Internet Radio Show
Awakening to Personal Power Utilizing Universal Energy
- Elaine Grohman
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within”, Host Sheryl Glick welcomes special guest Elaine M. Grohman Author of her newest book Spirit Awakening which is a collection of messages received from universal spiritual sources for the purpose of helping us to develop a more comprehensive way to improve our intuitive skills. Heightened intuitive ability and awareness help us to communicate more effectively with our friends and family and to understand our physical, emotional, and spiritual decisions. Elaine M. Grohman is an Associate Polarity Practitioner, a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, and Angel Therapy. Sheryl and Elaine continue to explore and share their knowledge of energy healing techniques in order to help their clients and the medical community experience the many energy methods available so they may decide which treatments they are most comfortable with. The inclusion of energy healing techniques work in conjunction with their plan of exercise, good nutrition and other medical care to create a lifestyle fostering health and personal growth.
Elaine and Sheryl receive intuitive messages from higher source and use this information along with the healing sessions to give their clients a better understanding of their life purpose, their health needs, and more confidence in making choices for success in all aspects in their life. Sheryl believes these message are like a report card from spirit assessing us of our goals and how to reach them with guidance and love from helpers in spirit. While Elaine and Sheryl interact with the medical community, their hope is to foster a greater understanding for the true concept of healing which is not merely to eliminate symptoms and pain, but to go to the source of the emotions and thought processes that create these disturbances and to eliminate these restrictions by creating a more accurate view of our physical and energetic being and ways to utilize the gifts that we bring into this world at birth. In a quote that Elaine gave in her book by Albert Einstein that reads, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”. Keeping that quote in mind, the qualities necessary to live as though everything is a miracle is through sharing, allowing and embracing change, being interested in new events, giving up trying to change people, performing kind deeds, listening and respecting other people’s viewpoints, even if different from your own, and observing every new day with a sense of possibilities for creation. In connecting to higher messages from spirit, Elaine and Sheryl know that each life is indeed a gift and a miracle to live fully by exploring our talents, the world, and by communicating with love and goodness in all our relationships.