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Unblocking Energy With the Fingertips/The Art of Jin Shin
- Alexis Brink
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love and as a Reiki Master Teacher and energy practitioner am delighted to discuss another alternative healing modality that allows a connection to Universal Energy and can redirect or unblock the flow of energy to restore a sense of well being and calm. I am delighted to welcome Alexis Brink author of The Art of Jin Shin
As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect over the years Sheryl and her guests and share intimate stories of infinite potential as soul beings having a physical life for the purpose of remembering the power within we possess to create with our thoughts, attitudes, and actions, a world that brims with possibilities for expansion and the evolution of our human condition. In other words we are energy alive within a universe of energy and as such must come to understand the metaphysical aspects of our both our physical and divine life force.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Alexis Brink will share the story of a Japanese healing art of energy medicine which although related to acupressure, acupuncture and massage therapy is not a physical manipulation of tissue and uses only minimal pressure. It involves a gentle touch of fingers and hands to redirect or unblock the flow of energy along the bodies 52 points called Safety Energy Locations. We will learn the benefits and ways to help ourselves as well as perhaps gather a greater understanding of who we are and how we can improve our lives both physically and spiritual.
When Alexis is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown her or others the lifestyle work or values she might embrace as an adults Alexis wrote, “Coming from a family of Holocaust survivors with a legacy of historical pain loss and generational suffering I found that my practice and study of Jin Shin opened my heart in ways I had not necessarily expected. Gifting me with an awareness of my relationship to a higher energy and consciousness, the philosophy and practice remind me of the presence of something bigger than myself, connecting me to an expansive universal energy and reminding me of the wholeness of my soul. Putting us in touch with our innate wisdom and bringing us to a place where our intuition can reveal itself, the Art of Jin Shin is both vast and complete.”
Sheryl says to Alexis “A Reiki practice leads you to the same discovery of our innate timeless and eternal soul gifts and shows us that life is a continuous cycle whether in a body or beyond the body as there is no death, only a transition to our original state of energy and continuous life. Reiki opened up Sheryl’s ability to meditate and connect to souls, loved ones, higher vibrational beings, angels, spiritual teachers, and God and to download loving messages to guide her clients to perceive all challenges and experiences in the way that helps them move through emotions, even fear, to a state of acceptance allowance and surrendering, without suffering, to all happenings and seeing it all as necessary for soul growth, greater compassion, love, and moving to a higher awareness of our immense possibilities to create what the soul needs.”
Alexis shares the definition of the Art of Jin Shin. The art of Jin Shin is a Japanese energy healing modality similar to acupuncture, though we use our hands instead of needles. It also falls into the realm of acupressure massage and Japanese Reiki energy healing which works on the seven main chakras or energy points of the body that relate to spiritual as well as physical life challenges.
Alexis was introduced to Jin Shin as a result of being injured. She was an injured dancer and the healing session immediately relieved her knee so she could get back to rehearsals the next day. Alexis learned how to help herself and the knee injury didn’t recur. Her teacher Lee Theodore insisted on RICE (rest ice compression elevation) as part of a dancer’s discipline to heal oneself and nurture an injury back to health. Shortly after that a friend who suffered from multiple sclerosis went to see a woman named Philomena Dooley for a session of a mysterious Japanese healing art. When he returned he simply said to Alexis,” I think this is what you are meant to be doing.” Based on ancient Eastern principles of energy medicine and holistic healing, Jin Shin does nothing more than use the gentle touch from a practitioner’s hands to remove energetic blockages that cause physical and emotional pain and disease. Philomena had been a nurse and in the late 1970’s as a result of her own health problems -phlebitis, a blood disorder that caused clots that could lead to strokes learned Jin Shin. Struggling with her own care she was directed to Mary Burmeister in Arizona who had carried the message of Jin Shin from Japan to the United States. The healing work transformed her health, appearance, and there were radical changes in her blood workup, She came off blood thinners and pain medication. Her problems never reoccurred.
In Jin Shin we call problems, projects, as projects are fun and we work with them. Philomena helped Alexis with her knee by tweaking her toes and showing her how to hold her hands on both the inside and outside of her knee releasing the blockage. She also suggested she could learn to give sessions to my friend with multiple sclerosis.
As Westerners we tend to think that ailments have a single cause and a person with 15 ailments may need as many different kinds of contrast many Eastern philosophies suggest that everything from energy in the body to events in the world, moves in continuous cycles with each individual part being connected.
Within a Jin Shin framework a diagnosis or label of disease is the result of a buildup of months or even years, worth of pent-up energy. Those blockages or disharmonies may be brought about by internal attitudes and emotions as well as diet, work habits, or hereditary susceptibilities and they may also be caused by environmental stressors.
Sheryl says…that is funny but I got introduced to Reiki Energy Healing when I had a knee injury and couldn’t walk while I was at a conference with International Mediums and Healers studying psychic development and afterlife connections. My teacher suggested I go to a healing session and when the man put his hands on my shoulder and said I was a healer, I didn’t understand, but then he put his hand on my knee, and I could feel the heat and the movement or vibration of the ligaments and tendons within, and thought to myself, if my parents were alive they would think I was with aliens. But my knee felt better and I was so grateful for the help, even though it took years of study and training to become a Reiki Master Teacher and Medium and to know how the world works both in the metaphysical sense and physical life.
The philosophy grabbed Alexis when she took her first workshop. She found what she had been searching for: a connection to Source. It made Alexis experience and know there was something bigger than herself and she was part of it. She knew instantly that this would be her life’s path.
Sheryl says that whenever or wherever a person is awakened to remember their intuitive inner sense of soul connection to Spirit God the Divine Source or the creative energy of our eternal life, it moves us past the fear and limitations of societal mores, training, and opens up a world of possibilities to create whatever our thoughts, attitudes, and interests direct us toward. Healing is always done on a physical, emotional, and spiritual plane, and our natural birthright as spiritual beings is to find health and joy or happiness by experiencing emotions, determining how it makes us feel, and then allowing us to make choices to find the best within ourselves and others, and develop greater love and compassion for all living things.
In my book The Living Spirit I wrote, “For years the metaphysical community has predicted a tremendous shift in human consciousness and it is happening now. More than ever, people are feeling the need to rediscover their life’s purpose, and the economic downturn in recent years has given many the freedom, opportunity and necessity to change their lives and work. Energy healing including Reiki, Healing Touch, Jin Shin Reflexology Chiropractic Adjustments, Acupuncture, Massage and Body Work, Rolfing, Polarity, Trager, Chromotherapy, Radionics. Alexander, Bioenergetics, Feldenkrais, Deep Tissue Work, Osteopathic Manipulation and other modalities—has become one of the fastest growing fields of complementary health care, and it is part of my mission to help healers develop their God-given gifts. The Living Spirit is not just for healers, but for anyone who wants to awaken to their soul’s mission and to the incredible plan God has for them.”
Jin Shin works as we use our hands as jumper cable to harmonize energy flow in the body so that it can function optimally. Sometimes our energy gets blocked because of lifestyle stress, trauma, environmental habits such as diet or genetic predispositions. By placing our hands on specific locations or SELs you allow for the free flow of energy and the body can heal itself.
Jin Shin can help many kinds of different conditions or diseases. Jin Shin helps man different projects including anxiety back pain high blood pressure headaches weak immune system and more. When you balance your energy by applying Jin Shin life energy will be restored and the body will heal itself.
Sheryl says that much like any energy healing modality we are in all energy healing work channeling Universal Energy or a Spiritual Energy and the body can heal on many levels mind body spirit. With Reiki however, the practitioner is trained over a period of time, attuned to channel higher levels of energy that can help with physical or emotional situations helping the person connect to their inner soul source and perhaps, let go of long held trauma or disappointment. This allows a reconnection to new forms of creation unblocking artistic blockages, as well as physical, so they can make changes in their thoughts attitudes and actions and pursue new projects or interests in a more authentic and enthusiastic way. Reiki is a way to help the body mind and spirit heal itself from many misconstrued beliefs and attitudes offering a new sense of joy and freedom as well as physical well being.
Alexis recommends Jin Shin as Jin Shin balances body mind and spirit and is easy to apply to yourself and others. You can practice a specific hold for a symptom and may also create a daily routine to maintain health and well being. Alexis recommends Jin Shin and shares many healing stories of expectant mothers who had previously been unable to carry the pregnancy to term and then delivered healthy babies, to Katie a bright 16 year old on antidepressants whose anxiety was so serious she missed school and fell into bouts of uncontrollable crying. It was discovered she had taken a fall at two years of age and had a lump of congested energy in her head and with Jin Shin hand positions it was finally released and she was returned to a state of well being. So many stories of healings and of preventive use of this system to prevent illness and dysfunction to begin.
Sheryl says.. She has found that people who become aware of our connection to all living things and as many of us being empaths who actually react to individual and environmental shifts, when they study and learn about energy are ab find a connection between all of them. Sheryl recommends to her clients to include a few different practices into their plan and feel inclined to find their way to the practitioners and methods that they are most comfortable with. Like all events in our lives nothing is random and we are being guided always by souls above who wish to help us with our life journey and challenges even when they cannot take something which seems troublesome out of the equation. For there is really no good or bad, just experiences to allow the soul to feel greater love and compassion through moving past any and all negative and restrictive emotions. It is all in our awareness and perception of how to approach all happenings knowing pain or suffering but choosing to move past blame judgment and all the lower emotions that make people unhappy. Acceptance of all is definitely an outgrowth of spiritual practice and awareness of our dual nature as spiritual beings having a physical life.
Jin Shin as Reiki and other energy healing modalities is for everyone. All you need is your two hands and to remember to breathe. You can also practice on a loved one: your parent child friend or pet. If you have a body Jin shin is for you.
The book The Art of Jin Shin gives you the complete self-help program from simple one step holds to more elaborate flow patterns. Alexis explains the way to practice as well as the philosophy. You can participate in events at her institute in New York where a complete training program is available.
Alexis shares with listeners something about simple awareness of our hands and fingers? The easiest way to apply Jin shin is by holding finger and palm. Each finger helps to harmonize an emotional attitude, two organ functions and it has a relationship to an element day of the week flavor astro sign color and more. Thumb helps to harmonize worry Index finger –fear Middle finger—anger Ring finger sadness grief Little finger—trying too hard/effort. Palm hand helps everything.
Sheryl uses Reiki and reflexology and the different reflex points as well as different chakras our energy point to connect and work in tandem with physical organs in the body much the same way. So stimulating one point affects other connected points and allows for a release of blocked energies.
Jin Shin like many healing modalities is restorative and energizing. Our bodies need to be discovered not conquered. Change is happening and no matter the challenge we may help ourselves creating a peaceful state of mind acceptance and allow our self to self-heal. The discovery of Jin Shin has illuminated my life: I am a devoted practitioner and every morning I do a series of flows and throughout the day I rely on Jin Shin holds to energize and reawaken my mind and body.
We thank you Alexis Brink author of The Art of Jin Shin for sharing your personal journey of discovering the ability we all have to reconnect to the energy or divine source of creation and finding simple ways to improve our health our mind body and spirit for greater joy and positivity in our everyday lives.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have explored two amazing healing modalities from Japan Jin Shin and Reiki and it is Alexis and my great pleasure to bring to as many people as possible the great value and joy of these healing arts. Sheryl has been grateful to participate in working with Reiki for the last 25 years. Before one knows how to self heal they struggle with many physical and emotional issues and often succumb to depression and doubt, but eventually are guided to people and ways to improve life. It is when we decide to be consistent patient accept whatever health issue we have and find the most positivity in all that we experience that we actually do conquer the fear that often created it in the first place.
Alexis and I are happy to see how much awareness there is in the medical field, hospital, hospice situations, and with so many people incorporating energy healing into their everyday lives and by doing so helping them to more fully know themselves, where they come from, and the innate inner wisdom they have to create their best version of themselves. Reiki and Jin Shin are much more than a healing system for the body. They are the key to live a balanced harmonious loving lifestyle which ultimately advances the practitioner, the client, the world and Universe. We suggest you try a session and begin to feel the power of your own energy flow freely and lovingly, through your body, and into the world.
I am Sheryl Glick host of “Healing From Within” and invite you to visit my website to listen to and read about authors leaders in the metaphysical science spiritual educational medical political and the arts and science look for ways to enjoy love and improve life on all levels. Shows may also be heard on and