Internet Radio Show
Use Your Subconscious Mind for Creating Your Best Life
- Kimberly Friedmutter
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love a story of spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles, and ways to know you intuition for creating a healthier happier life experience and today am delighted to have Kimberly Friedmutter author of Subconscious Power help us explore life’s hurdles and achieve our dreams and goals.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories of the metaphysical or multidimensional aspects of both soul and physical life in pursuit a greater understanding of our capacity through mind body spirit functions to create our best version of Self health happiness prosperity and improve the quality of life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Kimberly Friedmutter will share with listeners how living up to your dreams isn’t reserved for the exceptionally talented or lucky..It is our birthright to find happiness and through her rigorous training beginning with an international modeling career at age 14 to marrying a world renowned architect and designer and using her intuitive mystical gifts which she shares with people showing them how to tap into the source “within” them, helps foster creativity and courage to achieve positive lasting change and to live joyfully.
When Kimberly is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that might have signaled to them or others the life path she might choose and the work or interests she might value as an adult she immediately remembers a woman who was not a regular participant in her childhood but who appeared one day and Kimberly was aware of a gentle delightful perfume and a woman who was quite beautifully dressed wearing tasteful make-up and who smiled with confidence and happiness and Kimberly knew in a flash that she wanted to be like this woman.
She goes on to tell of her early teenage years writing, “This all may seem glamorous—at fourteen, I was working abroad and had been signed with several world-class modeling agencies—but even then, I knew something was missing. Flash-forward a decade or so. I landed in Los Angeles and continued modeling for a bit, then got involved in acting. I continued to hone my curiosity about human behavior, listening to those around me, taking in information about how the world works and how people got what they wanted. This passion for people developed into a career as a radio talk show host for one of the largest stations in the LA area. On the surface, my life was on a roll. But as we know, all that glitters is not gold. Despite my very real outward success, I was still conflicted. Through hypnosis, I was able to confront my actions, dissect my own behavior patterns and relationship dynamics, and learn to love through my softness, not my efficiency and need to control. I had to let go of my inner “General” so I could welcome the real me. “
By assessing herself honestly—warts and all—and taking the necessary next steps, Kimberly got to her dreams and made them her reality, and so can you. Kimberly created a path for herself that has now evolved into the Six Principles of this book:
- I acknowledged how I had created the situations in my life.
- I reconnected with my subconscious.
- I learned tools that allowed me to bring my subconscious and my conscious mind into alignment.
- I cleared my path of false beliefs and bad habits.
- I learned how to ask for what I want.
- I created the energy to go for it.
Kimberly tells us something about the work and experiences that have enhanced her spiritual intuitive work and teachers or mentors who might be important to her.
She mentions Dr. Milton Erickson was one of the first clinicians to have extensively researched hypnotherapy and documented the resulting positive effects. Working during the 1950s and ’60s, Erickson used an approach that emphasized the individual nature of any type of therapeutic work, stressing that just one theory or approach was inconsistent with the nature of human beings. Given his own physical limitations (he was almost entirely paralyzed from polio), Erickson paid close attention to how we use nonverbal communication (body language and tone of voice, for example) to reveal what we might otherwise not express. He captured and described the experience of hypnotherapy, cataloguing hundreds of patients who made significant emotional and physical transformations through the tools of hypnosis, including indirect suggestion, the use of metaphors, and storytelling.
As an intuitive Kimberly helps others align to this inward source of information and describes 100 “less things” to do to facilitate a greater knowingness or connection to inner wisdom. She has discovered the power of her subconscious through my personal experience with hypnosis. Though she has always had a strong intuition her trust in the power of hypnosis deepened and expanded when she trained to become a certified hypnotherapist. This formal training enabled me to listen to and nurture this inner voice and pay attention to its wisdom. And then she began to change as a result. My hard-driven, conscious self stopped operating in overdrive and began to quiet down. Fine-tuning my relationship with my own subconscious also allowed me a new level of awareness, and I saw myself and the world around me with new, fresh eyes.
Sheryl says that she also studied hypnotherapy, but shortly after was guided by Spirit to study Reiki a hands on ancient healing system which puts the body into a state of relaxation and connection to that higher state of consciousness: our soul consciousness or inner guidance system. Spirit has many ways to connect us to remember our alignment to Universal Source or God and complete whatever mission we chose to accomplish in this physical life. Like Kimberly Sheryl is soul guide: a speaker of truth that Kimberly described she was aware of about the age of eight and which if lost can be regained later on to discover the true nature of our divine and physical lives. The clear and concise way Kimberly guide readers to discover this reality in her book is spot on right.
Kimberly writes, “Another way to appreciate the benefits of hypnotherapy and the principles of subconscious power is to see how they function similarly to meditation. Just as meditation has been used for centuries in Eastern cultures as a method for accessing a state of enlightenment and transcendence, hypnotherapy also provides a way to harness the power of the universe and bring it into the sphere of the individual.” Sheryl says hypnotherapy and energy healing Reiki sessions are similar in this way as they allow the body to access this higher realm of Universal wisdom for transformation and change.
Kimberly also says, “However, there is a very key difference between meditation and the process I describe here: meditation wants you to sharpen your awareness and become mind-ful; I’m asking you to zone out—let your mind wander so that in trance, you can hear, see, and feel what your subconscious has in store for you. And this is where the leap of faith comes in. Trance is immeasurable and mysterious. It is real and yet experienced as almost a haze of awareness.”
The subconscious has been defined and referred to in many ways. The concept first emerged as a translation from the French word “subconscient,” which was coined by the psychologist Pierre Janet (1859–1947) to refer to a “powerful awareness” that “lay underneath” conscious thought. A more mainstream definition that most people rely on is the thoughts and feelings that exist “below” the conscious mind. Indeed, ever since Freud popularized the term “subconscious” (which he later changed to the “unconscious”), psychologists and other theorists have gone back and forth without ever coming to a consensus about a preferred term, with some using “unconscious” and others, including myself, using “subconscious.” I prefer the term “subconscious” because it both offers a more positive connotation and feels more instinctive and closer to what we think of as intuition. Its power stems from the access the subconscious gives to our inner mind, which often knows more than we realize and always has a magical, elusive quality.
Kimberly also reminded us that, “When you meet someone new and have an immediate sense of unease for no obvious reason, that’s your subconscious talking to you. When something within you compels you to turn right instead of left on your usual route to the grocery store, that’s also your subconscious talking. When you go on a job interview and come away with a feeling in every cell of your body that this is the opportunity you’ve spent your whole life waiting for—that’s your subconscious. Just begin to pay attention to your subconscious or inner guidance system and you will find may ways to make the best decisions and choices for enhancing your life. In addition to the subconscious and the conscious mind, you will also learn about another dimension to this program: what I refer to as your Soul Spirit. Think of the Soul Spirit as God, your inner divinity, or your connection to the spiritual realm. This dimension is highly personal, as we all differ in our spiritual beliefs; however, its presence is not only ubiquitous but infinite because it connects you to the wider universe. Throughout the book, you will encounter reminders to connect to your Soul Spirit, which reinforces your access to your subconscious and seals your everlasting connection with the universe as a whole.”
We can cut through the clutter of everyday life and disappointment, let go of common yet false beliefs, move past anxiety and procrastination, and overcome obstacles by trying to leave non-helpful habits behind, turning to your Soul Spirit for sustenance and support. Indeed, for many people, meditating, immersing oneself in nature, and practicing yoga are a communing with the Soul Spirit, which can also lead to true satiety. It will help you gain a more regular and tangible access to this higher plane of travel—a path with no tolls and no need of GPS.
Try any one of these access points to the Soul Spirit:
- Walk in silence in a natural setting—the mountains, seaside, or a wide-open field.
- Submerge into water.
- Listen through headphones to your favorite song.
- Do a news or technology fast for several days.
We all can hesitate or procrastinate at times in our lives. Usually, the hesitation is a sign from your subconscious of some sort of emotional hitch—a question, doubt, or fear—about the pending activity. And obviously procrastination gets in the way of any movement at all—either toward or away. The key to getting past the hitch is to call upon your subconscious to reveal the source of the hesitation. This exercise can apply to big events in your life or the everyday chore that you always seem to put off. This hack utilizes your ability to ignite the responses you would like to have,
The six core principles include ways to Come Into Accountability Judge Thyself and Thy Neighbor and Give to Get.
Here are the Six Principles of Subconscious Power:
- Principle One: Come into Accountability—You will learn to be nakedly honest with yourself so that you can become accountable for who you are, what you want, and where you’ve been. In other words, own who you are right now, with all your baggage, faults, mistakes, and glimpses of imperfections. This composite is the real you. Before you can access your subconscious directly, you want a clean slate.
- Principle Two: Tap into Your Subconscious Power— You will learn to activate your subconscious so that you can grow your intuitive knowledge of yourself and bring your conscious mind into alignment. This basic building block of my approach has many access points; you will find numerous exercises to help you tap into your subconscious.
- Principle Three: Move Toward or Away—Our actions speak louder than words. You will learn to assess how you respond to situations and people in either of two ways: by approaching a situation or by retreating or avoiding it. Understanding your orientation gives you a heightened sense of self-awareness, an important building block for growing your subconscious power.
- Principle Four: Judge Thyself and Thy Neighbor— Hearing the subconscious clearly requires that we use the good judgment of the subconscious, instead of resorting to the overly reactive or biased decisions made by an overtaxed conscious mind. In addition, by using our relationships as a lens, we can practice the good judgment of our subconscious to keep us on our path.
- Principle Five: Give to Get—Getting what you want from life means accepting that you are entitled to get it. And attaining your dreams and well-deserved happiness depends, in part, on how well you can leverage opportunities and situations in your life. This “golden principle” of the subconscious is like a secret passage to get what you want, all while you honor the highest part of another person.
- Principle Six: Play Big—In this final principle, you will assume the posture that will make your goals, dreams, and aspirations come into reality. Do you want a happier relationship? Do you want a new career? Do you want to stop procrastinating or worrying so much? Do you simply want to like yourself more? Whatever your wish, you will come to name it and go for it. This principle brings your subconscious into full alignment with your conscious mind and the collective energy of the universe so that you can make real.
Some effective subconscious raising exercises to help reduce stress improve sleep overcome addiction get fit and achieve career or relationship goals are describe in Subconscious Power.
“Becoming aware of your thoughts and the language you use constantly which either reinforce negativity and obstacles or positive action is important. Language is powerful. Consider how using these phrases in your daily vernacular can create vulnerabilities to health issues, accidents, or other unwanted events. Look at the contrast between the phrases below: Instead of saying, “I was shocked” . . . say, “I was amazed.” “That’s so weird” . . . say, “That’s so interesting.” “I was blindsided” . . . say, “I was surprised.” “It’s going to be so hard” . . . say, “It’s a challenge to overcome.” “One of the pitfalls” . . . say, “One of the opportunities for growth . . .” This exercise is very effective for coming into accountability, helping bring forth awareness of the power of our words. With this new awareness of your own internal representations, try to create some change in how you experience yourself with others. In some ways, you can think of this exercise as an act of forgiveness or compassion. You can also think of it as simply a way to move out of a negative interpretation of an event.”
Whether a hurt done to us is real or imagined almost doesn’t matter—the subconscious takes it in. In order to un-cause negative or difficult events, we need to first extend the olive branch to ourselves— forgive ourselves and accept that we are all doing the best we can. In this exercise, you will come to understand how you contribute to what happens to or around you. I call this exercise “This Was Me.” perception of an experience with someone else and let it go so that it does not hold you back.
Kimberly and Sheryl suggest people think of happiness and how might they go about achieving this state of being.
Sheryl says, “Happiness and success are judged differently by many people but both are the suggestions of the heart and mind to appreciate the gift of life…In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote, “A positive thought process definitely could improve any situation. Correcting any mistake in our actions or behaviors does not guarantee defeating any disease or challenge in our Life. It will always be good for our soul to experience a better way to act rather than react. However, we each come with a life plan and a time to depart our physical life, but while here must use every opportunity to reveal the best within ourselves. That is the way to peace happiness and a true understanding of who we are as immortal souls having a physical life for the purpose of finding once again how wonderful each moment in time is.”
A patient of Kimberly expressed a way he was able to understand life and himself and come to a larger view of life… Brian, a fifty-eight-year-old physician, shared this with her: “I was a skeptic. As a medical doctor, hypnosis seemed like fluff. But when I was finally able to lose twenty pounds and my sleeplessness disappeared, I became a believer. I’m not a very religious person, but now I truly believe that there’s more to reality than meets the naked eye. I used to wake up constantly throughout the night—now I can sleep through like a baby.”
Kimberly suggests that in today’s modern world politics economics and society as a whole seems unbalanced and challenged how might we begin to deal effectively with all that is going on. “The technology that’s designed to make our lives easier and more productive often leaves us feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis. At the same time, we’ve become separated from the natural world. This complicated, high-tech world has forced us to silence our subconscious and let our conscious selves take over. We have become too conscious, too driven, too obsessed. Where does this leave us? Disoriented, ungrounded, and stressed. We feel unbalanced, out of control, because we are disconnected from our subconscious, our inner, true self that knows best what we need to make us happy. By tapping into your subconscious, as Kimberly shows you how to do in this book, you will cut through the chaos and confusion of your daily life to know immediately, in the here and now, what you need—what your mind body, and soul require”
Hypnosis can offer men and women relief and release from various problems, in varying degrees of severity. Some people need to heal from past traumas. Others must get over failed relationships in order to meet a suitable mate. Other women and men come to Kimberly to lose unwanted weight that has completely consumed their vision of themselves and swallowed their hopes and beliefs in their own potential. Many clients start their journey by learning new ways to manage their anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues. Still other people come to a place of clarity and wholeness when they realize that their social or romantic entanglements are keeping them from success in other aspects of their lives—professional, creative, or spiritual. And still others, who may have reached massive success in one realm, come to discover, through accessing the power of their subconscious, even more satisfaction in another arena: a new career, for instance.
Sheryl and Kimberly tell us of enlightened moments or experiences that reminds them of how precious the gift of life is and the support we have from our subconscious alignment to the Universal Creative Force of Life.
Sheryl says…There have been many miracles and moments of true awareness, but, recently as a Reiki energy practitioner someone she works with told Sheryl that her daughter was pregnant and they had discovered a condition that would make it impossible for her to have a normal birth. In sending distant healing Sheryl sensed there were two vessels hanging very low in the pelvic area and while there was no pain it simply did not feel right. Months later she told Sheryl they had scheduled a caesarian delivery 6 weeks before the due date and she seemed noticeably worried. Again Sheryl sent healing energy this time expressing that it would be simply wonderful if the baby and mother have the easiest and best experience that would lead to the best results. A few days later the grandmother to be told, told Sheryl that everything had changed and it wasn’t necessary for her daughter to have an early delivery. She had a natural delivery and all went well for both mother and child. Sheryl reminded them that this was a blessed Reiki baby and a true miracle had happened.
Kimberly would like readers of Subconscious Power to remember that life is not a line, but a loop. In other words, by connecting with those loved ones who have passed away (a state of transformation that I refer to as “transitioned”), you will reinforce your Soul Spirit connection. Like the universal principle of the conservation of energy, we never cease existing; we simply change form. Think of how ice changes from solid to liquid to water vapor under the influence of temperature. I believe that life has no end, just constant beginnings and Sheryl wholeheartedly knows this to be true.
We thank you Kimberly Friedmutter author of Subconscious Power for sharing a joyful positive accurate engaging look at expanding our mind and spirit by aligning to Universal Source and trying to live according to the energetic laws such as “The Law of Attraction” which help us understand the power of our thoughts and minds to create our reality. In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we find that people worldwide, celebrities and politicians, CEO’s, and people from all walks of life are awakening to the fact that our thoughts and actions are the source of either creating a joyful healthy life or one of suffering and hardship. Knowing how to tap into the source: our subconscious mind which is connected to all that is and will help us be in the eternal dance of life achieving change that brings us closer to fulfilling our life plan or destiny and that mindfulness mediation and energy awareness as well as Kimberly’s “Six Principles of Subconscious Power”: help to evaluate who you are and who you want to become while simply allowing us to be-- not just do-- and is a way to let life unfold according to Soul Spirit or the Universal Source. For you to gather the experience memories and relationships that can fill and expand all life’s activities making the ordinary into the extraordinary and living a purposeful life of action and achievement simply accept who you are. Understanding that happiness is not based within the physical or material sense while expecting to have a balance of both spiritual and success in the physical world is a way to merge the best of all worlds and to truly function at a level of proficiency and well-being at the same time.
Kimberly and I would have you open your mind and heart to the greatest possibility for whatever it is you hold dear: and banish negativity in all forms thought words and actions. Ask for help from above, and begin to observe how life changes, and miracles small and large begin to happen. Like draws a similar energy or response, so we must learn to be aware of our thoughts and focus on the best within ourselves and others for greatest efficacy and success.