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The Science of Precognition- Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life
- Dr. Julia Mossbridge
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Welcome to ‘Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakenings spiritual communication healing energies intuition and ways to understand your energetic and human aspects. Today we welcome Dr. Julia Mossbridge co-author with Theresa Cheung of The Premonition Code which addresses an unprecedented shift in scientific understanding of reality and the underlying potential for psychic and precognitive abilities that are within all of us.
Listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect over the years that Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and insights into the world of mind body and spirit as they seek to understand the creative forces of life which influence our subconscious and conscious view of reality and the world. Beyond time and space, there is the eternal life force of soul and spirit. When we transcend the limitation to that thinking we know ourselves as energy beings having a physical life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Dr Mossbridge will share with us what precognition is and the different types, how to tell when premonition is a genuine precognition or just a coincidence, an overview of the science of time, scientifically validated evidence for precognition, including what is known, and what is still a mystery, and tools to help cultivate our own precognitive experiences.
We begin by discussing that having a hunch that an old acquaintance will make contact, dreaming about a plane crash or feeling excited by a knowingness that you will win a raffle are all examples of premonitions, assuming the event you predicted does occur. Precognition is the scientific name for premonitions—precognition is the knowledge or perception of the future. Premonitions are common—precognitive dreams are by far the most reported psychic experience by Westerners with between 15-30 percent of people having experienced them. Premonitions may also occur in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, flashing thoughts entering the mind, a sense of knowing and physiological changes that portend future events.
Originally premonitions were considered to be forewarnings of negative events. Now however people use the word to mean receiving any information about a future event positive or negative. Precognition is also a scientific name for a group of abilities that have to do with knowing or using information about the future without drawing on information from the five senses memory or logic. Premonitions are one of those abilities—a premonition is a feeling or sense about a future event. Clairvoyance seeing things in the present beyond the range of ordinary perception and psycho kinesis, changing or moving things in the physical world using only your mind, or telepathy, two minds sharing information are other psychic skills.
Sheryl says, “ As a medium or clairvoyant I receive information for people so they can know themselves and understand the nature of both human and energetic life, but for our listeners to know, sometimes information comes in and doesn’t make much sense at that moment, so we simply dismiss it. Years ago, I was flying in from Toronto to New York City and it was a bright clear day. I could see the whole skyline. Suddenly a thought went through my head, “If a plane goes into the city, it will cause a lot of damage. I was distressed by that thought and a week later, the planes hit Twin Towers. Other psychics and mediums picked up similar premonitions but weren’t able to completely understand it. Some events it seems, as unfortunate as they are, must happen. Sometimes a premonition can be extremely helpful and at other times there is little that can change events which we deem to be dreadful.
Precognitive events have shaped the lives of our authors and most of the case studies described in the book. In the book Julia tells the story of Theresa who co-authored this book with her. Theresa tells of a premonition in a dream that saved her life and the life of her unborn children and also was, she believes, the catalyst for her career as a spiritual writer and popular dream expert. Theresa writes, “In the dream which appeared like a movie I was wandering in a field of flowers and feeling very content. I even felt the sun shining on my skin. I came to a point in the field where there were two directions. The road to the left was filled with beautiful things and I saw my beloved cat Krystal who had passed away 15 years or so ago. I wanted to head down that path, but then I hear my mother calling my name and telling me—just take the right path. What troubled me was the right path was filled with shadows. I couldn’t see the way ahead. I didn’t want to take that path but I knew my mother wanted me to. She told me the right path was the path of my intuition. When I woke up I missed my mother as I always did, for she had passed away several years before. That day I was headed to my first radio interview and running late. I was stuck behind two massive trucks going very slow. We reached a junction and I had a clear choice: I could turn left and follow the slow trucks or go right. Suddenly I remembered my dream and heard my mother telling me to take the right path. I was five minutes late getting to the interview and I had to wait another ten years before being invited on to talk about my paranormal research. Driving home my irritation turned to horror when I saw an accident three or more cars smashed into the truck I had been following. All three drivers in the cars behind the truck that stopped for a stray dog in the road had been killed. I had grown up in a family of psychics and spiritualists and was frustrated by my inability to glimpse the unseen or what was called, “the sight.” That night I had another dream that showed me that the three victims of the accident in spirit were fine and well, and I was filled with the desire to make those souls proud of the chance to spread the word that there most definitely is more to this life than meets the eye.”
Sheryl says that for her the gift of awareness or connecting to higher energy to receive messages for others so they can know that they are spiritual beings having a physical life as well as know that their energy of soul existence is eternal, has helped her conquer many of the fears of her earlier life. Knowing she is empathic and picks up physical symptoms feelings or fears from others, makes Sheryl know she must be able to ground herself and quickly balance any anxiety that temporarily affects her. Sheryl was able to do volunteer work for hospice for eight years where her sensitivities and spiritual gifts helped patients and family to be more comfortable about the transition they were about to make.
Sheryl shares with Julia that she usually has what seems to be coincidences or synchronicity with her talented guests, but as the author of Life Is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection Sheryl knows there really are no coincidences only connections to an Intelligent Universal Source that works through us, with us, and around us for evolution and change. Sheryl notices that Julia has endorsements from Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven and Living in A Mindful Universe and also Steven Taylor author of Spiritual Science who have been guests on the show and endorsements from Deepak Chopra and James Van Praagh who she has met over the years. Julia goes on to share what seemed to be a coincidence with her co-author Theresa Cheung who knew she would write this book The Premonition Code way before Julia knew.
In the foreword of The Premonition Code by Dean Radin he describes a simple shift in worldwide view that is compatible with existing paradigm as horizontal slices within a pyramid. Can you tell us something of that and why it may help us to make sense of exceptional forms of consciousness such as genius savants and psychic phenomena?
The bottom layer of the pyramid is in accordance with the doctrine of materialism, the physical world. Above that is chemistry and above that, biology, then the neurosciences with psychology at the top. Materialism asserts that somewhere in the upper tier of this pyramid, conscious awareness somehow emerges just like biology emerges out of chemistry and chemistry emerges out of physics. Core elements within each layer of the knowledge pyramid permeate all layers above it. For example electrons are key concepts in chemistry biology neuroscience and so on. Based on this pyramid model, it’s hard to imagine how something as ephemeral as consciousness which rests atop the knowledge pyramid conceptually far removed from physics—can perceive through space and time. With this in mind, let’s revise our knowledge pyramid by adding a new bottom layer. Let’s call it Awareness. The new layer can be imagined as a primordial proto-substance that is prior to or transcends physics including ideas about space time energy and matter. All of the physics we know today including quantum physics emerges from this fundamental awareness, so all of the explanatory power of materialism remains intact for all levels above it. And because the consciousness we are considering comes about before time and space, suddenly genius, savants and psychic phenomena are no longer weird anomalies. They begin to make sense, because all of these exceptional forms of consciousness share a commonality—they do not appear to be bound by the everyday limits of space and time.
Sheryl says , “As she was studying how psychics and energy healing was possible, beyond her methodical, scientific training and mindset, she kept hearing and sensing the words “time and space” and wasn’t sure what Spirit or Universal Consciousness wanted her to connect to. It seems beyond time and space and the physical world there is just energy and each of us is connected to this primordial source of expansive eternal death, just transformation and new creation.
In the book there is a story of Gary a traveling salesman who has a premonition. Gary was a travelling salesman and dreamed of driving down a road he didn’t recognize where he passed a church before coming to a sharp corner. Before he had a chance to slow down in his dream. the headlights of an ongoing car appeared in front of him. The car was travelling fast and he woke up at the moment of impact. Gary was sweating and shaking just as if I had been there. He forgot about the dream until he found himself days later driving to collect a delivery on a road he didn’t know. Gary saw the church he had seen in his dream. He found himself slowing down and suddenly another car came hurling around the corner at a crazy speed, with a police car following it. In his original dream there hadn’t been a police car. Gary truly believes the dream saved his life…It was a miracle.
Sheryl says that she recently interviewed Kathleen O’Keefe Kavanos and Dr. Larry Burk authors of Dreams that Can Save Your Life relating true stories of many people who dreamed of health challenges that assisted them in requesting the proper treatments that ultimately saved their lives
Now not all premonitions or precognitive events are that stunning. One night years ago Sheryl had a dream of a man with a big smile and shiny bald head writing on a chalkboard. The man looked a bit like my father –in- law or my sister’s husband but wasn’t either of them. Sheryl had never seen him before. Days later Sheryl brought a copy of her first book Life Is No Coincidence to her agent in New York and then proceeded to a workshop with SQuire Rushnell author of God’s Winks. As soon as she took her seat, a man with a broad smile and baseball cap went down the aisle shaking everyone’s hand and announced that he was SQuire Rushnell, the guest speaker. Sheryl thought his manner and approach was very lovely. Soon he took his place on the podium, and started to write on a chalkboard. Next he took off his hat and turned to the audience. Sheryl was startled to see the exact face she had seen in her dream. At the end of the show, Sheryl went up and told him what happened and that like him was having constant messages or coincidences from Spirit. When Sheryl started this radio show “Healing From Within” a few years later, SQuire was one of the first people kind enough to join her for an interview. Sheryl calls these coincidences little blessings or miracles for those on the path of knowing that life is a great gift.
Precognitions can help you prepare for the future. Dr Stanley Krippner who is well known for his work on telepathic and cognitive dreams shared two precognitive dreams about his father’s death that he had when he was in his forties. In the first dream he saw a hearse pulling up to his childhood home. The driver took away his father, his next-door neighbor and the father of a grade school classmate. The first died his father and next door neighbor died a few months after the dream. The father of the grade school friend died within a year of the dream. He had recorded the dream in his dream journal because by this time he already knew the power of precognition as a preparation tool.
Sheryl says her Aunt Lily shared some of her mystical awareness thinking and a premonition she had personally two weeks before her father passed. Aunt Lily dreamed her father died, but didn’t mention it to her mother. Sheryl hopes Lily didn’t feel she was in any way the cause of that event for she was only a teenager. Sheryl as a medium knows we all have a time to come and to go, and it is in our eternal soul plan. There can of course be changes, but generally not so much.
Sheryl shares a precognitive dream she had when she was sick with the flu 26 years ago. In her dream Sheryl sensed her grandfather who had died many years before trying to tell her something. While she couldn’t quite hear him as she normally hears people talking to her she knew he was telling her in her thoughts to write something for her father. The next day Sheryl got a phone call from her mother who told her dad had passed. Sheryl wrote his eulogy, but the feelings and connection to her grandfather in energy led her to develop intuition, study Reiki energy healing, and develop her ability to download precognitive information from Spirit, the Universe or that place beyond physical life and time and space. Sheryl has tried to use that gift to help others develop their own soul awareness and spiritual gifts.
Julia felt that her life’s work at some point was to teach and learn about time. What really is time? Most of us think of it as some kind of flow of events, from the past through the present, and into the future. We remember the past, live in the present and the future is unknown. Precognition, however, makes no sense of that common definition suggesting that the future can be glimpsed in the now. Of course it can and by the many stories in this book we discover how it all works.
Sheryl says One day I had a client and in reading a saw a large grasshopper and she didn’t know what that meant so I said Well it may make sense later. A week later she was cleaning out a drawer and a giant grasshopper jumped out. Isn’t that great so we know the past has already happened and we don’t need to worry about it. I think perhaps the past present and future are happening at the same time in swirling energy that we are all connected to and time is not linear so at times our energy is in the past or future and that’s quite miraculous.
Julia wrote in The Premonition Code, “Even though philosophers and scientists have a difficult time defining time, one thing is for sure-if we could discover a way to make more time, we might be able to solve every mystery and cure every disease. We would have all the time in the world to heal broken hearts, learn about every subject, correct all mistakes and become infinitely wise in the process.”
Sheryl says that many people have discovered that reincarnation is a reality know that the soul is eternal and constantly evolving and changing so we seem to have all the time in the Universe.
Physicists don’t seem to agree on whether the flow of time exists at all. Some physicists suggest that the flow of time is a complete illusion and we live in a series of “nows” that are static, and not flowing in any sense of the word. While others feel time is so essential to the workings of the universe that it is liked a fundamental force. To make things more confusing for most physics equations, time can go in either direction: forward or backwards.
The psychologist and cognitive neuroscientists pursue a relationship to their thoughts on time. Most of them focus their investigations on the mental experience of time as opposed to the physical time. Understanding the science of precognition or how we might access information about events that occur in the future of our own personal temporal flow might sound like mental time travel rather than physical time travel, and might be entirely correct.
Dr. Julia Mossbridge might like readers to take away with them after reading The Premonition Code one idea out of all the ideas on causality causal loops quantum effects and different ways to resolve the paradoxes that seem to emerge from causal loops. You will find a lot of disagreement about how the flow of time works and how or whether one thing causes another, and may find that the everyday feeling that the future has no effect on the present is not necessarily true. As a result of the current uncertainty about time and causality, in philosophical and scientific circles, it is not at all unreasonable to talk in a serious way about the possibility of genuine precognition. We also hope that our brief mention of spirituality has opened your mind to the idea that there may be a spiritual perspective as well.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” it has been Sheryl’s great pleasure to share this discussion on the many years of exploring the mysteries of time and space and spiritual awareness of the complexities of human and energetic life in order to garnish a greater way to advance this great potential we all share: to be present, aware, and to utilize precognition, premonition, psychic gifts such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and psycho-kinesis to learn more about the creative force of Universal Life and to use this knowledge to further understand ourselves as spiritual beings having a physical life, able to bridge the gap between life and Universal Energy, ultimately discovering there is no death, only a transference or transition to New Life beyond this physical life.
I love the way both authors offered what life might be like as a Positive Precog who learns to be unique in their approach to using dreams premonitions and any kind of psychic awareness to make life more positive, purposeful, and joyful. They wrote, “All Positive Precogs should strive to embody five “REACH” principles.”
- Respect for the unknown
- Ethics in our use of precognition
- Accuracy of our precognitive skills
- Compassion for ourselves and others
- Honesty in all our dealings