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Unique Gifts of Empathy Intuition Vision Expressive Sensitives
- Courtney Marchesani
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher, medium and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares an awareness that our challenges are not economic political or societal but a deep disconnection from our inner being or soul wisdom. Sheryl is delighted today to welcome Courtney Marchesani author of Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive offering many ways and practices to embrace the science of sensitivity, heal anxiety and relationships, and connect deeply with your world.
As listeners of the years have come to expect Sheryl and her extremely gifted guests share intimate insights into the nature of a duality of physical and energetic or soul life forces. It is in coming to understand that our present lives provide the backdrop for us to remember who we are as spiritual beings having this physical life to refine our inner soul energy and to advance higher consciousness or awareness of “All that is.”
In today’s episode of Healing From Within, Courtney Marchesani will explore how sensitivity shapes who we are and supports us in life. An Integrative health coach she demystifies the science of sensitivity to help us maximize our unique gifts of empathy intuition vision and expression. Highly sensitive people (HSP) experience and perceive the world differently with and using her Mind-Body Method which shares coping skills to manage the onslaught of intense emotions and sensations sensitives are often challenges with as the four gifts of sensitivity are so tightly interwoven with an individuals central nervous system causing them to respond to the environment differently from other sensitives and individuals . She also discusses stress reduction techniques including breath work aromatherapy sleep remedies and the ancient art of Ayurveda.
When Courtney is asked to her earlier life and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to them or others around her the lifestyle and interests she might pursue as an adult she tells us she remembers in her twenties she became aware that intuition was present in precognitive dreams and often the information received in these dreams helped her to maneuver daily life experiences. Sheryl and Courtney also discuss that some precognitive awareness isn’t always enough to change events that are universally destined to happen. Sheryl tells of returning home from Canada and flying into a clear view of New York City and a thought flashed through her head. If a plane goes into the buildings it will cause a lot of damage. Sheryl was disturbed by the thought. A week later was 9/11 and though other people had insights into the oncoming tragedy no one was able to stop it.
Courtney and Sheryl discuss how to use coincidences synchronicity and understand how our thoughts and actions can produce self- fulfilling prophecy
Sheryl would say that observation and spending time in mediation or silence helps to reflect on daily experiences ascertaining what messages or input coming in by spiritual energy intuition or vibrational soul beings from that non local realm of life. Coincidences and synchronicity are simply messages from Spirit to help us follow the clues and achieve our destiny or life path goals while intuitions and focusing our mind on what we wish to achieve allows us to manifest and create what our attention is focused on or a self-fulling prophecy.
Courtney describes the four gifts of sensitivity explaining that some people have different degrees of intensity in one or more of these categories.
The Four Gifts of sensitivity are intuition empathy vision and expression. When these gifts are developed to their potential you can tap into them freely and employ their strengths.
Marchesani as a sensitivity coach discovered her clients had specific sensory abilities that were quite extraordinary, like exceptional intuition, hyperawareness, and visual-spatial reasoning to solve problems. Skills like these could be observed through their personal experiences such as receiving sudden intuitions, feeling other people’s feelings and strong emotional expression that left no confusion about their passion. Most of these abilities draw on the interconnections between the perceptive and emotional functioning of the brain. The perceptive brain experiences the world through the senses seeing hearing tasting smelling and feeling come in through the somatosensory cortex whereas emotional processing relies on several regions including the left and right hemispheres and temporal lobes. Our emotions are the most difficult states for our brain to process.
Empathy intuition vision and expression are correlated to these facets of sensory processing and contribute to global sensory processing because as aging populations were studied, age related decline in the five classical senses vision smell healing touch and taste showed a marked shift in cognition. As sensory functions decline so do mental abilities.
While there is often overlap in different styles of processing sensitivity generally one type becomes dominant.
Let’s look at the four types of sensitive people.
Empaths. Sensitive empaths have great compassion for others due to their ability to read emotions. When this trait intensifies empaths can sense and process others’ feelings in their own bodies. Those who chose to cultivate this gift develop a caring and responsible nature that motivates them to help others. Empaths make excellent advocates communicators doctors healers negotiators peace makers and therapists.
Sheryl as a Reiki Master Energy Teacher and empathic healer has this ability and has spent years volunteering in hospice and doing readings and healing sessions for clients. Sheryl has written a trilogy documenting the progress of her discovering and fine tuning these gifts to help herself and others and the newest book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening shares ways to perceive our spiritual gifts in order to understand life and death and to manifest our best lives and a better world for all to participate in.
Intuitives. Sensitive -intuitives perceive clues that enable them to detect important information that would otherwise be ignored. They are usually extremely bright and highly aware of social dynamic due to their high-functioning perception. They are experts at sensing interconnectivity between relationships due to their adroitness for reading body language and micro expressions. When intuitives take leadership roles, they can accelerate important social trends. Because they can anticipate consequences, intuitives can become highly influential people. They excel at planning by seeing interconnections and are exquisite pattern finders, especially in business.
Visionaries. The sensitive-visionary can perceive the world holographically, from different angles with visual acuity and spatial awareness. They have a clear colorful inner vision. Dreams are remembered with incredible accuracy detail and clarity. Some times they are blessed with photographic memory. They have a great eyed for detail with the ability to design, envision innovate and imagine what might be possible. Those who cultivate it often excel in the fields of architecture and design. They can perceive solutions that will make the most of the environment for living and functionality.
Expressives. Sensitive expr essives are highly creative and use expression to embody the beauty comedy and tragedy they perceive in the world around them. They communicate with their bold ideas and strong emotions with a high degree of artistry. Whether as actors, dancers, painter, singers or writers, expressives can use their gifts to create compelling works of art that guide us to a deeper understanding of ourselves as human beings. They help us find shared meaning in our collective experiences and bring us together through their vivid imagination, inspiration and creativity.
The gifts of empathy intuition vision and expression are needed now more than ever. In a world facing the difficult challenges of climate change, inequality overpopulation food and economic insecurity and rapid technological advancement sensitives can offer guidance and help humanity make sense of the world. Albert Einstein Sensitive Intuitive Oprah Winfrey Sensitive Empath Steve Jobs Sensitive Visionary Carlos Santana Sensitive Expressive are prime examples of highly evolved sensitives.
All sensitive people are not always open minded to their gifts and when they repress them often have health issues and tragic consequences. Sheryl always was sensitive but was not with people or in an environment that understood how to develop and use the many gifts a sensitive may have. It took a long time for Sheryl to put the pieces of the puzzle together and to hone her gifts as a medium and intuitive healer for the past twenty five years.
As sensitives or individuals who are gifted with expanded sense perception it is important to take care of our precious senses. The senses are the first line of defense the mind and body use to help fight the bombardment of chaotic energy in everyday life. This symbiotic relationship between the senses, the sense of self, and one’s relationship with the world influence the relative peace, calm happiness or pain we feel. It is no coincidence words infused with great feeling like sentient, sentimental, sensation and sensual stem from the root word sens. In the simplest of terms a sentient being is one who is self-aware. When sensations coalesce into specific thought patterns, sensitive individuals use this awareness to find meaning. The distinct perceptive faculty it utilizes is sensory intelligence The four sensory intelligences, or gifts detailed in this book are intuition, empathy, vision, and expression.
Courtney tells the story of Daniel -Day-Lewis an accomplished actor also a sensitive expressive who won his Oscar for the portrayal of Irish artist Christy Brown who had cerebral palsy and was only able to use his left foot for all routine tasks to care for himself write and paint. Lewis was able to tap into his emotions to transform into Christy Brown and using his gift of exspression evoked the feelings Brown felt enduring chronic disability. A year earlier Day Lewis performted the title role in Hamlet in London and during the performance, the ghost or soul visit of his own deceased father appeared to him. No one else saw his father that night. Day Lewis was unnerved by this event which is something sensitives and mediums deal with on a regular basis. Approximately four percent of mediums see spirit as Daniel Day Lewis did. Most mediums see sense hear and get messages from deceased souls in meditation.
Sheryl as a medium and intuitive healer was engaged in Daniel Day Lewis’ story because she had a similar happening. One day her husband pulled into the driveway and Sheryl was talking to a friend on the phone. Looking out the window she saw David had someone in the passenger seat with him. The woman had short white hair, was large and clearly illuminated. Sheryl told her friend she had to run and put clothes on as David was bringing a visitor to the house. When David came to the door Sheryl asked where is the large woman that was in the car? David said no one was with him. In readings for clients Sheryl taps into many souls from the afterlife and relays messages of their thoughts and feelings to loved ones assuring them they are alive and well beyond this physical life. Why this soul appeared in David’s car that day I am not sure Perhaps spirit was showing me many ways to advance and grow were ever possible.
Courtney shares with us that the science of sensitivity is complex. Sensitives must learn how to process excessive stimuli during sensory overload. Sensory overload is a commonly used term that actually refers to the inner feeling of reaching your maximum sensory threshold. Think of it as intensity. It is known clinically as sensory overwhelm. Sensory overwhelm describes the massive influx of sensory information that flood’s into a sensitives awareness as they perceive their environment.
Sheryl says that most of her life as a child she was sick with stomach aches and throat viruses and her doctors never realized she was an empath and picking up the emotions and feelings of illness of other people. Later in life Sheryl learned it was a spiritual gift, one of the other four Spiritual gifts she uses now practically to help herself and others. At that time when she was called a sensitive child her parents and teachers simply meant she would toughen up and outgrown these feelings. They didn’t know about empathic and sensory gifts and how to help Sheryl find tools to protect from this sensory overload. Now there is more knowledge and awareness of these gifts and acceptance by so many more people than in the past.
These gifts do run in families and while all humans share this link between cognitive processing and sensory perception sensitives have a genetic predisposition called biological sensitivity also known as the sensitive survival strategy which enhances these survival instincts. Acuity means sharpness or keenness of thought vision or hearing. There may also be emotional acuity or a deftness for sensing through feelings.
The four gifts of sensitivity are so tightly interwoven with an individual’s central nervous system (CNS) that no two highly sensitive people HSP will respond to an environment in the exact same way. For example, take clairvoyants, mediums or psychic channelers. As astute readers of energy, these sensitive intuiitves use the way someone’s energy appears and moves ex. Dense fast colorful dull vibrations they feel and hear and other sense perceptions to discern and translate the intentions emotions or personalities of the people they read. Every sensitive has an innate talent for perceiving or detecting information. However, the development of consciousness or awareness of what is being perceived takes time.
Sheryl tells of a most extraordinary experiences she witnessed while on a spiritual workshop to study “Remote Viewing” with Dr. Stephan A. Schwartz in Arizona many years ago. Sheryl had thought she was going to see Dr. Gary Schwartz, whom she had met a few years before, who was a professor at the University of Arizona studying the veracity of mediums and energy healing. She was surprised to see a different Dr. Schwartz standing at the podium, but it didn’t matter, she was there to learn about Remote Viewing.
During the lecture, an exercise was proposed and a couple was given an object and told to get in their car and go to an undisclosed place. The audience’s job was to get as much information as they could. So, Sheryl closed her eyes as she does in mediation, when downloading information for people who come for readings and healing sessions, and saw the car approaching a rounded driveway in front of a building, as they got out of the car, there was a bench to the left side of the entrance with a sign over it saying “Enter At Your Own Risk.” Beyond the doors was a circular auditorium, and on the stage below the seating area were people singing spiritual songs. It was peaceful and pleasant. When the couple came back, we all had to give our impressions. Sheryl’s impressions were pretty on the money for they indeed had gone to a church that looked exactly like Sheryl described. Sheryl would have liked to have gotten the name of the church to complete the information process. So now Sheryl knew “Remote Viewing” was just like the readings she did to show her clients the nature of the non-local or eternal nature of soul life and the afterlife, for indeed the information is coming from Spirit. Sheryl was amazed to learn that all mediums are doing a form of “Remote Viewing” when they tap into the energy of other souls, here and beyond in other dimensions of life.
Sheryl has observed and been part of many miracles and God ordained happenings and is grateful to know everything is energy Every thought intention word and the Law of Attraction is always in play. Be careful what you wish for or think for you may surely have it manifest.
Courtney knows that all people have different levels of intuitive skills, but indeed we all can use intuition to help us make better decisions. Courtney feels that It might be the soul journey of sensitive people to discover they are healers. Courtney wrote, “In a traditional medicine and holistic perspective such as the Huichol tribal view, sensitivity evolved to help humans stay in contact with the spiritual world, including healing illness. Other traditional tribal leaders have expressed this same sentiment. One shaman who came to the United States publicly expanded on this idea. In an article on Uplift, Malidoma Some stated that he believed many of the individuals he encountered while traveling stateside who were labeled “mentally ill” were actually experiencing a spiritual emergence or the birth of the healer. He described this rapid shift as a significant transformation in consciousness while an individual self-actualized the manifestation of their inner healer.” Then Courtney said to Sheryl, if these sensitives repress their spiritual gifts, it often is reflected in physical or mental health issues.
Courtney shows us why she thinks there are healing possibilities as an outgrowth of sensitivity. She says, “Since empaths often develop considerable inner strength and energy to cope with the strong emotional undercurrents they perceive all around them, their capacity for great feeling requires equal measures of stamina, strength, endurance, and resilience.”
Courtney goes on to discuss how she thinks people who display more empathy than others can help society and our communities. Nationally and internationally, Courtney writes, “We are witnessing a divide in public opinion. Whole cultures are working to sustain their way of life. Political lines are drawn. The dividing lines include new levels of violence, worldwide, even in our schools. As such, empathy is critical in our world right now. No one suffers more emotional pain than the compassionate empath. They perceive the discord and discontentment of these widening divisions on a visceral level. Compassion affects empaths because they not only feel everything, they care about it too. This is a virtuous quality. Legal advocates, counselors, theologians and emergency responders must care for another. This ability can be misunderstood or mismanaged when not coupled with the awareness of other people’s pain process, how they project it outward and how to detach from it. Feeling others’ hidden emotions help empaths realize their own underexplored thoughts and feelings, which helps them heal and evolve to higher states of awareness. Empaths are born to be activists, advocates such as lawyers, doctors, healers, feng shui practitioners, naturalists, therapists, teachers and social justice workers.”
Sheryl suggests by being an example in how you approach situations, people and challenges while maintaining a high level of dignity, honor and integrity, one shines the light within and the love of the universal source into the world. Like ripples of water, ripples of loving energy spread and inspires others to look beyond the small circle of their lives and emboldens them to take risks to create what their heart and soul really desires.
Courtney suggests that accepting and developing your sensitivity helps a sensitive in their jobs and family lives. Many empaths experience profoundly spiritual transcendence and divine happenings due to their ability to perceive different energetic states. This spirutal empathy allows the individual to pierce the veil of ego, or humanity’s illusionary nature. The human ego is a defense mechanism which protects the internal aspects of the mind-body by creating an external illusion of separateness. This separation is a dualistic thought pattern that creates feelings of control over one’s environment through a division between the self, world and others.
Transcendent sensing is the elevated aspect of sensitive-empathic awareness. It has been described as astral travel expanded consciousness NDE, out of body flight, Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE), lucid dreaming and veridical perception. Being a sensitive-empath comes from having a highly attuned nervous system. This type of awareness directly affects the CNS, hormones especially adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine, and the flight or flight response. Some empaths are attuned to emotions, others to physical pain. Some are attuned to both. Spiritual empaths are attuned to an expansive reality through all their senses. They have described this selfless attunement as awakened consciousness through a deep, loving connection to the preciousness of life through their heart center. You could say they sense with their hearts and this love pierces through the defensive ego as higher perception.
Spiritually awakened empaths have a consciousness that can transcend mental anxiety and fear. They are able to create and hold positive states of bliss and joy. Their playful attitude should not be mistaken for a Pollyanna perspective. It’s not that they don’t see human suffering, they do. They have learned how to transcend it. Spiritual empaths have achieved a state of higher grace through compassionate love. Their elevated feeling states connect heart and mind and are truly infectious.
Spiritual empaths describe the positive aspects of their empathy as being stimulated lifted up and energized by exposure to positive people. The evolved sensitive-empath can perceive differences in other people and adapt without internalizing another’s attitudes or emotions.
The main drawback to spiritual empathy is not immediately recognizing narcissistic people or energy vampires. Narcissists can be glamorous, charming, excellent, conversationalists, magnanimous and these traits attract spiritual empaths. However, narcissists can also focus entirely on themselves and one surefire way to tell if someone is a narcissist is that they often bring the focus of a conversation back on themselves. These relatively harmless symptoms are a warning sign of a much larger pattern. It includes placing blame on others rather than accepting responsibility for their actions, manipulating for personal gain, and exploiting the weakness of others to inflate or magnify their own ego.
At first spiritual empaths admire these qualities of a big wild larger than life expansive energy of the narcissist and likewise, narcissists feel the depth at which a spiritual empath connects to them and they thrive on being cared for and the strong compassion with which empaths love and accept others.
Courtney would you like readers of Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive to take away with them after reading this book as she wrote “Empaths are the greatest advisors of our time. Whether they take leadership roles in spiritual communities, work in medical settings as healers, or are sage-like in their ability to forecast future events, they are in tune with their environment at a profound level. If you have an empath in your life, you are lucky for empaths can detect lies without effort. Their senses are so highly heightened that they put the galvanized lie detector test to shame. Nowhere else do we see such a strong display of the gifts of empathy than in the empath-healer. As their extraordinary felt-sense enables them to perceive nuanced emotional states, emotional incongruence and turbulence within the hidden landscape of the personality.
Sheryl would like to thank Courtney Marchesani, author of Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive which shares a detailed journey to explore how sensitivity can be used to grow evolve and share the magic of the energetic world of possibilities to achieve greater awareness of Self, family, community and the universe. Understanding one’s inner spiritual gifts makes all the difference and reading this book will help you connect to your own talents.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Courtney Marchesani has brilliantly explored the internal nature of an empath and spiritual healer illuminating sensory intelligence, which is a profound ability to connect with the world by using the unique gift of sensitivity for positive input to friends, family and communities. We have seen through real life cases and client stories how highly sensitive people experience and perceive the world differently and that through the use of the four gifts of empathy intuition vision and expression these gifted people only 20 percent of the population help to balance harmonize and heal the many people places and situations they work with.
We have discussed the challenges and joys of the Sensitive person. They may judge themselves a lot because it takes immense energy to cope with having intense emotions, reflecting on them, and enduring the judgmental mindset of most people who are present in their life. As empaths, intuiitves, visionaries, and expressives at times feel challenged, they may ask themselves “Why can’t we pull it all together?” For sensitively gifted people so much want to heal the ills of society, friends and family, and indeed, the woes of the world. Sensitive people can learn that whether they are introverted or extroverted and process sensory information at a different speed than others, every new discovery about the context of their soul journey helps them become more aware of the true value and nature of these gifts, enabling them to manage by various methods the overload of the physical world. They are one of God’s true miracles and often bring love and understanding to a world hanging by a thread to the beauty and oneness of all life.
Courtney and Sheryl would have you seek an introduction to the world of the Spiritual Gifted by reading their books, exploring yoga, sharing energy healing sessions, meditation, exploring the beautiful outdoors, as a way to tap into your own spiritual awareness, and for in knowing we are all spiritual beings having a physical life, so we may come to understand our challenges and find the way to conquer fear and limitation from within the heart of soul life.
Sheryl Glick, host of Healing From Within and author of her newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening, invites you to visit her website to listen to and read about visionaries spiritualists scientists metaphysicians empaths sensitives authors healers and people in search of the miraculous quality of human and divine energies as we explore our inner and outer world. Shows may be heard on and