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What is Reality?
- Gayle Kimball PhD
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick author of the final book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which suggests that by observing our inner soul energy and merging that with the challenges of the physical world, we can achieve a peaceful purposeful and healthy life beyond the present challenges of political economic and societal issues, to return to our natural soul state of being, which is eternal and joyful. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Gayle Kimball PhD the Nautilus award winning author of 20 books including Essential Energy Tools and today we will discuss her new trilogy of books Mysteries of Healing Reality and Knowledge Beyond the Senses.
As listeners of Healing From Within Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the metaphysical world of energy in an effort to understand Who we are?, Where we come? from and how to improve our time in the physical world as we transcend challenges fears and remember the capacity we have to create with our thoughts and actions a world that shines brightly with hope compassion and for the evolution of soul and human life.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within we will explore with Dr. Gayle Kimball through her informative trilogy which offers personal reflections and insights from many of the leading figures in the modern scientific community who as are those throughout the world finally awakening to a deeper understanding of consciousness the brain-mind connection and the ultimate healing force of our free will.
When Sheryl asks Gayle to think back to her earliest beginnings her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown them or others the lifestyle values and interests they might pursue as an adult she immediately reflects on her mother who discussed and took her to a scientific healing community which allowed her the freedom to use her imagination and thoughts to explore openly the world of spiritual energy.
Gayle tells us how this trilogy came to be and how it may offer a clear understanding of the nature of human and spiritual connections.
Dr. Kimball writes, “Many of our scientific beliefs are limited in that they can’t account for the evidence that consciousness exists beyond the brain. The dominant materialist paradigm denies the power of spirit, the miracles of mind and feelings over matter, unconscious access to information, and the possibility of other dimensions beyond what our physical senses tell us—including life after death. The dominant worldview is like the Flatland novel published in 1884 about a two-dimensional world. When the hero first discovers a three-dimensional place, he is only able to see a flat circle.
When he sees more and reports back on his discovery, he’s persecuted. It’s also like the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes where the crowd applauds the lie that the naked emperor is wearing beautiful new robes until a small boy has the courage to speak the truth. The dominant worldview often ridicules those with the vision to see other dimensions beyond Flatland, while visionary scientists see the denial of anything but the physical as dogma that ignores extensive research and inhibits our access to subtle information. Courageous scientists, physicians, and psychologists are creating consciousness.
This trilogy Mysteries of Healing Reality Knowledge Beyond the Senses explores the scientist’s life stories and their influences on their beliefs and personal courage, along with their understandings of our purpose as humans and how the universe really works.”
Dr. Kimball shares the amazing insights of 65 metaphysical experts and says she could identify with what Larry Dossey pointed out; “It takes a rabble-rouser to actually develop the courage” to take on the establishment. He added that most peer-reviewed medical journals won’t touch a person on topics like the efficacy of prayer in healing. Like these visionary scientists, curiosity and truth-telling motivate me to point out that the Emperor is naked, there are multiple dimensions and we have access to information and guidance from beyond the physical senses and on their beliefs and personal courage, along with their understandings of our purpose as humans and how the universe really works.
The scientists are often spiritual rather than religious, and many went through an adolescent rebellion against religious dogma.
More of them have a Jewish background than would be predicted by the small percentage of Jews in the world population. Jeffrey Mishlove interviewed over a thousand visionary scientists for his video show “New Thinking Allowed.” He reported, “I’ve discovered that quite a number of prominent people in parapsychology have a Jewish background. Jews are a tiny minority but Jewish people are prominent in every cutting edge activity in which I’ve ever been involved. I would say 95% of the people who explore these areas scientifically do so because like me, they have had powerful personal experiences. The other 5 to 10% do it out of intellectual curiosity.”
Sheryl as a Reiki Master Energy Teacher and medium states that as a Jew her family didn’t have an interest in the Kabballah or the ancient mystical Essene group of healers and visionaries who believed in the After Life angels and many dimensions of life beyond. long Sheryl as a sensitive child sensed there was so much more to life and beyond, though the grown-ups in her life seemed only to be interested in the physical world and what could be seen and appreciated materially. At a young age she saw that the answers she was seeking were not in the religious structured practices of a group. Sheryl has found her spiritual path and ability to connect to Universal Source through meditation and consistent effort to pay attention and try to serve the good of all. She has experienced remote viewing spiritual communication using the energy of the Universe in her healing practice and as directed by Spirit has written a trilogy of books. Finding God is a personal journey and understanding our soul energetic life force is experienced personally as well.
Les Lancaster explained, “the combination of the value placed on learning, the leanings towards mysticism, the eschatological idea of promoting a golden age to come, and the pressures of being in exile was hugely formative for Jews entering the modern era. This is a potent mix that breeds pioneers.
We live now in the most challenging times but can apply mental and physical tools to stay centered and calm. Meditation music walking and being in nature finding people who resonate in a higher vibrational energy which simply means they have conquered many of the lower emotions of greed jealousy anger hatred and wish to emit their knowledge and joy in life to others and to serve the highest good of all. By being aware of your immense soul energy and eternal life force we are able to reach greater awareness of the best values within ourselves and rely on our inner wisdom, not the outside world to define our needs and goals.
Although researchers like Dean Radin* report on thousands of double-blind studies with results in some cases trillions of times beyond what you would expect by chance the findings are often dismissed as pseudoscience or “woo-woo.” Radin suggests, “What is needed for a new paradigm is a more comprehensive model of reality where consciousness becomes just as fundamental, if not more so, than materialism or the pull of outside world influences.
Idealism is very old describing the belief that reality is mentally constructed. Ancient Greek philosophers, such as Anaxagoras in 480 BCE, emphasized the primacy of “mind and consciousness” although his contemporary Plato’s idea of ideal forms is better known. Ancient Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism also recognized that the material world is maya, illusion, and through meditation, sages develop psi abilities called siddhis, such as clairvoyance or bilocation. More modern siddhis are described in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. The Bible is full of references to healing, prophecy, prayer, and what Paul calls “gifts of the Holy (Mysteries of Healing page
Having a definition of consciousness and seeking a clearer understanding of “being” pave the way for a more relaxed and enjoyable life experience!
Courageous scientists, physicians, and psychologists are creating a new non-materialist scientific paradigm as they struggle to define consciousness. Professor Chris Roe explained, “We don’t have the remotest idea of what we mean by consciousness, ”but“working on the fringes of the anomalies starts to give us answers.” He has the courage to put his head “above the parapet and say the evidence is quite strong,” so he has moved from trying to prove “psi” to researching the process of how it works. “Psi” refers to anomalous extraordinary experiences.
Shamini Jain defines consciousness as the “source and substrate of creation. It is beyond mind, emotion and the physical. It’s what gives rise to the physical.” A useful book is Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mysteries of the Mind by Annaka Harris. The visionary scientists say consciousness doesn’t originate in the brain and they use synonyms like “One Mind, spirit, energy, the Force, matrix, hologram, meaning fields, biofield, cosmic intelligence, information, pan psychism, beyond space and time, substrate, non-physical web, spiritual computer, and fifth dimension.” Its basic language is mathematics and patterns like fractals. This understanding implies there is another dimension beyond space and time, which may enable psi phenomena like clairvoyance, precognition, and distant healing.
Sheryl says as a sensitive but skeptic for most of her earlier life she uses clairvoyance precognition and distant healing and is a Reiki Master Energy Teacher and medium who accesses this connection to higher creative eternal intelligent life force or what is described here as consciousness. In her beginning work, development and practice, the words time and space kept repeating itself to her, she believes it was so she could finally accept the eternal nature of soul life. And to raise her vibration to higher awareness and higher consciousness so she could use her talents to help others especially during the challenging times our nation and world are experiencing now. There is no past present future. All of our experiences are happening simultaneously and we can in dreams or outer body situations be in different dimensions of our life. It is like when a person has a near death experience and is able to tell you of what was going on during the event when he or she was in between worlds and not in their physical body .
Many spiritual leaders talk of a deeper understanding of consciousness, the brain mind connection and the ultimate healing force of our free will. These intertwined thoughts are a process towards self -realization.
Sheryl has discovered that quite simply the brain is the connection to our physical reality and needs, while the Mind or “Super Mind” is the connection to Universal Source or intelligence the divine or God and higher consciousness where our soul energy resides even when we are having a physical life.
What then is reality? Is there more than what we can know from our fives senses? How does healing occur? These questions are all intertwined into an understanding of who we are as spiritual beings having a phyiscal life perhaps projected by our energetic thoughts. We have come to know our powerful thoughts words and actions can create our reality, and by learning to monitor or direct positive thoughts over negativity, can improve life immensely. Manifesting is not a magical concept but a reality if we can master our energetic thoughts and know ourselves and others as the magnificent potential of the creative force.
Reality is not what we think it is-that’s what I learned from the visionary scientists. Common sense erroneously tells us that we live in a solid material world, that atoms are like billiard balls with definite locations, and time is a one-directional arrow. This is all false. Physicist Max Planck said in 1931, “I have spent my entire life studying atoms and molecules and I’m here to tell you that they don’t exist.” He explained in his book The New Science that there is no matter as such because atoms vibrate, and are held together by a force that indicates a “conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter,” thus, matter is derived from consciousness. The materialist belief is that all information comes from the physical senses via the brain, although many people experience ESP, telepathy, a precognitive dream or intuition, awareness of being stared at, or a dramatic near-death experience (NDE) that reveals other dimensions of life, as it did for neurosurgeon Eben Alexander during his near death experience due to meningitis. Animals also have these abilities, as evidenced in Rupert Sheldrake’s research on dogs that are aware of when their person will come home, even at an unexpected time.
Often to be a change maker or visionary we might encounter friction, doubt, even violent negativity due to fear or ignorance. In exploring the personal background of the scientists formulating this non-materialistic paradigm that expands human potential we find out they possess great courage. They are courageous because in many ways the truth has been proven to them, whether in information received through dreams, meditation, a near death experience, or other mystical events. Once you live in this reality and state of awareness there is no turning back, and there is such joy in the knowledge of Consciousness surviving physical death, that no one could make a believer stop true knowingness.
There is indeed as all these seekers find, other dimensions or a world of energy and life that allows for extraordinary abilities, and these people who explore the nature of divine life are aware of this force of creative eternal life often, interacting on a very intimate and personal level with life forces that exist beyond this physical plane and life. Call it the creative force, Universal Energy or Universal Source God, the divine, guides teachers’ higher vibrational beings, angels, souls of people who you knew In this time and place or elsewhere, but it is all one and the same.
Psychic remote viewers led by Russell Targ* in the Star Gate government programs during the Cold War sketched secret Soviet missile silos, a huge new secret Soviet submarine, the location of a downed Russian military plane before it was discovered by the Soviets in North Africa, and drew targets before they were even selected. The remote viewers were only given numbers with no hint about the target, paid attention to their perceptions, and drew pictures of the target while in their offices. Stephan Schwartz worked with remote viewers to discover archeological places such as Cleopatra’s Palace and the Lighthouse of Pharos—one of the seven wonders of the ancient world—as well as sunken ships and a lost Mayan temple. Working in the military as a remote viewer, Paul H. Smith* found the location of drug contraband in a huge container ship while working in his office and suggests that remote viewers also could be used in therapy to explore the roots of psycho-logical problems. Medical intuitive Caroline Myss’ well-known work with Dr. Norm Shealy in his medical practice can be considered a form of remote viewing of a stranger’s body.
It follows from materialism that death ends our awareness, but rigorous triple-blind experiments with mediums who accurately communicate with disembodied spirits are conducted by Ph.D.s Julie Beischel* (Windbridge Institute), Gary Schwartz (University of Arizona), Chris Roe (University of Northampton), and others. Over 2,500 well-documented cases of children who remember their past lives were collected by Ian Stevenson and Ed Kellyat the University of Virginia. The children shared facts descriptions and knowledge that could be substantiated about people and places they talked about and there was not way they could have been privy to any of the information.
Sheryl tells Gayle that at a workshop years ago with Stephan Schwartz the group engaged in a remote viewing exercise. An object was taken by two people and we had to get information on the place where they went….Sheryl in meditation was able to see that it was in a place with a circular driveway and a doorway with a sign above that read “Enter At Your Own Risk” and inside was a chapel with rounded seating, and people were singing so Sheryl concluded it was a temple or church and indeed, It turned out I was correct. As an empathic intuitive medium Sheryl helps people rediscover their soul energy and life plan by doing readings with Spirit so they can confirm they are on the right life path and can feel confident about necessary choices and actions. Sheryl also helps people remember they are soul beings having a physical life at the moment and if they get in touch with their inner intuitive thoughts, they can create a healthier happier life experience.
The old paradigm which is falling away now, values logic and analytical thinking but is uncomfortable with emotions and the content of the unconscious, while the multi-dimensional approach includes what intuition and dreams reveal from the deeper mind. Larry Burk writes about people who accurately diagnose their own diseases, such as cancer, by paying attention to their dreams. Getting their doctors to pay attention to these dreams was often problematic, or actually led to death that perhaps could have been avoided if the dream diagnosis was taken seriously.
Sheryl says that she often have coincidences and connections to my esteemed guests and in regard to that paragraph have interviewed Larry Burke’s co-author Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos who actually had cancer and keep going to doctors until they located it and saved her life. As Sheryl said before she did remote viewing with Stephan Schwartz and works somewhat in the style of Edgar Cayce a healer and prophet who died in 1945 also mentioned by Gayle. Like Cayce in meditation she receives messages from Spirit to offer helpful healing of soul needs, not always of the body . Sheryl who has great respect for Edgar Cayce mentioned in this book she has met Edgar Cayce’s grandson and had a soul reading based on Cayce’s thousands of readings put into computerized messages and still used to offer the wisdom of Universal Source to those who require it. It was right on target for what she needed answered and very helpful.
We go on to have some real super synchronicity here, Gayle writes, “It’s helpful to learn to pay attention to seemingly unrelated synchronistic events, especially what Gary Schwartz* calls “super synchronicity” when we experience six or more related events. They suggest that some form of helpful guidance exists and that we can learn how to access it more deliberately. Sheryl has also met Gary Schwartz.
Gail goes on to mention visionary psychoanalyst Carl Jung who developed the concept of synchronicity when his patient was describing a dream about a scarab beetle as a similar beetle appeared on the window. Dawson Church gives many more examples in his chapter on synchronicity in his book Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality is a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved.
As we grow on a spiritual path, it happens more often, suggesting a subtle intelligence at play. As Dean Radin states, “Materialism entails a certain set of assumptions that are perfectly in tune for understanding the physical world. But those assumptions (as we understand them today) cannot easily account for all aspects of reality, especially consciousness and psychic phenomena.”
Readers of this trilogy of Mysteries of Reality Healing and Knowledge Beyond the Senses might want to take away with them after reading your books that
perhaps remembering the Greek letter from so long ago that allows an understanding and acceptance of things beyond our senses a higher type of conscious and energy being that is eternal and works quite differently than than the phyiscal world. Psi: A Greek letter used to refer to anomalous experiences, parapsychology and the paranormal. Dean Radin’s list of psi categories is: Healing at a Distance, Mind-Matter Interaction (PK or psychokinesis), Physiological Correlations at a Distance, Precognition & Presentiment, Survival of Consciousness after Death, and Telepathy and ESP.
The power of the mind or connection to higher Source or creative force, unlike the brain which relates to the physical world and a temporary life, is the connection to the intelligence and guidance of the Collective Consciousness.
We thank Dr. Gayle Kimball author of the trilogy Mysteries of Healing Realities and Knowledge Beyond the Senses for sharing a lifetime pursuit of finding out Who we are? Where we come from? and how to use the energy of our inner soul essence to further advance the spiritual scientific revolution or evolution we are now fully involved in. To change our world, we must first change ourselves by first recognizing that our thoughts are creating our reality and we must take responsibility, personally and collectively to engage worthy thoughts and activities and learn be at peace with life itself.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Sheryl has been delighted to revisit many of the scientists healers and visionaries who she has either met or interviewed over the last twenty five years and as we know from Sheryl’s first book in the trilogy: Life is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection she considers all who have awakened to the greatest truth of reality consciousness energy healing and the infinite wisdom of a loving expanding evolving Universal source of intelligence and infinite life are truly blessed to know who they are and to walk this time in this physical life without fear of death seeking hope joy positivity, and to serve and lead, with integrity and courage. Gayle Kimball author of a trilogy of Mysteries of Reality Healing and Knowledge Beyond the Senses has travelled the same road and concluded beyond the shadow of a doubt that so much exists beyond the phyiscal world and life.
Gayle writes, “The three books in the Mysteries Trilogy explore how consciousness shapes reality, enables healing and provides access to knowledge from beyond the physical senses. These trailblazing scientists conclude that we are more than our physical bodies with more potential than we realize and that science needs to expand to account for consciousness. The new science embraces all of science, but it’s reframing it to have a bigger perspective. This means that we can make sense of data that doesn’t fit and we can make new predictions that can be tested, confirmed, or disconfirmed. It’s an expansion of science that reverses and changes the way you experience what you know,” explained Gary Schwartz. He added, “This perspective turns everything on its head. It’s like realizing that the sun no longer revolves around the earth” and encourages reuniting science and spirituality (as discussed in Edward Kelly et al.’ Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality). The scientists are concerned that the prevailing materialist paradigm limits our abilities and has devastating consequences, including polluting our planet. As youth climate activists say, there is no planet B.”
Gayle and Sheryl would have listeners know that in search of truth one finds an enormous amount of free will, freedom, peace, love, and the path to really enjoy relationships, nature, and the spiritual aspects of ourselves, for in actuality, that is all one and we are energy swirling through endless time and space. No past present or future, just the eternal life force of creation and it is a wonderful life.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Global Awakening which shares the spirit of our divinity that lives within, that yearns to know itself as love and Infinite possibilities, seeking to champion the challenges of modern day life. Whether in body or pure energy, the soul is the complete oneness of Spirit’s intelligence, through many lifetimes seeking connection to higher consciousness. Life is indeed a miracle. Please go to my website to discover authors exploring the mysteries of life here and beyond. Shows may also be heard on and