Internet Radio Show
Transforming Your Life Through Regression
- Mira Kelly
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Sheryl Glick author of “Life Is No Coincidence” welcomes Mira Kelley one of 29 guest speakers at the” I Can Do It: Ignite” Conference sponsored by Hay House an organization with worldwide divisions publishing self-help, transformational and inspirational books, hosting conferences featuring leaders in the field of holistic healing, spiritualism, personal transformation to mindfulness or higher consciousness and other ways for creating awareness of a multi-dimensional concept of true healing. Directed by its founder Louise L. Hay, this impressive line-up of guests including Dr. Wayne Dyer will be in Pasadena California on October 26-28 and in New York City at the Javits Center on November 3-4th. For information on this event go to
Through personal regression stories and the regression stories of her clients, Mira Kelley explores the concept of Universal and eternal energy and the idea that our lives are not past, present, nor future but that they are all occurring in the present moment. Ms. Kelley grew up in Bulgaria and at the age of 13 had a powerful regression experience which influenced many of her future choices. Mira Kelley moved from being a high powered corporate attorney to assisting people in transforming their lives through regression therapy. Stories from Mira’s sessions are included in “Wishes Fulfilled” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and in “Miracles Happen” by Brian L. Weiss M.D.
A regression session much like the intuitive readings and Reiki energy sessions performed by Sheryl Glick allow the subconscious mind to remember and access information and experiences from either this life or a past life experience. Information comes from the soul essence, higher consciousness and Source. The messages or impressions realized through these sessions explore the intricate interweaving and deciphering of relationships and shows us reasons why some relationships are challenging and others are balanced and strong. Past life regression sessions may shed light on your life plan or purpose in this life, and how health and emotional issues you experience now may be the remnants of experiences or traumas related to that past time and place.
Other techniques which may assist people like regression sessions in tapping into their subconscious in order to retrieve the information stored “within” are hypnosis, visualizations, Reiki energy release sessions, acupuncture, acupressure or even osteopathic deep muscle pressure. All these processes allow the mind to quiet and the body to relax so a truer state of soulfulness and wisdom of the eternal soul can be shown to us. Getting to know ourselves is what life is all about and is a benefit of energy healing work and helpful in making choices that create health and personal growth.
In discussing other lives that Mira and Sheryl are personally aware of, it may become clearer to our listeners that we are constantly creating new ways to explore our inner world, and refine and enlarge our connections to the outer world allowing for greater love and compassion in the process. Sheryl will also share her first past life regression session with Author Jeanne Avery, an astrologist and past life regressionist, of “Past Lives, Present Loves” and an experience she had at a conference with Dr. Brian Weiss. As a result of these numerous remembrances and connections to Source, from energy healing work, many fears are eliminated and the true nature of healing and life evolves.
In discussing the state of time and space, Mira and Sheryl offer their take on the fact that our energy or life force may not be fully present in this time and place. We actually can be in parallel universes and life experiences simultaneously. All existing in one moment.
In discussing our thoughts of why a soul may choose a physical experience, it may be suggested by Mira and Sheryl that souls connect and refine their interactions with family, friends and colleagues and may come to know tolerance and love for each other. All souls working in alignment to higher energy assist this world and also life beyond this dimension. In realizing the Oneness and Unity of All, we may conquer suffering-war, illness, disease and unfulfilled wishes for the expansion and evolution of each person. We may find our true and divine nature and create a state of mind which can be heaven on earth. Valuing the many lives and nature of each unique soul and human being offers us opportunities for continuous change and motivation for a prosperous and healthy life.
Mira Kelley, in sharing her experiences with Regression Therapy, has shown how by following the road of soul energy connecting with specific soul groups travelling between time and space together, healing old wounds or hurts from interactions of a different life, we are offered new opportunities to grow stronger in our connection to Divine Source and each other. Perhaps multi-dimensional healing is happening for those in Spirit as well as those living a physical life as we attempt to find greater Self and Universal Love. There is an ancient Reiki healing symbol which Sheryl and other Reiki Master Teachers use and teach their students allowing them to cross time and space for the purpose of healing personal and global traumas in the past. This process also creates well-being for the future.