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Wisdom from Classical to Modern Day Thinkers for Self-Discovery
- Raana Zia
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing energies and miracles in the search for your intuitive soul wisdom and a sense of eternal knowingness is delighted to welcome Raana Zia author of Your Hidden Light as she combines her career in executive level leadership roles and her passion and intense desire to discover her own purpose and potential for self-actualization.
As listeners of this show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories of awakening and insights into the Unseen world of energy, and the Universal Laws in order to know that we are indeed more than we appear to be and are not limited by any circumstance of the physical world as long as we allow faith truth and love to inhabit our thoughts actions and dreams for self-improvement.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Raana Zia will share some of her own thoughts and those of wisdom and truth from spiritual visionaries Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra to Aristotle and Gandhi, from the Talmud to the Bible, and from the Buddha to Jesus, who all showed us the relationship between the world inside you and the world around you. We will discover that it is only by aligning your thoughts emotions and beliefs to the truth of eternal life that you can create anything you truly desire.
Raana shares how her everyday life and success in business and as the mother of two children she began to explore what really stimulated her heart and soul awareness and helped her understand how to make her thoughts and actions translate into what she really wished to explore and be part of. She discovered that Conscious Creation is a Discipline and a Daily Practice and why you need to start looking at your world from the inside out. Your external world is not separate from you, but directly connected to you. There is an energetic and spiritual force that connects everything in the universe. It is this energy that emanates from inside of you that molds and shapes the universe around you. More concisely it is the energy of your thoughts beliefs feelings and words that create all of your external experiences. When you begin to internalize that everything outside of you is a reflection of what is inside you, your reality becomes your feedback mechanism. You decide what needs to change by changing yourself. You become the master of your reality.
The importance of being aware of your own thought patterns and learning the difference between your unconscious negative thought patterns and your positive conscious thinking is fundamental in order to consciously create positive things in your life. Bringing awareness to your thinking by asking yourself—What am I thinking now? Are these thoughts serving me—will help you become familiar with your thought patterns. If your thoughts don’t serve you then you need to stop thinking those thoughts. Thought control is a critical muscle you need to build to most effectively create your positive desires.
The resources to help you stay on your path of spiritual awareness are more accessible than ever. Changing your life externally by first changing your world internally will initially feel unnatural because we have been conditioned from the outside world and the expectations opinions and beliefs of those around us. Therefore it is important to develop a daily practice that allows you to become more connected to yourself and your spiritual nature. Meditation is the most powerful practice. Today there are so many resources available to guide you and help you discover your truest most powerful self and what practice works for you.
Your Hidden Light is meant to be for readers to see how our earlier background helps us to recognize the truth of this inner soul knowing beyond any of the belief systems we may have been taught as children. Born with an internal wisdom or soul knowing we intuitively know what we gravitate towards and resonant with but this kind of awareness is often not respected or encouraged by parents teachers and social systems. The book is meant to be a simple handbook that directly synthesizes the “how, what, why,” that is related to the power we all have to create our reality. This book is a reflection of the many years of research application and personal self journey to find the authors soul being to evolve her career and greatly enhance her material life. Raana has learned that spirituality did not mean giving up material things but that everything in the material world is created by what we cannot see but what is energetic in nature.
Raana grew up in what is considered a normal upper middle class family in Massachusetts the daughter of Indian Muslim immigrants who came to this country in the 1960’s. Her father is a retired corporate executive from the technology industry and mother is an author and retired elementary school teacher. She has an older brother. Raana was expected to do well in school and she did. She got into a professional job in finance after college. As her career advanced and not sure of what she really wanted she started to explore self help books but steered clear of spiritual books as she was working on her material world goals. Soon she wanted to understand the truth of who she was and how the world worked and that pointed to the spiritual world: the unknown, the unseen and she finally began to wake up. Sheryl says that her journey was similar. She followed the plan directed by society and family but came to know that her own internal guidance system knew that for her happiness and state of well being she had to know herself on a soul or energetic/eternal life force. Through her own experiences she came to the truth that the more she experienced herself creating her reality, the more committed she became to making inner changes in attitude and in understanding her internal compass to minimize suffering and create something new to serve her.
Knowing how the spiritual world of energy and eternal life work came to make her know that all religions her childhood Muslim religion and practices and all other religions all sought the same answers to questions about how to live life consciously in alignment to the universal truths of goodness love and compassion. When you realize who you are and the Source of Creation and of life, you may come to realize all religions seek the answer to knowing ourselves as energy beings or souls and often Spirituality or an understanding of the interconnectedness of all life forms moves us beyond structured religious belief system as often these belief separate us from the fact that life is not random at all and we are never alone. We are energy beings or souls connected to eternal source of creation and each other. Suffering is often a state of mind we fall into because we have been disconnected from our natural state of being which is happiness health positivity and love.
Raana wrote, “However many people think of materiality and spirituality as separate distinct things they really are not. However, spirituality is in fact the creating principle of anything physical. Spirituality as I refer to it is not meant to be religious in context, but a belief in what is beyond the observable and physical reality. It is the belief in the Ultimate Creative force of the Universe. Within the spiritual realm there are energies and powers that exist which are beyond what we see in the physical world. You have access to powers beyond the physical realm and these powers lie within you because you are a spiritual being.”
Raana gives many quotes in the book but Sheryl selected these to share:
We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.” From The Talmud
What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”
The quotes seem so simple but for many are hard to appreciate or implement into their daily life so they can make living and loving easier. We can begin to make these thoughts into our work and home life making life more productive and fun. Raana personally realized that she was spending seventy percent of her life working and the majority of that time was full of frustration and unease. She knew to be happy her work life had to change. The birth of her first child was the catalyst for the desired change. Suddenly she had to prioritize tasks that would work and those tasks that she would let go of and most importantly she had to trust the resources she needed to succeed in both her work and home life. Nothing external was the reason or cause for this change. The company and people around her didn’t change but she changed and relaxed and then the world relaxed…She allowed accepted and surrendered to what was best for her and others, and life proceeded to happen without pushing pulling or exacerbating the process. Most people do not realize they can create the life they want in the way they want it. They do not know they can choose something different by making and committing to a different choice.
Sheryl says to Raana that she also has learned that fear denial and false beliefs absorbed in societal training or childhood traumas where loss of trust in oneself and others led many to believe that they are in control of other people’s thinking and experiences. A sense of entitlement or arrogance and a failure to know there is a divine plan for their personal evolution and that of humanities leads to resistance and a loss of opportunity for creating our best lives.
Raana has a quote that states “As Above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul. :by Hermes Trismegistus Sheryl has often pondered this thought and we go on to talk about how when you learn how to consciously create a positive thought with an aligned feeling and belief, you can change any negative circumstance to the positive. The good news is that all thoughts feelings and beliefs can be changed and only you have the power to change what is inside of you.
Oftentimes you do not know you are energetically negating your desires, but you are. Similarly, when things seem to work out for you with minimal effort it is because internally you are in complete energetic alignment. This alignment connects with all that is unseen to bring into your physical reality that which you desire.
So in essence we are constantly in connection to that unseen force of creation and oneness and when in synch or not opposing our best interest all flows easily.
The Mirror Effect is an important concept to become aware of for as we begin to see our external world as our mirror we see our reality as a reflection of our dominant thoughts feelings and beliefs. The people we interact with and our circumstances are reflections of what’s inside you—what you believe about others and yourself. When you look at reality this way you will realize you cannot change your reflection by changing the mirror. Your reflection does not change until you change.
When your core being knows the circumstance of an event or change is actually an opportunity, message, or catalyst for the positive change you desire, you will come to follow your inner guidance. There is much more power in knowing you create your reality and there is less suffering because nothing outside of yourself is to blame.
Sheryl says….In her book The Living Spirit she expressed the idea that our thoughts and actions are creating our success or lack of it and wrote, “Spirit allows us to face challenging situations that our energy (emotions and thoughts) bring into our lives and helps us to see if we are on the right or wrong track. Therefore we are co-creating our life by observing what is happening and by seeing how to make the best of any situation. Through our faith and the surrender of some of our personal needs, we allow the universe and a higher source to help us find new ways to search and remember our already preconceived destiny and life plan. Nothing is random and all is meaningful if we simply pay attention.”
The question all spiritual seekers begin to ask at some point Is Who Are You ? Eckhart Tolle wrote, “ I cannot tell you of any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten.”
So what have we forgotten? We have forgotten the key to creating a life you truly desire lies in understanding who you really are and how your world works…Erroneously we have been conditioned to believe that we are separate from everyone and everything in our lives including the Ultimate Creator of the Universe.
“We have forgotten that we are not only our physical self. We are not only our body mind and personality or what I call your ego-self but our true self is a part of essence that is deep within you. It is your higher self, your soul self, or your spiritual-self and it is the part of you that is Divine. This is the part of you that is your Divine Light and which holds your greatest powers. Your physical ego-self is your mortal self. It sees itself as separate from everyone and everything. It lives in a world of fear and the biggest being the fear of death. It is the part of you that holds you back from becoming who you are meant to be.
Your physical ego-self relies on the five senses to understand experiences in the world. Your spiritual sense of intuition is a sixth sense and gives you information guidance a sense of knowing from your inner divine soul.
Therefore Jesus said…”The Kingdom of God is Within You.”
Socrates wrote “All souls are immortal but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine
How beautiful I think..
The Divine part of you is immortal. Cosmic Consciousness is eternal, forever creating and expressing. You are here to express and aspect of Cosmic Consciousness..We are all distinct yet we are one. Your current life experience in your physical body is but one expression of your infinite nature.There is no death for the soul. All you fear is in your ego-self. Your ego can and will die. Everything you fear comes from your ego self.”
There is a difference between conscious thinking and thinking incorrectly. Most people think they already know how to think because thinking is something we do automatically. However, by thinking everything in the world is separate from you and outside of you been thinking incorrectly. This is “Unconscious Thinking.” By being unconscious that your thoughts create you may be struggling to achieve something and fear and anxiety through incorrect thinking make it impossible to happen. A mastery of thinking is necessary to improve your life, produce results, and create what you want, but this requires knowledge discipline and practice.
Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind you will hold it in your hands. Bob Proctor
We can complain resist or blame others but actually, everything, especially those negative responses are a choice…everything is a choice. Please tell us how we can recognize that what we may be focusing on may be a poor choice, and when new choices are inserted into our thinking life changes.
The world you live in is made up of infinite possibilities and in every moment you are making a choice as to what to think feel speak or do. The decisions you make are what create your experiences. You can either create new things by new choices or experience the same things by making the same choice as before. Life presents us with things we like or do not like, and things we perceive as positive or negative. We have the power to choose that which is positive and serves us best and creating harmony balance prosperity health and good -will in our lives or disengage from people places ideas or events that feel unnatural or uncomfortable for us, but, often we must move past fear and other people’s expectations to think about what really is best for ourselves and possibly for others.
Raana Zia has shared her awakening process through an honest and truthful approach to discussing Conscious Creation moving us past unconscious thinking and ego based fear constraints, so we may know ourselves as spiritual beings who have an infinite abundant source of intelligence and wisdom within. When this inner sense is awakened we access and appreciate life and live life according to our own destiny.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discussed how to reclaim and remember much of who we are and have always been as part of a Unified Universe of infinite energy and potential and as spiritual beings having a physical ego-based human life perhaps to help us remember our true self and to move us merely beyond sensory experiences to discover the intuitive wisdom within that helps us make informed choices that manifest into the life style that suits our human journey. Our thoughts and actions determine how it all goes and being observant of our needs and soul efforts will lead us forward, past fear denial blame and any other negative emotion that thwarts our progress and our spiritual and physical growth. The Choice is always ours!
Raana wrote, “Human beings are dual in nature. We have good parts of us and bad parts of us. We are both positive and negative. Every atom that makes up our body has both a positive and negative charge. We cannot deny our duality as it is part of our nature and part of the world we live in. Without having both positive and negative sides to us we would not be able to recognize and experience positive and negative outside of us…..without our dual nature we could never really know who we truly are. We are both physical and spiritual, seen and useen, mortal and immortal, limited and unlimited. You cannot experience your true Divine Self without the presence of your mortal self. In a dualistic world it is the power of choice that created who you are and the reality you live.”
Raana and I would like you to know…. May the choice be with you, or as it was said in the Star Wars movies, May the force be with you…It is all the same thought, a thought of energy and creation—beyond fear doubt and limitation lie your ability to create all that is.