, The Power of Your Angels, is structured with each chapter consisting of quotes; channeling-angel messages, true stories, reflections or observations of the stories, activities, soul affirmations and soul journeys.
Since it takes 21 to 28 days to break old habits in our neural pathways, the personal journey outlined in each chapter features a daily channeled angel message alongside exercises, rituals, and soul journeys to help you purify and raise your vibrations. The step by step process increased daily contact with your personal angels and helps to form a more positive belief system so that synchronicities and miracles become a standard part of life. Complete with meditations, real life examples and pragmatic suggestions for action you may efficiently manifest more of your dreams.
Isabelle suggests that Guardian Angels watch over each of us from the beginning until the end of our life. Even people who may not believe in angels have two guardian angels around at all times. They wish for us to include them in our lives more but because of the law of free will they are only allowed to help if you ask them or if you find yourself in a life threatening situation before your time is up. One of the two angels radiates a more masculine energy and one a feminine energy and their energies feel quite distinctive. The more feminine guardian angel has the task to be by your side and support you to open your heart and to listen to you and to comfort you when necessary while the more masculine angel protects you and also occasionally pushes you so that you do not lose your way since he has to make sure that you fulfill your life plan.
Isabelle describes activities for more stillness in our lives such as meditation, transcendental meditation, primordial sound meditation, candle meditation guided meditation journey, dancing meditation, walking meditation trance meditation.
Some other suggestions she makes for greater well being are:
Plan holiday time, write in a journal, create mobile computer TV free hours or days, Pamper your body, use lotions or oils massage, energy healing sessions, work with a spiritual teacher. Get moving: yoga dancing etc. Talk to your body everyday and see what it needs She suggests you ask Archangel Raphael for advice
Isabelle describes her encounter with Angel Lavinia who is the angel who helps people “Face Their Shadows.” Lavinia is the angel who helps to transform your shadows or dark impulses into love. In these times of change and a greater increase in vibration of individuals and the planet it may sometimes seem very strange to you that there is nevertheless so much darkness in the world. Even in you, although you are striving for the light, time and again, shadows appear that you have long believed overcame. Thus, Lavinia asks us not to judge ourselves when once again faced with these shadows but to transform them with help from her through transparent green healing energy. Through learning to accept and love your shadows you will be able to turn them into the greatest helpers on the path towards wholeness.
In recognizing what disturbs us most about a person or situation, or observing a behavior where you have acted in that same way producing unwelcomed results you must come to see yourself and the person with new eyes- a new perception then enables us to see these shadows or behaviors with love and acceptance. Gandhi wrote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Remember you cannot change any situation, any person in the outer world, but only heal the things within yourself. Always ask when something happens to disturb you “What can I learn from this? How can I grow through this?”
In each chapter Isabelle has a message from the Angels. Sheryl tells Isabelle that she has been told by several mediums that Archangel Michael has been a dynamic force in her work as a healer and medium and helps us, as Isabelle expressed in her chapter on Michael that he helps us retrieve Soul Parts , release pain and restore us to our true state of courage love and trust.
Archangel Michael says “Every time in your life you have received deep emotional wounds and the pain has been more than you can bear, some parts of yourself have taken their leave from you. This is the reason you may ask yourself, Why is it that I do not feel complete?” The power of love and of the angels can transform everything. Your only task is to face your hurts and to understand that is they that have been the greatest influences on your way, and have allowed you to grow into the person that you are today. Believe me, beloved being, we on the higher levels deeply honor you for that! To retrieve those lost parts of yourself you have only to ask. Remember the truly great things happen in sacred simplicity, and it is the same with this.”
Isabelle tells the personal story of Roy Martina who was born on September 29th -the so called day of Michael and how Michael came to him in a dream and helped him understand his divorce from his wife was necessary. Michael told him that divorce would be the right decision at this point and that it had been part of his life plan from the beginning, since it contributed to both he and his wife for their soul journeys and healing. Don’t be afraid Michael went on to say…All will be well. With time your wife Erica will find someone who loves her and wants to share his life with her and you too will find someone who loves you and will be with you. Now, however it it time to cut through the karmic connections that bind you to to each other. These are why you cannot let go and suffer so much. Isabelle described how these etheric cords bind us to another individual and how they can disturb the flow of energy.
Roy in a dream supplied by Michael was able to see a vision of his wife Erica as she stood in front of him and they were connected by thousands of wires or cords One was as rusty and thick as an elephant trunk and linked their hearts to each other…there was no energy flowing and Archangel Michael declared that our heart connection had dried up because of the bitterness and conflict and that by this point we were exchanging only negative energy. With a quick subtle movement of his blue sword of flames he severed this connection and all the other energetic bonds between us. Then he spoke the words: You had to forgive Erica and ask for her forgiveness, otherwise new negative energetic cords will manifest themselves.
Roy was able to retrieve parts of his heart left behind due to the pain with regard to his mother Erica and his children and he was flooded with a new energy After this experience the energy between Erica and me changed and the divorce proceedings went well, a strong base for friendship trust and caring for each other was possible.
The lesson here is every time you are wounded on the soul level some of your soul parts have gone missing. With traumas or in situations that remind you of them your ego asserts itself not because the situations are that bad but because it wants to protect you…..a so called self-protection mechanism. If you accept this as it is you can move towards healing the duality of your soul and ego or spirit and physical life…all our lessons are designed towards resolving the separation and bringing us into Oneness or Unity which is part of evolution and Universal Energy.
Sheryl wonders if Isabelle can tell us what she would like readers to take away with them after reading “The Power of the Angels.” Isabelle says, “Since you are reading this book now your soul has proclaimed that it is time to commit with the help of the angels to an even deeper connection with yourself and your authentic self. Only when you know and love yourself are you able to heal and become the highest expression of yourself.” Know that in the process you will be confronted again and again with your fears and weaknesses. Work with a friend or alone and seriously commit to working on yourself and persevere with the program.
Sheryl and Isabelle have shared Isabelle’s miraculous journey of healing which left her a Master teacher and interpreter for the many angels who surround her and she describes them as wonderful and powerful beings of light, many of whom are assigned to help protect and watch over you in this physical world. By arranging coincidences synchronistic events and miracles they assure you meet the right people and are at the right place for something to happen.
The Angels with love and fortitude help you handle your challenges and develop your spiritual gifts when you begin to ask for their assistance. They share remarkable simple truths and help us understand the way they love us and wait for us to call on them to assist us to conquer karma, cut ties and end relationships that no longer work best for completing our pre-destined life plan and also show us how to retrieve the soul parts that have been lost through trauma fear or personal limitations.
As Sheryl explained in The Living Spirit, she is often asked by clients, “Why do so many people not succeed in fulfilling their life’s dreams.” Sheryl responded it is because they are often only concerned with the outside world and are not tapping into the immense inner wisdom and intuition of their soul life and the valuable information from Spirit which allow us to know our physical and spiritual energies. When we stop thinking with our ego or mind and start feeling with our hearts we are then assisted by many spiritual beings of light helping us now in these changing times to raise our vibration and connect with them so we may recognize the bigger and divine plan for evolution and for a more humane society.
Isabelle wrote, ”We humans—the angels told me—usually start something new full of enthusiasm, however often we are not able to sustain this, instead—long standing beliefs and belief patterns that we carry around with us for years affect us more strongly than we would like or are even aware of: they sabotage us in such a subtle way that we often do not even know when our subconscious mind has switched to autopilot…. I think many of us are familiar with these mechanisms. It is necessary to work for a period of time so new behaviors can be created and past programming discarded.”
Isabelle and Sheryl would ask you to open your minds and hearts, trust in the Invisible world of the Divine and allow yourself to experience greater energy and the loving help from above to truly bring more peace love and harmony into your everyday experiences and to know you are never Alone.. As Sheryl’s mom used to say “What have you got to lose”..if the old way is not working try a new approach.