Internet Radio Show
Reiki, Yoga and Healing
- Pamela Ruderman
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This is a discussion of different yoga practices and the effects of energy related modalities. Explored are the many valid reasons for a resurgence and widespread interest in this ancient and dynamic way to develop a more powerful awareness of one’s body and how to increase wellness and joy through this practice of healing.
Pam Ruderman is a holistic health and wellness counselor with over 18 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is an ACE and AFAA certified personal trainer/group fitness instructor and is currently the Fitness Director and Pilates Director at Sky Athletic Club on Long Island.
As a motivational speaker and workshop leader, she has created stress management seminars and mind/body fitness-based programs for hospitals, libraries, schools and various corporations. She holds several certifications and her background in Yoga includes teaching Kripalu, Astanga (Power Yoga), Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Partner Yoga and Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga. She is also certified in Yogilates, a blend of yoga and Pilates-based exercises for strengthening the core. As well, Pam is a Reiki Master and licensed hypnotherapist.