Internet Radio Show
Choice Points: Opportunities for Change
- Harry Massey / David Hamilton
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and author of” Life Is No Coincidence” welcomes special guests Harry Massey Filmmaker and author of ‘Choice Point’ and co-author David Hamilton PhD author of seven other books including “How Your Mind Can Change Your Body.” The goals of this internet radio show” Healing From Within” are to present new views of the many powerful possibilities for self-awareness, self-actualization and self- mastery of our human and spiritual energy in order to recognize our innate wisdom and inner ability to create and manifest a better personal life and world. Joining together in a world community of positive thought and action is the best and only way to move forward in creating peace and good- will . My esteemed guests today have partnered with some of the world’s leading change-makers including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Benn, Dr. Larry Dossey, and his Holiness The Gyalwa Karmapa: all individuals making choices to change their nations, and to face the biggest Choice Points we have ever encountered. Nature is giving us a wake- up call : economies are struggling: and for many the future is uncertain. Collectively and individually we are being given opportunities to make extraordinary choices to improve ways for interaction, communication, health and create a more cooperative and supportive world community.
In Part I of this two part series, Harry and David described how cycles and events in nature and the fractal elements that help us see the whole structure or picture of either a simple item like a leaf or snowflake even from the smallest part, also shows us how to see the structure of the Universe, its galaxies and the human brain and social structure of our families and communities as networks of entangled informational patterns that repeat consistently. With this knowledge of the patterns and cycles we can know what to expect in similar circumstances. We can therefore see the similarities in events or behavior, and make different choices if needed to achieve a better outcome. The key to identifying the Choice Points in your life and to know how to use that information to make the best choices at the right time for the optimum effect can be found in three simple principles:
Principle 1 Understand Your World
Principle 2 Align Your Purpose
Principle 3 Be The Change
Change begins with us: every choice we make is creating the future for better or for worse-but when do we begin to make an improvement in our lives to see better results? The Choice Point plan shows us a clear path to reach those objectives
Harry also describes the three fundamental aspects that form the foundation of “The Choice Point Movement” which are Social, Self, and Health. The Social network is created for sharing ideas and collaborating with others worldwide with a social mission similar in ideas and interests . For Self advancement, Choice Point membership provides collective wisdom or philosophies and practices in the form of films, video, courses, and eBooks that align to the patterns and cycles emerging in the world now. For Health a key aspect of Choice Point’s mission is to give people real freedom of choice when it comes to choosing health. Harry Massey discusses the health company NES Health Company, which he is founder of and which offers 21st century biophysics methods and a system of natural holistic health care based on integrating physics and biology. Harry has created several leading edge health related technologies including the NES mi health –a system that can measure and detect energy blockages in the body. Harry’s passion for changing the face of health care arose from his own health challenge to overcome a serious illness in his youth.
“Be The Change” is a famous quote from Mohandas Gandhi that figures prominently into the Choice Point paradigm and indeed into The New Age of Enlightenment unfolding now as foretold by the Ancient Mayans. We are moving into a world of sensitized living with concerns for the improvement of the human condition and the planet. It is a move from personal interests to serving the interests of the many and from being less materialistic and competitive to being more cooperative and communicating with honesty and open minded approaches for working in teams. Aligning with a pattern that is harmonious with the needs and desires of large numbers of people leads to success. By realizing your own emotional response and reactions allows you to make inner change develop new attitudes allowing change to happen around you. While we know we cannot change the patterns, beliefs and actions of others, in learning more about ourselves and our own needs, we can align to new self behavior creating new opportunities to flow to us.
In relation to that thought of “Be The Change” as parents, educators and healers, we must live the life we wish our children to emulate-we must not just talk about higher thinking, but must show it in our actions. Jodi Orton who is mentioned in the book “Choice Point” went on with her husband Brett to become foster parents for many of the most vulnerable members of our society-the kind of children scarred by society and societies shortcomings which shows us how once our purpose is defined, there is a new appreciation and joy in life no matter how hard the challenges may be.
Jodi wrote…”It’s amazing to wake up in the morning and know that your purpose is defined-that you don’t need to justify it and that you are simply doing what it is that you’re doing because you’re supposed to be doing it. It’s amazing to put your feet on the ground, and just thank God for another day. OK, here we go and get up and do it, and know that you’re going to make a difference in the life of another person. You don’t have to look for it-it’s just there”.
In conclusion, Jodi’s thought takes us to a simple and clear view of our individual life purpose or life plan. Our life plan is determined by the expansion and changes brought about through patterns of nature as may be visualized in the formation of galaxies, and in the evolution of the human brain or higher consciousness. Through the social patterns of our communities and global networks, each of us are the puzzle pieces of Creation or the soul energy of all life. As we work together we weave a design of intricate fascination with the past, present and future, becoming the best versions of our individualized human and spiritual essence- grateful for life and opportunities to learn, share and be part of the divine dance of life.