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A Understanding Death to Live Life More Fully
- Amy Dix
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and medium and author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories of spiritual connection and ways to understand and improve these changing challenging times as we remember our deepest soul intuition and inner wisdom assisting us to create a world that connects all worlds where life lives eternally. Today I welcome Amy N. Dix author of Seven More Days which offers new perspectives to those who wish to design a life filled with value and meaning as they come to understand life and death.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate illuminating insights into our deepest subconscious thoughts in the hopes of discovering more about who we are, where life originates, and perhaps discover a greater understanding of our eternal life force and how it merges with our physical reality in ways that offer help for us ultimately to live without fear. In that mindset we can value and live each day with greater happiness and peace and continue to pursue self-investigation and the mastering of our emotions so we may conquer limitations of the outside world.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Amy N. Dix who is a motivational speaker author and Positive Psychology Practitioner will help us understand how the human brain processes information events and emotions. We learn how to find people who resonate in our energy and life goals, and how to decode human emotions so we can master three critical areas of life: your character, your connections, and your community as well as improve connections with people in a disconnected world.
Amy tells us that the inspiration for this book about positivity and living life with courage came from the death of a loved one. Amy’s mother transitioned from this physical life in 2016. For Amy that heart -breaking experience showed her that all life coaching is simply death coaching by a more positive name.
When we talk about living the best we can, we’re really talking about making the most of our limited time we have on earth. Amy tells us her book is different than some others as she wants you to stop being paralyzed by the idea and fear of death, look it squarely in the eye and live well, so one day you will say as her mother did, “I am not afraid to die.”
Sheryl tells Amy that she often has great coincidences or synchronicity with her guests and like Amy Sheryl’s mother’s passing helped her learn much about the dying process which led he to do eight years of hospice volunteer work which assisted in Sheryl’s soul mission to become an energy healer and medium and help clients connect to their own soul journey. Life Amy’s mother, Sheryl’s mother was able to say three things to her before she transitioned which also are exemplary ways to view life enjoy how wonderful life is and to discover the real purpose of life. Sheryl’s mom said, “I had a good breakfast, life is good and I love you. In other words, if you enjoy it all without judgment, and come to know that nothing is either good or bad, just an experience to help us have greater appreciation and gratitude for living a physical life and remembering you are Spirit and spirit is everlasting.
Amy goes on to say we are all aware that there is a serious breach in levels of happiness at the moment in the United States as a whole right now. It is the reason there is a political social economic and educational divide. Amy and Sheryl’s mothers were basically satisfied and thankful for what they had achieved: the places they had been, the families they had raised and in their hearts they had achieved the American Dream. However, in these troubled times that seems to be an exception. Everyone feels entitled to whatever they want: often, without putting the time effort and consistency into achieving their goals. A materialistic hedonistic and self-serving means of needing wanting and having it all, has led to unhappiness poor health addictions complete dissatisfaction with the systems supporting society and lack of personal responsibility. Social media is distorting the way people respond to each other or they don’t respond at all and making life fractured, while sickness mental illness and unhappiness are the result of this disconnect from our human and soul needs.
Sheryl tells Amy that she writes of these same issues in her book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening for as we move past these challenging times which suggests that as humanity raises its vibration or state of awareness to higher consciousness, we will be more aligned to our energetic soul need than to physical desire alone. Or new life is available to each of us in everyday choices we make to be positive healthy and accepting of all things so when we live beyond the physical world in Spirit, for we are spirit whether in or out of body we will know that 0ur soul refinement is the reason we are having a physical life in the first place.
Amy goes on to share the World Happiness Report which states 6 ways to judge happiness in various nations. We are always trying to assess what conditions work to define happiness.
GDP per capita (a measure of income inequality)
Healthy life expectancy
Social Support
Freedom to make life choices
Generosity of donations
Perceived corruption of government and business
We learn that these standards and that money cannot buy happiness However, some Americans in their quest to find and create happiness are focusing on issues of inequality corruption distrust and social isolation and while the American Dream still draws many immigrants to this nation and is still realistic and hopeful, it doesn’t matter to that negative angry unhappy group of people who delve into a darker perspective of life. Of course Big Bucks politics dominated by special interests wealth inequality rate of immigration and community segregation repercussion of terrorist attacks like 9/11 and declining educational systems are all issues to be worked on and solutions to be found but Amy’s book suggests ways for individual growth which ultimately if followed by larger segments of the population will improve the other problems as well.
Sheryl enjoyed Amy’s end of life meditation where she suggested that readers visualize an empty Christmas tree and a box of ornaments that represent the years you have lived so far and note that the ornaments represent your most notable achievements and your most treasured people or memories. After your place the ornaments on the tree step back and admire your life represented by the ornaments you selected.
Sheryl tells Amy that she has collected over the years pieces of a holiday village that represents her travels family friends experiences she has shared and enjoyed tremendously and the houses people and scenery fill five large boxed and the Holiday Village when put together practically covers the entire living room with lights and color and magic as they share her journey and that of all the wonderful people she has met along the way. This interest began about twenty years algo when she realized through mystical experiences that we are more than our body and life is precious and we must remember our soul energy so we can fulfill our life plan learn love and live in a bold and expansive way. It is a wonderful life like the movie when we know who we are and can be true to our own self-development which actually serves everyone we interact with. As we move past our fears and limitations and conquer the illusion of death we are truly able to experience life with more positivity and joy.
Amy shares the M O M E N T S daily practice that are the characteristics of positivity.
- Acceptance
- Active
- Conscientiousness
- Curiosity
- Gratitude
- Humility
- Humor
- Optimism
- Presence
- Perspective
- Resilience
- Self-esteem
The benefits of incorporating positivity in your life include: Achieving goals more happiness in general, more energy, greater inner power and strength, the ability to inspire and motivate others, experiencing fewer difficulties along the way, the ability to surmount any difficulty, seeing life smile back at you and respect from others.
So what is the MOMENT SYSTEM
M Mute Be silent for five minutes without distraction
O Outcome.. write down outcome you must conquer to achieve
M Memorize Have a daily mantra say it over again.
E Express feelings to loved ones.
N Noble Acts
T Terminate one thing that’s not bringing positivity
Remember that everything, everyone has an energy or vibration and certain vibration more positively match your own…Allow yourself to find and enjoy people and experiences that light up your life. Pray and hope those who are suffering and unaware find their way forward as well. We all have a unique life plan and while it is often hard to observe others on paths so different from ours, they are indeed having a spiritual journey as well, and only they can make the changes necessary to improve their lives.
To determine your own level of positivity and happiness Amy suggests and writes, “Positivity is not an end in itself: Positivity is a means to an end and that end is happiness. But happiness is not a clearcut concept because we all define it differently. My idea of happiness which may resonate with you: I believe that happiness is peace. Inner peace no matter the miserable circumstance is peace at the inner core. Inner peace is long lasting and enables us to accept the dreadful with fortitude: a sense of happiness is but fleeting and fragile. The way you create happiness is to recognize positive moments and stay in these moments even if brief.”
Sheryl tells Amy that years ago she took several students so Lilly Dale New York where there is a community of spiritual healers and mediums. During her healing session the healer simply said, I hope you find peace. I didn’t realize at that time the love and beauty of that very special message till I read Amy’s description of happiness as inner peace. She actually wished for me to find my personal soul power and be beyond the limitations and fears of this physical world and I believe I am well on my way to that place of conscious peaceful knowing of Self.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Amy has shared the remarkable story of her mother Rhonda Lucy Dix who had many challenging health issues but was she felt chosen like many are chosen, with unbearable challenges, for as we watch them deal with tremendous suffering, they often become living examples of courage positivity and shine spiritual beauty into the world. We may all realize that through the challenge they come to recognize happiness and peace were their desired goals all along. Sheryl’s mother father and sister in dealing with their challenges and the process of dying or transitioning to Spirit reinforced for her and others a way to be grateful for life and soar above the physical world with a soul spirit of eternal magnitude.
As energy or soul beings we learn through extraordinary experiences that there is no death only a transition to higher awareness and love for Self, Life and others. The system that Amy has created and shared in her book Seven More Days and the method of MOMENT can lead to positivity and peace and is extraordinary while also practical and ideal to implement into daily life if you wish to improve the quality of your heart soul and mind and learn the truth of your divinity.
Amy and I would have you know that we all are unique beings and possess cetain soul innate qualities that are natural known within and not learned. Get to know these subconscious callings so you may better understand the life and soul journey you have chosen, and ultimately find happiness and peace that was always yours for the asking.