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Achieve Health by Eliminating Fear
- Dr. Vernon Sylvest
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Host Sheryl Glick Reiki Energy Practitioner and author of “Life Is No Coincidence” welcomes Vernon Sylvest MD author of “The End of Fear.” Dr Sylvest has written a comprehensive view of his search for understanding sadness, pain, and suffering which he observed from his early childhood observations as his father a Minister offered counseling and guidance to his congregation. Believing that if he knew more about the physical causes of pain, suffering and disease and how the body functioned, he would be able to help others rid themselves of disease. In his search to understand himself and life, he decided to pursue a life as a medical doctor and heal the wounds of society. Dr. Sylvest pursued many specialties including pathology, literally meaning the study of disease, a required rotation in psychiatry and molecular medicine. As a medical doctor he soon realized that healing his own recently diagnosed genetic form of arthritis, considered incurable, was almost an impossible task as he was not responding to medications prescribed. Becoming depressed as a result of the illness and a divorce, Dr. Sylvest now the patient, began a search for an alternate form of healing. It became apparent that a change in perception, attitude, and a new look at his spiritual nature, might lead to appropriate changes in life style and thought processes. Dr. Sylvest began a journey into the realm of quantum physics which recognizes that the particulate world is the result of energy interactions. The practical application of this concept is a new field called energy medicine. Dr. Sylvest as a physician, a scientist and from an inner intuitive knowing now offers us a spiritual and scientific approach or Formula to heal physical disease, and discover the emotional thoughts that lead us away from our knowing who we are, and realizing how we can live life free of fear to find love within ourselves and within others. In finding love, which is the reason for experiencing a physical life, it becomes possible to find a potent antidote for today’s troubled times. By healing our own personal health issues, we rediscover our true energetic nature. The effect of the mind on the body reveals that the immune cells that protect us from infection are negatively affected when we are experiencing fear. This state of fear has been documented at the organ level and fear or the emotional experience of stress seems to be the primary culprit in disease.
A higher level of healing is created in the body by inducing energy field changes, and the evidence now available to us is that energy forms the body and is the energy of consciousness. Therefore, our mental-emotional energy or our mind creates the experience of the physical body. The body is the image and reflection of our thoughts, and since we are not only the body, healing must take place at the level of the mind. A quote from Dr Sylvest’s book says, ”These observations support the fact that we are not the body and are not made by the body and that our mind is a non-local energy field of consciousness with creative power, out-picturing in the outer experience, and a reflection of the inner experience.” In the practice of medicine often a physical diagnosis may become self-fulfilling leading to a negative conclusion. Releasing fear and embracing a positive loving thought process, and appropriate loving action can often produce a better outcome.
Dr Sylvest also addresses how effective the energy of faith and intent can be in the healing process. In the case of touch therapies such as massage, healing touch, Reiki, acupressure and acupuncture the energy of intent by the practitioner is expressed via a physical sharing of energy between the energy field of the practitioner and the energy field of the recipient. The movement of energy blockages or emotional distress at a cellular level are expressions of the combined effort of both parties. Some forms of touch therapy can be considered non-contact healing therapies. Reiki is one such method and distant healing without the participant being present can achieve remarkable improvements in the health or attitudes of the person receiving the healing energetic thoughts and intentions of the sender. Being lifted to a higher understanding of self is enlightening and healing. As in all therapies and medical procedures effectiveness is greatly enhanced and is a measure of the intent and faith of the participants. All healers merely set up an environment for their patient or client to recognize the mental-emotional equivalent of their symptoms so they can move forward towards bringing in a positive new view and perspective about life events, thereby, creating healing at a high level.
After 36 years in the practice of pathology and as the Director of the Institute for Higher Healing where he practiced Holistic Primary Care Medicine, Dr Sylvest recently retired to devote his full attention to share information that led to his own healing, and to share new approaches to the healing process utilizing both science and spirituality. His healing work now includes Touch Therapy, energy medicine and distant healing. Dr Sylvest and his wife Anne own and operate Healing Waters Lodge, a holistic retreat center in the Mountains of Highland County, Virginia. Raymond Moody MD, a foremost authority on near-death experiences and author of his first bestselling “Life After Life”, was a former participant in this healing center. Dr. Moody was a guest on “Healing From Within” and his interview with Sheryl Glick may be heard on Sheryl’s website, on the radio page. (Show aired Jan 5, 2011) Elizabeth Kubler Ross MD, author of books on “Dying” and “The Dying Process” was also a founder of this holistic center. Sheryl, as a hospice volunteer found their work to be closely aligned to her own development as an intuitive energy practitioner and medium. Their research, studies and suggestions have paved the way to a more expanded view of life and the Afterlife for the medical community and the general public.
Dr. Sylvest shares stories of his trip to India and his meeting with Sai Baba where Sai Baba manifested items for the visitors. Quite surprised, Dr. Vernon was handed an egg shaped polished stone known as a ligam. Sheryl shares a coincidence with Vernon where she received from Ruth Rendely, author of “The Seraphim Blueprint,” the very same greenish, aqua, pale egg shaped stone. Coincidence? or synchronicity? it appears we are meeting and sharing group and individual experiences to develop an inner soul refinement of our energy thoughts for the evolution of Self and the expansion of All. A ligam, I was later told, is a stone to symbolize the omnipresence of God as well as Formlessness into form, and vice-versa (Creation).
In Dr. Sylvest’s book The End of Fear a quote that I found to reflect the cause of much suffering and illness remarked, ”The seriousness of the physical problems or life situations we experience reflect the intensity of the emotional energy involved, and that suffering with someone does not ease their pain. Playing into the momentary suffering can be disempowering and actually magnify the experience creating deep seated fears and memories at the cellular level especially in children. Appropriate empathy and love for another requires that we not take on or magnify anyone’s pain as Reality, but must move quickly past the moment of discomfort into loving ourselves and creating joyful experiences. By changing the moment of fear and impacting the world in positive ways, we allow the people and children we love to do the same.
I highly endorse Dr Vernon M. Sylvest’s formula for moving past fear, as we focus on love in every moment, and become unaffected by negative energies, altering perhaps even the continuity of linear time and transcending this physical world to connect to Universal Energy. This is the stuff that dreams and miracles are made of. This is the way to higher conscious, creation, and healing on a personal and universal level. In conclusion, by reading Dr. Vernon Sylvest’s book “The End of Fear”, you will realize that healers and philosophers of the past; such as Descartes, Einstein, Bjorn Nordenstrom, Sai Baba and those of today, who are mentioned in the book, attempt to show that the quality of our empowering or disempowering thoughts are the creators of our life experiences. As we heal the negative energy in our subconscious or inner soul essence, we reprogram our health to bring peace and a spontaneous loving approach to healthy living.