Internet Radio Show
Tune Into Your Inner Wisdom: Intuition
- Theresa Cheung
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master teacher medium and author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles, and ways to know and utilize intuition to improve the quality of your personal life and our world and am most happy today to welcome Theresa Cheung author of 21 Rituals to Ignite Your Intuition
As listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories of a growing awareness of life showing us that as spiritual or energetic beings having a physical life we possess enormous possibilities for creating or manifesting conditions that encourage prosperity health love and joy as that quite simply is our natural birth right. The key of course is to become aware of Who we are? What life is about? and How to utilize our inner wisdom for success.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within’ Theresa Cheung who was born into a family of psychics and spiritualists went to Kings College, Cambridge University graduating with a masters in theology and English and is the author of numerous bestselling mind body spirit books will share today how to think about Intuition from the simple way a mother may have a feeling about her child’s needs to how we gather information about the best plan of action from a gut feeling which have often proven to yield better results in decision making than logic. We will discover how like optimism, intuition can be cultivated.
Theresa shares her scientific search to describe intuition and how may it be cultivated. The best way to understand intuition is to experience it. Your intuition is an untapped source of higher wisdom that draws on your previous knowledge but it is also much more than that. It is the still quiet voice within you, an awareness of cognitive messages auditory information visual images and physical sensations that can provide you with meaningful information about past present or future realities. Some even consider intuition a form of ESP or extrasensory perception.
Sheryl says..It is indeed an alignment to the Universal Energy or life force of creation which flows through each of us: surrounds us and is indeed the awareness of “All that is.” In other words intuition is the wisdom of the eternal soul and as described by the messages of clairvoyance clairaudience clairscientience are often the heightened gifts of sensitives psychics mediums healers and prophets.
In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl addressed this great gift of knowingness or intuition as our soul’s wisdom and wrote, “Before I awakened to the awareness of the continuity of the eternal Soul, the immense possibility for the growth of each person’s personal power, and the ability to connect to spiritual energies, I did not know or even vaguely understand how to listen to my inner voice. Was this the whisper of guidance from a higher self, or a gut feeling connected to the mind, or an innate cellular intelligence? I now know the inner voice comes to us from our own soul essence, as well as the Divine whispers of other souls to whom we are connected and wish to aid us from afar in whatever situations we find ourselves. The mind containing our intellect or ego with its constant chatter and fearful thoughts makes it harder to follow our soul whispers. After years as an energy healer and medium, I am aware of the ordinary mental thoughts as compared to the higher thoughts of my soul and all the souls in Spirit.”
SO then Sheryl says rituals and acceptance of destiny and past experiences have hastened and aided her progress as it will all who begin to mindfully and reverently accept their powerful personal soul power. With consistency trust meditation and being with like minded people who swirl in the same energy of creating their own truth through an acceptance and surrendering to their destiny and life plan many miracles can be created to help themselves and others.
Theresa Cheung goes on to elaborate on what a ritual is and some of the meaningful and intentional rituals to be developed when one first tries to enhance their already natural gift of intuition. A ritual is in its simplest form an action performed with intention and feeling that boosts your motivation, understanding and well being. Our daily actions shape our lives. Repeat an action long enough and it becomes a habit, but habits often lack meaning. To ensure meaningful change our actions have to be filled with personal feelings and meaning. The need to be ritualized…creating personal ritual, brings the presence of the sacred into your daily life and that has meaning for you as a potential tool for both personal and spiritual growth. An example would be looking in a mirror and smiling which can be energizing and light up your face.
In addition to the spiritual perspective there’s a whole lot of science to back up the life-changing power of ritual. For starters scientists from the University of California have shown that your brain is led more by your actions than your thoughts. This suggests that your daily routines are the place to begin because if your daily actions are positive, your thoughts will follow. Change, according to science, starts with what you do, the actions you take, rather than what you think. If you walk or exercise you will feel better physically and emotionally. Your actions—getting some exercise boost your mood.
In addition research indicates it is not so much the actual ritual you perform that matters. Simply having rituals in your life is key and also key that those rituals are personal to you in some way. They are beneficial as they are actions that focus your intention on the present moment. This is a link to the mindfulness movement we hear so much about.
As Theresa researched and practiced the rituals in this book 21 Rituals to Ignite Your Intuition it became clear that the rituals actually encourage personal transformation and are natural mood and self esteem booster. Helping you become calmer more positive and confident which the world could truly benefit from in these challenging changing times.
Theresa says positive thinking alone doesn’t work. The reason it doesn’t work is that positive thinking is only half the story. The other half is positive doing and that is where ritual play their part in the drama of our lives. We’ve all been so intoxicated by the thoughts creating our reality mantra, we’ve forgotten something very obvious, thoughts, words meditations, affirmations, visualizations prayers, and dreams mean absolutely nothing if you don’t take action. Your actions need to attract what you want in your life in the same way you hope positive thinking will. With daily rituals you combine the potential power of positive thinking with the real power of positive action. The Universe source or Spirit responds to action!
Intuition is a skill that we can strengthen through intentional practice. Aristotle wrote “Intuition is the source of scientific knowledge.” So let’s think how we currently make decisions. Most people might list the pros and cons or ask advice from other people or search endlessly for and gather information. There is merit in all these rational approaches but for important decisions like moving, changing jobs or even getting married research shows that your intuition is your best resource. Intuition is not guessing but informed and based on experiences and information storied in our long term memories—the information we aren’t consciously aware of but which we have stored away and which can reveal itself through a flash of intuition.
Currently intuition research is booming and intuition is regarded as a very real ability by scientists and psychologists. In 2014 the US Navy allocated an astonishing four million dollars for research into the workings of intutition as a potential life-saver for members of the armed forces and whether or not there are ways to improve it with training. Indeed an increasing number of other respected studies explore the process and making sense of information unconsciously received. Research by Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Dr. Dean Radin takes this further and suggests our bodies may intuitively know things before they happen. Sending us signs like increased heart rate to warn or guide us. This is called presentiment or predictive anticipatory activity. Finally studies done at the Max Planck Institute have confirmed that intuitive decisions are reached faster and are subjectively better than those landed on by purely rational means.
Many people are already using intuition though they may be unaware that they are. Sheryl can strongly attest to this truth. She has been using intuition and psychic empathic ability all her life just thinking it was her own good thinking hard work and persistence that made her achieve many of her goals. Sheryl tells us that many years ago when she first starting her Reiki energy healing practice she had a girl at the front desk of the office taking money payments and a sum of money had accumulated. One day Sheryl walked in and a thought flew through her head, “Take the money now.” Sheryl had a busy morning of sessions planned so she put her attention on the work schedule of the day and ignored that thought. The next day the girl was gone as she had been fired and when Sheryl went to her envelope only a few dollars were left…hundreds of dollars were gone. Sheryl learned a lesson that day she must pay attention to her thoughts and act immediately… not procrastinating.
So this shows us again what intuition is and Theresa wrote “Intuition is your connection to something deeply wise within you that leads you to make decisions based on your highest level of good judgment. It provides you with valuable insights about yourself, your life, the people you interact with and the situations you encounter. It is not a moral compass or a supreme authority about what is absolutely right and wrong for everyone. But it does provide a sense of what is right for you and what isn’t going to be in your best interests. Trouble is intuition is often so hard to identify, connect to and trust because it is the inner voice many of us lose contact with and don’t know how to identify when it does try to speak.
Theresa tells us the story of how her life was saved when she was in her early thirties. She was driving behind a truck when a voice inside her head told her without explanation to turn right when she really needed to turn left to get to her destination. She obeyed that voice and avoided a crash that killed three people, one of whom would have been her if I hadn’t listened to that voice. You’d have thought that this dramatic experience would have given her faith in her intuition and I would have gone from intuitive strength to strength. It didn’t, so I took courses, read books, meditated, visualized, journeyed, tried hypnotherapy and finally found Intuition is something that comes from within me, not something I can learn or acquire from the outside in.
We can boost our intuitive reflex through daily rituals. Well now we know that intuition is unconscious reasoning that urges us to do something when we don’t have any idea why or how we know it. It is a knowing without knowing. You might think that intuition is a gift you can’t control or command. Science is proving that intuition is a real super sense, but to connect to it you need to be preferably positive and have a calm state of mind. Rituals are ideal because they occupy and calm your conscious mind with the action performed while allowing your brain’s associative powers to get to work producing the intuitive guidance you need. In short the more ritual there is in your life the more intuitive you become.
By performing at least one intuition igniting ritual a day for 21 days you are therefore keeping your mind focused on the intuition boosting power of that ritual for the minimum length of time required to unlock neural pathways that can stimulate your intuition.
Sheryl says that as a Reiki Master Teacher when a student is attuned to the Reiki 1 level of training it is required for them to do the self treatment on themselves for the first 21 days and they are actually encouraged to do it every day as a ritual meditation relaxation and a connection to spirit and the healing guides who help us with the work we do.
For the rituals that we offer here it is important to pick at least one new ritual for 21 days to imprint itself on your brain and become a natural part of your life…just like brushing your teeth combing your hair and sleeping all rituals to make life healthier and more productive.
Rituals can help us become aware that certain activities can help us tap into our intuition and tend to cluster around three major themes
- Becoming more self-aware and mindful
- Creativity and imagination
- Relating to yourself and others with empathy
The seven wake up rituals are
- Forget your phone Highly intuitive people aren’t glued to their phones because they know their best insights come when they are off line…Ironically as social media is designed to make us feel good by being connected studies have shown that many people feel dissatisfied after visiting sites like Facebook seems selfies and the focus on likes and dislikes of others triggers envy and feelings of being left out. Forgetting about your phone puts you in charge not the outside world.
- Eyes Wide Shut According to science intuition is an unconscious insight that bursts into our conscious awareness after substantial mental and emotional processing. At night when you dream you are receiving information from the unconscious intuitive part of your brain so paying attention to dreams helps to tap into your unconscious The Malaysian Senoi tribe are known for being free of depression and crime. Why? They use dreams for personal growth and encourage children from an early age to pay less attention to the material world and more to the world of dreams. People who are highly intuitive pay attention to their dreams. Dream recall is a sacred ritual for hightly successful people..Paul McCartney heard the Beatles song Yesterday in a dream Neurologists believe that rapid eye movement REM phase of sleep in which dreams occur corresponds to brain development processing information and boosting memory.
- trike a Pose Now think about your body language whenever you need to make an important decision. Think big and act big. Your intuition responds to confidence. The longer you keep your body hunched and small the repeated signal to your body and brain is that you are small and unimportant. People who stretch and raise their arms up will be happier and healthier so do that first thing in the morning
- Take Two Two minutes of quiet time is all you need for the powerful intuition-igniting ritual. Intuition igniting benefits include meditation which can change how your brain functions and help you deal calmly with emotions and stress. People who meditate have less risk of stroke and heart attacks. Also reduces the risk of depression there are suggestions it should be taught in schools showing that students who meditated regularly were more lightly to graduate.
- Think Back Intuition doesn’t obey the linear, logical or rational laws that govern our waking lives. Intuition springs from the unconscious where there is no order or sense of time and space. You can create the most receptive mind and body awareness for intuition to surface and thrive
- Shower Insight We all have insights but it is using them to inspire action that those insights become reality
- Tooth time Instinctively knowing something about a place a situation or person without being aware of how you know—and that something turns out to be correct is the voice of your intuition speaking loud and clear. Brushing your teeth is a good time for igniting your intuition and may also be good news for heart health and your well being also.
Theresa Cheung author of 21 Rituals to Ignite Your Intuition has shared a clear understanding of the nature of intuition, the benefits and the ways to begin to heighten and grow intuition which is an important tool for advancing personal goals towards greater health prosperity and happiness
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have explored the inner world of intuition and discovered many rituals that we may begin to practice to enhance and awaken our natural gift of inner knowing which aids us in making decisions and choices that create a happy healthy positive life journey.
As Theresa writes, Trouble is many of us don’t know how to recognize when our intuition is speaking to us as we so often confuse it with the voices of fear or wishful thinking. We also tend to assume intuition is spontaneous and outside our control. To some extent that is true. Intuition is like a wild bird. It isn’t meant to be caged. But, just as a bird can be trained to fly to you and eat out of your hand, it is possible to not only recognize when your intuition is speaking but also to harness it through the power of ritual.
Theresa and I would hope you begin to discover and use your God given divinely inspired key to your inner life and wisdom, your intuition as a way to know how to maneuver yourself through this physical world with greater efficacy, to inspire and manifest your best life.