Internet Radio Show
Youth Community Leadership and Ministry
- Anita Russell
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit a tale of spiritual awakening, spiritual healing and communication, miracles, and a guide to your inner soul wisdom. Today I am delighted to welcome Anita Russell an independent consultant and network marketer, host of her local talk show featuring guests who live purposeful lives and share their experiences with others. Anita is a contributor to the book Motherhood Dreams and Success with other authors.
Listeners of Healing From Within are well aware and look forward to hearing Sheryl’s guests share intimate experiences and views in order to more completely understand the seemingly dual nature of life: both the physical and spiritual, in hopes of creating and manifesting a better quality of awareness. As self-investigation and self-mastery of emotions are the keys to that pursuit and life is what you make it through thought intention and action it is in our best interests to achieve a higher level of that allows for change and evolution to take place.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will discuss the levels at which awareness manifest and how we each may help develop better interactions with others, take some risks, and ultimately make our reality more human and humane.
When Anita thinks back to her childhood to remember a person place or event that might have been an inspiration she shares a heartbreaking remembrance.
Anita writes, “At the tender age of five three things happened—my first brother was born: I lost my sister and my house caught on fire. My sister was my best friend and even now, I have vivid memories of her. One day we were playing outside when she was struck and killed by a car. My entire world changed as I peered into my sister’s eyes for the last time. Unable to comprehend what happened, it felt like I was in a black box. I have no memory of the time between the accident and the funeral. But at the funeral God graciously showed up and I experienced a physical manifestation of His glory. The words He whispered into my young spirit were, “I AM always with you.” In that moment, God brought me into a lifelong friendship with Him, and I now connect this experience to one of God’s greatest promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) Thus a foundation with God was laid as He prepared me for a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Anita tells us how she felt so guilty about that day and the death of her sister, but Sheryl as a medium and energy healer reminds her that nothing in our life is random, and each of us has a time to be born and pass, and nothing anyone does can change our destiny or plan.
Anita shares with us that she wrote the article for the book Motherhood Dreams and Success because she has always been involved in helping people especially children, and when she meet the woman working on this project on the internet she sensed it was divinely planned and said, “Yes” to participating.
Sheryl and Anita go on to talk about a statement in the article where Anita says, “Creativity is to be fruitful and multiply, Creativity is the driving force behind the first commandment given by God.” Sheryl has always given much thought to that expression and surely feels there are many layers to the thought. She asks Anita to give her take on it. Many of us thought God meant to go out and have families, but Sheryl always felt that was too limiting and he must have had other intentions when that was created. Anita tells us that creativity is one of the attributes God endowed to man and how we use the power of creativity is reflected in the overall state of the world around us. It appears then that we can be doing better as poverty war political discord and lower vibrational emotions such as anger greed distrust evil and complacency are prevalent and there is too much division and unhappiness.
Sheryl tells Anita “I always think in terms of God as a creative force and as God is within us, as we are within that same eternal creative force. I would agree that as energy beings having a physical life we are here in this three- dimensional plane to gather experiences and refine our soul energy to a level of greater compassion and love. In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love Sheryl wrote, “Spirit allows us to face challenging situations that our energy emotions and thoughts bring into our lives and help us to see that we are either on the right or wrong track. Therefore we are co-creating our life by observing what is happening and by seeing how to make the best of any situation. Through our faith and surrender of some of our personal needs we allow the universe and a higher source to help us find new ways to search and remember our time in this world, in this life and other lives and beyond, to find our greatest means for developing levels of infinite love and healing as evolving compassionate expressions of the divine. We can observe that in addition to our ability to heal and change, certain patterns that separate us from our natural state of well-being, difficult and tragic events are occasionally the precursors of taking a soul to the next level of their development.
Anita’s chapter “Eden Spirit” for the book Motherhood Dreams and Success means that she believes something powerful existed in the Garden before the fall. The essence of this power is what she calls “Eden Spirit,” the inclusive and purposeful union that defines men and women in terms of spirituality and God-given humanity rather than gender. I believe that women have a distinctly different, yet fully complementary purpose designed by and for God
Women have power creativity and innovation beyond measure. Women are filled with dreams hopes and aspirations that we birth into the world for ourselves and others. We can move mountains like South African grandmothers who care of children orphaned by the epidemic or Rwandan women who harnessed the power of forgiveness in the aftermath of genocide, or the Liberian women who stood up in collective prayer to end a civil war or perhaps in Proverbs 31 woman whose children rise up and call her blessed. I believe therefore, self-discovery unleashes the power of dreams, hopes and aspirations.
Anita shares with us certain events that guided her to do research work at the University of Pittsburgh, move to New Jersey and get involved in the national science education reform movement. She took early retirement to build a family business in the travel industry and like most spiritual people, filled with curiosity and energy are open to change and new challenges while working on conquering any fear that might put a damper on moving forward. Anita tells us her life is exciting now and she knows her purpose in life or mission is investing in the growth and development of others through ministry, income leadership and education.
When she answers this question..”Do you know your worth? she encourages women, especially mothers and caregivers –to know that their worth is not defined by circumstances, people money or society. Your self- worth is defined by a higher power transcending ordinary human existence—from the beginning of your life you were filled with dreams hopes aspirations and purpose reflecting your true worth in the eyes of God. Again referring to Proverb 31 it is said… Embrace the Proverbs 31 woman in you and know that your worth is far more than rubies.
Sheryl says what Anita wrote reminds her of a story she was once told….”When Moses went up the mountain to receive the word of God- the Ten took longer than the people expected. The men got anxious and took all the gold from their wives and crafted a golden cow to protect them. When Moses returned and saw this he was so angry. God told the women of the community that because they trusted that all was well, they would be held in great spiritual love and esteem, and of course the ability to bear children and be blessed in that way is his expression that they hold a close place to Him and to the children or future of the world.” So they are like rubies which represent healing, a great gift to the world and to God.
Men and women are biologically emotionally and spiritually quite different, but equal in energy oneness and in God’s hope for humanity’s evolution he wishes for them to see themselves past gender and as divine beings capable of love and compassion. Sheryl who recently interviewed Dr. John Gray author of Beyond Mars and Venus and a leading educator in relationships between men and women discusses the needs of both men and women in realistic not judgmental or exploitive terms. We find that it is not in the biological differences but in the energetic or soul connections to higher consciousness that we do find all of us blessed and grateful to have a physical life and rediscover our connection to Universal Source through all our experiences.
Anita tells us about Life Transitions or how To SOAR to fly fearlessly with vision and purpose and sometimes how structured religious belief and work with this process, might help or might perhaps hinder it. The reason Anita says this is because she knows many religious people who can follow the rules of their church or religious institution yet retain so much fear in their thoughts and physical body. Sheryl as a Reiki Master Teacher using a spiritual hands on healing technique channeling higher energy to a person’s inner soul essence for greater self illumination and awareness of what is working or not working in their daily experiences knows that many of the back pains or knee pain or other pain or illness or dysfunction is simply the inability to release fear… a failure to really trust in God’s larger plan for them.
Anita tells us about her idea of Prevenient Grace and how once you realize your true identity as a spiritual being having a physical life it opens up a pathway to fulfillment and greater joy. Prevenient grace is the grace that draws us to God before we are even aware of its presence. It is the grace that holds mankind in eternity embracing us as we go through life. It reflects the deep relationship that God desires with us because we were made in His image and likeness.
Sheryl says she believes God is an energy and force of creation that allows for constant change and renewal and that the Universe or God is within each of us as We are within that same force. She doen’t conceive of God as He or Him or She and therefore, we are all One or United in his love rather than in a physical nature or resemblance. The Abrahamic religions: Judaism Christianity and Islam see God as perhaps a judging father-like representation, but many believe God is simply purity Love and loves all of us and knows while there is no perfection in the physical world as humanity is fragile, we can only experience All That Is and therefore, with a understanding of duality learn to move beyond judgment thoughts of good or bad and learn acceptance allowing ourselves to be kind to ourselves and others: ultimately surrendering to this Universal Force and growing closer to the freedom of change acceptance tolerance and love.
Anita believes she was guided to create Soar Travel Ministry and that travel serves as much more than recreational fun. Man has traveled since the beginning responding to an innate desire to break up the routine, to experience something new and different. Travel also adds values by creating fulfilling opportunities to build community through relationships, to make a contribution, and to inspire change…Sheryl would say…Perhaps it helps us remember experiences our soul had before this lifetime or incarnation, and brings unity peace and greater love to our soul along with gratitude for having a physical life in the first place…Perhaps it helps a soul awaken to a clear understanding of their dual nature as spiritual beings having a physical life. Perhaps beyond the obvious there is an extraordinary value to travel and opening our mind to new possibilities for creating the best within us so we can improve the world.
Anita Russell has shared her experiences and open- minded approach to making a choice to redesign her life using vision and creativity to access the true nature of her inner goals and being courageous enough to make the changes necessary to achieve them. To learn more go to
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have seen that change is possible and necessary, and if one pays attention to the opportunities and begins to see life beyond the mere physicality of situations, there are always ways to hear the message within your heart and to focus your attention on what you were called to be in this lifetime. You do have the soul courage to redirect your life to a path that brings greater satisfaction and beyond helping yourself personally, you will be able to redirect your beautiful energy into the world so others can also benefit.
Anita and I would have you begin to appreciate yourself and your life choices and to know it is not in the doing or repetitive actions of our life that we soar but in learning to just simply Be and to lovingly express our creative joys out into the world.