Internet Radio Show
Transition from the Information Age to Intuition Age
- Penney Peirce
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In this episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love is delighted to welcome back Penney Peirce author of her newest book Transparency describing what real radical transparency is and how we can employ it for success in our own lives relationships and organizations.
Listeners may go to my website to the radio link and listen to Penney’s last interview on July 13, 2015 discussing how New Perceptions May Change Your Reality.
Listeners of “Healing From Within” are aware Sheryl and her guests seek scientific and spiritual answers to age old questions about human development evolution and the Universal laws of energy for higher awareness and consciousness and ways to advance an understanding of life in all its infinite possibilities.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will explore the concept of Transparency as in this age of transformation we try to remember an enlightened way of being and living so we may move past negative emotions and victim behaviors, and begin to live with less stress, friction, to awaken the soul’s desires to materialize and create a life of true awareness of soul potential and higher vibrational living.
In her book Transparency Penney Peirce describes how life will function in a new way as we leave the Information Age and enter the new transparent Intuition Age. As we dissolve the causes for our inability to know ourselves and life as it truly is, our security needs via attachment, linear-logical left-brain perception, the distracted un-centered mind, negative emotions and speech and control and victim behaviors—life will shift to become frictionless and the soul’s desires materialize without distortion.
Transparency helps us remember an enlightened way of living and how to return to it if we backslide. It helps us clear blockages in a rapid and thorough manner and have the courage to show up participate fully in life.
Transparency helps us learn that being seen for all of who we are relieves pain and suffering. Secrets lies and hiding are no longer necessary—or even functional. Honesty simplicity and true humility produce genius and wisdom.
Transparency creates clarity of purpose ease of materialization realization of belonging support from others and joy in conscious creations. Transparency empowers us to be seen accurately and to see through situations that blind and confuse others. We have X-ray vision! Clarity in our selves equates to clarity everywhere.
Penney shares how she believes we can begin to drop protective fearful ways and embrace the transparent gifts of higher consciousness and full presence and comments on the advantages for us both personally and collectively.
Penney wrote “It’s easy to be spiritual when you are surrounded by like-minded thinkers and people of your wavelength. The so-called outside world validates you. But can you be spiritual and feel the way you like to feel anywhere?...Immediately my inner voice said, It’s not about expansion, it’s about exposure. You don’t have to project yourself out into more of the world, just let people see you. Don’t protect yourself or hide: be transparent.”
By understanding transformation is a matter of experiencing how the non-physical spiritual realms and physical life exist simultaneously in the same time and space—how they’re simply different, yet complimentary, mutually sourcing interpenetrating frequencies of the same universe. To be transformed is to be transparent and ultimately to know there are filters that dim the soul’s starlight and distort the translation of the soul’s wisdom into form. Remove the clutter and what’s left is the transparent diamond-like self… Finding ways to discover limiting fears and clutter would include: To begin you might in your journal be creative, draw diagrams, and note what has captured your attention, a song lyric, a synchronicity, a snippet of someone’s conversation, an article, poem, book, something you see in nature. Begin to record and decode dreams and transcribe the gist of the inner dialogues you have with yourself. Then write down the negative declarative statements your left brain ego generated brain makes so you can see these limiting thoughts on paper. Find elements of your life vision. List the loves and favorites, your distastes and pet peeves so you can review later, and discover what you are really working on in your inner world.
Intuition is going to be an important skill of the future. In order to create the future and enter it gracefully, we must be able to know directly now without distortion. We must become transparent which to me means honest and open, and dive in and swim with the universe’s quantum particles and energy waves, like dolphins leaping alongside the prow of a fast moving ship. As you enter the Intuition Age you become ultra-sensitive and your energy and consciousness increase greatly. Your emotions stabilize and you feel happier, more harmonious enthusiastic and positive. You stop complaining and criticizing, and open your mind. You are more curious and accessing knowledge and processing it in the Intuition Age and now more based on right brain perception: empathy telepathy intuition and compassion. Now you are a higher frequency personality and have a convincing sense of living experiences—of soul, in your body, all the time.
Sheryl likes a quote that feels in alignment with this new sense of soul being….”If it vibrates, it can be tuned. Everything is energy—violins, people, potato chips, thoughts feelings and events. They all vibrate.” Deena Zalkind Spear
Many of us are becoming aware of life’s acceleration and its impact on perception identity and reality. The frequency of matter and of our bodies emotions and thoughts, has been steadily rising causing us to feel uncomfortable and pressured while also becoming ultra sensitive and more aware of the inner world of energy and consciousness. You probably recognize some of the signs and symptoms of this quickening process. As we’ve been adjusting ourselves to the higher frequency preparing for a new self and reality often without realizing it, we’ve been loosening the stuck places in our history beliefs and habits, so we can clear them and be free to evolve. We are waking up to the immensity of what we can be. Our capacity as human being is expanding beyond what we’ve been able to imagine. If we pay attention it’s evident that we are experiencing a shift that starts in the nonphysical realm and materializes as a true transformation of life on earth. The word miracle is showing up everywhere these days.
The ideas of “seeing through” and “being seen” and how these gifts can be used advantageously are in our thoughts now. The greater dynamic of what’s happening is little understood by people whose main focus is on the physical world. They don’t see the non-physical part of the process yet and tend to assume the world is spiraling toward destruction as the result of events like the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986, and Twin Towers destruction on 9/11, and the financial crisis of 2007-2008 showed. Though societal events and personal difficulties are disruptive they serve as wedges to open up new realities and expansive thinking.
The transformation process and acceleration of frequency is evolving your consciousness from fear to love, beyond old emotional wounds and low vibrational negativity and worry. Emotions based in fear—like distrust, hatred, apathy, disdain, or envy vibrates relatively very slowly compared to emotions like love, joy, affection, enthusiasm, kindness or appreciation. Thoughts that are fixed—opinions, beliefs, credos and dogma, vibrate at lower levels than thoughts that are fluid—such as inspiration, curiosity, imagination or intuition. While becoming unnoticeable when in a group might protect us in some way in our own need for safety, and to avoid failure in any sense, and does meet certain fear based needs, we still secretly want to be recognized.
Sheryl says that she remembers once telling someone she respected that she simply wished to be known…..She didn’t realize at the time that she meant for the soul and spirit she embodied and the hope she had for others to awaken to a higher sense of awareness and truth and to know life in a refined open or exposed and transparent way. In her book The Living Spirit she wrote, “This is the journey of the soul and in order for soul maturation one cannot allow oneself to be any more attached to one soul than another. This can be hard to accept, let alone implement. Aren’t we taught from birth to love our families beyond all else and to take care of our own? Although all expressions of love are equally needed and valued by Spirit, it is in the oneness of being and the fairness to all that means we are detaching from human ego and have come into the fullness of our divine soul essences.
Penney wrote, “The more authentic you become, the more you like who you are, and the more willing to be seen and known by others.”
As the process of becoming more balanced in your spiritual and humanness you are free to share more of the magnificent energy and life force that is so welcoming and expressive.
Penney talks about what happens if we don’t clear away negativity and dissolve fear or what upsets us. “You may try to push it away, distract yourself and pretend or deny it exists. If you’re a fighter you might use some form of control, domination, confrontation, intimidation, fortification, misdirection, and trickery cynicism or stoicism. You may become aggressive violent or develop hair-trigger defensiveness. If you are more comfortable with flight, you may avoid the issues by becoming spacey unconscious apathetic or noncommittal. You might feign ignorance, distract yourself with addictive substances and behaviors, or fragment your awareness by trying to do a million things in front of you, or you might give away your power to authority figures or act helpless complaining about feeling unloved deprived or overwhelmed. When the heightened energy scares you it builds up even more and pushes harder to be released. If you continue to choose resistance rather than flow life becomes intense and difficult filled with negative experiences that explode. Progress and change must be allowed as acceleration cannot be stopped. Becoming defensive about the habits you developed to maintain security now brings up the opposite experience—the one you’ve resisted feeling.
It is important to remember that the negative views that plague you are a figment of the left brain which at its most contracted and dense creates ego. Your left brain must surrender control for you to transform. This is called “ego death.” You don’t have to be better than others, know everything ahead of time, have a plan for everything or control other people’s responses to you. As you drop these needs, the ego feels itself becoming useless or dying and can cause you to think dire paranoid thoughts. Life can look dark and dangerous. You are finally so exhausted from avoiding, resisting, controlling, and re-suppressing subconscious blocks that you just stop. The left brain’s methods fall apart.. In spite of yourself you’ve begun to experience the open slightly transparent mind. You start to get out of your own way. Revelations emerge as your soul shines once again.
As Rumi wrote, There is an inner wakefulness
that directs the dream,
and that will eventually startle us back
to the truth of who we are.
Understanding the parts of the brain and their function allows us to see the changes happening during this time of transformation to transparency. Linear left brain perception and shifting to the Right Brain for total awareness of our past present and future needs is part of this process.
Linear perception is an old way of knowing who we are and how life works. It is based on a model of reality that sees separation. Past present and future are lined up in a row separated from each other. We have here and there, self and other, inside and outside and the million either or polarities that we move between via a line. We have timelines, storylines, lines of logic, mechanical processes, and the shortest distance between two points.
Linear perception is a function of the left brain.
Two of the primary rules of the left brain are: 1 never be overwhelmed by negative emotion 2 avoid unproven change as much as possible.
To be clear—linear left-brain perception is not bad. It’s just that it can no longer be the primary mode for knowing yourself and creating reality. There will always be a need for linear perception which helps us have individual self-consciousness and gets things done. Today we still understand and use instinct of the perception of the reptile brain as a smaller part of our intelligence. So we are moving from the predominant left brain thinking to right brain or quantum perception. The right brain is free flowing, non-verbal non-mathematical nonsequential and its perception is not confined to specific spatial dimensions. It is integrative perceiving the whole and intuition is its natural form of perception. The right brain is the imaginal realm where all possibilities exist and abundance is normal. We might call it heightened impressionability.
In the Intuition Age you’ll use a combination of horizontal and vertical transparency.
Horizontal transparency or physically related transparency means that motion and means are rooted in mater and person to person communication. Horizontal transparency in the Information Ages relates primarily to government business and leadership
Another kind of transparency is Vertical transparency that is a characteristic of our energy and consciousness. It’s totally clear perception that results when the soul integrates with the personality or ego based left brain perception. Here the higher frequency nonphysical energy and consciousness of the spiritual realm shines through the lens of your mind, emotions and body to be made real in the world.
In these end times of the Information Age transparency is widely used to describe ability of one person or party to access information from another and we associate truth with good information. Remember that information is horizontal and left brained and subject to distortion, while wisdom is vertical right brained—heart oriented and of the soul.
Penney lets us know that the world is ready now for global horizontal and vertical transparency because the frequency has risen and people around the world are connecting with each other via social media and broadcast and cell phone networks. The internet speeds us access to every sort of data, every kind of personal story, every distortion of truth and all the varieties of reality TV exaggeration. Everyone seems to be writing a book, creating podcasts and making videos. We are flooded with truth and lies. We need horizontal transparency honesty and authenticity concerning information and knowledge to help us do that. The importance of instantaneous connections with people on our wavelength breeds a longing for intimacy and for the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the world not alone but in co-creation.
Transparency both horizontal and vertical increases the incidence of innovation and helps bring forth inventions and improvements to society making us ready for a fully transparent self life and world.
Penney Peirce shares a truthful well defined ability to clearly help readers see the shift of awareness of Consciousness, time and space, invisible energy and matter, and all that defines us as both spiritual and physical beings who are on the precipice of knowing life in its infinite wisdom and wonderment. The time is NOW and reading Transparency will aid you in moving forward into life as it can be lived beyond, past present and future, in the one moment of Unified Consciousness.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have taken a look at the awakening process and observed the transformation of humans as they move from the Information Age to the Intuition Age as we gather a clearer view of who we are and what life can be when we engage in interacting with all forces of creation and life in a compassionate kind and empowering way. This view and experience benefit all and does not allow us to separate ourselves from each other and the Universal Source that fuels and encourages creativity and progress in all human and divine matters.
As Penney wrote, “Most of us live in opaque bodies in an opaque world We do not see through to what’s real and are rarely seen for who we truly are. We are resigned to an old slow kind of perception in what’s becoming a painfully dense or opaque –reality. Think how much of our time energy and resources is spent on self-protection and defense, keeping secrets, lying hiding, and living by outmoded mores. Think how much misunderstanding and waste result from the belief that we live in a destructive inimical world instead of an evolving compassionate one.”
Penney and I would have you know that beyond the spider web of limiting human beliefs, self-doubt and unclear perceptions is the “Observer within you”—the soul that remembers eternal life, love and creative ways to live unfettered by societal mis-beliefs, and painful living of any kind. Begin to watch, observe, awaken and you will know yourself and others as the miracle of a creative life force that allows us to manifest physical life in better ways, to flow with change and to honor Spirit.