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Time To Shine With Miraculous Energy
- Wendy Darling
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Hello and welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT author of A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which share stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but a disconnect from our true being or inner soul wisdom. I am delighted to welcome Wendy Darling author of Create Your Miraculous Life which is a manual for reinvention of purpose and desire through the tools to reset your passion, focus, energy and mindset on the life that has eluded you. Once you remember who you are your dreams and intentions begin to unfold.
Hello Wendy and thank you for joining us on Healing From Within.
Wendy as listeners of Healing From Within are so well aware my guests and I offer intimate and insightful views of life in its entirety reminding us that we are much more than we appear to be and in working with our spiritual goals we are able to create lives of purposefulness health happiness and intimate relationships with those we love. Our perceptions of ourselves life and death and energy are the keys to unlocking many mysteries and once understood allow all fear limitation and suffering to fall by the wayside. Life is indeed an interesting mix of people events and happenings all designed to lead us to our best reality.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Wendy Darling will share he belief that It is never to late to recover the dreams and passions you have set aside to find the purposeful path, have the relationship you want, start a family, even find love again in later life, regardless of the reason age, money, family commitments, marriage breakdown, exhaustion, health, past failure, lack of education. There is help with and around you to ignite the pilot lights of individuals, couples and companies.
Wendy I always love to ask my guests to think back to their childhood and remember a person place event that may have shown them or others the interests and lifestyle they might pursue as an adult for it appears that we enter life with a life plan and destiny which unfolds in time.
What was the motivation and inspiration for writing this book? Why did you choose the theme, It’s Never Too Late?
Wendy writes, “ As I mentioned, we are in the midst of a global pandemic as I write this book. Never in our entire lives have we experienced anything like this. Between the virus, political unrest, rioting, jobs lost, and people clearly struggling, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see we are struggling in so many ways.
I found myself wondering how we were going to come out of this situation. What is happening that so many people are unhappy, angry, and frustrated? As I write, I do not have any answers to that, yet. But I do feel it may get worse before it gets better. I hope I am wrong.
And the theme of “it’s never too late” is now very timely, maybe even critical. Many need to feel more hope. More support. We are going to have to build our world from a renewed foundation. It’s never been more important for you to step up and step out. For you to offer whatever gifts and talents you have, to be a part of the healing our world needs. Contributing your gifts and talents will make a difference that is very much needed today.
THIS IS YOUR TIME! There are people waiting and wanting what you have to offer—the gifts and talents that you and only you can provide. Whether it be supporting a good friend or having a service or product reaching those who can benefit, your life and contribution matters and makes a difference”
What health challenges did you face as a result of an accident that made you begin to realize you could change your thoughts and improve your life?
Wendy writes, “The time after my accident was the most challenging time in my life. The trauma of my accident left me fearful and vulnerable, two emotions I had never really experienced in my adult life. I had previously been a person who never thought twice about taking a risk, entering new territory. Now, I had immediately become someone who did not trust herself or anything else about life. Not a fun place to live. The reality was, those insecurities had always been there. They were just buried alive and now revealed. I discovered that I had been living my life on a shaky foundation and significantly overcompensating from the wounds of my childhood.
At the beginning of my recovery, I was wondering and primarily focused on what it was going to take to heal my body. My leg had been shattered, and for many months, I had a lot of uncertainty if I would be able to walk again. I also had a broken back, so I was (obviously) not in a very active stage of my life. Between surgeries (I had five of them to repair my leg), I would do what I could to rebuild my strength. I would walk as far as I could on crutches. I remember the first time I tried I was able to walk as far as the end of my driveway. Eventually, I walked throughout my neighborhood. People would stop and cheer me on. Many said that when they saw me “walking,” they felt there was no excuse for them. Those moments meant the world to me, since I could not see how my future was going to unfold. It was a very confusing and soul-searching time for me.
Mainly, I felt tremendous pain in my heart. And around the time I began getting stronger, the biggest blow was about to happen. When my former husband and I eventually went to court, the judge awarded full custody of our son to him.
Losing custody of my son literally finished me off. The best way I can explain what happened to me was it felt like something “snapped” inside my brain. It was like a critical “connector” in my life’s circuitry broke. I’m sharing my story because I believe we all have things in our life that potentially take us to our knees. We all have made choices whose consequences provided us with a wake-up call of what is most important, and what needs to change. Maybe that time for you is now?
What had you begin writing and talking about miracles? Why miracles?
Sheryl states that miracles are all around us but when we are in a state of unknowingness denial or simply beaten down by the heaviness of our own or other people’s challenges we forget to remember how miraculous life really is and don’t believe change is possible.
Sheryl in her book A New Life Awaits, wrote, “Since most people fear change, they resist commitment to their soul growth or development. They linger in a state of physical unconsciousness. It is easier to feed the physical body than it is to feed your spiritual essence. There can be little change in a person’s understanding of who they are when they are only concerned with the joys of a physical life. I believe that we are all entitled to a beautiful and joyful material life, but it will not happen fully if we only focus to that end and the spiritual concerns and issues of a person are denied.
When one aspires to love their essence and entire being, physical and energetic, major changes in all aspects of life must occur
Wendy You have a transformational system. The Miraculous Living Method. What is this and how is it possibly unique and different from other systems?
For many years, I used my process to look for thoughts and beliefs that were limiting my actions and results. However, after learning more about how the mind works, I realized that I had inadvertently programmed myself to always be looking for what was wrong and not working. That meant I was living in a “find it and fix it” mentality, which continues to strengthen the neural pathway and belief that “something is always wrong.” Then, one amazing day, I had the thought: What if I was examining from an incorrect perspective? What if we had it backward? Instead of looking to the past, what if we created our future and, in doing so, could it still be possible the past can be released? So, I experimented.
The Miraculous Living Method is (partially) comprised of Sound Healing, Hands-On Transformational Energy Cards, and Affirming Statements and Scenarios. The sound healing carries the energetic frequency of love. By itself, it is very effective. After my transformational cards were birthed, I started to combine them with the sound healing. Now the process became even more effective. Because of what I have learned about the “frequency of energy,” the feelings of love and gratitude actually carry a higher vibration, which allows the feelings with a lower vibration, such as anger and sadness, worry, and frustration to be melted and loved away. The sound healing carries this higher frequency as do the transformational cards. While listening to the sound healing and placing your hands on the transformational cards, they create a unique and effective energy “loop”. Then, I added “affirmations” to the mix. When you say an affirmation in the bubble of the sound healing and transformational cards, old and erroneous thoughts rise to the surface and can be released (actually, the emotional charge associated with the thought and/or feeling). Meanwhile, the mind begins to strengthen whatever thought is being infused. This is either strengthening an existing neural pathway, or—if one does not already exist—the process creates a new one. Now, your energetic vibration increases. You now are in energetic alignment with your desired goal. But it doesn’t stop there. Taking this approach, the Miraculous Living Method provides the vehicle for even better results. Life becomes easier, more peaceful. Taking action becomes easier. Results are achieved faster. So, it is not just the physical that needs our attention. We must focus on your Energy System, Your Mind/ Body/Emotional/Spiritual system. That is how you create a miraculous life!
Wendy wrote, “Dear God, I am beyond grateful to be learning how to be more connected with you. To be able to tap into your infinite wisdom that you are continuously pouring through me. That your Divine Loving Energy helps me to release the blocks that have been keeping away all the good you’ve been trying to provide for me. I am grateful that I am learning how to love and release those places of stuck energy and emotions. I am grateful I am learning how to support my mind to be thinking healthier and happier thoughts. I am forever grateful that I am on this incredible journey of creating a miraculous life,”
In your book you refer to your Results Accelerator process. Tell us more of this.
Wendy remembers doing the Results Accelerator exercise at one of my speaking engagements. I looked down and saw a man whose eyes were as big as saucers. She asked if he was willing to share what was going on for him. He had been struggling with his business and was working many hours trying to get things in a more profitable position. His Results Accelerator was family. It turns out he was spending a lot of time with his work and missing being with his family. She encouraged him to do a little experiment: to carve out more family time in the next two weeks and see if he noticed any changes with his business. He reached out to me about a month later, stating that he had been leaving his office earlier, spending more time with his family, and his business was showing very strong improvements in orders received. He was feeling more confident about the future. In his case, he was being nourished by the love of his family, which somehow was resulting in the growth and profits of his business
Another example of the Results Accelerator process…sometimes the issue you think is the problem is not really and when you address the real problem everything falls into line.
By now, Wendy was using the Results Accelerator. In Beth’s case, her Results Accelerator was she was to first focus on her career. When I shared this with Beth, she was not happy with me. She came to me to release her excess weight, not talk about her career. However, once she explained a little more, our conversation shifted. It turns out that Beth was really unhappy with her current job. Although we were still going to focus on her health, it was going to be important that we also focused on the possibility of her finding a new job. She shared with her that I never knew why someone was guided to begin a certain way; however, she had learned to trust the process. And I encouraged Beth to do the same. So, she began looking at what jobs might be out there. In a matter of 3 weeks, Beth found a new job. And what was even more wonderful? After she began her new job, the pounds started to melt off her body!
Simply amazing
What can people begin to do to make their lives more miraculous?
Perhaps simply know there is a higher force as Wendy writes, “ I know that there is a Universal intelligence that is looking out for you, guiding you in ways to fulfill your deepest desires. I believe these “forces” have been with you your entire life. In fact, I actually believe your desires are placed within you so that you grow, develop, and contribute in a way you were designed to live and contribute. I am a spiritual person, so please choose what words may serve you most. I believe in God. I welcome and embrace all religions. I also believe we have a “team” of guides that are assigned to keep a closer eye on us. I believe your soul speaks to you through the desires of your heart. And this guidance, when cultivated, is just about all you need to experience and accomplish everything you could ever desire in your life. Talk about having an executive coach! God, your soul, and your “team” is the best there is
A lot of people have gotten out of shape health wise during the pandemic or suffered loss of income. What can you suggest for them to move past this? There has been a lot of suffering and loss of life How do you suggest people deal with the grief of these tragedies?
Wendy and Sheryl see that perhaps good will eventually come out of the pain and sadness of this life altering event and see Covid as perhaps an opportunity to have a second chance at life For those who have been sick and recovered, and for those who have lost family members or worked in medical facilities dealing with the illness receiving gratitude and giving love to the sick and their families, Wendy writes, “As mentioned, I’m writing during a “forced time out” in our world. We are experiencing COVID-19. Never in my lifetime have I experienced anything like this. Yet, despite all these very legitimate concerns, I can’t help but wonder how this possibly holds an opportunity. An opportunity of deciding what matters most. An opportunity to slow down. An opportunity to pull together as a family, as a community, as a nation, as a world. It’s a wake-up call like none other we’ve ever experienced. What are you choosing? Even if you are reading this many months/years after this event, this is your opportunity to take a closer look at what matters most to you. What do you want? Could this be the opportunity to focus on what really matters and makes a difference in your life? Your health? Your relationships? How you contribute to the world? Isn’t that what ultimately matters the most? What might you be tired of dealing with? Where might you be struggling? Maybe it’s finally time to find the places within you that have been buried deep, keeping you from living a more fulfilling, miraculous life.”
For those juggling with family responsibilities what might you offer parents so they can take care of themselves, each other and their children?
Wendy wrote, Dear God: Even though you know how much I want to feel the relief of experiencing life in a gentler, easier way, please help me release the internal thoughts and emotions that are fighting to keep that from happening. I can no longer fight. Help me find gentler, kinder, more loving ways to accept myself. Love myself. Appreciate myself. Help me recognize the beauty life has to offer. Help me find the next step that will take me in a healthier and happier direction. Help me discover the magic that truly exists in our world today.”
What do you have as a daily practice that helps you in living a more miraculous life?
EXERCISE: This exercise was given to me many years ago from the Avatar community, called “Care for the Animal.” This exercise allows you to demonstrate love for your body. The power of love is transformational. I encourage you to do this exercise daily. Find a time where you can be in quiet and begin relaxing. Your body is like a newborn child, totally dependent on you for care. Without your efforts, it cannot survive. If you have ever held a newborn child, your heart overflows with love. You are going to treat your body with a tender, loving touch. Look at your forearm with love. Gently stroke it, showering it with feelings of love. Move your hand to your upper arm, caressing it, gently stroking it, sending that part of your body lots of love. Continue this process with each part of your body. When you finish, just sit there for a few moments, feeling all the love you have poured into your body. A daily practice is what works best. With time you will begin noticing a healthier relationship with your body.
I have seen people lose weight and/or restore their health by just doing this one exercise
If you could advise your younger self, what would you want her to know or what do you wish you had learned at an earlier age?
Wendy might wish that at an earlier age she knew herself better and had confidence that she could create her goals and accomplish them. Wendy writes, “This is the part of your journey to get deeply honest about what you want to experience in life. Maybe it’s finally welcoming love into your life. Maybe it’s exploring a new career or business. Maybe it’s strengthening your finances and creating wealth. Maybe it’s regaining your health. Learning how to paint. Or simply finding new ways to have fun. Maybe it’s all of these and more. Only you know what it is that you want. You have the opportunity and responsibility to identify your life’s purpose, your mission in life.
I also believe that there are many different ways to do that. My purpose is assisting people to fulfill their purpose, their Divine Destiny, while living the life of their dreams. For me, having my dreams fulfilled is telling me I am “on track” to fulfilling my Divine Destiny. I don’t believe that you have to fulfill your purpose first. In fact, I believe that some of your dreams coming true are simply confirmation that you are on the right path.
What do you want readers of Create Your Miraculous Life to take away with them after reading your book?
Wendy would like readers to remember to “Let’s compare your desire to a beachball. A beachball is very light. However, when you hold a beachball under water, it takes a certain amount of effort to keep it there. Your buried desire is similar. It takes energy to keep a desire buried. But once you embrace that desire, it’s just like releasing the beachball and allowing it to pop out of the water. You’ll find you begin to feel lighter, better. You’ll notice feeling more hopeful. And you also begin to have “synchronistic” experiences. There is also the possibility that you may have some underlying issues show up; however, you may be more aware that this needs to be dealt with (the gift of the Miraculous Living Method).
Sheryl says Once you begin to be aware of synchronistic happenings and coincidences your heart and mind are beginning to realize you are more than the physical body and this physical life and begin to pay attention to your intuition or inner soul wisdom helping you remember who you are A Spiritual being having a physical life and by merging this new awareness many miracles small and large begin to present as we all personally hold the power to create and manifest what is within are life plan and destiny. It is much easier to do if you truly know who you are, where you come from and what life is all about.
Wendy wrote, “Dear God: I know that you want every single desire that lives in my heart to materialize. In fact, I believe you want even more for me than I want for myself. Help me believe again. Restore my hope. Help me regain my faith. Let me bask in your love. And from there, allow me to know the truth of who I am and all that I am to experience. And please guide me toward my next step so that I am one step closer to having my dreams fulfilled. Thank you for loving me, believing in me, and guiding me”
I want to thank you Wendy Darling author of Create Your Miraculous Life? It’s Never Too Late for sharing her detailed and authentic story both of her own soul journey and challenges and her transformational system. The Miraculous Living Method which can help you begin a renewed interest in the creation of your desires and dreams and the path to letting go of past trauma fear and restrictions so you can manifest new joys and happiness in your life. To read more about how to do this go to
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have discovered once again that no matter the circumstances or challenges we face with the right mindset and perspective to moving beyond that difficulty there is a way to begin to change our thoughts and actions and tap into the divine state of creation from our heart and soul inner connection to Universal Source and begin to create what is more in alignment to our life goals thereby creating a reality that can reflect harmony balance love and happiness. Beyond all fear and suffering we can change the energy we are creating with our mind. Negativity breeds more negativity ..acceptance allowing and surrendering to any situation with grace brings us to a higher state of consciousness and we then reside in love compassion and eternal life.
Wendy and I would have you remember that The Universe loves it when we take action! And remember, any step is one step closer to fully living your miraculous life. We do it every day when we wake up with the intention to have a good day. The thought is the step to realizing what we truly are capable of creating.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within author of A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical psychological and arts and music fields share their discoveries of the true nature of human life healing and creation of all things both here and beyond. Shows may also be heard on and