Internet Radio Show
Kindess and Compassion Are Our Natural State of Being
- Michael Chase
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In today’s episode of” Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick welcomes Michael Chase author of” am I being kind” and founder of The Kindness Center. In 2009 Michael was awarded the Exemplary Practice Award by The Maine Association for Middle Level Education. Michael is a featured keynote speaker for the prestigious Hay House Conferences entitled” I Can Do It Ignite” along with a line-up of renowned leaders Louise L. Hay, Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Anita Moorjani, Mira Kelley and Doreen Virture. As leaders in the field of metaphysical science, multi-dimensional healing and spirituality Ms. Hay the founder of Hay House located in Carlsbad California, has International Divisions in Australia, The United Kingdom, India and South Africa. Hay House publishes self-help, transformational and inspirational books and hosts worldwide conferences featuring cutting edge authors and performers in spirituality, health holistic and sustainability lifestyle movements for personal transformation to” Mindfulness” or” Higher Consciousness.” .
Through personal stories Michael Chase explores how it is possible to renew and restore our desired natural state of kindness and compassion leading to greater health, prosperity regardless of family issues such as bullying, depression and substance abuse. In overcoming the obstacles created by unkind or inappropriate action in early childhood or adult trauma, Michael shows it is” within” our own thinking and personal behavior that we can discover the way to change attitudes releasing sorrow, fear and pain, to value ourselves, and indeed everyone and everything.
Michael offers The Five Key Plan to Kindness beginning with: 1 Becoming aware of thoughts, words, and actions 2 Asking, am I being kind? 3 Adopting The Living Kindness Philosophy 4 Adopting The 9 Elements of a Kind Heart 5 Performing Acts of Kindness. Michael also discusses The Living Kindness Philosophy. Do we really understand the quality of kindness and compassion and is kindness valued as it should be? Kindness is not just a warm fuzzy momentary good feeling. It is much more! Kindness is the development and refinement of one’s character and soul being. Therefore kindness is the quality for finding inner peace and an authentic sense of who you are, and who you wish to become. As a Reiki practitioner Sheryl offers The Five Reiki Principles which are the blueprint or plan for a way to our best enlightened and loving self. To be kind to oneself and others is the third Reiki principal and these words when put into action eliminate many past hurts, and unproductive ways of blaming others for their personal views and limitations. It becomes possible to maintain a state of higher consciousness and performance at all times, regardless of other people’s negative or unkind behavior. However it is necessary to observe and deal effectively with people who are unkind for their actions can negatively affect your health and well- being.
Michael describes the obstacles or anchors which pull people to perform at a lower vibrational state. These heavy emotions or attitudes keep them from moving forward for greater joy. People who live an “unkind life” act as victims, often being resentful and abusive to themselves and others. These very same individuals live without purpose, often choosing negative relationships, and may be recognized by the following behaviors;
Are extremely defensive and love to argue, Crave approval or need to be liked by everyone, Are ungrateful, Are difficult to work with, Constantly get offended, Are impatient, Believe they are superior to others, Love to gossip, Only talk about themselves, Take life too seriously, Make everything a competition, Always need to be right and make others wrong.
We may all exhibit certain of these tendencies at times, but the way to become a kinder person is to begin to recognize when you are falling into these negative patterns and chose a different action. Sheryl suggests limiting exposure to unkind people, but, when exposed to an unkind person, wish them well in your thoughts, and pray for them to be surrounded in a kinder loving light and assisted by higher energy. That is one way to begin to shift energy, and not buy into their drama, or be harmed energetically by their negative behaviors.
Michael also describes the elements of a kind heart, and we hope all our listeners begin to find these qualities “within” themselves and encourage these qualities in their children for a more fulfilling and nurturing life experience.
The 9 Elements of A Kind Heart are:
- A Kind heart is ATTENTIVE recognizing the needs of others,
- AUTHENTIC genuine, acting from truth,
- CHARITABLE giving yet expects nothing in return
- COMPASSIONATE sensitive toward all living things
- COURAGEOUS acts from love rather than fear,
- ENTHUSIASTIC displays limitless energy and passion
- GRATEFUL is content and filled with appreciation
- INSPIRATIONAL encourages and motivates others
- PATIENT waits and responds at the proper moment
Michael has spent countless hours in developing and delivering programs for positive change in the Middle Schools and High schools where bullying is no longer simply an issue of unkind words and teasing or physical altercations but a matter of life and death. I highly recommend reading “am I being kind” as it’s stories and message are poignant and warming to the heart. The book is loaded with a plan of action to take you forward from victimhood ,mediocrity, and regrets to personal courage. As a former elementary teacher, Sheryl asks that we as parents and teachers encourage our young people to conquer their insecurities, and seek to fulfill their own inner desires for personal achievement and cooperation, rather than buying into “The Peer Group” mindset of “Survival of The Fittest and winning at all costs.” Why should it be so hard for people to honor and reward the gentle and kind giants of life. Time I think, for a reversal of what many still believe to be the best qualities of men- aggressiveness combativeness, power, for a return to our true state of compassion and kindness to create a nation and world of truly evolved and conscious citizens.