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We Are Immortal
- Tito Abao
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with your host Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit, which shares stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles and ways to begin to know intuition and inner guidance for producing a healthier, more prosperous and joyful life experience. Today Sheryl welcomes Tito Abao, author of The Monograph of the Parallel Life of Tito Abao and Niro, a survivor of a near death experience in 2007.
As long time listeners of the show are well aware, Sheryl and her guests share intimate insights into the metaphysical aspects of life, both spiritually and physically in order to learn more about the human condition, the Universe, lifetimes of eternal travel to places beyond time and space and dimensions of life that are infinite. Our goal is to develop the tools awareness and higher consciousness to help us evolve and transform ourselves and the world moving towards greater compassion and love for life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Tito Abao will share the thoughts he has gathered as the result of eleven years of intense regression work leading us to discover the infinite nature of our inner soul being which transcends the physical life.
Jumping ahead to his adult life we find that in the early 60’s Tito became an initiate in a Christian Yoga Church under one of the first American realized beings, Sri Subramuniya. After several years in the Order he went on to become an architectural draftsman until resuming his quest for spiritual liberation after a near death experience in 2007. Tito completed the majority of his metaphysical training at the Monroe Institute, a school dedicated to heightened conscious learning located in Faber Virginia. The author’s lifelong interactions with the paranormal as well as out of body and recurring past life dreams and memories have fueled his desire to produce a book that recounts his spiritual journey. He is hoping to encourage others to explore their own intuitions and metaphysical experiences.
Tito tells us how the spiritual world, ancient, new age and the actual truth have always been at odds because religion the codified set in stone realm of belief systems of dogma dominated the landscape for most of the recorded history of the planet.
Tito Abao describes The New Age movement as a western development beginning in the second half of the 20th century. Modern psychological sciences pioneered by Freud and Jung attempted to get at the 'truth' about the human psychology. The old religions simply failed and only survived in the past by state sanctioned murder and mayhem not by common sense. Modern western Newtonian principles which demanded proof about one's postulates concerning Life, God and how the Universe works stopped the murderous tendency of the Christian religions in the West dead in their tracks.
The New Age movement opened the door to Eastern religions and metaphysical concepts which seemed to point to some very sound ways to view reality. The New Age contemplated the idea of Spirituality. Spirituality being an inherent ability of beings to sense a higher power at work without fixed rules or dogmatic statements of fact which had no proof that could stand up to the scientific method and therefore could not be in fact a fact. Dogma is only a belief and has the same weight as any other belief. It simply boiled down to what any individual human decided he/she wanted to believe. Now, in the new age everyone had the right to believe what they chose without pain of death ordered by The Vatican or any other religious authority which had the backing of the State.
Once this door was opened to ordinary men and women to be able to safely think and experience for themselves. The phenomena of the Realized Being began to appear on the scene. A Realized Being is one who has transcended the mind. One who has achieved union with God or Source. David Hawkins in the '70's calculated that this happens spontaneously 1 in 10,000,000 births.
The first Realized Being introduced into the Western consciousness was Ramana Maharishi by Paul Brunton, in his book, A Search For Secret India, published in 1934. But, Brunton did not use the term Realized Being. Forty years would have to past before the West became acquainted with the term Realized Being and what it meant generally. Even today, this term is not particularly understood in a very precise definition and even worst, practiced in a uniform manner. Few people actually know what being a Realized Being really is in fact.
In regard to the question “is there a beginning, is there an end?” Tito’s spiritual awakenings suggests there is no beginning and no end to our individual lives. We are immortal. The story lines we decide to enter into in the physical plane have a beginning and an end which we agree to run. Sheryl would respond: We are infinite beings of energy without time and space, but in the physical denser world there is a sense of time. Sheryl believes nothing is random, we have a soul life plan and destiny or a mission we have chosen to explore in this particular lifetime and the people and experiences are programmed into that itinerary or travel agenda. We are not alone and have three guides with us throughout the course of our life and many others when we need them during different challenges or learning phases.
Sheryl in her book “The Living Spirit” wrote “through the readings I do, clients begin to understand their spiritual connections to higher dimension, where souls who depart their physical bodies now reside and communicate with all souls on the Earth plane; some individuals more sensitive than others are receiving more complex messages. I believe our loved ones in spirit guide us to expand our understanding of our soul nature. They knew us in their physical lives, but after crossing over, they may become our teachers, helping us gain knowledge of life, death, and how to better navigate this three-dimensional physical plane called Earth. There is a universal sphere of continuous knowledge beyond Earth; it is the point where past, present, and future merge.”
Tito goes on to tell us there are only two books he trusts to give the general public an idea of what Self-Realization is and they are The Experience of No Self, by Bernadette Roberts and Kundalini Tantra - Song of Liberation, by Jan Esmann. Just about anything else is going to lead you into a massive confusion about the subject.
The Monograph Putting it all together This Monograph is just as the title implies a brief but very concise description of the series of my incarnations which led to the seminal parallel life that opened the narrow gateway for me to choose Liberation. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Tito tells us of how writing has always been a way to spiritual enlightenment. He goes on to say writing has always been a path to Spiritual liberation. Unfortunately for most writers, they are more interested in fame and fortune over Spiritual liberation. Truman Capote achieved a glimpse of Source when he wrote Breakfast at Tiffany's, he apparently did not realize what he had written... who was Holly Golightly? Instead of transcending, Capote died in a drug stupor missing the whole point of his life. No one else recognizes it except Tito.
Tennessee Williams attempted it in “Suddenly Last Summer,” but, missed the real point which is what is God, who is God, how do we relate to the Divine. He did succeed in establishing the therapeutic value of facing your traumas head on. Contemporary to Capote and Williams was the curious case of Ernest Hemingway who began to explore Transcendence in “The Old Man and the Sea” and got close to a very profound insight in “Across the River into the Trees,” but he got lost in machoism and alcohol and was not quiet sensitive enough or brave enough to allow himself to see the truth clearly as would J. D. Salinger.
In the contemporary world J. D. Salinger may have come very close to realizing the truth, because, he walked away from literary fame after the great acclaim of “The Catcher in the Rye.” By late 1940, Salinger became an avid follower of Zen Buddhism. He clearly was making gains toward Spiritual Liberation. Whether he achieved it or not I do not know.
Someone who did... and there may have been three of them... actually achieve the state of Realized Being... was Ralph Waldo Emerson (without a doubt), Walt Whitman (possibly... I don't know for sure)... and Henry David Thoreau all contemporaries in the early 1800's... they even at this early time referred to themselves as Transcendentalist anticipating the modern Transcendent movement of Realized Beings in the current era.
In reality the New Age began not in the 20th century but in the 19th century!
So following in the footsteps of these great writers my unfoldment through 'writing' is crowned with Caregivers Under Siege the successful achievement of my unfoldment the single most important platform of the twin goal and purpose of this incarnation... that of the 24/7 care of my mother Dolores M. Hall (aka Agrippina) and the lost of my inheritance. My between-lives agreement ended the 7000 year cycle of incarnations, opening the door to Spiritual liberation which Tito is currently pursuing with due diligence and vigor.
Tito says there is only one consciousness and that is the good news. The good news for every sentient being in the Universe and on Earth in particular is there is only one Consciousness. “All is One” is the old spiritual cliché. Lucky for all of us it is true. There are a couple of twists. The important one is that Life is eternal and if 'life' is a paradox, there is no beginning nor is there an end. The paradox is that 'life' is and it isn't... at the same time!!! The Absolute just is and always will be... it is indestructible without birth or death... untainted and untaintable.... The idea is the first form... the idea is a luminous mass of living Divine light.
Eckhart Tolle in “Stillness Speaks” expresses it with this sutra: Stillness is your essential nature. What is stillness? The inner space or awareness in which the words on this page are being perceived and become thoughts is in the stillness. Without that awareness, there would be no perception, no thoughts, no world.
Tito’s experience is that we enter the physical universe through an energy vortex ( in this the physical plane black hole?).
Tito tells us that Duality is a mind created labeling system that enables you to believe that the world is separate from you.
Tito discusses reincarnation and Sheryl adds that most spiritually astute individuals come to realize in their search for knowingness, that reincarnation is a reality. Tito says that reincarnation is a functionality process that allows you to enter a timeline and run specific and precise storylines over thousands of years…his current time line began about 7000 years ago.
Sheryl tells about reading a book by Sonia Choquette, a psychic medium who suggested a meditation where Sheryl should in meditation visualize herself sitting on a stone bench and calling out to her soul. Sheryl did and was surprised when in her inner vision she saw a tall, dark curly haired woman with a brown robe and hood walking toward her. Sheryl couldn’t see her face but when she called out “What is your name?” Sheryl heard in a far away old voice “Helen …Troy” and of course, Sheryl knew the story of Helen of Troy, married to the Greek King Menelaus, who was either abducted or eloped with Prince Paris of Troy and a war was fought by all the Greek Kings who had promised if Helen was ever abducted, they would all unite to bring her back. Helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda and was said to have been the most beautiful woman in the world. After this event Sheryl realized she had a painting of a woman in a brown robe standing overlooking the ocean on a balcony of stone like in ancient European days, that she had purchased many years ago and the painting reflected what perhaps Helen had observed when she was far from her original home in Troy. Was it a coincidence that she purchased it or did a part of her soul remember events so very long ago?
Reincarnation can be proven. If you are regressed by reputable regression practitioners or hypnotherapists and if you awaken into the realization that you have lived before….then you prove by personal experience that you are immortal…you do not die. There are stories of children that have been documented where they describe places, history, work and lives they remember and when researched, the truth of those memories are validated.
Sheryl says she attended an event by Dr. Brian Weiss author of “Many Lives Many Masters” who is a psychiatrist and during a deep meditation Sheryl saw herself in golden sandals with Gregg, her son in this life, at her side. It appeared to be Greece or Rome and her husband was in a chariot headed off to war. The theme of war, love lost and repeated, violence and sadness as a result of war was in both these lifetimes.
Shortly after that while at a new school, Sheryl was teaching at, a new secretary in the office walked by her and asked Sheryl if she would like to know something about her past life that was related to this life. Of course Sheryl said she would like to know. The medium told Sheryl that in her former past life in Portugal she was run down by a drunk man in a horse and wagon going very fast. Sheryl never recovered and died young, leaving a young son who was then raised by Sheryl’s Father in her most recent life. Her son in that life was now her mother in this life and it made perfect sense to Sheryl because she had always been delighted by everything her mother did. She was so lovely in her beautiful dresses and spectacular heels and floated by Sheryl, always smiling and laughing. She was childlike and Sheryl was very protective of her. Her father was also attentive to her childlike energy and in this life Sheryl got to take care of her before she passed at the age of eighty five years. What Sheryl had not done in that life in Portugal, she accomplished in this one. Reincarnation gives us the opportunity to refine relationships, playing different roles from one life to the next.
There are children who are born with unusual accents. Sheryl’s mother told her she had an English accent when she was a child. One of her first spiritual teachers, International Medium Robert Brown is from England and Sheryl now lives in an English Tudor house, so perhaps her soul had fond memories of a time in England long ago. There are children who remember things like being a fire fighter and living in another country and giving facts about these places and when it is checked out it is found to be true.
Tito tells us that a between-life agreement is a contract you make with Source to run a storyline so that Source can create a Matrix in the physical universe for you to run that story.
Tito and Sheryl discussed the Law of Attraction. Every desire you have will be experienced by you because the Universe is designed to fulfill that desire by materializing it in the physical universe. Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you, seek and you shall find.
The Law of Flow, another universal energetic law suggests that he physical universe only has two flows. A positive flow and a negative flow. You come into the universe in one of those flows. All your experiences will be predominately based on and experienced by you as a Karmic debt…example you will be required to fulfill a trespass against another being. Or you will be the recipient of the fulfillment of a Karmic debt example…a trespasser will give you satisfaction for a harm they have dealt you,
We want to thank Tito Abao author of The Monograph of the Parallel Life of Tito Abao and Nero for sharing so many insights into the world of spiritual eternal life, the duality and miraculous possibilities for infinite creation of our thoughts and reality through the power of mind and soul influences and a greater understanding of reincarnation the laws of cause and effect and karma.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discussed the eternal quality of individual soul life and the potential to create what it is that we need and wish to share with others. We have seen that within each of us is the human and divine connection to all that is and to eternal life.
Tito wrote, “This Word is humankind's salvation in this three dimensional reality called Planet Earth. It means every individual Consciousness is actually an independent creator of its own reality. The Universe you were taught to believe as a place in which there can be scarcity and potential want, is a lie. It is not true! For you to have what you want does not mean someone else has to go without because there is a limited supply of resources.”
It is this belief that introduced competition for resources among humankind. The battle to enslave others and accumulate treasure is the source of the trauma each individual consciousness inflicted on each other causing the disassociation phenomena. The disassociation phenomena being the process in which a part of one's consciousness gets left behind reliving the events of the trauma at a subconscious level, then becoming unconscious and then compressing into a repressed condition until engaged and dissolved back into oneself. That process is the basis of my consulting service as a Life Orientation Guide. Eventually, you no longer can create spontaneously and one requires time to materialize their needs and eventually one enters into a state of poverty in which they can create nothing and become powerless. There is a path back to your rightful relationship to Source itself.
Tito and Sheryl would have you begin to explore your own inner desires, moving towards remembering what was important to you at the beginning of life in your childhood and starting to remember the magnificent inner soul potential you have to create with your thoughts and actions a life worthy of your true spiritual gifts. Learn to conquer or let go of the fears of your mind as most are but illusion, and realize that you have the personal power to love yourself, others and the world when you accept who you are as a creative force of eternal life.
Sheryl Glick invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific religious spiritual medical and psychological fields of study as well as ideas from philosophers, artists and musicians who explore the duality and true nature of life.