Internet Radio Show
The True Facts About Weight Management
- Dr. Sandeep Grewal
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within, your host Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love welcomes Dr. Sandeep Grewal, co-founder of the Ace Medical Loss Center in Rock Hill South Carolina and author of Fat-Me-Not Weight Loss: Diet of The Future. Fat-Me-Not breaks down many of the common myths of dieting including the strategy of only eating salads and grilled chicken for a look at the whole picture and to incorporating exercise into your schedule.
Sandeep and Sheryl will explore what science actually says about Holiday Weight Gain, tips for recovery and an action plan for a healthy year round weight plan and may also discuss how the body regulates your weight and how you can use it to your advantage. The goal is always to provide a way to merge the mind spirit and body for success health and happiness through knowing ourselves better.
Sandeep Grewal was a curious and well read youngster who grew up in a loving family in India and attended Medical school there where there are only three medical schools that produce five hundred doctors annually. Sandeep’s interaction with his patients allowed him to realize that best results with affecting patients health revolved around his ability to share hope and respect and to listen to their needs and respond accordingly.
Dr. Grewal tells us “It is important for the gut to do its work in digesting foods that is why real food not a protein bar or drink is recommended We must have all food groups being consumed Protein Carbohydrates Fats and Minerals…magnesium chromium and others. If you starve your body, your brain will still crave certain foods. In 2009 his group perfected a portion control weight loss system called the Slim Plate system Patients who are very overweight are encouraged to eat 5-7 times and later on 4-5 times a day in the proper proportion and including all the food groups.”
Dr Grewal writes about the many myths still held by patients and health professionals that often sabotage establishing a functional healthy nutritional plan.
Myths people believe:
1. If you do not eat you will lose weight
2. If you eat once a day you will lose weight
3. Diet sugar and diet drinks are good for losing weight
4. Fast food is bad but fine dining is OK
5. Eating Salad and grilled chicken is the way for weight loss.
6. Exercise is everything to weight loss
7. Eating carbs will make you fat
8. Switch from caffeinated to de-caffeinated to lose weight
9. Eating sweets desserts and chocolate are no-noes for weight loss
10. Obesity is healthy and there is nothing wrong with it.
What is not a myth
1. Obesity kills…It is not only a personal concern but a public concern.
2. Obesity is a disease: it needs to be treated appropriately.
3. Just because insurance may not cover treatment does not mean that obesity is not serious enough to be treated.
Sheryl wonders why when so many people diet and lose weight they often gain it back even with more pounds than before? Sandeep says that too many people fail to lose weight because they don’t plan and implement a weight loss strategy. Rather than radically adjusting personal habits in a day, it is a good idea to do some appropriate shopping and stock up on healthier food options and plan a day by day diet. They often do not eat enough or regularly or the proper portion and from all the food groups…Beer for example is a super fast and super calorie drink and if you want to lose weight eliminate beer…… 9 calories per gram as opposed to 4 calories for a carb.
If you are trapped in the Fat-Me-Yes cycle how can you get out of it? Weight loss as any progressive change in your daily functioning in regard to any goal you wish to fulfill is about balancing your options not limiting your options. You should never limit your diet to only a few types of food as a wider variety is actually better. You don’t need to cut out carbs for weight loss. You just need to keep the portions correct.
The balanced approach to weight management is rooted in the sciences of the human mind and body. Utilizing clinical studies in physiology as well as psychology has helped Dr. Myo M New the co-author of this book and myself to better understand the instinctive patterns that cause people to fail at weight loss. Patterns will undermine a diet plan in no time. Driving past the same fast food restaurant on your way to work every day can sabotage your plans in the first week. You have to recognize these type patterns in order to avoid them. You need a plan for long term weight loss but that doesn’t mean slow weight only means effective weight loss.
Sheryl says, “ I recently read that it is in the combination of foods that we can affect the balance necessary to maintain a healthy weight and digestive health…for example you might eat a protein…fish meat or poultry with either a vegetable or carb but not both…so have your salad and protein first and later down the road have your fruit or dessert. Is this a good plan to follow…I usually eat a protein vegetable and carb together at dinnertime.” Dr Grewal mentions that indeed the way we put our menu or combination of the food groups together does have an effect on digestion and certain combinations are more advisable. As we become aware of portion size and no longer eat our entire meal at one time but allow for a snack after meals we help our system utilize nutrients for energy and effective digestion.
The food groups are:
Carbs: Starches or potatoes rice pasta, fruit, vegetables, peanuts, sugar, alcohol.
Protein Meat, eggs, legumes, seafood, tofu.
Fats Butter, oil.
Many people suffer from gallbladder, acid reflux and fatty liver disease. Gallbladder, acid reflux and fatty liver disease are prominent in the obese population…These situations correlate with body weight BMI of 30 makes the odds of developing a health condition increase 3.7% higher. A BMI of 40 doubles odds to 7.5% or higher. Sixty percent of people suffer NASH fatty liver alcoholic liver without drinking alcohol. Removal of gallbladder as well as appendix may cause other concerns by lowering the immune system….indigestion mal-absorption and chronic diarrhea often result. All surgeries can create other health issues…that is well known.
To avoid gallbladder issues:
1. Lose weight
2. More activity
3. Use non-estrogen based contraceptives.
One Rats story or studies in rats, shows how the process of Gastric- By- Pass creates a change in hormones and bacterial flora in the gut that affected weight loss. Another study looks at Brown and White Fat and show that Brown fat has many more mitochondria and brown fat is a good kind of fat that burns excessive white or unwanted fat…Think of brown fat as a muscle. IRISIN is a hormone that transforms white fat to brown fat and improves metabolism and weight loss..Also EXERCISE OR BEING MORE ACTIVE will increase brown fat.
The success of long term weight loss is in a balanced diet not a Low Carb or Low Fat diet. Remember: Obesity is an overwhelming inflammatory disease. Inflammatory signals creep over the entire body and cause multiple illnesses.
Sheryl says, “I just read an article in Newsday a local paper about the mistakes many adults and parents make in regard to how they discuss food with their children. How do you think we can encourage our children to develop healthy eating habits without developing feelings that they are not trusted loved or appreciated because they don’t like or will not finish the food their parents are supplying for them?”
“Firstly… help them be part of making decisions and accept some of the reasons they may not want to or cannot physically eat certain foods and find alternative foods that work…In other words children need to be respected for their own wisdom and knowingness and not ordered or forced to do anything…. It was suggested to avoid making judgments comparisons or being controlling in what you offer your children to eat look at the following examples and see how best to respond. The attitude for a parent or teacher to offer…..” I tell you to do it so do it” is very unproductive and actually harmful on many levels.”
Here are some examples and ways we may begin to look at common situations we face with children concerning their mealtime.
Example 1: Parent says eat five more bites and the child feels the parent doesn’t trust them to decide when they are full.
A BETTER ALTERNATIVE. Be sure to get enough to eat now because it will be a long time till the next meal.
Example 2: Adult says…If you can eat your vegetables you can have a dessert. WHAT THE CHILD THINKS There is no reason to like vegetables but they are the only way to get a sweet snack.
A BETTER ALTERNATIVE. Vegetables can protect you from colds, heal your wounds, help your eyesight, and keep your skin healthy. Then serve dessert on occasion to all family members without using it as a reward regardless of how much they ate
Example 3: Adult says…If you behave you can have a piece of candy. WHAT THE CHILD THINKS: Whenever I am good I will be rewarded and rewarded with FOOD OR CANDY This message can translate to a young adult rewarding themselves with food and drink or punishing themselves by withholding it.
Example 4: Adult says…Good job, you finished your meal. WHAT THE CHILD THINKS: I’m only good if I finish my plate even if I am not hungry.
A BETTER ALTERNATIVE. It is always good to listen to your body and eat more when you are hungry and eat less when you are not.
Example 5: Adult says..You are so picky. WHAT THE CHILD THINKS: I am bad and I will never like this stuff.
A BETTER ALTERNATIVE. It can take time to develop tastes for different kinds of foods, and sometimes a person needs to try a food 15 times before liking it. Just keep trying
Example 6: Adult says..Your brother is eating his dinner, why aren’t you? WHAT THE CHILD THINKS: My brother is better than me. My parents love my brother more than me.
A BETTER ALTERNATIVE. Are you hungry? The next meal isn’t until tomorrow so eat what your body needs.
Example 7: Adult says…No more candy because it’s bad for you. WHAT THE CHILD THINKS: I am bad because I like candy.
A BETTER ALTERNATIVE. Candy is a sometimes food because it has some ingredients that are hard on your body mainly SUGAR…It isn’t a thing we should eat all the time or too much of it.
1 The food we eat gives us energy
2 A builder uses strong sturdy reliable materials to make a house. What materials do you want to be built of?
3 It is OK to have unhealthy foods sometimes as long as most of the time we are filling ourselves with healthy choices.
4 Let’s read the food label together so you know what to choose
5 I don’t want to eat anything whose ingredients sound like chemicals, do you?
6 You should feel proud when you make healthy choices.
I want you to eat healthfully because I love you so much..written by Casey Seidenberg co-founder of Nourish Schools
Sandeep Grewal MD and Sheryl have discussed a very practical and easy way to begin to understand our nutritional needs and how to provide a better way to select our foods for heath and to achieve a weight that is healthy and comfortable and how to look at many health challenges and begin to make necessary changes for improvement. We also have brought your attention to many myths that are held by the general public and even health professionals. This book focuses on much more than diet and weight offers a medical approach to realize that the mind body and spirit all are parts of a unified body of knowledge and thoughts which influence our daily actions and reactions ultimately creating the way we view ourselves and the world and the cause and effect results as a result of our thinking and our behaviors.
The hope of Dr Grewal and Sheryl is that we all may learn to be more observant, make clearer choices that create a positive and healthy loving life and develop and protect the wholeness of our Being so we may appreciate the gift of life and enjoy the simple pleasures of our daily experiences.