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What Exists Beyond Life on Earth? An Afterlife Perhaps?
- Hollister Rand
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of the last book in the trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening who like my guest today Hollister Rand a former guest of the show, fellow medium and author of Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife is a most gifted and accomplished world renowned clairvoyant who provides answers to the most common questions about life after death.
Sheryl reminds Hollister what a pleasure it is to be able to talk with her once again. Sheryl remembers her first meeting with Hollister at a workshop in either Barbados or Bermuda with John Edward and Robert Brown also world famous mediums where she was learning about mediumship and spirit communication after a spiritual visit from her grandfather the night before her father passed preparing her for the loss and telling her to write something for her father. That visit made Sheryl aware that there was an afterlife and sensitives could receive information from that dimension of life. Sheryl was ready to develop her innate ability and tells Hollister like so many talented mediums her energy is joyful and eternally youthful.
Sheryl expresses the goals and mission statement for Healing From Within which is to share with listeners our duality or physical and soul essences so we may understand that we all come from Spirit and return to that reality or energetic eternal life after leaving a physical body. “Consciousness survives physical death.” and mediums are able to retrieve energetic messages from souls guides higher vibrational beings angels and higher consciousness which allows us to access many realms of continuous life. In the process of self-investigation and self-mastery of our emotions we are able to merge our soul based life with our ego-based mind and physical reality to create remarkable opportunities for personal and collective growth.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Hollister Rand shares her journey both here on earth and beyond to answer questions you may have been afraid to ask about spiritual life and the afterlife and may find solace and peace in the knowledge that our loved ones truly never leave us.
When Hollister is aske to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown her or others the work and lifestyle she might gravitate towards as an adult she immediately tells us how she became aware of loving spirits or ghosts and those who marched up her staircase and were strangers. Her mother sister and aunt also had spiritual gifts or talent so she was in a supportive environment and felt comfortable with knowing there was an afterlife and souls survived after leaving the phyiscal world. Of course mediumship was not on the list of possible career choices in that time but now has become more understood and mediums like teacher medical professionals social workers use their abiliites to help people deal with grief release suffering and become more adjusted human beings who can truly understand the seen and unseen worlds for clarity and personal growth.
Spirits in their own language share feelings visions smells songs and visions with mediums that tell us what the afterlife is like
Details of life in the afterlife vary depending on the Spirit with whom a medium receives information from. Just like everyone’s perception when living a physical life varies, so does the view and vision of a spirit varies.
In the afterlife all physical limitations end. For example Hollister has heard the voices of spirits who were mute when they lived on earth. People who had lost their sight in the afterlife, could describe in detail what their best friend looked like
Sheryl says I told a relative who had two special needs sons that in spirit they were alert bright and free of the other ailments they had on earth.
In the afterlife all that is lost is restored. We can be with the people we love on Earth and continue those relationships but there is much more. Children are reunited with parents they may have never met on earth due to death adoption or other reasons. Yearnings for love connection and wholeness are ultimately restored or realized.
In the afterlife thought is creation Imagine living in a world where every thought creates reality. When spirits share with me what the afterlife is like that is the kind of world they describe. Spirits can eat play build and communicate instantaneously—all with thought.
Sheryl says…..Thoughts are very powerful and are creating our reality. For those of us trying to bring heaven to earth or an awareness of spiritual energy we can live and create or manifest what we want in the physical world as well.
The following story in Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits shows how that reality works whether we are aware of it or not. “Rosemarie always had this fear that she would die young. I sensed that our fears might predispose us to what will happen, or maybe our all-knowing soul knows the time of our departure. Either way, we have our life plan and since thoughts are very powerful and words more powerful, I would encourage people to think only the most uplifting thoughts and use kind, wise, encouraging words. Practice saying, “Delete,” whenever you have a thought that could ultimately make the Universe deliver a negative reality from a fear being expressed and then create a thought that suggests something grand. I, myself, wake up each morning and say, “I am grateful I am in a fit and healthy body, and let’s go out into the world and meet some wonderful people.”
In the afterlife, all that is and ever was exists in the eternal present moment. There is no past present and no future at least not as we know it. No clocks watches or need to keep track of time. For the medium this presents a few challenges. First of all spirits might choose to appear as they were at any point during their lives on Earth. It isn’t always clear that they are speaking about what has happened is happening, or will happen. Spirits live and communicate in the present tense.
There is a difference between a ghost and a spirit. Hollister says that most people use the word ghost and spirit interchangeably however she differentiates between ghosts and spirits as spirits are people I knew and loved like my grandfather, while ghosts were strangers marching up the stairs to my room at night. Being a child this wasn’t based on knowledge and experience but simple instinct an intuitive Stranger danger” designation. Even as young children we can sense that there are people and spirits who are loving and caring and others that aren’t nice or friendly.
Hollister tells the story of going to a town Jerome Arizona where she and her friend encountered bad tempered ghosts. They were still unhappy about their perceived notion of betrayal in life and since the town was portrayed as a haunted town many disgruntled ghosts had taken up residence there. The saying be careful what you think or wish for is so true.
Hollister goes on to discuss what a medium is anyway while Sheryl says “According to my husband There are no mediums. How can people believe that when mediums offer so much information that there is no way they could know unless by being assisted from a Universal higher intelligence and souls in spirit?”
Hollister wrote, “ To put it simply a medium receives specific and verifiable information and messages from spirits who once lived on Earth. The information provides evidence that life continues beyond death and often the messages provide comfort following the loss of a loved one. To better understand this definition, it may help to differentiate a medium from a psychic and a channeler which people often assume are synonymous. What makes a psychic a medium and a channeler different isn’t how each receives information, but rather the source from which it is received.
A psychic interprets energy around people, places, and things on Earth. This information is helpful for getting a “take” on current situations and future possibilities. …
A channeler on the other hand receives messages from one or more spirit entities(some of whom may never have lived on Earth. These spirits are dedicated to helping the masses expand consciousness and spiritual awareness. Messages through a channeler are helpful for shifting limiting beliefs toward a broader understanding of life.
Psychics mediums and channelers receive information via energy centers in the body called “chakras.” Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to “wheel.” Some disciplines suggest that there are many of these wheels in the body which a person’s life force interacts with the physical and non-physical Consciousness. Psychics mediums channelers work primarily with seven of these wheels of light which align along the spine from below the coccyx(the root chakra to the center of the top of the head (the crown chakra) Chakras are associated with a heightened sense of sight smell taste hearing and feeling. These heightened senses are referred to as the “clairs” ---clairovoyance, clairaudience, clairalience, clairsentience and clairgustance.
Psychics mediums and channelers can all be clairvoyant and receive information at the sixth energy center in their bodies known as the third eye positioned in the middle of the forehead which corresponds with the ability to see energy symbols and or spirits.
Connecting with spirits as a medium is an interactive experiences. Spirits move during a communication and there may be more than one spirit visiting at a time.
Some practitioners refer to themselves as psychic mediums as they believe the information provided is from a blending of sources—the energy around people places and things on Earth as well as spirits
Everyone can connect with spirits. Intuition or gut feeling is not only your personal protection system but a guide on your spiritual journey.
What is mediumship for? The simple answer is this: mediumship or spirit communication as it is also called provides a pathway of healing of all kinds. Mediumship provides healing by presenting evidence. Mediumship provides a pathway toward healing by offering closure. Mediumship provides a pathway toward healing on multiple levels—the physical, the emotional and the spiritual.
Sheryl says as a Reiki Master Energy Teacher and medium I was once told by a mentor that I should exclusively focus on mediumship but felt since I began to receive messages after Reiki training which helped me to concentrate on readings that I did before a client came for a healing session, I felt both worked together to open the person’s mind and soul to their true being as to having both a human and divine nature.
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening I share and understanding of healing and spirit in the following way “Once we truly are able to feel and listen to both our spiritual companions in life and those beyond this earth plane, the meaning of who we are will become clearer. It has become clearer to me that we are indeed physical and also spiritual beings, four-dimensional, resonating and vibrating through our own thoughts, creating the totality of our life situations…… Spirituality, in my inner thoughts, is the remembering of one’s intuition through self-investigation, leading us to transcend ego, mind, or religious belief systems and find the part of our being that is eternal and part of the God Source. Spiritual messages for my clients often help them realize unequivocally the dual nature of their life force and the need to work as one with both…..” It is becoming clearer to me that it doesn’t matter where I am when I am called to do a reading. I always thought I had to work in my office or in a room where I had established a higher peaceful energy. I know now that I must be available when the situation calls for me to connect both to the person who asks for help and the souls above who send it. That is part of the responsibility of this type of energy work and mediumship.”
“I believe Spirit gives messages that a person might be able to handle at the present time. No more and nothing less seems to be given. All that is necessary for healing when asked is provided.”
Psychic and mediumship abilities can run in families. Hollister writes, “As far as I know, no DNA markers for psychic ability have been identified. However, despite the lack of irrefutable proof that these abilities run in families, personal experiences and observations support that where there is one psychic in a family there are more. The best place to start perhaps is my own family. My mother used to jokingly say, “ I have eyes in the back of my head.” And she did. I got home from school one day before she arrived. She called me and said, Stop eating my Mallomars a chocolate covered marshmallow on a graham cracker which was my mother’s favorite—and only available during certain months of the year. My mother always knew what was best and her astute intuition and assessment of people’s behaviors was uncanny and her confidence was otherworldly. My sister Wendy is also a sensitive who communicates with spirits and my Auntie Sue sensitive to spirits herself, moved deeper into that world following the death of my cousin Tommy. Not only does psychic and spirit sensitivity run in families but creativity does as well. My mother was an amazing “by ear” piano player and I too am a pianist.
Sheryl says to Hollister that she often has coincidences and so much synchronicity with her amazing authors and as a sensitive since childhood who saw faces in the window and felt touches on my arms did not know she was a medium until later in her life. Sheryl began to work using that gift about 25 years ago. At about that time when Sheryl wrote her first book “Life Is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection.” she was talking to her mother’s first cousin who told her she had dreams of people’s passing and then it always happened. Sheryl also lived on Mallomars as a child and her grandmother played the piano by ear as did your mother and your last comment that your father was termed dramatic by your mother, his audience most usually on matters pertaining to money made Sheryl really laugh because that is the perfect description of her husband.
Hollister goes on to say that mediumship is therefore more a talent than a gift, and mediums are born and are made, but that is only half the story. Expertise in that talent is the result of learning and practice. I noticed the backgrounds. Family dynamics included substance abuse, abuse of other things and neglect. After meeting many such sensitive, it became clear to me, with the help of spirits, that personal healing is also part of becoming a medium. We can’t bring people to a place of healing until we have healed ourselves.
Mediums can receive messages or communicate with spirits who speak a different language as much of the evidence spirits provide isn’t language based but visual. Spirits provide information in a variety of ways, including symbols feelings songs smells and visions.
Have no fear In the afterlife, there is communication beyond the divisions caused by language on Earth –a universal language bridging different realms. The afterlife is a world of expanded linked and shared consciousness of understanding. Family members from different centuries cultures and countries communicate and remain eternally connected. Spirits of all kinds can use a mediums clairsentience sense of feeling to express love for those left behind. And that feeling of love is never lost in translation.
As most mediums are empaths and healers, it is important for them to take care of themselves, to conserve and build energy Grounding and protecting meditations and simple practices like walking in nature or forest bathing-meditating while in a forest setting can help us remain connected to the Earth’s energy and protected from negative energy zapping influences. Other grounding energies are to set boundaries not allowing others to take advantage of a mediums instinctive desire to help everyone and never say no means to be aware when others are demanding unfair attention so mediums should schedule enough events that they can handle without becoming overwhelmed and drained. Be empowered by doing things that strengthen your energy such as healthy meals exercising doing yoga meditating and take steps to recharge your batteries. Take a nap go for a walk chat with an old friend read a good book get plenty of rest. Seek reciprocity or foster relationships with people who encourage and support you in the same manner as you support them Allow people to give to you freely and selflessly. Enjoy the caring company of animals and nature.
Another important question Hollister is most often asked by people who are becoming aware of the possibility that life survives physical death is what is the difference between guides and angels? Simply speaking guides speak on behalf of our human potential and angels speak on behalf of all that is divine. Guides most likely had human life experiences while angels are a group that do not incarnate into a physical life and remain beings of light closest to the God Force. The angels do not speak of lives on Earth while some guides do. The fact that guides have lived on Earth can be comforting for it is important for a spirit who is guiding us through challenges of a physical nature gets what life entails.
We want to thank Hollister Rand author of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Afterlife for sharing so many answers to the many questions people have about what mediums are, and how they connect to the Universal Source of eternal energy and the wisdom of dimensions of life beyond this physical experience so they may find solace and peace in the knowledge that our loved ones nearly truly leave us.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have answered some of the questions people ask about spiritual life, spiritual communication, what a medium is and how psychics and channelers share similar functions. We have hopefully concluded that life is infinite and the soul energy of every living being survives physical death and exists beyond this life complete with the memories and experiences they have gathered through this and other lifetimes and when they come to bring a message of love it is because as on earth it is their choice. We have free will here and beyond and life is a creative force of eternal energy which defies time and space and is infinite. In the Afterlife or Spiritual World there is no past present or future, just energy swirling in infinite potential to evolve and reach higher vibrational levels of love and compassion. We have discussed spirit guides, angels, souls of family members, teachers and higher vibrational forces. We have found that love in spirit is a total and complete connection so everyone and everything and spirits remain connected to us in ways that may be difficult to understand. It is also true that nothing on Earth happens without a contributing spiritual component. It is clear that the worlds are intimately connected and life and higher consciousness continues beyond a physical life. There is much to know about life after death but the most important perception is to know it is the true reality from which we all come from and return to.
Holly and Sheryl would have you know that mediums not only deliver messages that help people resolve grief and miscommunication with people who have passed, but also help people reconnect to their own spiritual sensitives and remember who they are as Spiritual Beings having a physical life for many purposes of personal and collective growth. Nothing is random, nothing is ever lost, and we are never alone.
Sheryl Glick host of “Healing From Within” invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to authors visionaries mystics scientists mediums and energy healers as well as spiritualists discuss the nature of physical and energetic life and our potential to thrive in this awareness. Shows may also be heard on and