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Women Tired of Suffering: Rewriting Our Roles and Ancestral Programming
- Kerri Hummingbird
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of my newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares messages and stories from Spirit that show us our challenges are not economic political or societal but a disconnect from our true being or soul inner wisdom. I am delighted today to welcome Kerri Hummingbird author of Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound which shows us the state of our world now has been touched by the suffering of women many whom have developed victim mentalities which result in their being unable to love fully, often neglecting loved ones and even competing with their children for control and attention.
As most listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate and insightful stories of awakening, transformation and an understanding of soul life and its effects on our physical life journey and challenges. It seems, as we begin to remember that we are spiritual beings having a physical life in order to refine our energy and emotions and improve health, find prosperity, happiness and purposefulness we discover we actually have the personal power to create and manifest our best lives.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within, Kerri Hummingbird guides women to courageously reclaim their power, wisdom and voice by healing the Mother Wound so they can help mend the sacred hoop of humanity. Women throughout the ages due to the patriarchal, religious systems, have often been seen as second class citizens and remain so in some undeveloped cultures still existing in this world. It will be in recognizing the equality of all human beings as sensitive souls with divine potential and not separating or segregating anyone due to gender, religion, race, class or disability, that we will improve our selves and the world as it was always meant to be by the universal creative source, will resonate with true love and compassion for all. There will be no division politically, religiously, socially, we will appreciate people as they are.
Kerri as an intuitive, introspective soul, when asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to her or others the interests work lifestyle they might pursue as adults. Kerri tells us of her difficult journey as a young child with an abusive father and a mother who to protect her, left the marriage and married who she thought would provide a safe environment for her daughter, and that turned out not to be the case. She says that what she most admires about her mother is her tenacious pursuit of an authentic life for herself and to love her daughter. She in her third marriage, landed the most genuine, caring, and supportive partner with her third husband: the man I call my Dad. For 45 years they enjoyed what many people observed was a rare soulmate connection; the kind of love relationship people dream about receiving. Most people don’t realize that a love like that has a price to pay upfront. Or at least, it did in our world. And those early bumps in my mother’s journey to love cost her, and me, dearly.
My mother did not look the other way in any circumstances that regarded me. She fought for me and to heal her own traumas from being a woman caught within a system that still favors men, legally, financially, and socially.
“Fierce love” is what I received as a child from my mother. Yet the trauma planted in my brain from those early years formed a foundation that has woven itself into the very fabric of my life, up until now. My brain was hardwired for a perception of life that created suffering in my relationship with myself, my mother, friends, and every partner. That perceptual hardwiring has created content to fill thousands of hours of psychotherapy sessions, and exhausted my life savings to heal myself through retreats, plant medicine, coaches, alternative healing certifications, and so on.
Kerri tells us she loves her mother deeply for her sacrifices every step along the way. Kerri knows her mother persevered where many women have looked the other way and drowned in guilt and shame. Kerri’s mother is a powerful force to be reckoned with, a role model of a woman going after what she wants for herself. Beyond her dedication to finding the right partner, she persisted until she received her Masters’ degree in Early Childhood Education in mid-life and never passed up an opportunity to email her government representatives her perspective on issues of the day.
Kerri tells us what inspired her to write Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound. The healing message of Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound is urgently needed today. For sure, we are the walking wounded. Without transforming the Mother Wound, which almost all women experience, into Mother Wisdom, humanity will sink deeper into despair and possibly extinction. Hummingbird-Sami is direct and powerful. She walks us through the narrative of her healing and awakening. Spanning the spectrum from traditional psychology, spiritual psychology to shamanic transformation, she enables us to understand the path to greater consciousness, connection, and sustainable love.
Having outgrown shame, she weaves us through her childhood abuse, teenage sexual acting out, young adult grasping and greediness, birthing two sons, divorce, and the traumatic separation from her mother to the liberation of her soul into spiritual adulthood. Her life story is relatable. We can all identify with the struggles of growing up in a materialistic culture devoid of true universal love. We all yearn for the perfect mother that makes us feel safe and whole. The vacancy created by the lack of feminine wisdom sets the stage for her soul’s journey. Without immersion in the Great Mother, how can any physical mother be a true and trusted guide or any child emerge as the divine's full, unique expression? Remember?
Her main message is this: Wake up to your relationship to the Great Goddess, Mother Earth, and the infinite feminine wisdom. The Great Mother Wound results from thousands of years of taking the masculine to a toxic extreme. Our path to healing is through the feminine, which will bring our lives and our hearts into balance. Hummingbird-Sami expresses the message of our time. The feminine wisdom is rising powerfully now. We need to heal the Mother Wound to align with our higher consciousness and the consciousness of the beautiful Mother that holds us so wisely and dearly. This review of the book was written by Sarah Weiss, MA, Spiritual Teacher, Keeper of the Light, and Medical Intuitive, a former guest of Healing From Within several times.
Kerri tells us when she was began to write this book, she was estranged from her mother and part of her family, recovering from the loss of her Dad, and doing her best to support her eldest son in launching into the world. For years before beginning to write this book Kerri had already been learning the lessons and taking the steps to heal the Mother Wound.
She just was not fully aware of the process she was in until she was Spirit-tapped by White Buffalo Calf Woman to channel this book. Kerri said yes and committed, without really knowing what she was signing up for. As she began this book, she hoped that through the healing process she would be able to be connected once again with her mother while maintaining her personal power and respecting both of them, and that she would be a better mother for her sons.
White Buffalo Calf Woman is a sacred woman of supernatural origin, a prophet of feminine power, who brought sacred wisdom and gifts to the Sioux people. In the traditional story, it is said that there was a time of famine where all the Sioux tribes gathered together. The chief of the Lakota sent out two scouts to hunt for food. These men came across what appeared to be a white cloud in the distance, and as it came closer, they saw a beautiful woman in white buck skin. She explained she was a wakáŋ, having supernatural powers, and that if he did as instructed, the Lakota would rise again. He returned to his encampment as instructed, called the Council, and prepared a feast for her arrival. When the holy woman arrived, she had a gift for the people. "Halting before the chief, she now opened the bundle. The holy thing it contained was *chanunpa*, the sacred pipe. She held it out to the people and let them look at it."
She taught the Lakota seven sacred ceremonies to protect the Mother Earth and gave them the chanunpa, the sacred ceremonial pipe. "With this holy pipe," she said, "you will walk like a living prayer. With your feet resting upon the earth and the pipe stem reaching into the sky, your body forms a living bridge between the Sacred Beneath and the Sacred Above. Wakan Tanka smiles upon us, because now we are as one: earth, sky, all living things, the two-legged, the four-legged, the winged ones, the trees, the grasses. Together with the people, they are all related, one family. The pipe holds them all together."
Sheryl says “As a Reiki Master Teacher my students and I align to the energy of the living universe and channel that energy to heal ourselves and others and bring an awareness of the Oneness of all things. In all spiritual practices initiates are connecting to this concept and way of life. It is different than religion in that it assumes a personal responsibility for personal growth as well as conscious collective responsibility for communities and the earth. The only rule is to allow accept and surrender to the energy of love goodness and compassion and know you are a spiritual being of eternal life.
Kerri tells us “Upon finishing this book, my reason for doing it, and sharing it, is first a matter of self-respect. Because I respected myself to do the work in this book, I am able to show up with greater compassion, wisdom, love and kindness. It is vital that you know yourself as strong, wise, and capable. This is especially important for women and mothers now as we enter the Age of Aquarius where the Divine Feminine rises, and we embrace the Divine Mother as a teacher. Strong wise women are the weavers of the web of family and community. When in their rightful place of honor, our families, communities and planet thrive from the benefit of the intuition, deep listening, divine connection, and fierce love of wise women. Our wise women support and teach our new mothers how to hold a compassionate loving presence for our children and the words they speak come from wisdom earned through direct experience…not from outside authority but from inner authority.”
Kerri tells us about having Earth amnesia. Kerri was having trouble with the channeling Buffalo Calf Woman who helped her remember the past wisdom of the ancient woman who connected to Universal Energy because she felt unworthy to be delivering this message. And this ancient sacred healer has arisen through the channeling to Keri for now the perfect timing. The women walking the Earth today have not been honored as sacred vessels of the Mother Earth. The women walking the Earth today have been subjugated, denigrated, abused, shamed, controlled, and stripped of self-worth; for many, the abuse begins while they are still children. And because the women have been stripped of self-worth, humanity has been stripped of self-worth The healing message of Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound is urgently needed today. For sure, we are the walking wounded.
Without transforming the Mother Wound into Mother Wisdom, humanity will sink deeper into despair and possibly extinction. Hummingbird-Sami is direct and powerful. She walks us through the narrative of her healing and awakening. Spanning the spectrum from traditional psychology, spiritual psychology to shamanic transformation, she enables us to understand the path to greater consciousness, connection, and sustainable love.
Having outgrown shame, she weaves us through her childhood abuse, teenage sexual acting out, young adult grasping and greediness, birthing two sons, divorce, and the traumatic separation from her mother to the liberation of her soul into spiritual adulthood. Her life story is relatable. We can all identify with the struggles of growing up in a materialistic culture devoid of true universal love. We all yearn for the perfect mother that makes us feel safe and whole. The vacancy created by the lack of feminine wisdom sets the stage for her soul’s journey. Without immersion in the Great Mother, how can any physical mother be a true and trusted guide or any child emerge as the divine's full, unique expression?
Kerri recommends for those who wish to deepen their relationship with Earth consciousness that we be encouraged to learn and practice “Sacred creation.” Sacred creations are inspired by Divine connection, serve a greater purpose, bring beauty, and serve as a fountain of Love that restores the Garden of Earth even as it is derived from the Mother Earth’s materials. A baby is a sacred creation. This book is a sacred creation. A chanunpa is a sacred creation. A ceremonial cloth is a sacred creation. To birth a sacred creation, you must prepare the vessel. You must honor the vessel through which the creation is birthed. You must open the vessel and flood it with the Divine through sacred ritual and prayer. And then you must surrender to the Great Spirit that is the only force that can birth a sacred creation…through you as the prepared vessel. You are not doing it. The Great Spirit is the one that answers the prayers from the chanunpa. And if you have prepared your vessel for the sacred, the Great Spirit can birth the sacred creation through you.
Kerri writes “Is it any wonder that humanity is at a point of crisis where Mother Earth hurls at us fires, tornadoes, melting icecaps, earthquakes, and viruses? Collectively, we are disrespecting our mothers, we are birthing humans fixated on consuming, penetrating, conquering, and claiming—and very few humans are listening as our skies fill with smog and our plant medicines burn in the jungle. We have reached the end of the patriarchal drive to conquer the feminine and control Mother Earth. Humanity will never dominate the Earth. She will flick humanity off her back like so many fleas if we do not start listening to her. She’s been listening to us, and she knows our every anticipated move. Take a moment and consider how ridiculous it is to be concerned with a manicure when in just a few generations from now we may be extinct if we don’t take action now to course correct. Please, we need to get our priorities straight for the benefit of future generations.
To survive, we need humans tuned into Mother Earth. We need our medicine women to rebuild the fabric of human society with wisdom, compassion, patience, and diplomacy. We need our men to put down their tools of destruction, stop building stuff we don’t need, stop trying to ‘outwit’ Mother Nature with new biohazards and drugs, and stop playing Monopoly to control and subjugate life on Earth. We must humble ourselves to learn from the sacred power of Mother Earth that is beyond our comprehension.”
Kerri and Sheryl share reasons that there has been an inability on the part of men to recognize the equality of women and that has unfortunately been part of human history it seems since the beginning of life on earth.
Kerri writes, “For centuries women have been falsely conditioned to think that they are lower than men, and that the way to please ‘God’ is to subjugate yourself to men’s control. That the way to survive in the world is to ‘get a man and keep him.’” Kerri is now remembering when her grandmother, who was trained in the Southern Baptist beliefs, told her that ‘the Bible says woman serves man.’ Kerri felt repulsed by this statement and hurt, and that was the correct response.
Now let us turn our attention to Christianity that has worshiped Jesus. Indeed, Jesus is an incredible teacher of love, forgiveness and compassion. And, Jesus was born of Mary. Mary prepared her vessel to receive the sacred gift of the Divine. Without this preparation, it is possible that a baby would have been born….but not a great spiritual teacher. Because Mary had prepared her vessel to be a living chanunpa, she lived in walking prayer. Because Mary lived in walking prayer, she reared her child in walking prayer. Because Mary mothered Jesus in walking prayer, the world received the great spiritual teacher Jesus. It all began with the Mother and her decision to honor her sacred vessel…even if the prevailing culture did not honor her as a chanunpa, she found it within herself to do so.
Sheryl shares with us her own feeling that the Patriarchal Religions have intentionally or unintentionally, set up a system where the man is the head of the household and the wife holds a secondary place or role, while the man is free to go out and earn a living, the wife is expected to stay home and be in charge of the family. In ancient days that was the way but as we have advanced technologically and scientifically, we realize that the perceptions of God’s will may have been interpreted to keep the men in power Even today the fundamentalist segments of all religions or orthodox still conform to this perceived version of God’s will. Men often being somewhat physically and more aggressive naturally than women, have been comfortable at times with their role, but now as spiritually advanced interpretations of living with the laws of Universal Energy, there is more of an acceptance that men and women both have male and female energy, although in different proportions, and using all this energy can balance, harmonize personal development and help relationships to improve. That is the way.
Kerri tells us that losing touch with our ancestry, has perhaps harmed the progress of women’s liberation and freedom from societies mores and restrictions.
Kerri tells us “as it is harder for Kerri and other spiritual messengers who have been harmed by the violence and anger in the world today, it is hard to hear her spiritual guides when she goes into softness. Her heart is so conditioned by the masculine for being pounded over the head with it that the gentler messages slide under the surface of awareness. And it is the same for most humans on the planet today. The Great Spirit offers a constant stream of subtle impressions that you can quiet yourself to hear and follow. Many ascended masters are here at this time to help you move out of the mind and back into your heart so you can hear these gentle messages. In the stillness is an understanding that liberates you from the conditioning of your mind from thousands of years of masculine energy domination. As the women soften their hearts, the grief in their wombs can be released. With this clearing, there will be space for Love to grow again. It takes courage to soften your heart, to set down the armor, and to listen to your inner landscape with compassion, rather than judgment. It takes courage to claim responsibility to prepare your vessel for the sacred because it means facing the inner destruction caused through human conditioning and forgiving it to reclaim your chanunpa and feminine sacred connection to the divine.”
Kerri looks into the concept of what a Courageous Heart is. She sees a Courageous Heart within every nuance of a mother registered by her child: facial expressions, emotional energy, tone of voice, smell, energy. Each child is finely tuned to their mother from the beginning for guidance on all of life’s challenges from the moment you are in her womb until you manage to parent yourself through inner healing of the Mother Wound. The relationship with your mother is a huge factor in whether you can identify your feelings and communicate, have the confidence to take risks, be resilient in the face of setbacks, and feel strong self-worth and self-love. Kerri says she never realized how important she was as a mother until her children were nearly grown. She spent most of their young lives swimming in self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, and fear of mothering them wrong from her own unhealed Mother Wound.
Together, she feels we must break the cycle and help our young mothers begin parenting from a healed place. We must have courageous hearts and that means trust and love for self, for the divine Universal Source of all life, as we learn to ask for help from Spirit and others, here on Earth when needed, so we may continue to grow in alignment to our divine soul being and know we are being guided to fulfill our life mission. For many women that is to grow beyond the conscripts of past indoctrination by a patriarchal society that has deemed women as a second class citizen. Courage is using all your spiritual talents to throw that energy to your children and to the world, and to heal the wounds of so many centuries of abuse to the women of earth.
Kerri might like readers to remember after reading the book that the qualities that best serve every human now are humility, presence, integrity, and willingness to take personal responsibility to clean up this mess we have collectively created. You’ve got to stop listening to other people who are operating from past belief systems and who are trained to believe they are not worthy, not good enough, not loved, not wanted, not respected, not appreciated; and so birthed you into a web of consciousness where you never felt worthy, good enough, loved, wanted, respected and appreciated. When you heal the Mother Wound within you, you awaken to the powerful connection you can have with Mother Earth, and that leads you through breadcrumb steps to claim the Garden of Eden that is right here, right now. The indigenous cultures around the world have guarded these secrets for this Great Awakening, waiting for you to be ready to heal yourself and reconnect with Mother Earth.
We thank you Kerri Hummingbird, author of Love is Fierce, for helping us move past the amnesia created for many at birth of our unique divine essence or soul connection to the Oneness of life and to our ability to move past the fears of the physical world that often taint and hides our abilities to live with love and self -respect until we once again remember our divine potential.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have discussed how many mothers of today need to move past the harm imposed on them over centuries, which has also harmed the children, will be corrected by mothers who wish to heal their children and future generations because they love them more than themselves; the children are the reason women will finally face and heal the Mother Wound within. Kerri and many others are now the kind of mothers who can do for their kids what they always wanted to receive from their mothers: listen and unconditionally love. They’ve said some pretty rough things to me, things that I never would have been brave enough to say to my mother. I have listened and guided as best I could. I have humbled myself rather than forced my will, controlled or manipulated them. We have discussed how vital it is that you know yourself as strong, wise, and capable. This is especially important for women and mothers now as we enter the Age of Aquarius where the Divine Feminine rises, and we embrace the Divine Mother as a teacher. Strong wise women are the weavers of the web of family and community.
Kerri wrote, “This is the Mother Wound that medicine women today bear the brunt to heal on behalf of humanity. The family is still operating from the painful conditioning even as we are healing the Mother Wound within ourselves. We pass on the Mother Wound before we are aware we are doing it, and then we work through the patterns and the shadows in ourselves, our children and families at the same time. Projection runs rampant, blame divides us into ‘sides’, and the pain is unbearable so we leave each other. Mothers are dragged through the mud one last time, often without our family realizing they’re doing it, or that there’s another potential for how to perceive and resolve these familiar and painful cycles.”
Kerri and Sheryl would have you remember to support women and yes, to support men also, at this critical time in the spiritual evolution of humanity: when you have the capacity to see the bigger picture of the evolution of our species, you can have grace and compassion for those souls still mired in the mud of the Mother Wound and struggling to free themselves from the falseness of this collective untruth and dysfunction. We will move beyond to love and a greater balance of energies.
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and invites you to visit my website to read about and listen to visionaries spiritualists scientists medical professionals psychologists and those in the arts and music fields explore the human and divine connection in order to know truth and to improve life in all dimensions and aspects. Shows May be heard on and