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The Wisdom of the Body to Self-Heal
- Dr. Andrew Hahn
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Welcome to Healing from Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher, Medium and author of a trilogy the newest edition being A New Life Awaits; Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our real challenges are not economical political societal but often a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom. Today we welcome Dr. Andrew Hahn author of The One Hour Miracle: A Five Step Process to Guide Your Self-Healing. We will discover that every time a situation that can’t be handled or processed, a part of us gets stuck in that moment, and that stuck part is associated with discomfort and has a life of it’s own. The most powerful and simplest way to heal our difficulties and symptoms is to discover the root causes—the originating trauma where the engraving upon us crystalized. When the blockage is removed self-healing begins.
As listeners have come to expect over the years my authentic intuitive guests and I share intimate and insightful stories of awakening transformation and transcendence to connect us to our soul qualities and improve the human and divine condition as spiritual beings having a physical life, we learn to merge our many talents and energies, to raise our vibration, know ourselves and others and the world with greater awareness, to reach a higher consciousness of love and compassion
In today’s episode of Healing from Within Dr Hahn shares a healing framework that is a blueprint for transforming most problems and releasing blocks to create the life you hope for such as physical pain, emotional and mental pain, including depression anxiety PTSD OCD, Relational pain and spiritual concerns. Though life is fraught with challenges and we might be feeling helpless mired in suffering or chronic despair Change and hope are there to be embraced.
When Andrew is asked to think back to childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others around you the interests work and lifestyle he might embrace as an adult he tells us of a dream that he had when he was nine years old and a remembrance of his soul life and a knowingness of the personal power within to heal and help others as well.
Dr. Hahn tells us about the Life Center therapy protocol and the five steps to lead you to a path to healing
A Theory of Life: Re-membering and the Body in the Context of Trauma and Healing This is Beingness based. Life itself is the expert: the person who is healing is the experience reporter on Life and if there is a facilitator: they are expert in the framework only. Our difficulties and/or symptoms and the suffering that accompanies them are an invitation to re-member, heal and evolve. Whenever we encounter a situation that we can’t handle, the experience creates an equivalent uncomfortable body sensation For example If I were to ask you, “When you allow your depression what do you feel in your body? You might say, ”I feel a heaviness in my chest.” So heaviness in chest and depression are exactly the same thing.
Every time there is a situation that can’t be handled, a part of us gets stuck in that moment. That stuck part with its associated discomfort has a life of its own. It was born in a moment just like we were and has its own identity history and future. It has its own story to share.
The most powerful and simplest way to heal our difficulties and symptoms is to discover the root cause—the originating event where the engraving upon us crystalized. If we find and heal a later version, it is like cutting a dandelion at the stem instead of pulling it up at the roots and it will not entirely eradicate the problem. - Accessing Our Deepest Knowing—The Body Holds the Key
In our experiences the deepest wisdom we can access is the wisdom of the body. Whenever we feel discomfort, it is our body’s way of showing us that we are dealing with something that could not be processed at the time of event or trauma and was therefore not handled. - Patterns are Universal Themes That are Likely Out of Our Awareness.
Sometimes what we believe to be our problems are simply symptoms of deeper universal themes. We call these themes patterns. Examples of patterns are neglect, betrayal, seduction and feeling cursed. We differentiate patterns and trauma based on their origins in life experience or in Soul experience.
Dr, Hahn says his book The One Hour Miracle offers a new perspective on what life is all about and our relationship to it that can help us deal with everyday challenges.
We can resolve problems that leads to a reduction in suffering. It does this through reframing our understanding of life and secondarily by giving us a way to work through what we call trauma. The One Hour Miracle presents a revolutionary healing framework called Life Center Therapy that is a blueprint for transforming problems We are aware of four categories of situations that affect well- being and peace of mind
Physical such as chronic pain, asthma allergies Crohn’s disease fibromyalgia fatigue syndrome sexual dysfunction addictions others
Emotional and Mental depression other mood disorders anxiety phobias post- traumatic stress disorder PTSD Obsessive compulsive disorder paranoia loss and violence traumas limiting and negative beliefs
Relational destructive patterns and reactivity when your buttons are pushed
Spiritual alienation despair inertia.
An example of how it works is talked about in the Foreword the author writes that for as long as she can remember there has been a tightness in her chest that constricts her breathing a bit. Always a type A personality she figured it was just stress. So as inner healing techniques suggest to meditate, She closed her eyes and just asked out loud Tightness in the Chest What have you come to share with me? The response came to her in an inner voice in her mind soothing like the voice of her mother who ‘s been deceased for ten years. “It’s okay to die alone, “ it said. Her mind traveled to her four children, and she realized she had been afraid of them leaving in adulthood and she would be alone. She realized there could be peace in being alone and suddenly she knew that to be true. Upon opening her eyes, a wave of peace waded through her taking the tightness in chest feeling with it. It was gone.
Sheryl says it appears our fears and thoughts affect our body and until we clear those thoughts causing our body to experience symptoms of discomfort and illness these manifestations continue. We are what we think, and the energy we draw to us by our intentions and thoughts, reflect either peace and happiness or dysfunction and suffering.
You say Life has a consciousness of its own an awareness of itself and the world. Yes Life has a consciousness of its own and an awareness of itself and the world. The consequence of Life’s awareness creates the possibility and capacity for Life to evolve. As each of us is a cell in the body of Life we too are and have access to all the consciousness of Life and therefore we are an integral part of the evolutionary process. The question is whether we are going to be an unwitting cog or an active participant in the process. Do we also have a willingness to become truly self-aware and aware of our true relationship with Life. This is what we mean by free will—whether we move forward with willingness acceptance and perspective. There are two levels The personal level and the Soul level. On the personal level it is true that awful things can happen in people’s lives. When these things happen, hopefully, we can bring understanding, compassion, and even empathy to our experiences.
However, on a Soul level, there is a revelation that there is purpose and meaning to everything that happens. It is only when we have time to adjust and to consciously experience the personal level of suffering that we can be open to the Soul level of understanding. If we do not open to this second level, there will be no meaning in our experiences, and we remain victims of fate.
On this deeper level or Soul Level we all have the same goal and contribution to make and accept with love and understanding all of Life by remembering who we truly are, accept that we are “Life,” accept that everything that we are in relationship with is also “Life,” and accept that we are in relationship with “Life” itself. What we are asked to aspire to is the merging of our personal individual gifts while living through the knowing of who we truly are. This is the meaning of it all—the meaning of Life.
Sheryl likes to express to clients that we are a duality of physical and divine energies, that when merged together, allow us to have the best human and spiritual experience. In other words, we are part of the Universal source of creation and life and that energy resides within us at all times. Some call it God, others a force of life or the Divine, but, whether in a body or not, Life is infinite and eternal.
Andrew goes on to express that to be free we must allow ourselves to be human and experience those emotions and also to be open to the Soul level of wisdom that can guide us to use our experiences to move forward in our lives in a truthful way –that’s how we heal.
The perspective that who we are is everything, and everything is who we truly are, has significant implications. We have everything within us that we perceive as good and evil—Jesus and Hitler, antibiotics and harmful bacteria, love, and hate. Perhaps the best advice is to Love your neighbor as you love yourself with the realization that you are your neighbor. Therefore, everything we compare ourselves to is really comparing ourselves to ourselves. Therefore, the idea is not to be judgmental but that doesn’t mean we are not discerning or don’t take action when we see injustice.
When asked what causes Suffering and how does healing work Dr. Hahn tells us he believes that suffering arises from one source trauma. We define trauma as the result of something that subjectively cannot be handled, integrated, taken in stride, or handled with grace. It can also be described as an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident rape or natural disaster. What creates healing is when we know what causes the suffering, and it becomes clear what can create healing. If we replay the original situation that created the symptoms and response that brings about suffering, that could not be handled processed or mastered at the time it happened and now change our relationship with it, see it with new perspective allow and accept it once and for all, we will no longer suffer. Healing comes though movement from being associated with the one who is in the situation to being associated with the one remembering a situation he or she was in. We can do this by choosing to be the one who’s witnessing and currently hosting the situation, while at the same time, choosing to be the one who’s experiencing it.
Whenever we experience trauma, a sensation is born and stored in our bodies. Invariably the sensation is an uncomfortable one like pain queasiness aches numbness light headedness emptiness or heaviness. In our experience every discomfort we have is simply the story of a being who could not handle something physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and or spiritually. It was born in a moment, now has a life of its own and it is still living and available to us in the present moment. We can activate these sensations stored in our body by choosing to associate our inner awareness to what is causing our suffering.
For example, if you are having Chronic Back Pain…in meditation choose to associate as a witness. Simply Ask the discomfort or do whatever you can do to distract from the pain and bring all your awareness to the discomfort and ask what this pain must share with you. When you have the answer you’ll have the information you need to begin a healing process step by step that this book provides.
Asking body sensations what they have come to share may be useful whenever you are participating in any practice or therapy to manage or alleviate pain and where body sensations may be elicited or naturally arise in the process. Examples may include physical therapy, chiropractic massage, Reiki, Rolfing, and other energy healing practices. Many have gone to these therapies and been temporary relied, but it does not hold. It may well be that the remembering of the trauma has not happened, and the trauma of the past has not been resolved.
In Dr. Hahn’s experience when we are able to choose to remember and (hold feel a sense of peace) know that we are okay, and believe that we really can handle it) and, if that incident is the only trauma associated with the suffering, one of two things happen:
- either the problem that has caused the suffering dissolves along with the symptoms or
- our relationship to the problem changes to such a degree that the suffering associated with the problem goes away.
Trauma affects us in Three Different Ways.
When we have an experience we can’t handle, we are affected in one or more of three ways; Our head—beliefs, our hearts—feelings, our bellies—boundaries, which causes us to develop symptoms.
These three ways are:
- We believe things about ourselves or life that on a deeper level, we know are not true, and we are reactive about the belief For example I believe I am unworthy of love and I feel anxious guilty and ashamed about the belief. At the same time at a deeper level know that is not true—I know everyone is worthy of love.
- We won’t let ourselves feel some feeling and we’re not at choice about its expression. For example, my husband says something hurtful at a party but I can’t control my anger and make a scene because I wouldn’t allow myself to feel hurt, so it was covered up with anger.
- We have boundary problems: which simply means that we let too much in, we don’t let enough in, we let too much out, or we don’t let enough out. Boundary issues can be about specific content as money or about specific people like a co-work we can know our inner truth through Muscle Testing and Four Levels of Wisdom.
Muscle testing is a way to get yes/no answers by applying pressure to a muscle. It is believed that muscle testing allows you to access deeper level of wisdom within yourself. Muscle testing allows you to determine three things 1. What is most important to work on 2. Where the problem originates 3 Whether you need any intervention other than just sharing your story in order to heal.
There are four levels of wisdom. The wisdom of the Conscious Mind, the wisdom of the Unconscious Mind, the Soul/Spirit level of wisdom that animates the body and Infinite Wisdom.
The first level of Wisdom the Conscious level is awareness of your functioning in the physical world using your Ego Mind or life- based reality. Example: What is your name? Most of the time we believe the Conscious Mind is running the show but we quickly realize how limited it is when we get asked questions like, “Why are you suffering?” and realize we don’t know the answers. The next level of wisdom is The Unconscious Mind which is the kind of wisdom that reveals itself through dreams or when we say something we didn’t mean to say yet somehow it has meaning.
There are not a lot of good words for the third level of wisdom in rational Western Culture although in China it is called chi In Japan it is called ki and in India it might be called prana. In the west, we call it Soul/Spirit level of Wisdom. This level of wisdom reveals itself in several ways. It is the kind of knowing and seemingly supernatural engagement that happens when a mother lifts a car to get her child out from underneath, or when we have a visceral knowing that something is true, even though it may not make any rational sense. Everyone describes it as a felt sense. They may say I could feel it in my gut.
The fourth level of wisdom is the level of infinite wisdom and knowing. This is the level of the blueprint of Life itself where you simultaneously have access to all the knowledge of everything that has happened, is happening, and potentially can happen. This is the level that reveals itself when we somehow know that a loved one has died and then discover they did. Or this level can reveal itself when we have a precognitive knowing and later discover we knew something was going to happen in the future.
Sheryl tells a story of a premonition that happened a week before Twin Towers Falling in NYC. Sheryl was flying home from Ontario Canada. It was a beautiful clear day in the city and as the plane approached the airport, a thought went through her head that said, “If a plane goes into the city it will cause a lot of damage.“ Sheryl was horrified by the thought and a week later two planes went into the World Trade Center changing life forever. Other intuiitves like Sheryl had some awareness prior to the devastating event, but it seems it was supposed to happen, and nothing could stop it.
Dr. Hahn tells us of the use of Muscle Testing which like using a divining rod allows us to access information that would be inaccessible to our conscious mind. Our bodies are spiritual truth tellers. Amazingly we can ask questions and our bodies will typically get stronger. When we do muscle testing, we are asking our bodies to be a means of communication for our deepest knowing. To reiterate, it is not that our bodies are literally answering the question. By this we mean but an inner sense of us that just knows the truth-soul wisdom. In our experience we can use muscle testing to ask any yes/no question as long as, the answer is for the person/s and or Life’s healing and growth.
There are numerous different ways to muscle test. The idea in each approach is to press down or fatigue a muscle and if the muscle stays strong the answer is yes: if the muscle weakens the answer is no. It can be done with another person or alone.
A state of Depression can be reliving a trauma. If someone was coming for individual treatment these problems of depression fear of crowds, chronic neck pain, a crisis of faith in God, would seem disconnected and each if treatable might take a long time. Who could believe that all these issues or symptoms of a deeper crystalizing narrative, could be healed when we change our relationship with the deeper story encouraging noticeable shifts can happen. Now let’s look at an example in which the depression was not the problem, but the resolution to a worse problem. A colleague referred her son Nate nineteen years old presenting with symptoms of no appetite and was either irritable or exhibited a sense of hopelessness. Muscle testing showed Nate’s Highest Priority Intention was a Blocked Identity. It turns out when he was a boy, he was in the basement with his father at Christmas time. Nate had made a special gift for his father. When he gave the gift to his father, his father hardly noticed it. Nate’s father was having some difficulties at the time and was preoccupied and self-absorbed, not in any place to be open to his son. Then his father left, got in his truck, and drove away. Nate experienced a feeling of numbness and despair and thought I don’t care. So much of the depression he felt now was the result of that feeling of not being loved by his father in that moment of rejection. He was replaying that belief and feeling in many situations where he expected the same result. Now that he understood where his sadness came from he no longer had to suffer. He let go of that perception and was free.
Dr. Hahn explains that if you experience constant fatigue? Or a sense that you just want to get out of a place? Or a passing sense that seems to come out of nowhere that you wish you were dead? You may be suffering from a pattern we call a death wish. In our professional experience everyone we see early on runs into a Death Wish because all of us have bad experiences that make us want to die.
This results from two situations
- Something so terrible happened that a part of the person wishes to be dead
- A parent who cannot own something about themselves, projects this trait or behavior onto the child and then judges the child. In order to be in the parents good graces, the child takes on a projective identity. A Death Wish pattern can manifest as mental hopelessness suicidal intentions emotional despair depression and or physical illness.
Dr. Andrew Hahn would like readers to know that to open to all energetic levels and awarenesses begins with knowing a symptom means that something couldn’t be handled and as a result what was once free flowing energy slows down enough becomes matter and we experience that slowdown energy as a discomfort or blockage in our bodies. When we do energy sessions, we identify with the witness or soul being we are, and choose to become the discomfort and no longer identify as it. From the perspective of healing presented in this book, it is useful to think about who you are not just as a physical body, but as energy that comes in three forms: fields centers and flows.
We might say the fields are like containers. These containers hold the centers or chakras and flows the meridians. The seven centers of spiritual energy called the chakras according to yogi philosophy or talk about them in terms of modes of perception are about beliefs heart—feelings and belly—boundaries. If we consider chakras, they are the bonds that connect us to the communities and larger world, we feel like systems of which we are part.
Finally, we are flows of energy. In Eastern Medicine these flows are called meridians. Acupuncture works to open our meridians. These rivers of energy that flow within the fields and between the chakra centers.
So why do we come to Healers? We come for one, two three reasons. We’ve had some kind of traumatic shock that has either
- fractured our field, leading to the idea that even though we are here we feel we are not all here or we are disconnected from ourselves
- clouded all the centers leading to relational difficulties
- blocked or stagnated the flow leading to a sense of being frozen, numb or like the proverbial “deer in the headlights.”
Every difficulty we come to healers to address be it physical emotional mental relational or spiritual is simply one or more of these three energetic variations. Everything that affects the vibration of the mind body field shows up as symptoms in our body, in our relationships with ourselves and the world.
We thank Dr. Andrew Hahn author of The One Hour Miracle for sharing a path out of repeated suffering or malaise, using Life Centered Therapy, a blueprint for recognizing any health issue affecting our mind body or soul, so it can be released and balance and order restored to the body. www.drandrewhahn
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Dr. Andrew Hahn has shared a system of Healing that helps deal with life challenges or traumas that eventually alter the natural flow of Universal Source energy to our chakra system and interferences or blockages ultimately create health issues or symptoms which make it hard to function at our best. If we can transform our thoughts and lifestyle, we can release blockages creating these symptoms and illnesses like chronic pain, allergies, asthma, addictions, emotional and mental issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD or OCD as well as relationship destructive patterns or spiritual issues like alienation despair or inertia.
Dr. Hahn wrote, “Then we broaden our capacity to be with all that Life brings our way knowing “I’ll be okay” no matter what happens. At this point, you can face any circumstances with courage and grace, enabling you to find a sense of inner peace. You can live a life of true aliveness and presence with wisdom, love and full engagement. At this point it is as if the experience transforms from the One Hour Miracle to the journey of a lifetime. A journey to Re-member. ….We are told the French have a saying that loosely translates to “It’s time for your butterflies.” This may be a pivotal moment for you--a moment to appreciate the great beauty of Life to have greater clarity, and perspective of your place in it, and to access the wisdom that is innately part of you that knows there is nothing to fear.”
Dr. Andrew Hahn and Sheryl Glick would have you remember your spiritual Self and the gifts that you brought to this life as spiritual beings having a physical life journey to simply Re- member the divine soul and loving energy you are and to refine your thoughts words actions so you dance in the eternal energy of Divine love and compassion.
As host of Healing from Within Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of a trilogy with the newest edition A New Life Awaits invites you to visit my website to listen to and read about authors metaphysicians, spiritualists, scientists, energy workers, medical practitioners, psychologists, members of the arts and music community who seek greater awareness of human and spiritual nature and ways for self- improvement and uplifting the human condition. Shows may also be heard on and