Internet Radio Show
Protecting Our Humanity and Psychological Health by Using Technology Appropriately
- Dr. Larry Rosen
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Host Sheryl Glick welcomes Dr. Larry Rosen author of” i Disorder a book that reveals how an overuse of technology can cause the general population to exhibit symptoms
of psychological disorders as major studies now conclude that the prolific flow of information being downloaded to us via the Internet, cell phone, black berries, i pods, texting, tweeting and posting on face book is perhaps more than the human mind and the developing minds of our children were meant to handle.
In studying the conditions for mood disorders and communication disorders such as aspects of antisocial personality disorders, social phobia, autism and Asperger’s syndrome, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, hypochondrias, schizotypical disorders, voyeurism and addiction, Dr Rosen presents detailed symptoms, special tests to discern level of dysfunction, and ways to help people understand that while many people have slight tendencies, others with a greater predisposition or genetic inclination may have these tendencies exacerbated by inappropriate or extensive involvement with overuse of technological gadgets and tools. Tools that are designed to help people communicate in an fast efficient and safe way, may when used by people with compromised behavior issues or poor interpersonal skills, cause them to retreat from normal behavior patterns and to alienate themselves from family friends and business issues.
Of course when used appropriately and wisely all technology can bring many wonderful ways to navigate the world of thought and creative expression, but we must establish the correct boundaries for our own use of time and equipment for our children so we insure the next generation will be healthy and functional.
Researchers have begun to identify certain personality traits that lead to an increased chance of becoming an addict and one trait that is quite common and is known as “Harm Avoidance.” Some characteristics shared by people with this tendency are they often prefer to go out of their way to avoid uncomfortable situations and they are low in reward dependence or not receiving pleasing stimuli from their environment and therefore respond to the Internet better since often their responsiveness to verbal approval and social reinforcement is low. They also seem to have little tolerance for unpredictable frustrations in their life and avoid confrontation at all costs. They may also exhibit symptoms of depression and according to the national Institute of Mental Health nearly 1 in 5 adults will suffer from some form of depression in their lives
Research is finding that people with certain disorders such as depression, narcissism, ADHD, autism , social personality disorders, and other phobias are often drawn to face book and other forms of technology as a way to alleviate anxiety, fear of personal interactions and possibly more freedom to express themselves without interruption or consequences when facing people in person.
Dr. Rosen will offer suggestions to oversee our children’s on line behavior to prevent unhealthy practices. Some suggestions include monitoring video games, practicing co-viewing and observing them when using the internet, avoiding allowing small children to play with technology unsupervised in their bedrooms, stopping the use of all technology at dinnertime, and discussing ways to interact on line for business or social purposes and appropriate behavior for both and most importantly discussing the dangers of predatory behavior by strangers on line.
An important problem associated with multi-tasking for individuals and society is distracted driving which is responsible for up to 25 percent of all automobile accidents.
Also several researchers have speculated that technology is reducing our ability to be empathic to others and that may be a breakdown in a very human and necessary connection for the continued evolution of more well functioning human beings.
I highly recommend this book “i Disorder” to people wishing to have a clearer understanding of the many mood disorders and psychological problems almost everyone is certain to confront in their home or business life, and to have ways to approach the best action possible to assist and aid all mental health or other dysfunctional actions. Technology addiction is a real phenomenon and can have serious problems associated with it as an i Disorder. Although internet addiction is the most widely studied form of technology addiction, you can be addicted to other forms such as text messaging, social networking, and cell phone calls. Addiction is not just about compulsive use but also about withdrawal, relapse and a general interruption of the values and life style where people are the producers for their own well being and the machines are only the tools to help us advance as a intelligent informed populace.