Internet Radio Show
Wisdom of the Body and Universal Mind
- Guy Joseph Ale
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In today’s episode of Healing from Within, Sheryl Glick welcomes Guy Joseph Ale author of Best Version of Yourself at Every Age: Tapping the Wisdom and Wellness of Your Body. Guy is considered to be one of the world’s visionaries in the field of human lifespan. In discussing mind body and energy coherence as well as universal intelligence and innate intelligence we begin to focus on infinite human potential as well as thoughts of our physical body consciousness in relation to Cosmic consciousness and to develop strategies and techniques to live our longest and healthiest life in the body.
In this show we focus on the newest most complex view of metaphysical concepts, science, quantum physics and the means to understand life both in the physical as well as the unseen or spiritual dimension. A greater awareness of who we are allows and affords us the means to our healthiest most creative life journey. Who doesn’t want to be vital and vibrant whether at the age of 45 or 95?
Guy Joseph Ale has had a very interesting and expansive life experience from the time he was young, which is discussed in journal entries in the first part of the book. These entries clearly show how attitude, courage and integrity can bring a person through a complex journey of changes leading only to more joy in life. Earlier influences in Joe’s life, include lack of a father presence, moving to various countries, finally settling in Israel and being in the army, even several close encounters with death—a bicycle accident and back surgery, almost becoming paralyzed—causing several car accidents that lead to serious injuries to others as well. Guy describes how he realized early on in life that when bad things kept happening, perhaps there is a pattern or something that needs to be changed. Joe found himself becoming completely submerged in a relationship with a beautiful but damaged girl and saw himself losing ground as he gave away part of his own dignity. His mind was opened to the fact that there was more to him and to his life then was being accessed at the time. He realized life was a gift and God was letting him know he could do better.
Guy moved to NY to pursue acting. In New York, he went on to have many living arrangements and work experiences which reminded Sheryl of an author she once interviewed, Dan Millman who wrote “The Peaceful Warrior” and who said in his book, “Take every job offered whatever it is and do it well and it will lead you forward to the next experience in your learning journey…” Guys view is also spiritually correct and positive and Sheryl loves his suggestions about how he prepares himself before every job interview by thinking “I’m intelligent, willing to learn, and in general I go for every job I believe I can master motto is I CAN and beyond that let them turn me down because I won’t be the one to hold myself back”.
At the present time, Guy Joseph Ale is president of Lifespan Seminar and Vice President of Asia Pacific Association of Psychology. He serves as the Secretary General of the Chamber of Chartered Behavioral Scientists, and is an esteemed council member of The International Council of Professional Therapists. Since 1992, Ale’s primary research has been the scientific, spiritual, behavioral, and evolutionary aspects of the awareness that is in our DNA to sense how long we can live and the practical applications of this insight in daily circumstances.
In the development of Joe’s Optimal Lifespan system which combines body consciousness techniques and self-management skills to help individuals understand the energy in their body and provide the tools to use this energy in the best way, he also shares charts, exercises, food strategies and everything necessary for developing a healthy mind and body connection. Ale’s articles have been published from Sweden to Sri Lanka to the UK and to the United States. His Optimal Lifespan module is currently being taught at the Master of Arts in psychology programs at Business School of the Americas and Young Scientists University and also the Faculty of Creative Studies of Java Institute for Advanced Technology.
The perception of our optimal duration, or how long we plan to live helps us to continue to explore the amazing instrument of our mind-body spirit. We become aware, and it is a well known fact that psychological conflict and difficult or stressful life experiences could affect the body’s natural balance causing various forms of disease. Psychoneuroimmunology, while in its early stages and new discoveries in Cosmology, Neuroplasticity, Superstring Theory and Epigenetics show that the intelligence and energy which permeates the cosmos INFORMS every cell in your body. So thought and energy, not solid particles and hard matter are what our abstract universe and what we physical beings are made of. Therefore we have a higher awareness and intelligence that can through intuition tap into the knowledge of our optimal duration and how to work with our amazing mind-body-spirit connection.
The definition of optimal duration is the amount of years a living organism is expected to live under optimal conditions. Here is a way to look at this… think of your life as a vehicle and installing a fuel gauge in your vehicle of flesh, blood, and bones and from that gauge being able to sense your optimal duration of existence by understanding how much gas or energy is in your tank. Then, you can have more control over your vehicle and your destination and are able to go through life with knowledge. While we can exist without this perception as our predecessors did, it is clear we have a more powerful understanding of ourselves and the nature of life by conserving and preserving our energy or fuel in accordance with the activities that are important in our life plan.
Guy shares a quote from Carl Sagan “The Dragons of Eden” which suggests where this optimal duration knowledge comes from. “Human beings have very sophisticated high data-rate perceptual and cognitive abilities that simply bypass the verbal and analytical consciousness that so many of us regard as all that is. This other kind of knowing our nonverbal perceptions and cognitions is often described as “Intuitive”. The word does not mean innate. No one is born with a repertoire of faces implanted in his brain….but intuitive knowledge has an extremely long evolutionary history: if we consider the information contained in the genetic material, it goes back to the origin of life.”
Guy then writes that he realized at some point that epiphanies or brilliant notions must originate in the Infinite Mind and lodge themselves in our psyches at a particular time of evolution. He goes on to say, “We are a link in the chain of evolution of our species, of knowledge, of Universal Consciousness.” Then one day Joe had an epiphany or link to this Infinite Mind..The number 102 kept coming to him and he realized if he had the potential to make it to one hundred and two years of age, he needed to prepare himself. As many people are now living well into their nineties, and some to one hundred or more, it is necessary for people who believe that they will have this extended life to prepare physically, emotionally, and spiritually so they can enjoy a reasonable amount of health and be a participant in life.
The real advantages to having this sense of our optimal duration are;
- To provide a framework for your life…when we are able to see the entire structure of life, we are better able to deal with the everyday challenges.
- Gives us a healthy psychological distance from which to deal with periodic setbacks: you notice where you are at the present moment in regard to your larger journey. You can Pace Yourself.
- Gives us a sense of clarity, because we’ve seen the parameters of our life
- Stability: of knowing what we can control—our own thoughts and actions—and what is beyond our control, so we don’t have to waste energy worrying about it.
- Confidence: in knowing the power over our destiny and direction in life is in our hands.
- Seeing our finite time in the world prompts us to discover special value in each presumed remaining day
- It enables us to overcome the fear of death—because we’ve seen the fullness of our life
- It helps us manage anxieties and to avoid desperate actions –we can see our current setbacks in perspective
- And finally seeing the entire arc of our journey enables us to fully realize our lifespan potential. You are the product of evolutionary processes that have been taking place in the universe for the past 13.8 billion years since the big bang. Guy says this is the information that pulses through your bloodstream and animates your heartbeat.
Evolution of the universe:
- 13.8 billion years ago – what we call the big bang occurred, and it resulted in the release of matter and energy. What was before the big bang we don’t currently know for certain, there are several theories, such as serial universes or multiple dimensions
- 4.54 billion years ago – the Earth forms from the stellar ash that had been released during the big bang. We humans are made of the same ingredients of which the planets and stars are made. Every atom in our body comes from planet Earth, which in turn is made of the same energy and matter as everything else in the cosmos
- 3.5 billion years ago – first living microbes appear on Earth
- 200 million years ago – mammals arise
- 65 million years ago – primates emerge
- 7 million years ago – Homo hominids (man-like) break away from the other hominids (great apes: gorillas, gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees)
- 400,000 years ago – controlled use of fire by upright walking hominids (Homo erectus) is common.
- 200,000 years ago – anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) emerge
- 50,000 years ago – behaviorally modern humans arise
Guy mentions the Superstring Theory which suggests there are numerous forms of an individual existing at different potentials. The Superstring Theory shows that the universe is made of infinite packets of vibrating strings of potential which freeze into particular existence according to the observer and the type of intention being directed at them. So, there are numerous forms of each individual existing as different potentials, and we bring into existence the best version of ourselves by the distinctive choices we make. Everything is made of particles which include atoms and molecules. Molecules contain two or more atoms. Atoms contain protons, neutrons, and electrons which contain quarks. Quarks contain no more matter but only strings of vibration or Pure Energy. Therefore, matter or life, forms out of formlessness, out of abstraction. Life in its essence is pure energy which is the source of all of us and the cosmos. Consciousness is the foundation of the Universe- a source of pure energy and the Universe is in all so all information, space, time and matter is a Unified Field of Conscious existing as Potential.
He then talks about Epigenetics which goes beyond the old notions of nature versus nurture and demonstrates that contrary to long held beliefs. DNA is not a final determinant in a person’s quality and quantity of life but can be altered and bent to our will. Epigenetics reveal that our consciousness modulates our biology. Thoughts affect our genes, not the other way around. You don’t need to see yourself as declining in health as you age…rather you must see the choices that enable you to be your best version at every age
Guy then speaks of Neurplasticity another important element to help us determine our optimal duration and then provide the best conditions for a long life. Neurplasticity is the brains ability to constantly adapt to changing circumstances throughout its life. Continued new communication pathways enabling us to acquire different skills, memorize new information and adapt as the brains neural connections never reach a fixed pattern that cannot change.
Guy and Sheryl both believe our essence is eternal, but while we are in this lifetime understanding how long we could live leads to a more graceful existence. Guy suggests that by aligning the energies inside you with those outside, so you can pass through the world with the least amount of friction. You might want to remember yourself flying through the air surrounded by entities and objects at the full spectrum of 360 degrees. In other words the world is full of possibilities new discoveries, miracles, and life is also a miracle. Furthermore, it means listening to your body and heart to understand what you feel, what causes you to feel this way and than finding a resolution that works for YOU so you may feel better mentally physically and emotionally. In relationship to finding resolutions for any active problem in your life, it is helpful to make a sincere effort to release and remove energy blockages in the form of your thoughts or physical issues. By doing this, you ensure your way forward in the healthiest fashion.
Guy suggests some ways to remove energy blockages. They include; Run a mental checklist of your limbs: How your arms, legs, neck, and abdomen feel. Take stock of the different systems of your body: heartbeat, digestion, your current emotional state, and your overall physical feeling: do you feel sluggish, stressed, tense, or anxious? Notice what part of your body feels the best, and what part feels the least well. The goal of this exercise is to concentrate on this troubled area of your body to understand what causes this unease and solve it. It is important to realize that the blockages are better thought of as “knots” of energy, in liquid and fluid terms. Your aim is to release this obstruction in your body by focusing your attention on it, so it can be washed into the blood stream and dissolve as salt in the water. This mental blockage can be the result of poor blood flow into this area. Energize this area by directing clean and warm focus into it, and prudently, without harming yourself, rub it gently with your fingers to melt and diffuse this knot in your body. Make sure you don’t create unintentional tightness in other parts of your body as you concentrate your attention on melting this knot.
Guy talks about The Body Conscious Techniques, Self Management Techniques and Mental Imagery Tools (physical energy evaluation and mastery of our bodies). The Body Conscious Techniques you mention include Meditation, Pressure Points, Ring Muscles, Touch Triggers and The Self management techniques include Breathing Good Nutrition and Sufficient Rest and an Active Lifestyle. There are also Mental Imagery Tools that are part of the plan for developing a healthy mind body spirit approach to aging well. Some of the visualizations that might guide us through challenging times are; Fork in the Road, Jigsaw Puzzle of Life, Captain of the Ship, Hourglass, Train ride… etc. Guy gives us detailed descriptions of how to create and utilize these visualizations for our personal use.
In exploring the journey of our developing scientific and spiritual foundations necessary for understanding ourselves, our world and Universe and offering us the knowledge needed to create the most healthy version of ourselves at every age and in life challenging circumstance. Guy wrote as part of his discovery of the elements of true success, What inevitably gives one the confidence and power to persist and be happy in is faith The building blocks consist of a disciplined way with yourself, listening to your needs, taking care of business and staying the course. while remembering doubts are not the opposite of faith: they are part of Faith. Here is a poem by Guy that illustrates the miracle of each of us and our relevance to the human family:
You have a heart as big as the world, but is this childish faith?
This question implies that would be juvenile, immature. But if not this childish faith, then what?
No one just like you has ever walked the earth, felt what you feel, looked as you do. You are by simple fact a unique specimen. Goes without saying, you and everyone else. When you are on your deathbed ready to cross over, will you look back on your entire journey and think I was not brave enough to trust in my creator?
Will you not travel the entire distance God assigned you? If God says you can, are you going to convince yourself you can’t?
What else will you regret not having done when you are ready to depart?
Guy and Sheryl would hope that you will begin to see yourself as the divine, miraculous physical and spiritual being supported by the universe within you which offers you the wisdom of the ages and the means to produce a healthy life, creating and manifesting your own miracles.