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Wisdom and Truth From Within
- Patricia Hammond Gonzalez
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Hello and welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening communication healing energies miracles and ways to utilize your intuition for prosperity health and happiness and today we welcome Patricia Hammond –Gonzalez author of The Ultimate Experience a personal non-fictional tale applying spiritual concepts from A Course in Miracles and practical experience, that await students who dare to walk a path of forgiveness acceptance and a surrender to the Universal Plan for our enlightenment and personal development.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories of awakening and recognizing spiritual talents, responsibilities and higher conscious as we connect our physical and spiritual essence into the Oneness of Being while living with a full understanding of the Universal Laws of Energy which when followed, allow us to experience a more productive purposeful joyful and meaningful life journey.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Patricia Hammond-Gonzalez born in Spirit Lake, Idaho the third of four daughters, has lived in London and Spain and offers her thoughts on what it means to be a spiritual traveler who excels in living life with gusto and faith. She shows us how “A Course in Miracles” contributed to expanding her mind heart and soul to the higher realms of Universal Energy and brought purpose and meaning as well as a clearer view of how to merge physical and spiritual life tenants for achieving our greatest potential.
When Patricia is asked to think back to her childhood and remember an event person or place that may have been meaningful to her she shares that she often couldn’t understand why she was born to a mother and family so different from her and how she always felt like a square peg that couldn’t fit into the round hole. She relays how an English teacher marked her composition with an A at the bottom and how wonderful she felt to have someone recognize a talent or uniqueness to her thinking and how wonderful it felt to simply enjoying what she had shared and being appreciated for her truth.
Patricia shares with us how she found it hard to reconcile her corporate work with her interest in spiritual matters and when she was called into the office and released from working there she actually felt relieved and excited to step into the next part of her life journey. She returned to Florida to live with her mother and her sisters were all in the vicinity and as she worked with the book A Course In Miracles from every page the words “Forgive” kept jumping out of the page to awaken her to forgiving her mother and family for her challenging childhood experiences and as she moved forward to freedom and liberation from the past her new life was calling her. She received a call from her friend Lauren and decided to go to London and France and to simply have an adventure. The idea to write this book
Though the book is partially non-fiction it is also a self-help book. Sheryl says that Patricia’s illustrations for understanding the chakra healing energy vortexes and the way a baby is born and receives guidance and help from Universal energy before downloading patterns of ego or negative mind thinking from parents teachers peers and societal patterns offer ways to rewire our thoughts which ultimately create new patterns and realities that enhance our life style health relationships and our simple joy in being so in that regard the book shares ways to work towards creativity healing and positivity increasing our human and divine potential for a healthy life journey.
Some of the ideas in A Course in Miracles are simple but so powerful and true that they can help to let go of the past way of thinking as victims and emerge as powerful healthy survivors and creators of many new possibilities. Patricia writes, ”In the beginning the teacher is clear, but there are no designated roles assigned: all just students sharing a speck of time together, walking a linear path in the direction of The Ultimate Experience. Undoing the ego is the idea. Yes, that’s right, the ego (illusion): mentally unstable deviant, knife-wielding murderer attacking and slashing the throat in a desperate attempt to cut off the ability to make another choice. (Truth) An experience is a spontaneous glimpse of Heaven. It’s beyond belief and beyond description: It’s the Magic of Dorothy’s Emerald City, it’s the Majestic view from the top-of-world on Mount Everest , it’s the Miracle of a newborn baby. It is Ecstasy, Wonder and Awe. It’s the ride of a lifetime. The process is not a rolling out of new ideas but instead an unwinding of old perceptions and beliefs defining each of our worlds. This is a path where the Mind rules, the body is an illusion, and the physical world is a dream. What? This cannot be true. Oh, yes, it is.
Patricia shares with us some of the teachers or people along the way who have helped her develop her own teaching gifts and broadened her awareness of the Unseen World and perhaps the multi-dimensional state of our lives. One of her teachers is her mirror image friend Lauren whose life shares much synchronicity with Savannah Patricia’s name in her book, tells of their trip to Paris and embarking on a long study of A Course In Miracles together. It is not enough to read the words and praise the message…Patricia had to apply the words and messages to my daily life. She did and for the next two years the silent practice of forgiveness was a constant in my day. She was truly committed to undoing the distorted beliefs and perceptual errors defining her egoist life and allowing her to finally experience the Love of Light of God.
Savannah wrote as they embarked on their journey, “As spiritual travelers, we will without hesitation respect love and honor all that we meet along the road. As we put one foot in front of the other we know the Truth. There is nothing outside our mind. We welcome opportunities to forgive our ego/wrong mind thoughts and experience the shift to God/right mind. As friends and spiritual partners, we vow to remain calm, peaceful, and lovingly share a smile or an encouraging word when needed. And lastly, never forgetting the Holy Spirit is our guide, our GPS.”
Patricia lets us know that Joey the young man in the story was a fictional character who struggled with addiction and a very unhappy young damaged life.
She writes, “In Paris they met Joey who has been living on the street and doing drugs but Savannah senses if he could detox and join them on their journey they would all benefit from the friendship. He agrees to go into rehab immediately and catch up with them in a few weeks. He realizes it is time for a new beginning and leaving the past behind.
In Paris Savanah had an experience and were almost mugged, “You write, “ Walking down the street toward the café…a a belief in a world where getting mugged is a reality and where things aren’t perfect…like me. I’m not perfect. It was that world and all its imperfections like my mugger, Fabron, that showed up for me last night.
I hear my words and I am upset that I forgot the most important lesson. “Walking down the sidewalk as God/right mind, connected to the perfection within, would have created a different world, a different projection. As a victim in that moment I was forced to backtrack and forgive my ego/wrong mind thoughts and ask the Holy Spirit for help.”
Patricia goes on to mention how when looking for an inexpensive hotel you magically or so you thought, find the perfect place…stylish and very comfortable and safe. Was it magic, a small miracle or your intention being realized, as indeed our thoughts and actions are very powerful and all our thoughts eventually materialize, whether good or bad, into the physical world.
Sheryl says, “Perhaps it wasn’t magic, but simply being aligned to Spirit so you manifested what you wished for and needed as is only possible when you know who you are as spiritual beings having a physical life and ask for what you need and then find it. I have many examples where this happens. Just the other day I was in the store and thinking I needed a pair of high boots but usually they are too narrow for my leg and I can’t get the zipper up. I know one store will have them but they will be very expensive and plan to go there over the weekend. Then when I walk into my usual TJ Maxx store and since it’s still summertime, so not many fall shoes or boots have come in yet, there on the top shelf is a beautiful pair of leather boots with a slightly athletic wider leg and in my size. They fit great and are reasonably priced. I thank God for his generosity and miracle…maybe not an earth shattering miracle, but a blessing and message that they hear me, and wish to give me what is fair and reasonable, because I am loved and I hope appreciated for my efforts to use spiritual gifts and serve in any way possible.
Patricia you on to mention how you have helpful people and make friends as you continue your journey in France and conquer your negative thoughts whenever in doubt or danger to create God/right thinking that brings positive results.
You go on to share more of Joey’s story of being homeless on the streets of Paris and being stabbed raped and almost dying and he tells you,” Now I know secrets aren’t meant to stay hidden. Secrets are stubborn and persistent: they demand to be free forgiven and let go. You tell Joey that we begin to observe the ego/wrong mind thoughts of shame and anger that exist when any trauma happens: forgive and forgive some more until the nightmare evaporates into thin air. Somewhere in the unconscious there’s an underlying perception or belief that will need forgiving. That goes for each of us.”
Sheryl says that it often appears during the process of unveiling our emotions and the truth of situations that pertain to any challenge loss or fear that allows a sense of lost power shame or anger within us, or towards others, that we think we are to blame and could have done more to prevent our pain and unhappiness. That misguided guilt will unfold in time, hopefully before it leads us to addictions like drugs alcohol depression to cover the real pain. It really doesn’t matter what happened or how it happened. What matters is how we come to move past it, and regain our soul and spirit energy with love forgiveness and greater courage as survivors not victims. That is the truth of forgiveness for Self and others…a freedom and liberation from self-doubt pain judgment blame anger and dysfunction.
While you are in London with your new friend Joey who you wish to teach what you have learned over the last two years you begin with Section 1 Understanding.
You share with Joey that one cannot find awareness through intellectual mastery of any material. I cannot give you the experience of God/right mind: that is found through application. No one can tell you when you will experience God’s presence for the first time, but if you follow this process it will happen. The process is not about believing what anyone says to be true, but you must get down and dirty with your unconscious guilt: your ego/wrong mind thoughts. Galileo’s quote, “You cannot teach a man anything: you can only help him find it within himself. Galileo’s quote says a lot about intellectual knowing vs. experience.
In the next lesson you show ego/wrong mind and God/right mind by saying to remember there is nothing outside of our mind!
Sheryl shares with Patricia a story from when she was at a conference in Phoenix Arizona and saw a sign over a church entrance that read, “ Enter at Your own Risk.” Sheryl was amused as she immediately saw the accuracy of that statement which to her meant that once you know who you are as a spiritual being having a physical life, everything changes. You can no longer allow blame, anger, judgment, to cloud the truth of your spiritual soul being and must develop your own inner awareness by living lovingly and compassionately. In other words, once God or Spirit or Universal Divine Energy whatever you call it, becomes real and you are aware of more than your own ego needs or physical world, you must be ready to take on responsibility to achieve a sense of personal power and movement towards Higher Conscious and self-awareness.
In my book “The Living Spirit” In terms of achieving spiritual transformation I wrote,” Spiritual Transformation is the key to manifesting a better physical experience, period. It is also necessary to attain life achievements that are not only materially advantageous but a real reflection of your true Divine Self. Coincidentally, spiritual transformation also allows us to find our higher selves and a connection to universal energy. The ultimate purpose for seeking transformation is to be free of the negative or fearful mind-chatter that results from thoughts of imaginary obstacles and the voices of controlling relatives, friends, and business acquaintances who may be enmeshed in physical pursuits related to the accumulation of material possessions and the survival needs of the root chakra. By seeking deeper knowledge of your soul, your heart energy, and your life’s purpose you automatically begin to remember that you are more than your body: more than the physical world: you are part of a higher life force that is eternal and divine.
Patricia goes on to tell us something about what the ego/wrong mind focuses on or fuels itself with/ and also what the God/right mind focuses on.
There is no middle position…you are either in ego/wrong mind or you are in God/right mind?
The ego/wrong mind seeks to enhance itself by approval, possessions and conditional love. It is deaf, dumb and blind to the signs from God.
The God/right mind needs nothing. It is complete loved and loving. It naturally shares rather than seeks to get, accepts rather than projects. It sees God in everything. It listens for the Holy Spirit. It speaks with knowing and unconditional love. And here is the real clincher: Only God/right mind is real.
Nothing Real Can Be Threatened: Nothing Unreal Exists (A Course In Miracles)
The next stage of learning surrender is about finally giving up because you’ve realized your way isn’t working. Stage 2 is Surrender—Asking for help.
The world would say these happenings and encounters were random or happenstance a chance occurrence but that is not correct. Your world is a precise reflection in a mirror and never ever happenstance. Your world is exactly as you think it to be so your world reflects back to you your thoughts actions and what you invest your enery or time into. Your world and the people in it are a reflection of what you most put your thoughts on.
Here’s the truth from A Course in Miracles, “ You are in a dream which makes you the dreamer. All the time whether you are asleep or awake is spent dreaming. None of it is really happening. This process isn’t about changing your world or your dream and making it more acceptable to you and everyone else. No you need to wake up from the dream. “You’re only a renter in your world. Your permanent home is with God. There is nothing outside of our mind.”
In the book when you are showing Joey that the difference between writing creatively or allowing a block can impede you and there are ways to remove these blockages and distractions. Beginning a meditation practice and becoming aware of the help received from Spirit and flowing in the connection of alignment to Universal energy changes your attitudes perceptions allowing for greater health prosperity love and peace. Patricia shares a chakra meditation.
There are seven energy centers on the body called chakras. Each chakra is a spiral of energy and each has a corresponding color. Begin with the first root chakra ..breathe in the color red through your nose and down your body. Next swirl the color red in a clockwise direction which is at the base of your spine. Then go to the next chakra the sacral and then the solar- plexis throat third eye and crown spinning open the wheels of light, and helping you to surrender to the peace and connection to source. In this state of relaxation your body can rest rebalance and restore you to peace and calm. We can let go of negative impulses and connect once again to the God/right mind. Sheryl and Patricia as Reiki energy healers suggest you look into beginning a meditation practice and perhaps finding a spiritual teacher to facilitate a greater way to utilize energy for healing.
Patricia Hammond Gonzalez would like readers to gain a greater love of “Forgiveness” as a main tenant for developing their true potential to evolve as loving compassionate spiritual beings enjoying a physical life adventure. As an infant you began with the fullness of God shining brightly from within. Close your eyes and visualize baby as a shiny new computer receiving guidance and information from the Universe. As the years go by programs are installed by your parents teachers and peers until your hard drive is full. Once the hard drive is full they keep playing over and over again. You may have a program called ”Unworthy” and hard as you try to change that program it will continue to control your life. You might start a new relationship, a new business venture, move to a new location thinking you will find something new. But you cannot get new when an old program is running.
This process is about undoing the ego/wrong mind or old programs. Through forgiveness, layer by layer the ego/wrong mind disappears and the light of God begins to reappear. When you commit to allowing these changes you become an “Observer” and begin to see your world in terms of what part of your mind you are engaging the right mind or wrong mind. There are choices to be made from reflection of this awareness.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Patricia has shared with us in an enjoyable light hearted fashion several of the very complex ideas in z’A Course In Miracles,” a study of Universal Laws for living life in a way that supports soul and human growth as we move towards greater love, compassion, healing and a true connection to the Divine We have shared her journey with her friends through many lovely countries and situations, some challenging and others amazingly uplifting, as we remember that life is indeed a procession of people events and changes that eventually guide us towards Truth Acceptance and a Surrender to our personal individualized life plan. In understanding the difference between the ego/wrong mind and the God/right mind thinking we begin to see that our thoughts and actions mirror all the events in our life and we can begin to create a very different reality by simply using our inner wisdom and alignment to Higher Self.
As Patricia wrote, “You do not have to learn love, earn love or attain love because love is always within you. If you’re not aware of love and protecting love, you must still have some forgiveness to do. A word of caution…the ego is stubborn tenacious, and once it’s identified by you the “Observer” it gets terrified. Don’t be surprised when you see those same ego/wrong thoughts popping us again and again. Just like those frustrating pop-ups on your computer, they keep repeating until you decide to get rid of them.”
Patricia and I would have you as she also wrote, “When you peel away the layers of ego/wrong mind through this process of forgiveness, what’s real and true is revealed: the impossible becomes possible.