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The Real Truth About Twin Flames
- Elle Hari
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges in a physical life are not merely economic political or societal but often a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Elle Hari author of Twin Flames Exposed which shares a new way of understanding Twin Souls more productively and with greater insight.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her sensitive and intuitive guests share intimate and insightful stories that help us realize that we are spiritual beings having a physical life which allows the soul to remember who we are and why we have chosen a physical life and then offers us infinite opportunities to work with both our ego based mind reality and our inner master of our emotions as we refine our thoughts and realize that our thoughts and actions are creating either our worst nightmares or most delightful fantasies. We are the masters of our own destiny.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Elle Hare will share why a study of Twin Flames was so important for her and what she learned from her teacher who was the world’s leading expert on twin flames.
First let’s get a clearer understanding of what Twin Flames really are. Elle says Twin Flames are not Soulmates. What are they and how common are they in this physical life? Twin Flames are actually the same soul. The soul inhabits two physical bodies when it is incarnated here in the three -dimensional physical world with separate polarities like a magnetic negative/positive charge. In order for the soul to return to this plane it has to accommodate the duality of our Earthly manifested existence. So it splits in two—one part going into one body and the other part into another. Your Twin Flame is your identical soul with the opposite charge. Soulmates are just one speck of our shared divine essence but they are not the direct match that a Twin Flame is.
Therefore, everyone is a soul mate but there is only one Twin Flame.
Rumi wrote, ‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Elle tells us how she became interested to learn more about Twin Flames and how she found a teacher who could help you her.
By the time you release all false thoughts about Twin Flames and love, you will be able to walk the path to physically and lovingly relating with your twin flame in this lifetime. Elle knows this because she worked with many so called gurus in search of understanding what she was seeking and what eluded her in finding love. She finally began working with for her the only truly conscious and successful twin flame facilitator. Elle invested years of her life working and learning from her every single day until the time she was unable physically to work.
Elle learned that everyone’s twin flame journey is unique and individual but when her twin flame suddenly physically disappeared from her life she was left shattered on the floor wishing to die. Many breakups, whether it be with a Twin Flame or soulmate, are very painful and often take time to recover from. Elle tells us she had been through bad break ups before and even a messy divorce that lasted years but none of them had left her near as heartbroken as this.
She had no idea what was going on and why she was so severely devasted and her twin flame relationship had been only 6 weeks. Elle was so ashamed and disgusted with her reaction and behaviors.
Elle’s breakup was so severe and Elle so desperately wanted to get back together with him. Why was she pulled into different directions in pain, confused, and didn’t want to live without him. She knew she needed help to understand the depth of this attachment and knew she needed a teacher to help her.
Finally, after 6 months and several teachers she found an amazing woman who was able to help her get over her gut -wrenching pain in less than a week. And even magnetize Elle’s Twin Flame back into her physical life in no time.
Even after reconnecting with her Twin Flame Elle continued to work with her teacher/mentor learning all about the many conceivable situations that arise from being with a Twin Flame. Elle wrote this book to share all that she learned from the person who she felt shared the greatest knowledge of Twin Flames and to continue to help other twin flames find peace happiness and unconditional love here on earth.
People can meet and find love with their Twin Flame. The first step to increasing the potentiality of being with your twin flame in the physical world is to empty your cup. Clear your mind of anything and everything you think you know about twin flames and begin with a clean slate. Even if your mind is probably full of questions and conclusion and you’re longing for answers.
The twin flame journey is a journey of the soul. The rules that usually govern relationships don’t apply to twin flames, and if you try to approach anything with your twin flame from that’s space you’ll only serve to push him/her away in the physical world. This is because what transpires between twin flames isn’t a relationship. It’s a reunion of the soul. Your soul is orchestrating your entire life. It’s doing everything. It brings everyone and everything that’s in your life into and out of it. Everyone of us is operating from our own level of consciousness and we are all exactly where we’re supposed to be at any given moment. It’s all working perfectly. We are also constantly evolving growing and changing. So if you read this book now and come back to it in a few days weeks or months the same words could take on an entirely different meaning to you. A twin flame journey is then a journey of the soul. It’s about yourself and has nothing to do with the physical form or personality of your twin flame….It only has to do with your self—your soul.
Just be aware that the sooner you accept that truth and can shift your focus from the physical form of your twin flame onto and into yourself, the sooner your twin flame will mirror that and start focusing on you as well.
One of the risks of going it solo is a certain mania that accompanies this type of relationship. Elle has developed a proprietary method that helps people overcome the pain and obsessive thoughts associated with a Twin Flame journey and to eventually have a loving physical relationship with their Twin Flames. There is a chance that your opposite polarization can repel your Twin Flame away from you. Some couples make it and others may only be short lived. And then there is a chance you may never actually encounter your Twin Flame.
There are Limiting Beliefs surrounding Twin Flames.
Limiting Belief # 1 Not everyone or only certain people have a twin flame. To realize how this couldn’t be true one must understand the Divine Truth of Creation. This explanation comes from Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
It is thought that from the main source energy (god universe life force nature divine) numerous bodies of light and source energy (ovoids) emerged and from those ovoids even more emerged. Although every ovoid descends fom the same source, they all have their own unique signature vibration that they share with no other ovoid. When you incarnate, you must form two halves of yourself—both maintaining your own unique signature vibration but with a different charge. Think of it like the polarity of a magnet—one half is the negative charge and the other half is the positive charge. The other half of yourself—with the exact signature frequency vibration and opposite charge is your twin flame We have to do this to incarnate into a physical life on earth because to exist on this plane there must be duality.
In other words, in the physical realm everything has it’s exact opposite and this is the only place where that exists Examples include: good/bad, light/dark up/down hot/cold and so on. In order to experience duality we must be duality. Incidentally that’s why we incarnate. So that we the (ovoids that we are in between lifetimes) can evolve and learn and the only way to truly know and experience something is by experiencing what it is not, or it’s opposite.
So not only does everyone have a twin flame no one would be here in the physical world without being one. Out of all the beings in the entire cosmos there’s only one out there that shares your exact same soul, who’s identical to you at the very essence of who you are. It’s the most sacred bond there is. And its you. Your true self (your soul is also your twin flame’s exact same soul. So who you are the very essence of you on your deepest subconscious level is also your twin flame.
Limiting Belief # 2 Twin Flames and Soul Mates are different words for the same thing.
There is only one twin flame for every person. Twin flames are literally two halves of the exact same soul.
You can and do have many soul mates and they can be in many forms: male, female adult child friend relative lover animal etc. A soul mate is a being with whom you have a close vibrational match.
Limiting Belief #3 You will know without a doubt when you meet your twin flame. You will feel a strong, immediate connection/a sense of knowing/like you are home.” However this love at first sight notion simply isn’t true for the majority of twin flames when they encounter each other for the first time in a lifetime. The truth is there are twin flames who pass each other on the street and have no idea they’re twin flames. Some people have been married to their twin flames and have no idea that they are twin flames.
The majority of twin flames on earth have the same relating experiences with each other as they would with anyone else. To know that you have met your twin flame and have that familiarity and sense of “home” you have to have soul recognition of your twin flame.
It seems that we are part of the very first wave of people who have had soul recognition of their twin flame. People are just recently beginning to have soul recognition of their twin flames on earth. This is happening because the collective consciousness of all people on earth is increasing and at a much faster pace than ever before. As more people’s consciousness increases, it raises the consciousness of the entire world as a whole.
Limiting Belief # 4 There are various phases and stages to the twin relationship including a “runner’ and a “chaser.”
Elle tells us there is no such thing as a runner or chaser. What does Divine Truth of Creation teach us? That our opposing charged energies are what repeal us and our twin flames. So how is that a runner or chaser? It’s merely opposing energies ..think of magnet.
Now on the surface on the physical mental and emotional levels it may appear as though one of the twin flames is running away and the other twin flame is chasing. But we are not really
The only thing to concern ourselves with is staying and believing the process and balancing our energy at the deepest subconscious level.
Your soul is a unique vibration of source energy and your soul wants nothing more than to reunite with itself…your other half…your twin flame. You can align enough with your soul to magnetize your twin flame into your life …You are in charge Only you.
Limiting Belief # 5 You (and/or your twin flame) need to heal yourself/clear past life karma/learn certain lessons before you can be together.
Remember this is not a mere physical relationship it is a reunion of the soul. That energy that would be directed toward getting your twin flame is the same energy that often repels your twin flame if it is not balanced within you.
If you are questioning an experience that you thought was a twin flame situation, stop right now. The good news is that it doesn’t matter. Why? Because the twin soul journey is a journey of the soul….YOUR SOUL. If you set our and continue on your journey into yourself and you will find everything you seek along the way.
Even if you’ve never met or don’t know if you’ve met your twin flame in this lifetime the more aligned with yourself you become the greater the potentiality that you will materialize your twin flame into your life. And doing so is the ONLY way you can have a peaceful stable physical relationship with your twin flame.
To know and be with your twin flame you have to balance the opposing energies between you and your twin flame in order to collapse the duality between you. Remember align means to understand or know and love Self equals soul.
You must realize there could be physical challenges to overcome in coming to be with a twin flame such as a rather large age difference, one or both could be married, they could be the same gender when neither twin flame is gay, they could be different races or religions and live on opposite sides of the earth.
Another one is that the initial relating time between the twin flames could be fairly short no longer than 3 months with an average time span of 6 weeks.
Twin flames seem to have similar passions and interests. They could resemble each other in looks especially around the eyes.
Synchronicities start to occur on a regular basis like seeing certain numbers but also hearing the person’s name all over the place or seeing cars like theirs.
Non twin flame relationships can have these characteristics as well.
If for some reason a person is separated from their Twin Flame can they have successful relationships with other soul mates?
Of course they can and will.
There are lots of twins being born now. Might some of them be Twin Flames? Does a Twin Flame relationship always have to be a romantic relationship or could it be two people with the same soul here to work on a certain problem and solution?
Remember the Mayans who were extremely conscious civilization by today’s standards. They predicted the world would end 12/12/12. Well the world has begun to enter a new age known as The “New Golden Age” when humans will transition from being mind/ego driven to soulful. It’s a time filled with massive spiritual awakenings and less attachment to limitation and physical and material things. It’s already having a significant impact around the world. Look at all the companies that are “green” and socially more conscious.
In order to become more spiritually awakened as we are now and conscious enough to make this transition it is necessary for people to truly begin to know, understand and love themselves to love their souls. And that’s exactly what the twin flame journey is….an increased awareness of your self on a soul level.
Soul recognition between twin flames is the very first step of that journey which is why more and more people and at a faster rate are experiencing soul recognition of their twin flames. The “first wavers” as they are being called have ventured into little known waters and this is why there is so much erroneous and confusing information surrounding twin flames.
There simply haven’t been many people who have experienced soul recognition of their twin flames before now.
Sheryl says that she feels many people seek their other half or to know and be known by a beloved and of course that search is part of the search for self and eternal connection to All that is but the soul must be ready to shift from old beliefs or the physical hold of the outside world and go within and that takes a sense of maturity available often after many challenges. It has been through her readings and connection to higher source that sheryl has begun to realize how many false beliefs hold us back from realizing our spiritual gifts and using them for helping others.
In Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening where global awakening is much like an individual soul awakening but on a larger level. she writes, “ Some people think mediums are going against the doctrines of certain religions, and this way of thinking concerns me greatly, as they are rejecting the gifts that God gives all of us through an awareness of a God Consciousness and a love for life and truth, as He raises our consciousness to find our soul divinity. Throughout the earliest recordings of miracles, devoted people have worked to follow God’s messages, to be closer to the Spiritual realms, to help people deal with the human condition, and to create a prosperous, healthy lifestyle worthy of Spirit’s hopes for humanity.
I believe mediums receive their gift from this divine, intelligent energy source and are born to serve. As people mature, look past right and wrong concepts, and accept themselves and the world, they come to know peace and through prayer, meditation, and study, forge a more intimate relationship with the divine so their connection to God deepens.”
Elle might like you to remember Limiting Belief # 6 which says You and your twin flame are destined to fulfill an earthly mission, create a vortex of healing energy, feel each other’s pain, read each other’s’ minds, experience a true Kundalini rising and or ascend together. You’re practically super heroes blessed with a greater number of chakras than normal and you will cause the entire world to fall into complete havoc and devastation, if you and your twin flame are not together.
Here's the deal. Any and all talk of twin flames having a sacred mission to fulfill or any kind of super powers is a reference to the sacred twin flame reunion and the operative word here is SACRED. While twin flames are the most sacred bond and their coming together is a reunion of the soul the Sacred twin flame union is what occurs when both twin flames have reached ascension.
To reach ascension here on earth means that both twin flames have to be completely aligned with their soul to the point that the physical world (duality) ceases to exist. It means being fully conscious awakened and aligned. But to put this into perspective there is no one currently on Earth who has attained ascension Some people believe that certain people have attained ascension throughout history. These people are known as the Ascended Masters and include esteemed names such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad Archangel Michael St Germain, Confuscius and dozens more including the Mayans who were a mystical group of advanced souls.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Elle Hari has shown listeners that what most people think they know about Twin Flames isn’t true and by learning the truth you can clear a path towards beginning the process of magnetizing your twin flame back into your life.
As Rumi wrote, “If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you from the beginning of me.” As Elle tells us The Process is recognizing and eliminating all limiting beliefs about twin flames and becoming aware that the twin flame journey is a journey of the soul…not the mind. And know that the soul is limitless infinite and eternal. Therefore every twin soul journey is unique and individual. The one thing they all have in common is that they are a journey of the self. To understand, know and love your self is to understand know and love your twin flame. How you do that is by balancing the opposite energies within you and your twin flame and that gets done in the process. Remember that your soul is doing everything and your soul is magnetizing everything and everyone into your life that matches the vibration of the current level of your alignment with your soul.
Remain present and just “be” in the now. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! and ultimately that is the best way to succeed in all your finest intentions and dreams.
Sheryl Glick RMT and author of a trilogy including A New Life Awaits and to learn more about energy soul spirit and the metaphysical approaches to understanding duality and our physical and spiritual journey go to her website and listen to leaders in the field help you answer age old questions of infinite wisdom to know life eternal in all it’s miraculous aspects. Shows may also be heard on and