Internet Radio Show
For Healing: Conquer Fear-Conquer Death
- Anita Moorjani
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Sheryl Glick author of “Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection” welcomes Anita Moorjani author of “ Dying To Be Me” and a guest speaker at the upcoming” I Can Do It Ignite Conference” in Pasadena, Cal on Oct. 26-28 and at the Javits Center in NY City on Nov 3- 4th All events are sponsored by Hay House, an organization with worldwide divisions publishing self-help, transformational and inspirational books, and hosting worldwide inspirational informative conferences, featuring leaders in the field of holistic healing, spiritualism, personal transformation to mindfulness or higher consciousness, awareness of Universal Energy and multi-dimensional healing. Directed by its founder Louise L. Hay author of “You Can Heal Your Life” this impressive line-up of guests features Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Mira Kelley, Doreen Virtue and cutting edge authors, scientists, holistic practitioners who offer guidance and inspiration to face today’s personal, political, and financial challenges for personal and global transformation.
Anita Moorjani will tell her miraculous story of how after battling cancer for four years her body began to shut down. While in the hospital for what the doctors felt would be her final moment, Anita entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realized her own eternal and divine worth as an individual soul and also recognized part of a connection to all living beings. Anita will relate her impressions while in that place or zone between worlds, and her discovery about the actual cause of her illness-fear. Upon regaining consciousness, the medical team working with her saw a rapid improvement and Anita was released from the hospital within weeks after the NDE without a trace of cancer in her body. Anita will share events that followed her recovery, and the message she shares through her writing and speaking engagements today.
In recounting Anita’s childhood in Hong Kong as part of a traditional Hindu family, residing in a largely Chinese and British society, Anita had been pushed and pulled by cultural and religious customs. The conflicts of these very different systems, and her own feeling of being different, made her wishes to please everyone a struggle. Anita truly was conflicted about how to maintain her own dreams and goals without disappointing others . As a result of Anita’s near death experience and as related by many people to Sheryl who experienced this energy interaction with higher source or Spirit known as a near death experience, the power to heal and to prosper in this physical life lies “within our Being.” Our happiness and prosperity are not part of outside influences or the expectations or behavior of others.
This book most definitely makes the case that we are spiritual beings having a human experience….and that we are all One! Anita will share her heightened awareness found in that expanded realm of energy life along with the amazing feelings of freedom and lightness, and her ability in that dimension to be anywhere at any time and also her expanded understanding of Unconditional or pure love. Sheryl as an intuitive Reiki energy practitioner and hospice volunteer will also share stories of her time with hospice patients who have been aware of loved ones present around them, as they prepared to cross over to a new beginning of continued soul development. Anita and Sheryl, who have journeyed to this infinite life dimension and share higher consciousness with souls in that realm, are fortunate to know we all have spiritual gifts. We wish others to access their own gifts. Sheryl will also share scientific and medical investigations of near death experiences from earlier episodes on “Healing From Within” with Dr. Raymond Moody author of” Life After Life” and his investigation of near death experiences throughout his 45 year medical career throughout the world. Elizabeth Kubler Ross M.D., a colleague of Dr. Moody, studied the death and dying process for the same purpose. Both doctors, as many in the field now, and as Sheryl Glick in her new books “Guided by Masters” and “New Life Awaits” scientifically hope to prove that our energy life force survives physical death. This knowledge when known by the heart and mind may allow us to live without fear of dying, and with a greater joy and love of our physical life.
Anita also shares a” birthday miracle” and what to some may be considered divine intervention. Dr. Wayne Dyer a foremost leader in the field of positive thinking, evolution, and higher consciousness reached out to Anita and invited her to bring her story to Hay House for publication. Anita considered this unexpected connection to be a magnificent birthday gift. Wishing to share her messages from her journey beyond time and space to eternal life, Anita had no idea how the Universe would help her and skeptics around her said she would not be able to publish this book in this challenging financial market. Indeed, miracles are created when fear and limits are replaced with hope and trust in the Universal Source of life.
Sheryl and Anita will try to share Eastern and Western approaches to healing and a view of the innate ability of the body for self healing. As thoughts, fears and destructive behaviors are changed, energy shifts are manifested and life takes on a healthier and more positive outlook. Treatments that address the mind spirit and body have a more powerful effect than merely concentrating on symptoms of the body. True healing is a multi-dimensional process, and possible when the true nature of our energetic and physical life force is understood. Views on the value and perhaps possible merging of the main religions for an inclusive way to feel the oneness of Divine Energy or life force are how many masters of healing have suggested we will evolve to love ourselves and conduct ourselves as Divine Souls. No path to the highest truth of love and life can be wrong, as we journey towards acceptance of ourselves and find love for all. What Anita discovered about Karma also seems to align to these thoughts. Anita describes Karma as more of a concept of balance rather than the common thought that Karma is just cause and effect.
It is the great hope of Sheryl and Anita to define the state of Unconditional Love which is pure love having no expectation or agenda, but being an expression from the soul, of gratitude and hope for kindness to prevail. Like light shining through a prism radiating higher emotions of joy, peace, acceptance, empathy and compassion, the elements of lower emotions can be experienced, understood, and finally released so Wholeness is realized, and we are permitted our divine right to be healthy and happy. “ Heaven on earth” is a state of mind manifested when individuals put into their thoughts, words, and actions a finer regard for themselves others and their valued life and behave in ways that benefit the highest good of all. For some a near death experience may be the catalyst to find the true nature and value of ourselves and others. For others great love and the willingness to serve others with courage may be the road to greater health and happiness, but, whatever path we are on we are all spiritual beings, our experiences, good or bad should be valued as there are no coincidences or mistakes. There seems to be a life plan specifically unique to each of us and we have the opportunity to choose how we will respond to all events. It becomes clear as we grow spiritually strong that we are infinite beings and our physical life does reflect what is within our souls. It is not in the doing, but in the becoming part of Universal Love, that we allow all of our thoughts and actions to reflect this quality of our Divine Connection and that personal and universal transformation becomes the truest reality.